View Full Version : People's Tribunal Convicts on all Charges

End Times
7th December 2018, 10:47 PM
Obviously, he was convicted for his beliefs, not his actions.


End Times
7th December 2018, 11:02 PM

Next up are Federal "hate crimes" charges, a capital offense.

Many lessons to be learned from Fields' sacrifice. You better understand them. And act accordingly.

8th December 2018, 01:49 AM
Obviously, he was convicted for his beliefs, not his actions.


I doubt very much if the situation had been reversed let’s say a BLM activist mowing into a crowd of right wing counter protesters that the verdict would be the same. Probably would not even go to trial, and if so walking on self defense argument.

8th December 2018, 05:19 AM

Next up are Federal "hate crimes" charges, a capital offense.

Many lessons to be learned from Fields' sacrifice. You better understand them. And act accordingly.

Very important post/warning! BTW...great image. This is how the Bolshevist jews exterminated millions of White Russian Christians a century ago.

8th December 2018, 05:25 AM
I'm curious if the jury even got to see some of the video evidence. You know, his car being pelted with rocks, being hit with sticks before hitting the gas. Apparently to this particular jury none of that mattered... :rolleyes:

How he can be convicted on 1st degree murder which requires per-meditation is beyond me. At most he should of gotten vehicular manslaughter as he did not set out to kill this one woman.

End Times
11th December 2018, 04:46 PM
Jewry recommends Fields be sentenced to Six Million Years...no, wait, "only" life + 419...


A jury Tuesday called for a sentence of life in prison plus 419 years for the Hitler admirer who killed a woman when he rammed his car into counterprotesters at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville two summers ago.

11th December 2018, 05:16 PM
I suspect the jury was stacked. Next time, just plan on the same verdict and take out the whole crowd. I mean if theyre going to accuse and convict u anyway...

11th December 2018, 05:19 PM
I suspect the jury was stacked. Next time, just plan on the same verdict and take out the whole crowd. I mean if theyre going to accuse and convict u anyway...


:rolleyes: Timothy McVeigh

11th December 2018, 05:57 PM
Exept it wasnt mcveigh... and no i wanst advocating violence! that kid was running for his life when 400 lb heyer got in the way. That was a survival situation. U really need to see brig general benton partins explanation of okc.
"Legitimate use of violence can only be that which is used forself defense" Rand Paul

End Times
11th December 2018, 06:51 PM
I suspect the jury was stacked. Next time, just plan on the same verdict and take out the whole crowd. I mean if theyre going to accuse and convict u anyway...

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

― John F. Kennedy

Half Sense
11th December 2018, 07:18 PM
This is the key passage in the article:

Prosecutors also showed jurors a meme Fields posted on Instagram three months before the rally in which bodies are shown being thrown into the air after a car hits a crowd of people identified as protesters.

IMO, the deep state saw his meme and used it as the seed for the whole incident. They brought in a similar car and recreated Fields' meme in real life.

11th December 2018, 07:20 PM
This is the key passage in the article:

Prosecutors also showed jurors a meme Fields posted on Instagram three months before the rally in which bodies are shown being thrown into the air after a car hits a crowd of people identified as protesters.

IMO, the deep state saw his meme and used it as the seed for the whole incident. They brought in a similar car and recreated Fields' meme in real life.

Genius in its effectiveness, if true.

End Times
11th December 2018, 08:00 PM
This is the key passage in the article:

Prosecutors also showed jurors a meme Fields posted on Instagram three months before the rally in which bodies are shown being thrown into the air after a car hits a crowd of people identified as protesters.

IMO, the deep state saw his meme and used it as the seed for the whole incident. They brought in a similar car and recreated Fields' meme in real life.

Posting "in the clear" on "social media" is a huge mistake. For everyone, even those who are not conducting political warfare.

If you must use "social media," use a nom de guerre and don't post a clear picture of the personal dynamics of your life.

End Times
11th December 2018, 08:11 PM
Genius in its effectiveness, if true.

I wouldn't stake too much on the meme. Even without it, juries are very carefully groomed to do as the State's goons instruct. Conviction was assured in this case. Only thing missing from this "trial" was the actual Australian marsupial.

Refusing to move the "trial" out of Charlottesville was the sign that (((they))) intended for it to be merely a show "trial." Charlottesville is a government city, heavily influenced by the University of Virginia, assuring plenty of support against "hate."

As for the deceased, she was just another useful idiot in the (((anti-hate))) campaign against Jewry's enemies. Being that she was barely five-feet tall, and weighed 330 pounds, she had no business placing herself in harm's way as Non-Playable Characters are want to do. She was in a combat situation, blocking traffic (no matter who was driving), and received the logical consequence anyone of any size might have (but especially more so her being so obese and non-agile).

End Times
11th December 2018, 08:50 PM
"Reserved for You"


11th December 2018, 09:38 PM
This is the key passage in the article:

Prosecutors also showed jurors a meme Fields posted on Instagram three months before the rally in which bodies are shown being thrown into the air after a car hits a crowd of people identified as protesters.

IMO, the deep state saw his meme and used it as the seed for the whole incident. They brought in a similar car and recreated Fields' meme in real life.
Yes or they put in the meme on his social media after the fact...

12th December 2018, 06:11 AM
"Reserved for You"



12th December 2018, 07:20 AM
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

― John F. Kennedy
how in the hell did u and book get from a man running for his life and getting charged with murder 1 for essentially an act of self defense, to "any thing beyond imitating ghandi and MLK, constituted terrorism"? I would just like to know that..

12th December 2018, 08:59 AM
Many lessons to be learned from Fields' sacrifice. You better understand them. And act accordingly.Yes, even though we still can talk freely on the internet, don't let it lull you into a state of complacency when you're in the public. Nowadays it's incredibly dangerous to be perceived as a "racist." Say one thing in real life around the wrong crowd of people and you could lose your job, your family, your life. As we just learned, they can attack you, with bats, rocks, even brandish a gun at you and threaten you, and if you fight back, you will be the aggressor and the criminal.

End Times
12th December 2018, 01:20 PM
Yes, even though we still can talk freely on the internet, don't let it lull you into a state of complacency when you're in the public. Nowadays it's incredibly dangerous to be perceived as a "racist." Say one thing in real life around the wrong crowd of people and you could lose your job, your family, your life. As we just learned, they can attack you, with bats, rocks, even brandish a gun at you and threaten you, and if you fight back, you will be the aggressor and the criminal.

Being a "racist" now is the equivalent of being a "counter-revolutionary" in the USSR. Oh, wait, that is what we are.

End Times
12th December 2018, 01:25 PM
how in the hell did u and book get from a man running for his life and getting charged with murder 1 for essentially an act of self defense, to "any thing beyond imitating ghandi and MLK, constituted terrorism"? I would just like to know that..


My point is this: if "peaceful demonstrations" of "I'm proud to be White" or "Stand up for Western civilization" are interpreted to "they're advocating 'another Holocaust™', they must be destroyed!!" then peaceful revolution has become impossible.

Contrary to what the jewry declared, Fields was not seeking to kill or even hurt anyone. He reasonably felt in fear for his life, and used the best means of self-defense he had: his car. No sane and decent man would hold that against him. But we don't have many sane and decent men in this society.

You said this:

I suspect the jury was stacked. Next time, just plan on the same verdict and take out the whole crowd. I mean if theyre going to accuse and convict u anyway...

12th December 2018, 01:29 PM
"Are you now, or have you ever been, a m̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶m̶u̶n̶i̶s̶t̶ ̶p̶a̶r̶t̶y̶ racist?"

12th December 2018, 01:34 PM
Being a "racist" now is the equivalent of being a "counter-revolutionary" in the USSR. Oh, wait, that is what we are.

True. Also true that racism is love and anti-racism is hate. The only thing that can possibly save our civilization from sliding down into the planned Neo-Fuedalism is racism. People are using the word racism in the wrong way. It is a word that has been weaponized. Weaponized to destroy race and culture. Shallow minded people think that it is somehow hateful to love one's own people and culture and that it means intent to destroy others. No, because racism implies love of race which extends to the idea that others race and culture should remain unless they are intent on destroying ours.

True diversity is in the preservation of culture and race. Multiculturalism is anti-diversity. This idea needs to be put out there. All here realize it, if we could just get others to see the light.

12th December 2018, 02:07 PM
True. Also true that racism is love and anti-racism is hate. The only thing that can possibly save our civilization from sliding down into the planned Neo-Fuedalism is racism. People are using the word racism in the wrong way. It is a word that has been weaponized. Weaponized to destroy race and culture. Shallow minded people think that it is somehow hateful to love one's own people and culture and that it means intent to destroy others. No, because racism implies love of race which extends to the idea that others race and culture should remain unless they are intent on destroying ours.

True diversity is in the preservation of culture and race. Multiculturalism is anti-diversity. This idea needs to be put out there. All here realize it, if we could just get others to see the light.

I do agree with your train of thought, but the term racism was weaponized from its beginning with Trotsky. It imply it as an ideology (-ism) which it isn’t, it clearly is a biological imperative to love people who are more like yourself. I consider it nowadays a compliment to be called a racist, it is a sign that you are on the right track.

12th December 2018, 02:15 PM

My point is this: if "peaceful demonstrations" of "I'm proud to be White" or "Stand up for Western civilization" are interpreted to "they're advocating 'another Holocaust™', they must be destroyed!!" then peaceful revolution has become impossible.

Contrary to what the jewry declared, Fields was not seeking to kill or even hurt anyone. He reasonably felt in fear for his life, and used the best means of self-defense he had: his car. No sane and decent man would hold that against him. But we don't have many sane and decent men in this society.

You said this: my point was if by giving those who defend themselves a sentence like this, under the pretense of PREVENTING violence, it only insures the opposite. (I wonder if thats not intentional)?

12th December 2018, 02:23 PM
I do agree with your train of thought, but the term racism was weaponized from its beginning with Trotsky. It imply it as an ideology (-ism) which it isn’t, it clearly is a biological imperative to love people who are more like yourself. I consider it nowadays a compliment to be called a racist, it is a sign that you are on the right track.

I think society needs to heed the words of C.S. Lewis:

C.S. Lewis (https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1069006.C_S_Lewis) https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1367519078p4/1069006.jpg (https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1069006.C_S_Lewis) “We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man. There is nothing progressive about being pig-headed and refusing to admit a mistake. And I think if you look at the present state of the world it's pretty plain that humanity has been making some big mistake. We're on the wrong road. And if that is so we must go back. Going back is the quickest way on.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Case for Christianity (https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/404221)

midnight rambler
12th December 2018, 02:30 PM
I think society needs to heed the words of C.S. Lewis:

You're such a dreamer!

12th December 2018, 04:06 PM
... People are using the word racism in the wrong way. It is a word that has been weaponized. Weaponized to destroy race and culture. Shallow minded people think that it is somehow hateful to love one's own people and culture and that it means intent to destroy others. No, because racism implies love of race which extends to the idea that others race and culture should remain unless they are intent on destroying ours.

https://memestatic1.fjcdn.com/comments/Well+sand+people+did+not+establish+retarded+immigr ation+law+_49c336f54733fd5d9b70c888bf71d078.jpg

We know (((who))) weaponized the word...

https://images.haarets.co.il/image/fetch/w_1027,h_594,x_199,y_3,c_crop,g_north_west/w_609,h_343,q_auto,c_fill,f_auto/fl_any_format.preserve_transparency.progressive:no ne/https://www.haaretz.com/polopoly_fs/1.5658145.1515413425!/image/1018316866.jpg
...and how (((they))) did it.

End Times
12th December 2018, 04:15 PM
my point was if by giving those who defend themselves a sentence like this, under the pretense of PREVENTING violence, it only insures the opposite. (I wonder if thats not intentional)?

I think (((they))) - probably accurately - assume the Goyim will simply "take it" and do nothing more daring.

I've said for a long time that if everything is a capital offense, then make the most of it. (oh, and Fields is facing capital charges still)