View Full Version : Are We Going Backwards

16th December 2018, 07:12 AM
Seems to me that for all of our technology, we are going backwards. Things are more difficult, don't work as well as earlier versions and suddenly we have less options.

I could give many instances but I will go into a few here.

I bought a new truck. It's a Chevy Siverado. What a peice of shit. It gets worse mileage than my '08 and has the same motor. It has a giant screen next to the dash and I hate that. It is so complicated to use that even the guy at the oil change place couldn't figure out my mileage. I called for directions to play my music from my phone through the system (there is no longer a plug in spot) and the tech lady could not even get it to function. After half an hour I just told her 'forget it'. The truck has no power in the mid range. You are either dogging or punching the pedal all the way to get any power. I could go on but let it suffice to say I hate the beast and it will be going.

I got a new computer because my old one crashed. The new one is a peice of shit. Internet is slower than ever. Can hardly watch videos. Windows 10 sucks ass. You can't even drag and highlight script to print selection. I am no computer scientist but I started with MSDos and I think it was easier to use than windows anyway. I know that I am a dinosaur.

I was going through Grand Rapids the other day with a buddy and we decided to stop at a brewery downtown and have a beer. All the parking meters have been taken out and in their place are these ugly triangular posts that have numbers on them. When I asked in the brewery, they told me that I must find a box outside, (there is supposedly one on every block) and use the screen to make parking payment. Well, I walked out side the brewery and found the box down the street a ways and after I punched the button to get the screen operating to pay for parking, it told me it was not operating and I'd have to use another one. So now I'm getting pissed, I just want to sip a brew. I go and find another one and this one won't even come on. I went back into the brewery and told my buddy "Fuck this shit!" I have plenty of beer at home. I don't know what kind of an asshole put this parking system in place, but it is bullshit. The old meters worked fine and I always have change kicking around my vehicles.

Things just aren't easy anymore. I think it's on purpose. All this technology have set us backward, and it seems that all the things we've seen that supposedly are coming down the pike, have not materialized. Are they holding back new technology on purpose? We sure seem to be stagnating.

Maybe I'm just getting old. My grandkids can take my new phone (I could go on a rant here) and do shit with it that would take me an hour and leave me pissed.

16th December 2018, 08:04 AM
Yes, I've noticed the same. Indian programming serviced by Filipino support.

I'm not so sure as going backwards, but nowhere loop.

16th December 2018, 08:18 AM
Sandia National Labs = Nuclear Bombs

Black woman in the center especially.


The company was launched (http://www.tallahasseemagazine.com/July-August-2015/Linda-Figg-and-Company-Build-Bridges-that-are-Functional-Works-of-Art/) four decades ago by Eugene Figg, Jr., and is now run by his daughter Linda Figg. She works out of the same office her dad once worked in. They have built and managed bridges in 42 states and six countries, and won more than 355 awards of excellence.

:( Results of Affirmative Action now being seen everywhere Woodman.

16th December 2018, 10:30 AM
My example is my new phone. It's a piece of shit. My old phone I had for over 4 years, no matter what I could do, the screen never scratched. Dropped it, stepped on it, it was a tank. This new phone has scratches all over screen after just a month or two. They intentionally put a cheaper screen so people would replace more phones. Bastards.

Furthermore, it has so many features it has a mind of it's own. A screen pops up to tell me about the exact restaurant I am sitting at. It tracks me, I can't figure out how to turn that feature off.

Yesterday, I took a picture of a shark I caught while fishing. My buddy wanted me to send it to him via text message. It took me about 10 minutes to figure out how to attach a damn picture to a text message.

Technology is getting to the point where it's so complex is just frustrating. Good topic, woodman, and very true. I wish I was born 100 years ago.

The other thing that's going backwards, other than technology, is people's minds. Especially the democrats. People have lost their ability to think logically and with reason. Everything is emotion based these days, and full of hypocrisy. It's like people have resorted back to being child like in their actions, mannerisms, and thought processes.

16th December 2018, 11:50 AM
Before the age of electronics, we lived in a logical world, materially speaking. A logical person could repair his own car and function in a modern world (back then) without any special background or photographic memory. A logical person, without higher education could do very well for himself. Also, you could avoid getting sucked into the system, paying interest and insurance on everything like people do now.

In today's world, everything has been reduced to procedures. Every professional lives in a world of procedures, seldom needing to make judgement calls because everything has already been decided for him.
There is no escape from the endless electronic gadgets and control modules that make our lives complicated unless we memorize all the procedures to operate them, even if we don't want all the "conveniences" they provide.
The people who repair electronic gadgets (in those cases where they don't simply get discarded) 99% of the time don't use logic to repair them. They have memorized that when you have symptom "Y" you replace module "X" and the symptom disappears.
I have known of a couple cases where a smart and logical man repaired his truck's computer by grinding the epoxy off, getting in there and testing continuity, capacitors and diodes and making a repair, but I suspect very few repairs are done that way.

End Times
16th December 2018, 12:35 PM
Peak Society was arguably the Apollo Project. (irrelevant whether we actually landed anyone on Luna)

The concept of Excellence is nearly dead. "Good enough" is the new standard. And even that standard is often not reached. As Rambler coined it, "Nigger it Down!"

While we have more complex technologies, computer science, nanotechnology, genetic engineering, the fundamental traits which undergird those are declining rapidly. Devolving. Were it not for the reservoirs of brains in, for example, China, this world would be even far worse off than it currently is. Two cataclysmic wars, genocides, and then self-genocide via the "birth control" pill, have left the Aryan populations around the world reeling. Our intellectual quality has fallen drastically, not merely because of the sewage "culture" we wallow in, but because the genetic heritage simply isn't there for the most part anymore. Dysgenic trends have been happening for centuries, and the last untapped genetic reserves of our race have been exhausted (as an example, the "simple farmers" of my own Volksdeutsche ethnic group). No more White immigrants to resupply the brains of America or the world's cities.

You're going to see the effects of these biology-based deficits in the declining quality of every aspect of our culture; language, art, music, even basic standards such as doing things the right way. Machines may be well-designed by the tiny minority who retain ultra-high-level intellect, but idea-to-reality, such as assembly, will be "Nigger it Down!" And don't even get me started on software (e.g., Windows 10).

As for complexity of products and difficulty in use by end users, much of that is due to lack of customer-centered design and testing. We here at GSUS are much smarter than the average bear, so the common problem, user error, isn't in play. Some of this is due to stupidity and impairment of abstract thinking on the part of creators, but much of it is also based on love of money: make it hard, make it prematurely fail, and you get more payments for technical support, repair, and replacement.

16th December 2018, 03:02 PM
The majority of the tech companies are run by Jews, so one has to understand that what they do with it not only makes money but has strategic value of one sort or another, from their point of view. If they place women and negroes in key positions (with handlers of course), it's to marginalize White men. If they create hardware and software that isn't user friendly, it serves to keep us busy and confused and feeling inadequate. If they create products that fail as soon as they are paid off and are unrepairable due to electronics, it probably is not an accident.

16th December 2018, 03:43 PM
The majority of the tech companies are run by Jews, so one has to understand that what they do with it not only makes money but has strategic value of one sort or another, from their point of view. If they place women and negroes in key positions (with handlers of course), it's to marginalize White men. If they create hardware and software that isn't user friendly, it serves to keep us busy and confused and feeling inadequate. If they create products that fail as soon as they are paid off and are unrepairable due to electronics, it probably is not an accident.

i was going to say the same thing (agenda equal or greater than profit motive)....but not as well as you did

16th December 2018, 04:31 PM
The majority of the tech companies are run by Jews, so one has to understand that what they do with it not only makes money but has strategic value of one sort or another, from their point of view. If they place women and negroes in key positions (with handlers of course), it's to marginalize White men. If they create hardware and software that isn't user friendly, it serves to keep us busy and confused and feeling inadequate. If they create products that fail as soon as they are paid off and are unrepairable due to electronics, it probably is not an accident.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately and one of the things that comes to mind is the speech by Dr. Day:

“Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people and second is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system.”

"People are too trusting, people don'task the right questions." Sometimes, being too trusting was equated withbeing too dumb. But sometimes when .. when he would say that and say,"People don't ask the right questions,"
Everybody has a right to live only so long. Theold are no longer useful. They become a burden. You should be ready toaccept death. Most people are. An arbitrary age limit could be established.After all, you have a right to only so many steak dinners, so many orgasms,and so many good pleasures in life. And after you have had enough of themand you're no longer productive, working, and contributing, then you shouldbe ready to step aside for the next generation. Some things that wouldhelp people realize that they had lived long enough, he mentioned severalof these - I don't remember them all - here are a few - use of very paleprinting ink on forms that people .. are necessary to fill out, so thatolder people wouldn't be able to read the pale ink as easily and wouldneed to go to younger people for help. Automobile traffic patterns - therewould be more high-speed traffic lanes .. traffic patterns that would.. that older people with their slower reflexes would have trouble dealingwith and thus, lose some of their independence.

Cancer. He said. "We can cure almost every cancerright now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it'sever decided that it should be released. But consider - if people stopdying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may aswell die of cancer as something else." Efforts at cancer treatment wouldbe geared more toward comfort than toward cure. There was some statementthat ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the RockefellerInstitute would come to light because independent researchers might bringthem out, despite these efforts to suppress them. But at least for thetime being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do becauseit would slow down the problem of overpopulation.

16th December 2018, 04:42 PM
I've been thinking about this a lot lately and one of the things that comes to mind is the speech by Dr. Day:

“Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people and second is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system.”

"People are too trusting, people don'task the right questions." Sometimes, being too trusting was equated withbeing too dumb. But sometimes when .. when he would say that and say,"People don't ask the right questions,"
Everybody has a right to live only so long. Theold are no longer useful. They become a burden. You should be ready toaccept death. Most people are. An arbitrary age limit could be established.After all, you have a right to only so many steak dinners, so many orgasms,and so many good pleasures in life. And after you have had enough of themand you're no longer productive, working, and contributing, then you shouldbe ready to step aside for the next generation. Some things that wouldhelp people realize that they had lived long enough, he mentioned severalof these - I don't remember them all - here are a few - use of very paleprinting ink on forms that people .. are necessary to fill out, so thatolder people wouldn't be able to read the pale ink as easily and wouldneed to go to younger people for help. Automobile traffic patterns - therewould be more high-speed traffic lanes .. traffic patterns that would.. that older people with their slower reflexes would have trouble dealingwith and thus, lose some of their independence.

Cancer. He said. "We can cure almost every cancerright now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it'sever decided that it should be released. But consider - if people stopdying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may aswell die of cancer as something else." Efforts at cancer treatment wouldbe geared more toward comfort than toward cure. There was some statementthat ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the RockefellerInstitute would come to light because independent researchers might bringthem out, despite these efforts to suppress them. But at least for thetime being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do becauseit would slow down the problem of overpopulation.
The way I see it, anything Jews have a hand in is built on phony premises.
Strategy comes from the root word "strata" or layers. The first layer is the phony premise, the second layer is the "solution" to the phony premise. The solution was the original objective, though. The premise was merely something they contrived to push the solution through.
The profit motive is the disguise.

End Times
16th December 2018, 06:11 PM
The majority of the tech companies are run by Jews, so one has to understand that what they do with it not only makes money but has strategic value of one sort or another, from their point of view. If they place women and negroes in key positions (with handlers of course), it's to marginalize White men. If they create hardware and software that isn't user friendly, it serves to keep us busy and confused and feeling inadequate. If they create products that fail as soon as they are paid off and are unrepairable due to electronics, it probably is not an accident.

Some of the frustration is definitely built into the wares.

It's a form of gaslighting.


16th December 2018, 06:22 PM
Some of the frustration is definitely built into the wares.

It's a form of gaslighting.


Very good point.

17th December 2018, 10:09 AM
The concept of Excellence is nearly dead. "Good enough" is the new standard. And even that standard is often not reached. As Rambler coined it, "Nigger it Down!"

These are also byproducts of fascism, apple was a good example as startpoint.

Its not how well any product functions within a paramater and its lifespan, but how well it looks when you're holding it in your hand. A great looking banner, shinny jackboots etc.

Hitler's fashion sense also pronounced it, for all appearance purposes timeless. When in reality a fleeting orgasm.

17th December 2018, 11:20 AM
These are also byproducts of fascism, apple was a good example as startpoint.

Its not how well any product functions within a paramater and its lifespan, but how well it looks when you're holding it in your hand. A great looking banner, shinny jackboots etc.

Hitler's fashion sense also pronounced it, for all appearance purposes timeless. When in reality a fleeting orgasm.

Apple was always fascist with their product. Even from the onset of the first Mac they created a walled garden. It only expanded in the mobile space with the Apple Store.

17th December 2018, 12:08 PM
Apple was always fascist with their product. Even from the onset of the first Mac they created a walled garden. It only expanded in the mobile space with the Apple Store.

I went into an apple store for the first time a few weeks ago. Strange experience. I wanted to get a new battery put into my I phone. The lady who was 'helping' me told me that I needed to log into my account. I explained to her that my password wasn't working and I had tried a couple of times to reset it without success. When you try to redo your password, they wait about two weeks before sending you a link to reset it. I had been through the process and it was complex and convoluted. Long story short, they had an incorrect link for my email where they said info had been sent and I was unable to reset it. Well, I was unable to get a new battery put into my phone. The battery is junk. This was the closest store, a 90 minute drive. I was pissed and spoke my mind to everyone in the store. Must have been at least 50 people in there. They just looked up at me like a bunch of zombies and then looked back down.

17th December 2018, 12:20 PM
I went into an apple store for the first time a few weeks ago. Strange experience. I wanted to get a new battery put into my I phone. The lady who was 'helping' me told me that I needed to log into my account. I explained to her that my password wasn't working and I had tried a couple of times to reset it without success. When you try to redo your password, they wait about two weeks before sending you a link to reset it. I had been through the process and it was complex and convoluted. Long story short, they had an incorrect link for my email where they said info had been sent and I was unable to reset it. Well, I was unable to get a new battery put into my phone. The battery is junk. This was the closest store, a 90 minute drive. I was pissed and spoke my mind to everyone in the store. Must have been at least 50 people in there. They just looked up at me like a bunch of zombies and then looked back down.

*Through December 31, 2018, the out-of-warranty battery service fee is $29 for all eligible iPhone 6 or later models. Battery service at $29 may be limited to one repair per iPhone. After December 31, 2018, the fee will change to $49 for all these products except iPhone X, which will change to $69.


17th December 2018, 12:22 PM
I went into an apple store for the first time a few weeks ago. Strange experience. I wanted to get a new battery put into my I phone. The lady who was 'helping' me told me that I needed to log into my account. I explained to her that my password wasn't working and I had tried a couple of times to reset it without success. When you try to redo your password, they wait about two weeks before sending you a link to reset it. I had been through the process and it was complex and convoluted. Long story short, they had an incorrect link for my email where they said info had been sent and I was unable to reset it. Well, I was unable to get a new battery put into my phone. The battery is junk. This was the closest store, a 90 minute drive. I was pissed and spoke my mind to everyone in the store. Must have been at least 50 people in there. They just looked up at me like a bunch of zombies and then looked back down.

that's the perfect microcosm for this thread. you just wanted to get a freekin battery. but all of 'their' tentacles mucked the whole thing up into fubar

End Times
17th December 2018, 12:54 PM
*Through December 31, 2018, the out-of-warranty battery service fee is $29 for all eligible iPhone 6 or later models. Battery service at $29 may be limited to one repair per iPhone. After December 31, 2018, the fee will change to $49 for all these products except iPhone X, which will change to $69.


Re-read his post.

The lady who was 'helping' me told me that I needed to log into my account.

The "geniuses" at the Genius (sic) Bar are unable to think independently, only following crApple programming. "You must comply with the Apple Collective procedures...you must comply with the Apple Collective procedures..."

No service unless you do as they are programmed..

But alas, certain "geniuses" around here claim I'm a fool for having a Chinese Android phone... LOL


17th December 2018, 03:04 PM
Re-read his post.

The lady who was 'helping' me told me that I needed to log into my account.

The "geniuses" at the Genius (sic) Bar are unable to think independently, only following crApple programming. "You must comply with the Apple Collective procedures...you must comply with the Apple Collective procedures..."

No service unless you do as they are programmed..

But alas, certain "geniuses" around here claim I'm a fool for having a Chinese Android phone... LOL


I did get a Galaxy Note 8. I am having trouble getting used to it. I was talking to a techie on the phone, trying to get things transferred to the new phone and it was not going well. My grand daughter was here and she is pretty slick with any digital devices. The tech lady on the phone heard me ask my grand daughter for help and she excitedly said, "Oh, do you have a teenager in the house?" like it was a heaven send. My grand daughter is actually 25, but I didn't tell the lady. So it would seem that teenagers are widely savvy at digital devices. Old dudes like me should just die off and make room for the younger generation.

The thing is, I was once fairly good at programming the little devices of yesteryear and running programs. I got busy as a carpenter in my later years. Things have just been engineered in an ass-backward way these days. I have even noticed that some of the office programs like QuickBooks are clumsy, awkward and have very little flexibility. From what I can tell, there is not even any way to do global edits in many of them. Fucktardery Abounds!

End Times
17th December 2018, 04:00 PM
I did get a Galaxy Note 8. I am having trouble getting used to it. I was talking to a techie on the phone, trying to get things transferred to the new phone and it was not going well. My grand daughter was here and she is pretty slick with any digital devices. The tech lady on the phone heard me ask my grand daughter for help and she excitedly said, "Oh, do you have a teenager in the house?" like it was a heaven send. My grand daughter is actually 25, but I didn't tell the lady. So it would seem that teenagers are widely savvy at digital devices. Old dudes like me should just die off and make room for the younger generation.

The thing is, I was once fairly good at programming the little devices of yesteryear and running programs. I got busy as a carpenter in my later years. Things have just been engineered in an ass-backward way these days. I have even noticed that some of the office programs like QuickBooks are clumsy, awkward and have very little flexibility. From what I can tell, there is not even any way to do global edits in many of them. Fucktardery Abounds!

I'm 47 (48 next month), and I still can manage my way around the newest toys. However, the youngsters, especially the post-Millennials, are masters of this stuff. Even in the single-digit ages. A family friend's granddaughter figured out the YouTube app and how to cast it to the TV at 5.

17th December 2018, 05:33 PM
I'm totally on board with what you are saying. I might pick up a couple cars/trucks from the 80's or earlier and restore them. That way I can have a decent car for the rest of my life.

Did you read my post from earlier today? Where I describe the guy in his 20's that couldn't turn on a stove or the 25 y/o girl who couldn't slice a pie?


17th December 2018, 08:17 PM
have yet to have a need for a 'smart' phone. a mini computer? i have a full-size puter for that crap

flip phone bitchez. 8 bucks/month and for calls only

midnight rambler
17th December 2018, 08:22 PM
I might pick up a couple cars/trucks from the 80's or earlier and restore them

Considering that most all replacement auto parts are made or refurbed in China and that other support for stuff that breaks will be getting more and more scarce for an automobile that's over 30 years old I would suggest getting something as ubiquitous as possible like a square body Chevy truck (pre-'88 on the regular cab pickups and pre-'92 on the crew cab pickups, Blazers, and Suburbans) with the ubiquitous small block Chevy V-8 aka the SBC*. And if you put a breaker/condenser style distributor with coil on it then you'd be EMP resistant (so long as you kept a good spare condenser and coil in a Faraday cage).

*another EMP proof option would be installing a Cummins 4BC four cyclinder diesel with which you could run virtually any oil you cleaned the dirt and water out of (utilizing a centrifuge) including used motor oil and ATF (I know of someone who burns straight ATF in his Ford 7.3 Powerstroke diesel with zero issues)

18th December 2018, 06:03 AM
have yet to have a need for a 'smart' phone. a mini computer? i have a full-size puter for that crap

flip phone bitchez. 8 bucks/month and for calls onlyWhat scares me away from smart phones is the tiny keyboard. It would take me forever to learn how to use one with my callous hands. Plus I would have to get a whole new wardrobe so I would have pockets large enough to carry those big delicate things around.
Flip phones are a better idea. They should have improved on them by making them thinner, more rugged and have better batteries instead.

18th December 2018, 09:10 AM
What scares me away from smart phones is the tiny keyboard. It would take me forever to learn how to use one with my callous hands. Plus I would have to get a whole new wardrobe so I would have pockets large enough to carry those big delicate things around.
Flip phones are a better idea. They should have improved on them by making them thinner, more rugged and have better batteries instead.

Dont forget, every cellphone chip and new credit card has a GOLD SIM identifying chip.


So the more you use them, the more u help our cause.... ::)

18th December 2018, 01:02 PM
have yet to have a need for a 'smart' phone. a mini computer? i have a full-size puter for that crap

flip phone bitchez. 8 bucks/month and for calls only

I don't even have that. Home or pay phone.

18th December 2018, 01:24 PM
I don't even have that. Home or pay phone.Around here, they ripped out all the pay phones. Yes. Going backwards.

18th December 2018, 01:49 PM
Flip phones are a better idea. They should have improved on them by making them thinner, more rugged and have better batteries instead.

A year ago I did a comprehensive search for a rugged flip phone and came up empty. Eventually settled on an iPhone SE that has a very small 4" screen. Fits in a shirt pocket. Like you say, downside to this phone is the very very tiny screen keyboard required for internet.

Upside is the amazing camera and internet via free wireless. Unlimited voice-only is cheap $20/month ConsumerCellular. The iPhone SE cost me $165.


18th December 2018, 01:58 PM
Around here, they ripped out all the pay phones. Yes. Going backwards.

No payphones around here. Not that I look for them anymore. I used to use them all the time. I still keep maps in my trucks. They save me a lot of time, especially when the idiot phone or Garmin gives me shitty routes that will take way longer. The younger folks can't even use a map anymore. I guess us old guys still know a thing or two.

End Times
18th December 2018, 02:08 PM
What scares me away from smart phones is the tiny keyboard. It would take me forever to learn how to use one with my callous hands. Plus I would have to get a whole new wardrobe so I would have pockets large enough to carry those big delicate things around.
Flip phones are a better idea. They should have improved on them by making them thinner, more rugged and have better batteries instead.

The touchscreen keypads on most smartphones are larger than the hardware keypads on most flips.

As for wardrobe, naw, just get this:


End Times
18th December 2018, 02:11 PM
Around here, they ripped out all the pay phones. Yes. Going backwards.

A combination of factors led to the demise of pay phones.

They are expensive to deploy and maintain. Especially when Niggers and other trash break them open - or even take them whole - to get the money inside...routinely. That was already happening back in the 1980s when my Mom had one installed at her business...the area was still dominated by old White folks (Germans and Italians).

The rise of mobiles led to a crash in their use. Only where mobile service is limited or non-existent are they a necessity.

End Times
18th December 2018, 02:14 PM
No payphones around here. Not that I look for them anymore. I used to use them all the time. I still keep maps in my trucks. They save me a lot of time, especially when the idiot phone or Garmin gives me shitty routes that will take way longer. The younger folks can't even use a map anymore. I guess us old guys still know a thing or two.

I love computers. I'm even on the border of "loving" my smartphone. But I don't trust either of them beyond a healthy paranoia. I have a large collection of reference maps at home, and key maps in the car. AAA provides most of them, no additional charge.

One solar event and GPS is down for hours...days...if it's big enough...permanently. No, the Millennials and younger can't read maps, but I can. :)

End Times
18th December 2018, 02:17 PM
If y'all insist on a flip phone, consider:


18th December 2018, 02:55 PM
Missoula never had a problem with dindus robbing pay phones.

Only where mobile service is limited or non-existent are they a necessity.They are a necessity when I'm driving my pickup and my flip phone is in my Jeep or vice-versa. The only time I carry a phone is when I'm on the road and the only time it's even on is when I'm expecting a call. I don't feel naked when I don't have it on me. I do all my yakking on my landline at home.

18th December 2018, 02:57 PM
The touchscreen keypads on most smartphones are larger than the hardware keypads on most flips.
When I make a call it involves 7 digits, so time and patience isn't a big factor. Using the internet is a different story.

18th December 2018, 03:36 PM
When I make a call it involves 7 digits, so time and patience isn't a big factor. Using the internet is a different story.

A downside of smartphones is that you never remember anyone's number anyway.

U just press a Single button and record a message or call them.

18th December 2018, 03:43 PM
I love computers. I'm even on the border of "loving" my smartphone. But I don't trust either of them beyond a healthy paranoia. I have a large collection of reference maps at home, and key maps in the car. AAA provides most of them, no additional charge.

One solar event and GPS is down for hours...days...if it's big enough...permanently. No, the Millennials and younger can't read maps, but I can. :)

I had a delivery route in Dallas back in the late 80's. I delivered caviar and other specialty foods to high end restaurants all around the area. The route changed daily but I had these maps called 'Mapsco" if I remember right. I would plan my route every day and I was quite efficient at it. Nothing beats a good map.

18th December 2018, 03:45 PM
Around here, they ripped out all the pay phones. Yes. Going backwards.

Yeah, there's fewer and fewer of them here too; but they are relatively easy to be found. Remember in the 80/90's of the big push to have all pay phones to have a camera on them? Maybe the Tinfoil hat part of me, but I think they're just forcing people into buying a celly so everyone can be monitored/tracked. The last option is a burner, and think they are making those more difficult to obtain.

18th December 2018, 03:48 PM
Considering that most all replacement auto parts are made or refurbed in China and that other support for stuff that breaks will be getting more and more scarce for an automobile that's over 30 years old I would suggest getting something as ubiquitous as possible like a square body Chevy truck (pre-'88 on the regular cab pickups and pre-'92 on the crew cab pickups, Blazers, and Suburbans) with the ubiquitous small block Chevy V-8 aka the SBC*. And if you put a breaker/condenser style distributor with coil on it then you'd be EMP resistant (so long as you kept a good spare condenser and coil in a Faraday cage).

*another EMP proof option would be installing a Cummins 4BC four cyclinder diesel with which you could run virtually any oil you cleaned the dirt and water out of (utilizing a centrifuge) including used motor oil and ATF (I know of someone who burns straight ATF in his Ford 7.3 Powerstroke diesel with zero issues)

Yeah thought of that too. I'm thinking of 70's-80's GMC/Chev and a early-mid 80's Monty or Grand Prix [Caprice maybe] and swap in a cable operated LS engine.

18th December 2018, 03:57 PM
People tell me all the amazing things smartphones can do, like take pictures and read barcodes. What they don't tell you is that you can only do those things if you have memorized the procedures or carry an owners manual (if they even have them).
I was pointing out in my first post that gadgets are for people with photographic memories and that being logical didn't always accomplish the objective because logical people didn't necessarily design the software.

So if I take a picture with a cell phone only once of twice a year, there's a good chance that I will forget what the procedures are. I only use my voicemail on the cell phone a couple times of year and I wrote down the procedures and codes in my notepad to access it in case I forget. I don't want more procedures to attempt to memorize, I just want a phone that works on the few occasions I need one.
I already have a Nikon Coolpix camera that I know how to use and load pix on my laptop. When my last Coolpix broke, I bought another identical used one on ebay for $20 so I wouldn't have to memorize any more procedures.

I don't have GPS in either of my vehicles. I use paper maps too. I just bought another paper map of Missoula on ebay. You can still get paper maps, often used.

My mom, who is in her late eighties has GPS in her Lexus. The manual to operate the damn thing is 300 pages. If I had it I probably wouldn't use it anyway.

midnight rambler
18th December 2018, 04:03 PM
Yeah thought of that too. I'm thinking of 70's-80's GMC/Chev and a early-mid 80's Monty or Grand Prix [Caprice maybe] and swap in a cable operated LS engine.

Here ya go, might as well have some fun with it -


18th December 2018, 04:05 PM
Yeah thought of that too. I'm thinking of 70's-80's GMC/Chev and a early-mid 80's Monty or Grand Prix [Caprice maybe] and swap in a cable operated LS engine.

The old Jap Cruisers were awesome. The Toyota Corollas I owned were good to me. Rust buckets though. We jokingly called them 'Toyolla Coroders'.
The smaller pickups made by any of the auto companies were very fine, again, rust is the issue. I will say that fuel injection solved a lot of headaches with carb problems and cold starting issues.

Interesting to note: The guy at the oil change place said that because of government mandates on pollution and mileage, the engines are using lower viscosity oils and premature engine failure is on the rise because of it. Yeah, replacing engines in vehicles, that's gonna save the environment and make economic sense!

18th December 2018, 04:29 PM
If y'all insist on a flip phone, consider:


$200 (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CDJ7I5K/ref=psdc_2407749011_t1_B07B1VN8ZL)...............$ 40 more than my iPhone SE that has far superior camera and features and twice the screen size.


18th December 2018, 04:30 PM
I will say that fuel injection solved a lot of headaches with carb problems and cold starting issues. In the automotive world, electronic fuel injection and electronic ignition are the only two electronic components that actually improved the vehicles they were in. It stops there.

Interesting to note: The guy at the oil change place said that because of government mandates on pollution and mileage, the engines are using lower viscosity oils and premature engine failure is on the rise because of it. Yeah, replacing engines in vehicles, that's gonna save the environment and make economic sense!They build them with fuel mileage ratings in mind. Unlike many other forms of planned in obsolescence, it's easy to circumvent that one.
The environment is not the only reason cars have to be made to fail after a few years, the banking sector wants to collect interest on car loans, which would be more difficult if they all lasted 20 years and a half million miles.

End Times
18th December 2018, 05:30 PM
They are a necessity when I'm driving my pickup and my flip phone is in my Jeep or vice-versa. The only time I carry a phone is when I'm on the road and the only time it's even on is when I'm expecting a call. I don't feel naked when I don't have it on me. I do all my yakking on my landline at home.

You should always carry the phone with (on) you when traveling; turn it off if you like. Get one of the Nite Ize holsters - they make smaller ones for such things as flips (it's how I first learned of Nite Ize's products, over a decade ago, USCC's store had one).

I actually rarely talk on the phone for anything but business. I prefer the hard line, too.

End Times
18th December 2018, 05:33 PM
I had a delivery route in Dallas back in the late 80's. I delivered caviar and other specialty foods to high end restaurants all around the area. The route changed daily but I had these maps called 'Mapsco" if I remember right. I would plan my route every day and I was quite efficient at it. Nothing beats a good map.

Thomas Guides were our "bibles" when I worked "in the field." We'd use their grid system blocks for official planning.



Their demise is very sad.

End Times
18th December 2018, 05:36 PM
The last option is a burner, and think they are making those more difficult to obtain.

Yeah, almost all mobile service requires a credit card and/or a valid Social Security number to activate. Likewise the SSN with prepaid credit cards, so you can't use those for activation, as well.

Total Information Awareness --> The Beast System

End Times
18th December 2018, 05:40 PM
I just bought another paper map of Missoula on ebay. You can still get paper maps, often used.

Besides AAA, Canadian company G.M. Johnson still publishes paper maps, and actually updates them regularly:


They're about $6, but worth getting a new one every so often. And if one is an AAA member, their maps are "free."


The Johnson maps are the best you can buy.

End Times
18th December 2018, 05:45 PM
$200 (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CDJ7I5K/ref=psdc_2407749011_t1_B07B1VN8ZL)...............$ 40 more than my iPhone SE that has far superior camera and features and twice the screen size.


Top street price is around $100, and some people don't like iPhag phones. :)

Let's see how that iPhone holds up to being dropped on concrete then being submerged.


18th December 2018, 07:03 PM
Top street price is around $100...


Links please for unlocked brand new phone?


End Times
18th December 2018, 08:20 PM
Links please for unlocked brand new phone?

You change the criteria? You said nothing about "unlocked."

In the meantime, here's a rainbow for you to print out and stick on your wall: ;D


Have Pride, Book!

18th December 2018, 08:49 PM
You change the criteria? You said nothing about "unlocked."

IT CLEARLY SAYS "UNLOCKED" (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CDJ7I5K/ref=psdc_2407749011_t1_B07B1VN8ZL).

You apparently read Amazon ads like you read the bible.


18th December 2018, 09:22 PM
The old Jap Cruisers were awesome. The Toyota Corollas I owned were good to me.

They might be good vehicles; but I was born/raised in Detroit, so not into Jap cars much.

End Times
18th December 2018, 11:55 PM
IT CLEARLY SAYS "UNLOCKED" (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CDJ7I5K/ref=psdc_2407749011_t1_B07B1VN8ZL).

You apparently read Amazon ads like you read the bible.


You didn't say anything about unlocked, instead slyly linking to the wrong phone.

You linked to the XE. I cited the XV (Verizon CDMA).

I'll be honest, I didn't even click your dodgy link when first posted.

As for reading the Bible, you're one to make comment on that. Pot - kettle - black doesn't even cover it.

In any case, you and License Plate Man sure have a thing for the fag company. Here it is again, for both of you:


Be sure to fondle your iPhone each moment you watch that.

midnight rambler
19th December 2018, 12:10 AM
The sole reason why I thanked Book's post...


...because I just KNEW Fred would be triggered.

You're so predictable Fred. And you got completely sucked into that trolling thread I posted regarding Android vs. iOS. Yes, it was intentional on my part 'cause again - I JUST KNEW you would be triggered (yes, SOLE reason for posting that). You're too easy Fred.

License Plate Man


Seriously Fred, you had me laughing so hard I nearly bust a gut.

End Times
19th December 2018, 12:34 AM
Seriously Fred, you had me laughing so hard I nearly bust a gut.

Each time you lie about not having a Social Security Number, not paying taxes, not having a Driver's License, not having License Plates...it's a real hoot. ;D

So, are you lying about having an iPhone, too?

19th December 2018, 03:39 AM
I cited the XV (Verizon CDMA).


Exactly. I asked you what it will cost us and you still haven't told us.


19th December 2018, 03:48 AM
They might be good vehicles; but I was born/raised in Detroit, so not into Jap cars much.

Yeah, I was born and raised in Detroit also. Worked for the auto companies til I was laid off in 86. GM Truck and Coach and later American Motors on Plymouth Rd. in Detroit. When everyone was bashing the Jap products, I always felt we should get down on our knees and thank them. They forced us to put out better quality machines.

I should address simplicity here. Someone mentioned that their mother had a Lexus and the manual was 300 pages. My mother also had a Lexus. They are very fancy and very complex. I don't know how she did it at her advanced age. I am no longer into complesxity. I think complexity is stupid. Don't get me wrong, it is great to have fun solving puzzles and thinking in abstractions. The fun stops when I am not in the mood to play around with shit and want a simple task done in a simple, elegant way. In the old days we had a button for everything, none of this shell program shit to access needed features and functions. My memory is full of so much shit! I don't need to fill it anymore. I want simplicity and elegance. Is that too much to ask from engineering? Needless complexity is stupid. Simpliciy is intelligent.

19th December 2018, 04:02 AM
I should address simplicity here... I am no longer into complexity. I think complexity is stupid. Don't get me wrong, it is great to have fun solving puzzles and thinking in abstractions. The fun stops when I am not in the mood to play around with shit and want a simple task done in a simple, elegant way. In the old days we had a button for everything, none of this shell program shit to access needed features and functions. My memory is full of so much shit! I don't need to fill it anymore. I want simplicity and elegance. Is that too much to ask from engineering? Needless complexity is stupid. Simplicity is intelligent.


Last week Mamboni posted here how much happier he is now after simplifying his life. He suggested it is women who make us acquire all the status shit we don't want or need...

I've been an extreme minimalist for over twenty years now.


19th December 2018, 04:09 AM
When everyone was bashing the Jap products, I always felt we should get down on our knees and thank them. They forced us to put out better quality machines.I don't think it happened quite that way. The globalists (you know who) have been manipulating markets and controlling large corporations forever. In the late 60's early 70's ALL US manufacturers began manufacturing very poor quality cars. The fact that all of them did this at the same time should raise suspicions. Then the flood of cheap foreign cars poured in.
Globalists had been trying to "internationalize" markets.
I don't think it's a coincidence that regulations and unions have killed US manufacturing. Asian products don't have this burden.
But let's not stop at the economic level. There is psychology in this too. It is very demoralizing for us to admit little brown people overseas make better products than we do for less money. National and racial pride down the drain.

19th December 2018, 04:19 AM

Last week Mamboni posted here how much happier he is now after simplifying his life. He suggested it is women who make us acquire all the status shit we don't want or need...

I've been an extreme minimalist for over twenty years now.


Less is indeed more. It is interesting to note that more is also less. I am trying to simplify my life also. After years of full-on, maniacal, hard driving, getting shit done, I am tired and worn out. I am sick of killing myself, trying to make a living. I got skin cancer and it has made me look at everything differently. The words of Clint Eastwood as the 'Outlaw Josey Whales' come to mind: "Dyin' ain't much of a living, Boy."

19th December 2018, 04:31 AM
Less is indeed more. It is interesting to note that more is also less. I am trying to simplify my life also. After years of full-on, maniacal, hard driving, getting shit done, I am tired and worn out. I am sick of killing myself, trying to make a living. I got skin cancer and it has made me look at everything differently. The words of Clint Eastwood as the 'Outlaw Josey Whales' come to mind: "Dyin' ain't much of a living, Boy."


You're focused now on what (and who) is important.


midnight rambler
19th December 2018, 06:35 AM
Each time you lie



End Times
19th December 2018, 12:11 PM
mindless rambling

Each time you lie about not having a Social Security Number, not paying taxes, not having a Driver's License, not having License Plates...are you lying about having an iPhone, too?

19th December 2018, 01:06 PM
>First high school
>Then degree
>Then job
>Then Marriage
>Then mortgage
>Then career
>Then children
>Then promotion
>Then cabin at the lake
>Then grandchildren
>Then happiness

THIS IS ALL A LIE. It goes more like this:

>Finish high school
>Trade school
>Date cautiously
>buy car, rent home
>second or third ticket
>relocate to where the work is
>buy house
>have family
>get laid off
>sell truck
>take shitty service job for 1/5th what you earned in the trades to support family
>get divorced
>lose ski-doo
>lose wife
>lose Ford Ranger
>hate ex-wife
>barely see kids
>pay alimony
>become alcoholic
>die of heart-attack as complication from diabetes and alcoholism. Also broke.
>ten years later, daughter is writing essay in high school: "My father was a dead-beat drunk who wasn't there for me. That's why I'm a feminist."
>die again because that's how painful it is for an honest man to see his offspring so hopelessly destroyed by the matriarchy in the 21st century.

https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/197121720/#q197123626 (https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/197121720/#q197123626)

End Times
19th December 2018, 01:49 PM
>First high school
>Then degree
>Then job
>Then Marriage
>Then mortgage
>Then career
>Then children
>Then promotion
>Then cabin at the lake
>Then grandchildren
>Then happiness

THIS IS ALL A LIE. It goes more like this:

>Finish high school
>Trade school
>Date cautiously
>buy car, rent home
>second or third ticket
>relocate to where the work is
>buy house
>have family
>get laid off
>sell truck
>take shitty service job for 1/5th what you earned in the trades to support family
>get divorced
>lose ski-doo
>lose wife
>lose Ford Ranger
>hate ex-wife
>barely see kids
>pay alimony
>become alcoholic
>die of heart-attack as complication from diabetes and alcoholism. Also broke.
>ten years later, daughter is writing essay in high school: "My father was a dead-beat drunk who wasn't there for me. That's why I'm a feminist."
>die again because that's how painful it is for an honest man to see his offspring so hopelessly destroyed by the matriarchy in the 21st century.

https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/197121720/#q197123626 (https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/197121720/#q197123626)


West Virginia is 94 percent white.

19th December 2018, 02:11 PM
But let's not stop at the economic level. There is psychology in this too. It is very demoralizing for us to admit little brown people overseas make better products than we do for less money. National and racial pride down the drain.

Lessons of trading with Government Level Communist manufacturing subsidy either.

Well, because many had no idea that's how Japs operate, they thought the playing field were level. Many still do.

Those early Jap cars would've never been produced in a capitalist market to start.

20th December 2018, 09:12 PM
Dodge Omni
Yeah, I was born and raised in Detroit also. Worked for the auto companies til I was laid off in 86. GM Truck and Coach and later American Motors on Plymouth Rd. in Detroit. When everyone was bashing the Jap products, I always felt we should get down on our knees and thank them. They forced us to put out better quality machines.

I should address simplicity here. Someone mentioned that their mother had a Lexus and the manual was 300 pages. My mother also had a Lexus. They are very fancy and very complex. I don't know how she did it at her advanced age. I am no longer into complesxity. I think complexity is stupid. Don't get me wrong, it is great to have fun solving puzzles and thinking in abstractions. The fun stops when I am not in the mood to play around with shit and want a simple task done in a simple, elegant way. In the old days we had a button for everything, none of this shell program shit to access needed features and functions. My memory is full of so much shit! I don't need to fill it anymore. I want simplicity and elegance. Is that too much to ask from engineering? Needless complexity is stupid. Simpliciy is intelligent.

What part? I was in the 8-Mile/Telegraph and Livernois/Vernor areas.

I agree 1000% with what you are saying. I think unnecessary complexity really come in in the mid-00's -- 2006 or so. I don't follow car trends much, but that seems around the time. I agree with thanking them too. They said quality was #1 in the 80's -- but it was hollow. They were just saying it. How many Dodge Omni's or 80's to mid 90's era Ford Escorts do you still see on the road? I think one of the "Ah ha" moments is when Ford put Japanese transmissions in some of their Rangers and people started requesting it. They tried to figure out why the Japanese Trannys were better and saw that they had much closer tolerances.

To sum up, ever see the [I]Junkyard Wars show? One lesson I got from it, is that the simplest design usually won.

21st December 2018, 05:41 AM
Dodge Omni

What part? I was in the 8-Mile/Telegraph and Livernois/Vernor areas.

I agree 1000% with what you are saying. I think unnecessary complexity really come in in the mid-00's -- 2006 or so. I don't follow car trends much, but that seems around the time. I agree with thanking them too. They said quality was #1 in the 80's -- but it was hollow. They were just saying it. How many Dodge Omni's or 80's to mid 90's era Ford Escorts do you still see on the road? I think one of the "Ah ha" moments is when Ford put Japanese transmissions in some of their Rangers and people started requesting it. They tried to figure out why the Japanese Trannys were better and saw that they had much closer tolerances.

To sum up, ever see the [I]Junkyard Wars show? One lesson I got from it, is that the simplest design usually won.

Sounds like you were in the Sherwood Forest area of Detroit, or maybe by Southfield? I grew up in Clawson, then Troy and lived in Rochester as an adult but ran on some tough times after being laid off and lived down on 8 mile for awhile. Interesting times.

I had a 89 Ranger, IIRC, and it was a hell of a great beater. I used and abused it for years and it got great mileage. Had a little 2.3 and a manual tranny. I've never heard of 'Junkyard Wars', but I'll check it out.

I went to school in Canada for 9th grade, over in Windsor. Catholic boarding school. Assumption. Canada was a great place. I still get over there once in a while, but it has gone far downhill. I remember the stark contrast between Winsor and Detroit. A little jaunt over the ambassador bridge and it was like going from a third world country, full of garbage and decay, into a clean American city of the 1950's.

21st December 2018, 06:35 AM
I agree 1000% with what you are saying. I think unnecessary complexity really come in in the mid-00's -- 2006 or so.Remember "Honda, keep it simple"? They actually openly advocated simplicity for many years. Their cars were the best. Then..... about 28 years ago it stopped and they loaded Hondas up with stupid gadgetry. It made me wonder if there was a takeover.
Older Hondas were great cars that lasted forever and got amazing gas mileage. The old CRV's from the late 80's were in such high demand even 25 years later that people were restoring them to original and getting top dollar for them.

In general, Japanese car and truck quality peaked in about 1985. Many of them are still running daily.

21st December 2018, 06:39 AM
Remember "Honda, keep it simple"? They actually openly advocated simplicity for many years. Their cars were the best. Then..... about 28 years ago it stopped and they loaded Hondas up with stupid gadgetry. It made me wonder if there was a takeover.
Older Hondas were great cars that lasted forever and got amazing gas mileage. The old CRV's from the late 80's were in such high demand even 25 years later that people were restoring them to original and getting top dollar for them.

In general, Japanese car and truck quality peaked in about 1985. Many of them are still running daily.

They had to shut it down. Can't have the plebs getting the idea that quality is to be expected. The slogan could be, "Expect less quality and you will get it every time!"

21st December 2018, 04:08 PM
If cars were actually better now ,they wouldnt depreciate so fast. And if old wasnt better, they would stop gaining so much value. Imo, anything with a computer sucks, including the fone im on right now.

21st December 2018, 09:55 PM
I had a 89 Ranger, IIRC, and it was a hell of a great beater. I used and abused it for years and it got great mileage. Had a little 2.3 and a manual tranny.

I had an 89 Ranger too, same with the 2.3 and manual. I turned 21 in '94, and a buddy of mine and I drove the Ranger to Alaska, from California. We added a $100 dry rotted camper shell, and welded up a bumper out of a big ol I beam with screens to protect the front.

What a great little truck. Back then the Alcan had potholes the size of dinner tables, and we took the Casiar highway on the way back. That little truck took such a beating, but kept on going.

Those Rangers....never should have sold that truck.

midnight rambler
21st December 2018, 10:09 PM
Those Ranger pickups were made by Mazda, the very same truck Mazda sold with a Mazda badge.

22nd December 2018, 12:26 AM

Those Rangers....never should have sold that truck.

I feel the same way.

22nd December 2018, 02:53 AM
I remember the times when you could open a TV by just going to it and pressing the button of the channel you wanted to watch. Sometimes it even had something interesting to watch.

22nd December 2018, 11:38 AM
If cars were actually better now ,they wouldnt depreciate so fast. And if old wasnt better, they would stop gaining so much value. Imo, anything with a computer sucks, including the fone im on right now.

I disagree. A computer for engine management is the best way to go. You will get more power, and better fuel mileage than with a carb. Starts easier too. Once the computer gets to the point where it knows you have to have your foot on the brake in order to put it in "D" then it's too much.

22nd December 2018, 12:02 PM
I disagree. A computer for engine management is the best way to go. You will get more power, and better fuel mileage than with a carb. Starts easier too. Once the computer gets to the point where it knows you have to have your foot on the brake in order to put it in "D" then it's too much.Once it gets to the point that the computer knows when you're no longer paying interest to banksters.......they will have achieved their objective.

midnight rambler
22nd December 2018, 12:28 PM
Once the computer gets to the point where it knows you have to have your foot on the brake in order to put it in "D" then it's too much.

ALL Ford automobiles have been that way for decades now, ever since their automatic transmissions had a tendency to pop into reverse out of park over 40 years ago.


End Times
22nd December 2018, 01:58 PM
Once it gets to the point that the computer knows when you're no longer paying interest to banksters.......they will have achieved their objective.




22nd December 2018, 03:36 PM


https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2014/10/16/356693782/your-car-wont-start-did-you-make-the-loan-paymentThat's for the course of the loan. No doubt by now they are programmed to know when you have paid off the loan so they can make them fail and get you to buy another throw away car, financed by them.

22nd December 2018, 04:11 PM

Last week Mamboni posted here how much happier he is now after simplifying his life. He suggested it is women who make us acquire all the status shit we don't want or need...

I've been an extreme minimalist for over twenty years now.

:) hell, i still miss manual chokes!

23rd December 2018, 06:30 AM
hell, i still miss manual chokes!

Those were fun sometimes, but we have today is a service agreement that basically tells us to then leaves us choking ourself.

23rd December 2018, 06:40 AM
I flew a couple of times in the early 70's. The aircraft were huge and comfortable. Music in the arm of the chair and a movie screen up front IIRC. Now,flying is torture, the airports are shitholes of diversity and you must constantly monitor your departure gate because they are constantly changing. The planes are "Tiny Tubes of Torture", (Hey that's catchy) that make you long for the comfort of traffic jams and honking horns. Yup, definitely backwards as far as air travel.

23rd December 2018, 12:59 PM
the airports are shitholes of diversity

That's the clincher right there......

23rd December 2018, 03:27 PM
I flew a couple of times in the early 70's. The aircraft were huge and comfortable. Music in the arm of the chair and a movie screen up front IIRC. Now,flying is torture, the airports are shitholes of diversity and you must constantly monitor your departure gate because they are constantly changing. The planes are "Tiny Tubes of Torture", (Hey that's catchy) that make you long for the comfort of traffic jams and honking horns. Yup, definitely backwards as far as air travel.It's a lot worse than that. I remember flying in the sixties and seventies, the stewardesses were sweet, they treated you like a king. They fed us lobsters and steaks.
For many years I had ambitions of owning a summer cabin in Alasaka, but Homeland Security made me can that idea. Airports have gone backwards even more than the airlines themselves. They're total confusion. Last time I flew I had a connecting flight in Atlanta with 45 minutes between flights. It took me 44 minutes just to find the right gate because there was no map and I couldn't get accurate instructions where to find it.

23rd December 2018, 08:50 PM
It's a lot worse than that. I remember flying in the sixties and seventies, the stewardesses were sweet, they treated you like a king. They fed us lobsters and steaks.
For many years I had ambitions of owning a summer cabin in Alasaka, but Homeland Security made me can that idea. Airports have gone backwards even more than the airlines themselves. They're total confusion. Last time I flew I had a connecting flight in Atlanta with 45 minutes between flights. It took me 44 minutes just to find the right gate because there was no map and I couldn't get accurate instructions where to find it.

Yeah, I'm looking at getting my pilot's license and buy a cessna 172. I'm tired of opting out of the [cancer] "full body scan"

23rd December 2018, 09:49 PM
It's a lot worse than that. I remember flying in the sixties and seventies, the stewardesses were sweet, they treated you like a king. They fed us lobsters and steaks.
For many years I had ambitions of owning a summer cabin in Alasaka, but Homeland Security made me can that idea. Airports have gone backwards even more than the airlines themselves. They're total confusion. Last time I flew I had a connecting flight in Atlanta with 45 minutes between flights. It took me 44 minutes just to find the right gate because there was no map and I couldn't get accurate instructions where to find it.

My first airplane flight was to the Reno, Nevada airport in June 1958 on a Bonanza Airlines DC-3. Things have changed since those days.


24th December 2018, 05:03 AM
Yeah, I'm looking at getting my pilot's license and buy a cessna 172. I'm tired of opting out of the [cancer] "full body scan"Those are great sightseeing planes, I would love to have one. My guess is that in this day and age, owning a plane and having a private pilot's license is probably a bureaucratic nightmare.
If you do get one, stop by and we'll fly around Montana.

24th December 2018, 07:44 PM
If you do get one, stop by and we'll fly around Montana.

Done! If PM's "go to the moon" soon, It's be sooner than later. Went through your state on the way to Yellowstone. Really liked Glacier NP.

8th January 2019, 06:55 PM
As for complexity of products and difficulty in use by end users, much of that is due to lack of customer-centered design and testing. We here at GSUS are much smarter than the average bear, so the common problem, user error, isn't in play.


Like this.


8th January 2019, 08:25 PM
It's a lot worse than that. I remember flying in the sixties and seventies, the stewardesses were sweet, they treated you like a king. They fed us lobsters and steaks.
But it costed an arm and a leg to fly back then...

End Times
8th January 2019, 10:15 PM
But it costed an arm and a leg to fly back then...

You get what you pay for today. Sardine can seats, troublesome and/or smelly fellow passengers, shitty or even abusive service...

8th January 2019, 11:01 PM
You get what you pay for today. Sardine can seats, troublesome and/or smelly fellow passengers, shitty or even abusive service...

Sure, upgrade to first class, as pointed out in the article, it is still cheaper than what it costed to fly tourist class (or whatever it was called then) 40-50 years ago... of course it was a better class of passengers back then, most people couldn’t afford to fly, further people in general were brought up to be clean and well behaved from when they were children even if they were poor.

Another thing a young girl working as a hostess back then, would never get the idea that she was of superior worth of the ladies and gentlemen she served on the plane. At the most if she had ambitions, she may have hoped to be one of them as she grew older, something to aspire to, that could happen, if she worked hard and was of a pleasant composition in daily life...

How fast we have fallen...

9th January 2019, 02:46 AM
... of course it was a better class of passengers back then...How fast we have fallen...


9th January 2019, 03:04 AM

Hmmm how about airfares based on BMI and chimpout potential? There should be a premium on flying dangerous negroes across the sky...

28th January 2019, 02:51 PM
I think we've been going backwards since 08.

This is evident by not being able to find a level surface at anything less than 10years old.

29th January 2019, 12:48 AM
I think we've been going backwards since 08.

This is evident by not being able to find a level surface at anything less than 10years old.

You don’t think it has anything to do with smoking humongous amounts of dope the last 10 years then?

29th January 2019, 05:45 AM
Everything is square, but bowed not level :)