View Full Version : Ocasio-Cortez Reveals Jewish Heritage at Hanukkah Event: 'My Family Was Sephardic'

10th December 2018, 06:30 PM
Who would have thought it?


10th December 2018, 08:10 PM
Who would have thought it?


Who else could use "like" every other word while discussing a subject she has little to no understanding of, and still get "elected"?

10th December 2018, 08:49 PM
Jews decide who can have social position. This is the power of media and other types of information control. It only makes sense to assume that anyone who has any influence is therefore Jewish.
They are the great pretenders. They pretend to be Mexican or Italian or Irish. Many of them have lived in those countries and acting it out comes naturally. They play a wide variety of roles including anti-Semite when it suits them.

Who influences you? Whose videos do you watch? Chances are.....

11th December 2018, 06:54 AM
Jews decide who can have social position. This is the power of media and other types of information control. It only makes sense to assume that anyone who has any influence is therefore Jewish.
They are the great pretenders. They pretend to be Mexican or Italian or Irish. Many of them have lived in those countries and acting it out comes naturally. They play a wide variety of roles including anti-Semite when it suits them.

Who influences you? Whose videos do you watch? Chances are.....

They have infiltrated everything. They are the great shape shifters, chameleons. Full spectrum dominance.

11th December 2018, 09:49 AM
Information doesn't trump logic. This is why I don't understand why some of you first try to evaluate information on it's own merits. The first thing I do is evaluate what angle the Jew is working. Then if I can't find anything, I try to evaluate it on it's own merits. Seldom do I have to bother with the latter.
Examples: Mark Dice, Anna Von Reitz.
Sure, I might be wrong once in a while, but not as often as those who skip the first step.

11th December 2018, 03:03 PM
'My Family Was Sephardic'

Once you've Sepharted you cannot take it back.

End Times
11th December 2018, 03:09 PM
Information doesn't trump logic. This is why I don't understand why some of you first try to evaluate information on it's own merits. The first thing I do is evaluate what angle the Jew is working. Then if I can't find anything, I try to evaluate it on it's own merits. Seldom do I have to bother with the latter.
Examples: Mark Dice, Anna Von Reitz.
Sure, I might be wrong once in a while, but not as often as those who skip the first step.

Which is why I don't use your methodology.

"Sort of good" is not good enough.

Your methodology is simply the mirror-image of what the Jewsmedia uses against us:

"Disputes Israel's explanation" = anti-Semite

"Questions Holocaust details" = anti-Semite

"Asks why aluminum foil is Kosher" = anti-Semite

"The end result reveals the original intention" is applied by (((them))) as readily as by you.

Seriously using such "logic" is for Afrocentrists, New Agers and other cranks.

11th December 2018, 03:36 PM
"Sort of good" is not good enough.There is no other methodology besides logic that gets any closer to the truth.
The old "My information is better than yours" doesn't get it because almost all information is provided by Jews anyway, even the information you trust.

There is NO method through which you will be 100% right all the time. You are wrong some of the time whether you admit it or not. Much better to choose methodology that is closest to right.

Seriously using such "logic" is for Afrocentrists, New Agers and other cranks. "Anyone who believes such and such is a so and so" is not using logic. It is merely an ad hominem attack.

End Times
11th December 2018, 03:52 PM
The old "My information is better than yours" doesn't get it because almost all information is provided by Jews anyway, even the information you trust.

There is NO method through which you will be 100% right all the time. You are wrong some of the time whether you admit it or not. Much better to choose methodology that is closest to right.

Which is, of course, the one I've been using for 30 years.

I learned very early on how (((academia))) follows neither logic nor the scientific method, despite its shrieks to the contrary. Primary sources are eschewed, and (((academia))) use intellectual incest - quoting "experts," including "peer-reviewed sources" - as factual even when absurd. I learned to use primary sources which have either no to only minor doctoring in my teens. I learned of David Irving's methods, which, of course, got him unpersoned, and had my own developments reinforced.

So many of the fake "quotes" used among the "Jew-wise" are taken on faith. "It feels right" or even "logic tells me that's true" is not an acceptable standard.

The trouble with your "Jews provide (control) almost all information" position is that it makes a quest for Truth, Aletheia*, impossible. And therefore, makes Jews, ipso facto, unbeatable. I reject that. You have, apparently, not comprehended that logical absurdity in your position.

"Anyone who believes such and such is a so and so" is not using logic. It is merely an ad hominem attack.

It's not ad hominem if it's true. I've read plenty of "Afrocentrist" and "New Age" works that use the same methodology you use, but they replace "Jew" with "White" or "the Church," respectively. "Our beliefs are correct because 'they' control all the information." "Flying Interstellar Pyramids created by Hue-Men have been erased so melanin-rich Hue-Men can be genocided. The end result reveals the original intention."

* Martin Heidegger's "unconcealedness" or "revelation"

11th December 2018, 04:14 PM
The trouble with your "Jews provide (control) almost all information" position is that it makes a quest for Truth, Aletheia*, impossible. And therefore, makes Jews, ipso facto, unbeatable. I reject that. You have, apparently, not comprehended that logical absurdity in your position.They ARE unbeatable if you rely on information instead of logic.

The main reason our brethren think the Jews are the world's greatest victims is because they are incapable of or unwilling to think for themselves. If they could use logic, i.e. cui bono, motive, means, evidence, modus operandi and modus agendi (pattern recognition), they would likely figure it out for themselves if they were so inclined.
But no, they rely on "facts", the "gospel truth" and the "official version" provided by others. Jews provide both primary and secondary sources of information, both the official version and myriad unofficial and conspiracy versions.

Using logic is not an absurd position, relying on information sources when you already know Jews have a long history of controlling information for their own purposes is absurd.

11th December 2018, 04:23 PM
They ARE unbeatable if you rely on information instead of logic.

The main reason our brethren think the Jews are the world's greatest victims is because they are incapable of or unwilling to think for themselves. If they could use logic, i.e. cui bono, motive, means, evidence, modus operandi and modus agendi (pattern recognition), they would likely figure it out for themselves if they were so inclined.
But no, they rely on "facts", the "gospel truth" and the "official version" provided by others. Jews provide both primary and secondary sources of information, both the official version and myriad unofficial and conspiracy versions.

Using logic is not an absurd position, relying on information sources when you already know Jews have a long history of controlling information for their own purposes is absurd.

Yes, lies are information. False information as you note. Who knew that all those Jews happened to be such fine journalists and newspeople? What a great thing that we have an entire race that is uniquely suited to give us the facts that we need to make life and death decisions concerning the outcome of life on this planet.

End Times
11th December 2018, 04:27 PM
They ARE unbeatable if you rely on information instead of logic.

The main reason our brethren think the Jews are the world's greatest victims is because they are incapable of or unwilling to think for themselves. If they could use logic, i.e. cui bono, motive, means, evidence, modus operandi and modus agendi (pattern recognition), they would likely figure it out for themselves if they were so inclined.
But no, they rely on "facts", the "gospel truth" and the "official version" provided by others. Jews provide both primary and secondary sources of information, both the official version and myriad unofficial and conspiracy versions.

Using logic is not an absurd position, relying on information sources when you already know Jews have a long history of controlling information for their own purposes is absurd.

The idea that you have access to "reliable information" while simultaneously claiming Jews control "almost all of it" should be an obvious logical fallacy to you.

If Jews do, indeed, control "almost all" information, then your reliable world is limited to your five senses within your own home, and, to a large degree, what you can personally experience outside. Everything on the Internet, everything in every medium..unreliable.

Jews do not control "almost all" information. They control key channels of information. I simply ignore or go around those channels. Perhaps you are miscommunicating your thoughts, or, you do really believe Jews are omnipotent and omnipresent, which are required to control "almost all" information. The latter which is why I suggest your position is one of Jewish invincibility.

My premise has always been that we must conduct our own intelligence gathering, and, if possible, run our own intelligence agencies. Kosher mis- and dis-information can easily be filtered out using logic. Or maybe we disagree on that, as well.

11th December 2018, 04:34 PM
The idea that you have access to "reliable information" while simultaneously claiming Jews control "almost all of it" should be an obvious logical fallacy to you. It is. "Reliable information", if there were such a thing, is not reason. I advocate the use of reason to get a picture of reality.

If Jews do, indeed, control "almost all" information, then your reliable world is limited to your five senses within your own home, and, to a large degree, what you can personally experience outside. Everything on the Internet, everything in every medium..unreliable. The 5 senses don't include logical reasoning.

Jews do not control "almost all" information. They control key channels of information. I simply ignore or go around those channels. Perhaps you are miscommunicating your thoughts, or, you do really believe Jews are omnipotent and omnipresent, which are required to control "almost all" information. The latter which is why I suggest your position is one of Jewish invincibility.

My premise has always been that we must conduct our own intelligence gathering, and, if possible, run our own intelligence agencies. Kosher mis- and dis-information can easily be filtered out using logic. Or maybe we disagree on that, as well.Which information do you accept on faith? You know damned well they control many "anti-Semitic" venues. Why do you believe the ones you think they don't control?

11th December 2018, 04:41 PM
They have infiltrated everything. They are the great shape shifters, chameleons. Full spectrum dominance.


This is not hyperbole. Woodman nails it.

11th December 2018, 05:18 PM
Ooh the SHOCK i tell ya!

12th December 2018, 05:48 AM

look, they all have the same nose??!!

2nd January 2019, 11:53 AM
EXCLUSIVE: PHOTOS of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or “Sandy” as She Was Known at Her Elite High School in Yorktown — NOT in the Bronx (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/01/exclusive-photos-of-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-or-sandy-as-she-was-known-at-her-elite-high-school-in-yorktown-not-in-the-bronx/)

2nd January 2019, 05:58 PM
EXCLUSIVE: PHOTOS of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or “Sandy” as She Was Known at Her Elite High School in Yorktown — NOT in the Bronx (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/01/exclusive-photos-of-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-or-sandy-as-she-was-known-at-her-elite-high-school-in-yorktown-not-in-the-bronx/)

So she is like the "Vanilla Ice" of Socialist politics?

2nd January 2019, 09:02 PM
They ARE unbeatable if you rely on information instead of logic.

The main reason our brethren think the Jews are the world's greatest victims is because they are incapable of or unwilling to think for themselves. If they could use logic, i.e. cui bono, motive, means, evidence, modus operandi and modus agendi (pattern recognition), they would likely figure it out for themselves if they were so inclined.
But no, they rely on "facts", the "gospel truth" and the "official version" provided by others. Jews provide both primary and secondary sources of information, both the official version and myriad unofficial and conspiracy versions.

Using logic is not an absurd position, relying on information sources when you already know Jews have a long history of controlling information for their own purposes is absurd.
However logic without adequate unbiased information doesn’t work...

3rd January 2019, 12:15 AM
So she is like the "Vanilla Ice" of Socialist politics?
Dedicated communists are almost exclusively found in the upper or upper middle class Jews. You have a few mislead workers as well but they dont tend to do very well in the party hierarchy...

3rd January 2019, 12:21 AM
Information doesn't trump logic. This is why I don't understand why some of you first try to evaluate information on it's own merits. The first thing I do is evaluate what angle the Jew is working. Then if I can't find anything, I try to evaluate it on it's own merits. Seldom do I have to bother with the latter.
Examples: Mark Dice, Anna Von Reitz.
Sure, I might be wrong once in a while, but not as often as those who skip the first step.

OK, what makes Anna a Jew?

3rd January 2019, 12:46 AM
OK, what makes Anna a Jew?
Perhaps her denying it is the Jews?

3rd January 2019, 05:05 AM
However logic without adequate unbiased information doesn’t work...Choosing Jewish information which best suits our predisposition doesn't work either. Logic is usually the only tool we have, and most don't even have that.
Cui bono doesn't tell the whole story 100% of the time, but it's a lot more accurate than Jewish information.

Information is the realm of Jews. Controlling it has always been their modus operandi. We have to accept that as reality. We have to accept that all we really have is speculation and we must become as good at it as we can through logic.

3rd January 2019, 05:08 AM
Perhaps her denying it is the Jews?
http://annavonreitz.com/antisemitism.pdfWhile offering solutions to Jewish problems...which don't work.

3rd January 2019, 06:38 AM
Perhaps her denying it is the Jews?

funny way to deny something:

From her fb page:

https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/46133136_1936704883045249_3735665169972330496_n.jp g?_nc_cat=110&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.xx&oh=6c772d602a1c570e1e8b3916a1485482&oe=5CD54A2A

3rd January 2019, 06:45 AM
While offering solutions to Jewish problems...which don't work.

Well provide some evidence that they don't work.

Seems they work for her and her family.

Seems they work if you are brave enough to try them.

I'm not brave enough and have a pretty easy life just going along with the flow and paying taxes.

Basically, we have to volunteer to be US CITIZENS. Once you stop volunteering you have to take some steps to get yourself out of some of the adhesion contracts you have signed up for.
Every April we sign a new 1040 contracting for the obligation to pay taxes for that year.

3rd January 2019, 07:35 AM
Well provide some evidence that they don't work.I'm not brave enough to try it either. It seems if the information provider insists the goyim try it, she should provide better evidence that it works...other than her own claims of personal experiences.

3rd January 2019, 09:38 AM
I'm not brave enough to try it either. It seems if the information provider insists the goyim try it, she should provide better evidence that it works...other than her own claims of personal experiences.

Why? You want a guarantee?

I have a good reason not to take these steps. My wife says no. I'm in my fiftieth year of wedded bliss and that would be the end of the bliss.

Plus I see all the hassles "our" lawmen use to keep the sheep in line. One good friend lost his farm because he failed to respond in a timely fashion to a court document. He has received a large payment from the govt for their illegal taking of his farm. He was not a US CITIZEN and the farm in question is still in limbo, with a person who bought the tax lien, but still does not own the property. My friend had two years of tough sledding, not something I would want to take on at my age. He is 15 years younger.

The basic thing is the courts are only for US CITIZENS, who are "PERSONS" corporations. dead things. When you are not a US CITIZEN you don't belong in the things we call courts. The only court we have is under common law. That is where Anna is.

She is outing the Jew system and you are complaining about her.

3rd January 2019, 10:02 AM
Perhaps her denying it is the Jews?

If you read Reed's book The Controversy of Zion, he too makes a distinction between the Sephardic Jews and the Ashkanazi Jews. The real semitic Jews were abandoning their separate ways and assimilating into the respective western countries where they lived. While the Russian Jews were very rigid and unwavering about their role as keepers of the Jewish faith and maintaining their separate traditions being "A people apart" a second nation within a nation.

3rd January 2019, 12:28 PM
She is outing the Jew system and you are complaining about her.I don't see it that way. She is encouraging people to engage in legal-eagleism which may or may not work. Personally I doubt it works.
There is much to be said for the old adage "Choose your battles". If she is encouraging people to choose battles that she knows they will lose, and she knows it won't set any precedent in our favor, she is aiding and abetting ZOG.

3rd January 2019, 12:38 PM
a distinction between the Sephardic Jews and the Ashkanazi Jews. A very important distinction. Talmudism is an ideology grounded in racial supremacy and it came into being about the same time as the Khazar conversion. "Official" history claims it was 100 years before the Khazars converted. But this makes no sense because an ideology based on racial supremacy would not allow another race to join in. Besides, the Khazars have a history of altering documented history to suit their wants.
Other things to consider is that Khazars probably lead any and every organization which claims to represent Semitic Jews, therefore no information from them can be trusted.
Also, Khazars playing the role of "victim Jews" would understand the benefits of using their Semitic Jews as cannon fodder as well as making dead victims out of them.

End Times
3rd January 2019, 02:26 PM
Perhaps her denying it is the Jews?

"So, again, folks, put your Shinola Sensors on "High" and look sharp. There are many
voices raised and saying, "It's the Jews! It's the Jews! It's the Jews doing all these
bad things! They are the problem! Kill the Jews! Get rid of them and you solve the

"We've heard that rant before in Russia and Germany and Italy and France and
England, too. Always, there is this hatred of the Jews, always these outlandish
accusations against them."

End Times
3rd January 2019, 02:34 PM
Well provide some evidence that they don't work.

Seems they work for her and her family.

Seems they work if you are brave enough to try them.

More cancer cures cancer?

I'm not brave enough and have a pretty easy life just going along with the flow and paying taxes.

Basically, we have to volunteer to be US CITIZENS. Once you stop volunteering you have to take some steps to get yourself out of some of the adhesion contracts you have signed up for.
Every April we sign a new 1040 contracting for the obligation to pay taxes for that year.


Centuries before the US Federal regime and its Form 1040, the self-chosen Master Race simply declared the Goyim are subject to their rule. Cattle do not need to "volunteer" to be herded and slaughtered.

What hoarder says about "Jewish solutions" is exactly this: NON-SENSE THAT DOES NOT WORK.

End Times
3rd January 2019, 02:35 PM
She is outing the Jew system and you are complaining about her.

"So, again, folks, put your Shinola Sensors on "High" and look sharp. There are many
voices raised and saying, "It's the Jews! It's the Jews! It's the Jews doing all these
bad things! They are the problem! Kill the Jews! Get rid of them and you solve the

"We've heard that rant before in Russia and Germany and Italy and France and
England, too. Always, there is this hatred of the Jews, always these outlandish
accusations against them."

-- Anna von Reitz

End Times
3rd January 2019, 02:37 PM
If you read Reed's book The Controversy of Zion, he too makes a distinction between the Sephardic Jews and the Ashkanazi Jews. The real semitic Jews were abandoning their separate ways and assimilating into the respective western countries where they lived. While the Russian Jews were very rigid and unwavering about their role as keepers of the Jewish faith and maintaining their separate traditions being "A people apart" a second nation within a nation.

As Shlomo Sand has demonstrated perfectly clearly in "The Invention of the Jewish People," the Sephardim ain't Hebrew, either.

Good Hebrews became Christians. Bad Hebrews continued with the Traditions of the Elders, giving birth to the Talmud and modern Jewry (minimally, physically, but wholly ideologically).

End Times
3rd January 2019, 02:39 PM
I don't see it that way. She is encouraging people to engage in legal-eagleism which may or may not work. Personally I doubt it works.
There is much to be said for the old adage "Choose your battles". If she is encouraging people to choose battles that she knows they will lose, and she knows it won't set any precedent in our favor, she is aiding and abetting ZOG.

If you play Jew-Jitsu with a Six Millionth Degree Black Belt, you will lose.

The idea that magic words can stop the armed force of the Golem Police State ordered around by Jews is insane. Literally insane.