View Full Version : Oy vey, the Goyish kiddies are not thinking correctly!

End Times
6th December 2018, 07:57 PM

Among the findings, 89 percent of high school students agree that “people should be allowed to express unpopular opinions,” consistent with previous Knight surveys of high school students.

Almost half (49 percent) of high school students and more than half of teachers (51 percent) say they have not much or not any trust in the media to report news accurately and fairly.

In addition to low levels of trust in news, students report lower news consumption and engagement.

The sharpest drops in news media engagement were reported for consumption of local TV news and cable TV news. 30 percent reported watching local news often in 2016 versus 14 percent in 2018. Similarly, 26 percent reported watching cable news often versus 12 percent in 2018.

But teens are definitely still consuming news, they’re just doing it on digital platforms, right? Not according to this study. Engagement with the news on social media also dropped. Only 46 percent of students say they often use social media to get news, compared with 51 percent in 2016.

There also seems to be an increased trust in citizen journalism.

7th December 2018, 03:21 AM
Oy Vey!

Donald Trump Welcomes Holocaust Survivors to White House Hanukkah Party

Denounces anti-Semitism: ’We must stamp out this vile hatred from the world’… (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2018/12/06/donald-trump-welcomes-holocaust-survivors-to-white-house-hanukkah-party/)