View Full Version : Insider says the fed is secretly propping up mortgage backed securities

16th December 2018, 01:37 AM


16th December 2018, 02:22 AM
How long can they keep the system going? I am amazed it has lasted this long. They have many tricks up their sleeves but there will come a time when the tricks won't work anymore. I suppose a major war would equalize everything. A little creative destruction.....A nuke here, a nuke there, the Jew Bomb to the rescue.

16th December 2018, 09:13 AM
How long can they keep the system going? I am amazed it has lasted this long. They have many tricks up their sleeves but there will come a time when the tricks won't work anymore. I suppose a major war would equalize everything. A little creative destruction.....A nuke here, a nuke there, the Jew Bomb to the rescue.

They still have a huge market in U. S. to short out (they've created) when most other taxing or penalty schemes fail.

16th December 2018, 09:45 AM

GIM1 constantly had threads like this and many of us stockpiled "Preps" like good goys:


Meanwhile our jew overlords made a killing as usual:



End Times
16th December 2018, 11:53 AM


"CNN -- According to unnamed sources..."

Let's say what he claims is true. So what? What are we to do differently?

16th December 2018, 05:56 PM
"CNN -- According to unnamed sources..."

Let's say what he claims is true. So what? What are we to do differently?Assuming this account is true, and it rings true and jibes with other sources, it is very significant: The US' major creditors are bailing on dollar-denominated securities. It is safe to assume that the FED is not bound by law, ethics or morality. Therefore we must assume that this is the tip of the iceberg vis-a-vis stealth monetization. The FED has been publicly lying, claiming to be selling Treasuries (QT) when in reality it is buying paper debt (MBS, stocks, bonds etc.) to prop up markets and suppress interest rates (i.e. the US federal deficit is exploding with projections of +$1.5-2 trillion deficits as far as the eye can see; this alone should have sent interest rates skyrocketing). Also, we know of the FED dispensing $21 trillion in zero interest loans to international banks to prop up markets in 2008. Fitts and others believe that the real number is closer to $40 trillion based on audits they did on partially redacted reports. Since we have absolutely no idea how much money the FED has created secretly and handed out to its partners in crime, it is possible that over $100 trillion has been created secretly. While the mass of people can be kept in the dark indefinitely, this cannot be hidden from sovereign governments. The Chinese, Russians, Saudis and others know that the US dollar is toast; they are divesting of US dollar denominated paper as quietly and quickly as possible, and buying gold bullion (fact). They are also busy setting up alternative cross border payment schemes to bypass the dollar in trade deals. The writing is on the wall: the US dollar is gradually being isolated. It is just a matter of time before we see massive dollar devaluation here at home as these countless $trillions work their way into the economy. This dollar deception cannot be maintained much longer - the US dollar is massively overvalued as evidenced by out exploding trade deficit. Gold (and silver) are being deliberately suppressed using paper contracts at the behest of China, Russia and Saudi Arabia in exchange for their silent cooperation (i.e. they are getting screwed over in their dollar-denominated paper so they are being made whole with gold and silver bullion secretly), according to two of my sources. When you look at the big picture and connect the dots, this all makes perfect sense - ultimately the dollar-holders, the masses of people, get screwed over and left holding the worthless bag. US debt, future obligations and pensions all get wiped out by dollar devaluation and inflation. While one cannot predict the timing of the dollar collapse, it's inevitability is obvious. All the prudent person can do is stay liquid, reduce or eliminate debts, and accumulate hard assets, especially gold and silver(physical held in your possession outside of the system). This game cannot go for two more years, IMHO.

End Times
16th December 2018, 06:15 PM
Assuming this account is true, and it rings true and jibes with other sources, it is very significant: The US' major creditors are bailing on dollar-denominated securities. It is safe to assume that the FED is not bound by law, ethics or morality. Therefore we must assume that this is the tip of the iceberg vis-a-vis stealth monetization. The FED has been publicly lying, claiming to be selling Treasuries (QT) when in reality it is buying paper debt (MBS, stocks, bonds etc.) to prop up markets and suppress interest rates (i.e. the US federal deficit is exploding with projections of +$1.5-2 trillion deficits as far as the eye can see; this alone should have sent interest rates skyrocketing). Also, we know of the FED dispensing $21 trillion in zero interest loans to international banks to prop up markets in 2008. Fitts and others believe that the real number is closer to $40 trillion based on audits they did on partially redacted reports. Since we have absolutely no idea how much money the FED has created secretly and handed out to its partners in crime, it is possible that over $100 trillion has been created secretly. While the mass of people can be kept in the dark indefinitely, this cannot be hidden from sovereign governments. The Chinese, Russians, Saudis and others know that the US dollar is toast; they are divesting of US dollar denominated paper as quietly and quickly as possible, and buying gold bullion (fact). They are also busy setting up alternative cross border payment schemes to bypass the dollar in trade deals. The writing is on the wall: the US dollar is gradually being isolated. It is just a matter of time before we see massive dollar devaluation here at home as these countless $trillions work their way into the economy. This dollar deception cannot be maintained much longer - the US dollar is massively overvalued as evidenced by out exploding trade deficit. Gold (and silver) are being deliberately suppressed using paper contracts at the behest of China, Russia and Saudi Arabia in exchange for their silent cooperation (i.e. they are getting screwed over in their dollar-denominated paper so they are being made whole with gold and silver bullion secretly), according to two of my sources. When you look at the big picture and connect the dots, this all makes perfect sense - ultimately the dollar-holders, the masses of people, get screwed over and left holding the worthless bag. US debt, future obligations and pensions all get wiped out by dollar devaluation and inflation. While one cannot predict the timing of the dollar collapse, it's inevitability is obvious. All the prudent person can do is stay liquid, reduce or eliminate debts, and accumulate hard assets, especially gold and silver(physical held in your possession outside of the system). This game cannot go for two more years, IMHO.

Yes, I don't disagree. But are we not already "prepared for the collapse" since GIM?

Many of us thought 2008 was the beginning of the End. But (((they))) pulled out yet more tricks, and here we are a decade later.

16th December 2018, 06:28 PM
... While one cannot predict the timing of the dollar collapse, it's inevitability is obvious. All the prudent person can do is stay liquid, reduce or eliminate debts, and accumulate hard assets, especially gold and silver (physical held in your possession outside of the system). This game cannot go for two more years, IMHO.


We ALL were saying this fifteen years ago at GIM1.

Problem with physically holding gold/silver is, after the collapse, try converting your silver coin into a dozen eggs without being kidnapped and robbed of your entire PM stash.



16th December 2018, 06:56 PM

We ALL were saying this fifteen years ago at GIM1.

Problem with physically holding gold/silver is, after the collapse, try converting your silver coin into a dozen eggs without being kidnapped and robbed of your entire PM stash.



Why don't you just hang yourself and be done with it?:confused:

16th December 2018, 07:11 PM
Why don't you just hang yourself and be done with it?:confused:


Not after patiently waiting 15 years...

17th December 2018, 05:48 AM
threads like this are what got me addicted to gim1! i learned a great deal from all of you and this is what got me converted to "doomer"! all the empires throughout history fell and look where they are today! we have been fucking this mule with the rest of the world holding the tail for way to long. its time for another nation to climb on the stump.

17th December 2018, 12:54 PM
We ALL were saying this fifteen years ago at GIM1.

Problem with physically holding gold/silver is, after the collapse, try converting your silver coin into a dozen eggs without being kidnapped and robbed of your entire PM stash.

Understand this:

1. We are in the midst of an economic controlled demolition. The nation, the world, is being pulled down deliberately by TPTB (The (((International Bankers)))[Rothschild and several other dynastic families]) via their operatives the large banks (which (((they))) own) as well as the Federal Reserve (and the central banks of most nations) which is privately held through several bank holding companies for said International Bankers wherein the Rothschilds alone control greater than 50% of the shares outstanding.

2. (((TPTB))) have determined this to be the time of harvesting; wherein previously asset notional valuations were pumped up, indebtedness of people, institutions and governments fostered, and obscene financial leverage enabled and encouraged, via artificially low interest rates, lax lending standards and outright fraud, in order to put the entire nation over the financial barrel and vulnerable to manipulation.

Now, interest rates are being raised and having their predictable devastating effects on our artificially inflated/leveraged stock, bond and real estate prices. This is just the beginning. Taxes of every stripe will be rising, all justified in the name of fiscal necessity and "helping the people in need." A trade war is being instigated and will lead to more and more tariffs. A perfect economic storm is being deliberately engineered by (((TPTB))) and in its aftermath, many millions will starve to death and many more will lose their wealth and property so that (((TPTB))) can enrich themselves and push the mass of people further into virtual serfdom.

This has all been done before - watch and listen:


If you find yourself trying to trade silver for a dozen eggs then you were not paying enough attention: the most valuable commodities will be (in this order) food, water, medicine, protection/security (firearms and ammo), shelter, community, and then hard assets (silver, gold and barterable items [alcohol, tobacco, fuel, building materials, tools etc.]

Before you purchase an ounce of silver (or gold) you should purchase enough food and storeable water to survive at minimum 6 months. Because when the hammer falls, food and drinkable water will appreciate in value more than anything else.

17th December 2018, 01:00 PM
threads like this are what got me addicted to gim1! i learned a great deal from all of you and this is what got me converted to "doomer"! all the empires throughout history fell and look where they are today! we have been fucking this mule with the rest of the world holding the tail for way to long. its time for another nation to climb on the stump.Glad you have found membership here profitable - though the visual metaphor you provide is not exactly suave.

17th December 2018, 01:59 PM
Glad you have found membership here profitable - though the visual metaphor you provide is not exactly suave.

profitable in the sense that i have become awakened to our fiscal position. as for the visual metaphor, i used to work with a country boy. sometimes he ran the show, sometimes i did. when he was running it he would always say im fucking this mule your just holding the tail. i thought it was appropo in describing how our(the U.S.) running the show is waning.

18th December 2018, 06:11 AM
profitable in the sense that i have become awakened to our fiscal position.

And the future is George Orwell and Chinese checkers