View Full Version : "(M)enstruation must be inclusive of all genders"

midnight rambler
16th December 2018, 04:59 PM
Science deniers. lol

The madness continues, unabated.


16th December 2018, 05:11 PM
Oy vey

16th December 2018, 05:57 PM
There's too many White People [or "folks" as BHO liked to say] in the picture. It needs to be darkened up.

End Times
16th December 2018, 06:16 PM
Not trying to be sacrilegious, but if God doesn't act soon, He owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology. :o

16th December 2018, 06:30 PM
Not trying to be sacrilegious, but if God doesn't act soon, He owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology. :o


Ever since GIM1, there has been talk about "the collapse". I thought it was imminent in 2011 when Au/Ag was starting to go through the roof. History repeats itself, we are in the stage in the 1930's. Me thinks the 2020's is going to be a rocky decade.

End Times
16th December 2018, 06:32 PM

Ever since GIM1, there has been talk about "the collapse". I thought it was imminent in 2011 when Au/Ag was starting to go through the roof. History repeats itself, we are in the stage in the 1930's. Me thinks the 2020's is going to be a rocky decade.

Jesus warned us that not even He knows the time of the End. But it is surely soon. It is unfathomable how society can continue on fundamentally much longer. I'm not talking economics. Basic sanity, a foundational trait even lower than "common sense," has been abandoned.

midnight rambler
16th December 2018, 07:02 PM
Me thinks the 2020's is going to be a rocky decade.

Yep, the (rip-)roaring '20s.

17th December 2018, 01:46 PM
Jesus warned us that not even He knows the time of the End. But it is surely soon. It is unfathomable how society can continue on fundamentally much longer. I'm not talking economics. Basic sanity, a foundational trait even lower than "common sense," has been abandoned.

Yeah, I'm not saying the 2020's are going to be "The End", but think there is going to be a collapse of some type and/or a Civil or World War. I also think this will be the time to finally throw off the Semitic yoke.

I also agree, that I don't know how much longer society can continue on. I was born in the 60's, and literally do not recognize the world we are living in any longer. I don't know how my parents do it...

I don't want to go on a Millennial rant, but I worry about who's going to be running the country in the upcoming decades. Within the last couple years I saw a Millennial co-worker come in to my work break area asking a friend how to turn on the stove.... This last Thanksgiving, my brother's in-laws 25 year old daughter did not know how to cut a pie.... and didn't want to learn. All being said, I've worked with some sharp, hard-working Millennials. But good-God, so many are clueless.

26th December 2018, 10:53 AM
Jesus warned us that not even He knows the time of the End. But it is surely soon. It is unfathomable how society can continue on fundamentally much longer. I'm not talking economics. Basic sanity, a foundational trait even lower than "common sense," has been abandoned.

I think automation somehow has given us some extra time to be completely insane, most people’s employment has no impact whatsoever on material output. Which used to be the earlier checks and balances. Previously when people en masses became insane production stopped and people starved and common sense returned. Of course eventually with enough insanity production will be sufficiently affected to create starvation, but probably this time around people may be insane enough not to realize the connection!

End Times
26th December 2018, 01:46 PM
I think automation somehow has given us some extra time to be completely insane, most people’s employment has no impact whatsoever on material output. Which used to be the earlier checks and balances. Previously when people en masses became insane production stopped and people starved and common sense returned. Of course eventually with enough insanity production will be sufficiently affected to create starvation, but probably this time around people may be insane enough not to realize the connection!

Interesting theory! Probably true. Parallels some points on Dr. Kaczynski's positions.

27th December 2018, 02:03 AM
Interesting theory! Probably true. Parallels some points on Dr. Kaczynski's positions.

Yes it probably have some element of truth in it. It was just something that came to my mind yesterday.