View Full Version : The real reason they want an EU army

8th December 2018, 12:00 PM
Notice how when the French military and police can't or won't stop the protests, they bring in EU military equipment.

There could be Germans driving those things, who knows.


8th December 2018, 12:03 PM
this is what they do, bring in police that wont sympathize with the locals.


midnight rambler
8th December 2018, 12:18 PM
Same as it ever was.

8th December 2018, 12:42 PM
this is what they do, bring in police that wont sympathize with the locals.


Seems to be really enjoying it too.

8th December 2018, 01:55 PM
Can it be more in your face and obvious: when the government calls in foreign troups to control and harass the people, it announces itself as treasonous interlopers. The entire French government should be ousted and hung for treason to send a message to all of Europe: Out with the international banker parasites and their collaborators!

Vive la France!

Christians, reclaim the lands of your forefathers. Expel the kosherite vermin in your midst!