View Full Version : Tucker Carlson: "Trump is not capable"

End Times
6th December 2018, 09:57 PM

6th December 2018, 10:06 PM
he's right. trump has executive orders, that's it. everything else is globalist controlled. the few crumbs of trumpism are better than anything from that office in decades. discrediting nyc media, mocking globalist warming, rejiggering the ridiculous int'l trade situation, firing up the white terrists, etc

have to go back 30 plus years to reagan to find a few more crumbs. that's reagan before they shot him.

7th December 2018, 07:24 AM
I like his line of thinking...

Actually, what you're seeing is something amazing, you're seeing for the first time in history a revolution being waged against the working class. When does that happen?

9th December 2018, 08:50 AM
I like his line of thinking...

I've never even heard of this guy. This whole reply is beautiful:

Your attackers have a goal, they're trying to silence you.
Of course. I would never, of course, that's a cornerstone of Western civilization is expression and freedom of conscience. You can tell me how to behave, you can force me not to sleep or take my clothes off in public, that's fine. Every society has the right to control behavior. But no one has the right to control what you believe. You can't control my conscience, that's mine alone. Only totalitarian movements do that, and that's what they're attempting. Of course, I would die first I'm never going to submit to that.
Have you ever seen this amount of discontent and aggression here in your lifetime?
No, I've never seen anything like this. What's so striking is that [chuckles] this is really... The radicalism is not on behalf of people who are actually suffering, fellow Americans who are suffering, on behalf of the 70,000 people who died of drug ODs last year, or on behalf of the people displaced by automation in GM, or whatever, on behalf of those dying American low class, it's really on behalf of theoretical goals.
They're saying that I [Tucker Carlson] am saying naughty things that shouldn't be allowed to be expressed in public. Basically, it's a totalitarian movement. Totally unhelpful. I would say childish. What they're really doing is defending the current order. They're the shock troops of the elites actually. Actually, what you're seeing is something amazing, you're seeing for the first time in history a revolution being waged against the working class. When does that happen?