View Full Version : "Progressive" Portland begins repairing 50 miles of gravel roads, no plans to pave

End Times
6th December 2018, 08:15 PM
I understand these gravel roads within city (!!) limits are in mostly-poor/Black areas. No wonder #WALKAWAY is a thing.


7th December 2018, 07:52 AM
Isn't it racist to not give black people paved roads?

7th December 2018, 09:19 AM
Only if they call it blacktop.

midnight rambler
7th December 2018, 09:21 AM
How very progressive.

7th December 2018, 09:57 AM
I noticed even decades ago, interstate and federal higways in majority Black areas seem to get the most funding and maintenance and mostly White areas get the least. Around here when they do repairs and repaving on the interstate, the work is done by small crews and they seem to take forever. Maybe offering contractors large windows for completion is a way to make the most of minimal funding.

9th December 2018, 08:35 AM
I noticed even decades ago, interstate and federal higways in majority Black areas seem to get the most funding and maintenance and mostly White areas get the least. Around here when they do repairs and repaving on the interstate, the work is done by small crews and they seem to take forever. Maybe offering contractors large windows for completion is a way to make the most of minimal funding.

You can only have two out of three. Quality, speed, low cost.