View Full Version : One utuber's very interesting take on what Laura showed Jeb at the funeral

midnight rambler
22nd December 2018, 09:10 PM
6:30 video


22nd December 2018, 09:57 PM
Pure speculation, no? Bush might have told Laura that he sharted and needed to get to a bathroom. What makes this video analyst think something big related to 9-11 went down?

23rd December 2018, 06:09 AM
Why should W be next? The only reason to take out an EX president is if they were afraid he was going to spill the beans about something. W has kept such a low profile since he left office that I don't think that's a likely possibility.

23rd December 2018, 07:04 AM
W. probably found out the daddy left his inheritance to the church of England and was making the others aware.

Stop Making Cents
23rd December 2018, 08:15 AM
The horrified look on Jeb's face is b/c Laura showed him a Michael Obama nude pic.

23rd December 2018, 04:53 PM
Yes, Those Were Indictments Served At Bush Funeral...and he asserts that Joe Biden is a rabid pedophile (wouldn't surprise me)
(at least according to this video narrator - caveat emptor)


23rd December 2018, 08:24 PM
Yes, Those Were Indictments Served At Bush Funeral

...and he asserts that Joe Biden is a rabid pedophile (wouldn't surprise me)
(at least according to this video narrator - caveat emptor)


I don't have a spare hour to watch the video but "Creepy Joe" is definitely a pedophile. Just google 'Creepy Joe Biden' and you will come across enough video evidence to convince yourself that he is a pedophile to the max.

End Times
23rd December 2018, 09:06 PM
Yes, Those Were Indictments Served At Bush Funeral...and he asserts that Joe Biden is a rabid pedophile (wouldn't surprise me)
(at least according to this video narrator - caveat emptor)


Trump wouldn't last this month if he dared act in such independent manner. He'd take a ride through Dealey Plaza.

As for Creepy Uncle Joe, yeah...

24th December 2018, 12:40 PM
Yes, Those Were Indictments Served At Bush Funeral

...and he asserts that Joe Biden is a rabid pedophile (wouldn't surprise me)
(at least according to this video narrator - caveat emptor)


This was posted on Sui Juris Forum. http://www.suijurisforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=7069

Fellow Americans,

Their Election Fraud scheme in Georgia and Arizona has finally fully fallen apart, with multiple bad actors indicted for official treason. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is on the run from the military and is finally about to be sent to Guantanamo Bay, as it appears Wasserman Schultz is the ringleader for a large-scale election fraud ring who overthrew multiple state elections in the 2018 mid-terms on behalf of the CLINTON FOUNDATION. John Podesta has kept especially busy covering their tracks.

If it was not for Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her subversive agents such as Adrian Fontes in Arizona; Imran Awan of Pakistan, as well as Mark (A) Henderson in Georgia -- at least six separate elections in the United States turn out very differently and we now have proof of how Democrats/never Trumpers stole at least ten house seats in the illegitimate congress. It occurs as no surprise that every single agent of Debbie W. Schultz and Charles Schumer have clear overt ties to the CLINTON FOUNDATION (and Diebold) which means there is a deliberate circling of the wagons going on with the crooks in Congress.

https://www.docdroid.net/FmWOUZk/sb2-ma ... sion-1.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/FmWOUZk/sb2-mark-henderson-state-democrats-georgia-election-subversion-1.pdf)
https://www.docdroid.net/Lzhhoz0/aba-ex ... ract-a.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/Lzhhoz0/aba-executives-lien-abstract-a.pdf)

https://www.docdroid.net/9TfgJJZ/arizon ... fontes.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/9TfgJJZ/arizona-gop-vote-fontes.pdf)
https://www.docdroid.net/8ngyveh/sb1-ad ... ersion.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/8ngyveh/sb1-adrian-fontes-election-fraud-subversion.pdf)
https://www.docdroid.net/vMoNpos/browar ... lots-b.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/vMoNpos/broward-elections-supervisor-illegally-destroyed-ballots-b.pdf)

The fraud was so bad and openly obvious, we wouldn't be surprised if special elections are suddenly called. New elections should be enacted immediately nationwide (but may be delayed), and the administration seems intent on just that. Multiple officials are to be recalled and we will see new elections in many states, from Missisissippi, to Georgia to Florida.

Arizona has likewise been exposed as the most corrupt state in the nation, for more than one hundred years AZ has become a cess pool of human trafficking and sedition. We can only guess as to why that is, given those orders that were signed for John McCain's execution.

https://www.docdroid.net/PgQ5tBY/writof ... anto-3.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/PgQ5tBY/writofquowarranto-3.pdf)
https://www.docdroid.net/XLFFpRw/rx2-de ... ition1.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/XLFFpRw/rx2-debbie-wasserman-schultz-indictment-election-subversion-sedition1.pdf)
https://www.docdroid.net/vMoNpos/browar ... lots-b.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/vMoNpos/broward-elections-supervisor-illegally-destroyed-ballots-b.pdf)

Arizona's criminal reach into the California elections is also likewise being probed for the first time. Adrian Fontes, agent of Debbie W. Schultz the Clinton stooge has ties to the corrupt traitor Jerry Brown who is out of money and may finally start to reap the harvest. All the election results in Arizona need to be canceled not just Sinema, but pretty much every last election in that state.

But the tables are turning on the CLINTON FOUNDATION's treason as well, this time. George H.W. Bush, otherwise known as the real Well Manicured Man was formally executed on November 30th by tribunal which means his money is gone and can no longer protect the Clinton Foundation and Johnny "Skippy" Podesta.

I brought your worthless keyster down, Bush. You may find out one day I signed the personal order that permanently ended your reign of terror. You are done Bush, you and George Pell are finally finished!!

https://throughthelookingglassnews.word ... lack-pope/ (https://throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2017/12/01/2nd-in-command-of-the-vatican-deputy-pope-george-pell-on-trial-in-australia-for-trafficking-100-boys-used-to-entrap-and-blackmail-priests-for-the-black-pope/)
https://www.breitbart.com/faith/2018/12 ... ual-abuse/ (https://www.breitbart.com/faith/2018/12/12/australian-court-finds-cardinal-pell-guilty-of-sexual-abuse/)

With the demise of George Bush and George Pell, so goes the entire Bermuda Triangle black-op project that was being financed by John McCain personally. George Pell will never escape military prison ever again, his time protecting theCLINTON FOUNDATION is over.

All of George Pell's friends including the executives of Goldman Sachs and Harvey Weinstein have been seized and many executed to include John Major. With us pulling the final curtain on John McCain, George Bush, George Pell and finally traitor George Soros ..... the cabal's agents should now be in abject terror know that we can seize everything they own at any time and easily finish them.

We can get to you now, you sons of guns!!!!! You are all going down.
https://www.dailycrusader.com/2018/11/d ... s-related/ (https://www.dailycrusader.com/2018/11/doj-indictments-seem-to-lead-back-to-las-vegas-shootings-pizzagate-events-related/)
https://gumshoenews.com/2018/12/07/worl ... -tribunal/ (https://gumshoenews.com/2018/12/07/world-first-george-h-w-bush-executed-by-military-tribunal/)
https://www.docdroid.net/KeOdBQO/hv4-in ... icking.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/KeOdBQO/hv4-indictment-george-herbert-walker-bush-gold-laundering-human-trafficking.pdf)

State Militias in Arizona, Colorado, Michigan received all documents:

Arizona Outpost 7 Militia: 1 (623)-972-2211 (tel:1 (623)-972-2211)
Colorado Rolling Hills Legion: 1 (303)-366-7618 (tel:1 (303)-366-7618)
Georgia Mountain Hills Training and Militia: 1 (912)-767-5566 (tel:1 (912)-767-5566)
Ohio First National Mountain Reserve Militia: 1 (614)-336-6475 (tel:1 (614)-336-6475)
Pennsylvania Black Desert Militia Legion: 1 (717)-975-2836 (tel:1 (717)-975-2836)
New Mexico Eastern Regional Militia: 1 (505)-487-9634 (tel:1 (505)-487-9634)
U.S. American Marshals Central Office: 1 (202) 307-5040 (tel:(202) 307-5040)

Any patriots who have similar evidence of election related crimes, should likewise contact the above militia watchmen. Warrants and other documents should be delivered in any order deemed most fit.

The second reason to fully suspect, that the tables may have finally turned on the CLINTON FOUNDATION is that I have personally brought down Mossack Fonseca and the executives of Mossack Fonseca have been indicted in national court and are about to be seized by the american national guard.

https://www.docdroid.net/18d5Uda/ramses ... ctment.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/18d5Uda/ramses-owens-indictment.pdf)
https://www.dailycrusader.com/2018/12/f ... aundering/ (https://www.dailycrusader.com/2018/12/first-doj-indictments-unsealed-clinton-foundation-connected-bank-mossack-fonseca-tied-to-money-laundering/)

That is correct, Mossack Fonseca has been indicted and finally imprisoned in a military prison cell. The chief company behind the Panama Papers is now about to be liquidated!!
https://www.courthousenews.com/Giant-Da ... an-Uproar/ (https://www.courthousenews.com/Giant-Data-Leak-HasEurope-in-an-Uproar/)

Mossack Fonseca, John Skippy Podesta's chief funding company in New York is now history. Mossack Fonseca is likewise the chief co-conspiring financial funding arm for the global CLINTON FOUNDATION and Frank Giustra'sprivate attorneys.

Worldwide, Mossack Fonseca is Hillary Clinton - HRC's - Main financier and fundraiser!! Without Fonseca and their agreement with Goldman Sachs, the Clinton Foundation doesn't even exist.

They're about to be dragged into national court, and before the tribunals. You thought you had won.

You are done, John Podesta!!! You figured that the tracks had been covered and everyone had been whacked yet you figured wrong. Charles Vroom is very much alive and so is this writer.

The only thing you succeeded in taking out was my "LEGAL NAME" - but I've not had any legal name or need for one for some time. You should have known that, you cannot ever even get close to beating the real mulder for the evidence on all of you is exposed.

If I'm long gone, then how am I - and how are we amazingly running around issuing the orders for the militias to round all your a$$es up? How is Vroom able to sign the orders for your imprisonment?

Mossack Fonseca has been brought to its knees and is about to go under.....
With the final downfall of Fonseca, you better be ready Podesta since your day in court is next!

JOHN PODESTA aka, the pedophile killer who has allegedly ate a hundred plus children!
https://www.courthousenews.com/us-charg ... ers-probe/ (https://www.courthousenews.com/us-charges-four-for-tax-dodges-in-panama-papers-probe/)
https://www.dailycrusader.com/2018/11/i ... t-a-drill/ (https://www.dailycrusader.com/2018/11/indictments-expose-pizzagate-cabal-about-to-be-rounded-up-not-a-drill/)
https://www.dailycrusader.com/2018/11/d ... s-related/ (https://www.dailycrusader.com/2018/11/doj-indictments-seem-to-lead-back-to-las-vegas-shootings-pizzagate-events-related/)

I know all about the Panama project too that sold the aborted dead baby parts in the arctic. The Antarctica project, which is sick beyond belief has finally been exposed.

You see folks, in every official sense of the word.....my father was the Cancer Man in real life. Now that Bush, Spacey and George Pell are history I can elaborate on the greatest treason.

The man known only as S.C.D. as they infamously call him is the Cancer Man, and he very unshockingly resided in Phoenix, Arizona his whole life with a safe house in New Mexico. S.C.D. was also the head of the Arizona mafia the most ruthless mafia in world history. He also orchestrated the most violent abductions ever seen since America's origins, if you look up the movie "The Phoenix Incident" you'll see quite a great documentary about who this man is. They abducted all of those people and the dogs, and they tortured the dogs as well as the cows. (Brief memories about it.)

You see, while Bush, Clinton and Pell trafficked all the drugs and had a multi-billion dollar drug deal constantly going on the side......S.C.D. openly traded in something far more evil (frozen bodies).

He traded in aborted body parts, actual human fetuses which were fused together to create genetic hybrids. He did this for a living and this is how he made much of his money for more than seventy years. This isn't a joke by the way, so if any of you every questioned whether the X-Files was real or not what I'm about to tell and expose to you will erase all doubts......The X-Files are a hundred percent real.

S.D. in fact had a multi-billion dollar industry in his day, that stretched towards the trillion designed to create some type of cross-human/alien like hybrid to take over the Department of Defense and then the world using European Royalty based military. He wanted to take over everything.

Most will never understand why anyone would defend him as pretty much everyone despised him, yet he was for no small part my father. And a long time ago in an era I barely remember, I defeated him in a wrestling match where I was twenty points behind.

Of course, Cancer Man (as he's famously known) also defeated me. But what I remembered most of all is how I enjoyed our time together, and despite him being most likely the most evil schmuck out there I had to accept that. Now that Pope Francis is being ousted you're going to find out about him. As that also means he deliberately worked to colonize the world we live in with malevolent beings and in order to prove how he was ripped off by his foes, with the gold stolen from his hands.

He claims to this day how many malevolent people, including Hinckley, an Ambassador to the United Nations and several U.K. officials stole his Gold mine which is owned by Barrick Gold and still he stated it was done to destroy him. Of course, all these names may have been on the title deed for the Gold mine but that doesn't change any facts where he used it as a scapegoat to destroy his enemies. In fact even if the Cancer Man's claim is true that means his uncle is ultimately to blame which makes them the most evil schmucks of all.

He was using the Gold mine to launder gold pendants everywhere in the world in a literal sense, and in addition to that the aborted body parts for his disgusting projects. And I also have to accept the fact that I must stop him, because after all S.C.D. as he calls himself is pure evil. Apparently, he was much more evil than I anticipated since with every bit of money he had he employed Mossack Fonseca as a useless 3rd rate stooge to run a number of their largest projects in Antarctica to actually mutate and change black oil into something else which is much more nefarious and vile in nature...

And folks this is real, look up the black oil projects of British Petroleum where BP deliberately destroyed the entire oil rig in the gulf of Mexico. The projects by these freaks are no joke, they are actually even more despicable in real life and include this man's intent to in fact forcefully take over the entire Bermuda Triangle.
https://www.courthousenews.com/us-charg ... ers-probe/ (https://www.courthousenews.com/us-charges-four-for-tax-dodges-in-panama-papers-probe/)
https://articles.mercola.com/sites/arti ... rench.aspx (https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/06/12/plans-to-clean-up-the-oil-spill--dolphins-with-mops-aquaman-or-blame-the-french.aspx)

Yes, if you do not believe in the Antarctica project I'm here to unfortunately expose the truth. The whole thing is real, and the Smoking Man really did create a giant human embryo trafficking ring across the entire Antarctica continent. And yes, a man who is literally as evil as the Smoking Man does in fact exist, and existed in America!!!!

Oh yes it's very real. In fact, Antarctica for years has been the second most evil place behind Arizona. And you probably will wish to know this as well, "The X-Files" movie was officially financed by him. Some of it was even allegedly written outright including the script.

I am disclosing all this because shortly enough I will be forced to join an action in court, which will go after all of S.C.D's public assets including vile experiments conducted by U.S. DAVIS COMPANIES and other divisions which are deliberately tied to the embryo theft mutation operations and supersoldiers. This will include seizing S.C.D's assets inBARRICK GOLD, that is no mistake.

Now that Cancer Man is stuck in limbo, I'm forced to go after their assets. The experiments on the Black Oil will be exposed in national court. The only things that won't be revealed will be the Cigarette Man's physical address in Phoenix, Arizona and other private details like that which will not ever be disclosed and are for many reasons not the business of the prying public.

Another great movie exposing this man's nefarious schemes is White Bird in a Blizzard,(the main villain is typical of CSM's minion) and the recently released horror film......"The Rizen." This film actually took place during The Queen's take over of the torture rooms in 1944 during the precise time H.W. Bush was getting paid to run it.
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=200f9eefa7&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-f:1619806250114048139&th=167ab533cf01608b&view=fimg&sz=s0-l75-ft&attbid=ANGjdJ9kfTRjv5vnUqoXR_uJrI4E138WWYR7xAlFVe_ 2nq6icyi_lFdV1iU89hGfhav47d7QZDEfAgJ6S1N719NTPKaz3 pl3Ql2NCrsq5nDrlBZ6_POc7PPbpQvDAGk&disp=emb

In that movie, an underground military lab tied to H.W. Bush and Peter Bottomley is openly featured and the Cigarette man is mentioned multiple times as being the chief overseer (Will you please give me a Cigarette? the most infamous line) by the prison guards there of most of Michael Aquino's murders in the Barnum Bailey Circus. (Bush is referenced).God Save The Queen....(Cross-dresser Michael Aquino is going to be brought before the tribunal.)

The CSM was born and raised right outside Ruby, Arizona supposedly, that's what legends claim..

Further indictments against Bush and McCain will be coming soon, that will expose everything of how they deliberately shot JFK in open court. They will also expose Cancer Man's orchestration of the killing..and his Arizona Mafia's role in helping Kevin Spacey and the nazis to hide it.

Spacey has flipped on Peter Bottomley, the U.K. Premier who aided S.D. in Ruby Arizona...
https://www.docdroid.net/580xcXx/thomas ... idence.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/580xcXx/thomas-geoffrey-fowler-spacey-hard-evidence.pdf)
https://www.docdroid.net/Zmg9jDL/eviden ... filing.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/Zmg9jDL/evidence-spacey-c-170-filing.pdf)
https://www.docdroid.net/ZEIpY62/eviden ... 6-file.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/ZEIpY62/evidence-bush-c-186-file.pdf)
https://www.docdroid.net/aX8Q1JE/hw-bus ... ence-a.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/aX8Q1JE/hw-bush-hard-evidence-a.pdf)
https://www.docdroid.net/D7IwVpD/hw-bus ... iles-d.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/D7IwVpD/hw-bush-hard-evidence-pedo-files-d.pdf)
https://www.docdroid.net/cNRVYND/hw-bus ... ence-b.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/cNRVYND/hw-bush-hard-evidence-b.pdf)
https://www.docdroid.net/Kw2s1Kh/soros- ... 2-2016.pdf (https://www.docdroid.net/Kw2s1Kh/soros-hillary-s-diabolical-ties-to-russia-americans-for-innvation-aug-12-2016.pdf)

A Famous quote you can take to the bank. It was their moniker. Whenever the Cancer Man would make a phone call, it always went like this:

"Hello Judge Danvers. This is S.C.D. calling you. Do you have any news for me regarding the change of name on my Gold mines?"

"Hello Sir Bottomley. This is S.C.D. calling you right now. Do you have any updates for me regarding the change of name on my Gold mines?" [S.C.D. knew Peter Bottomley and other Royals very well, they were minions.]

So John Podesta, aka "THE BUTCHER" you should expect to go down soon as your law firm just got closed down. You are next on the target list, and I promise Podesta I will bring you down!
We are coming for you "Skippy" and we will not ever forget what you did!
https://conservativedailypost.com/crimi ... oundation/ (https://conservativedailypost.com/criminal-scheme-arrests-linked-to-podesta-clinton-foundation/)
http://www.investmentwatchblog.com/just ... x-evasion/ (http://www.investmentwatchblog.com/justice-gov-an-attorney-with-a-panama-law-firm-which-listed-podesta-as-a-board-member-was-just-indicted-for-money-laundering-and-tax-evasion/)
https://www.wnd.com/2016/10/hillary-cam ... aundering/ (https://www.wnd.com/2016/10/hillary-campaign-chief-tied-to-russian-money-laundering/)

I'm coming for all the Cancer Man's assets. I know what he did, I know how he personally had Paul Walker's car wired to explode due to the evidence Walker uncovered on S.D's project. I know what you punks did Cancer Man, and you are absolutely through for that.

The three pronged collapse of Rome. First goes McCain, then goes Bush, and then finally - HRC falls. The end of the Clinton Foundation is coming!

Goodbye Mossack Fonseca!!
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=200f9eefa7&attid=0.2&permmsgid=msg-f:1619806250114048139&th=167ab533cf01608b&view=fimg&sz=s0-l75-ft&attbid=ANGjdJ-4VXgVy8aJtDINztwskijujvnVRuy6hzA05HRp7h1M2gsVziFpR cmXRiv1gLAZ4oiG8SEudTbHsizeMZZSa-9YwWdyBTUPsPFcR0LGCGIdRRiDX90lTPi_BTU&disp=emb
https://www.shiftfrequency.com/first-do ... -unsealed/ (https://www.shiftfrequency.com/first-doj-indictments-unsealed/)

{And perhaps at that point JFK Jr will enter the main stage...Everyone saying Q-Anon claimed JFK Jr is dead, ever hear of disinformation? No more comment....Just look at the video.


JFK Jr is gone why is there a Santa Claus with his face running around? And why is Carolyn Kennedy's exact face running around as Ms. Claus? Things that make you go "hmmm" or the only thing gone is John John's original identity...}

Legal Advisor Wanda, be sure to spread this across the entire internet. Final tribunal preparations are now beginning. You are requested to forward this communication absolutely everywhere nationwide as the truth must come out. Remember, be prepared is the most important motto.

Until next time, "The Truth is Out There." (And In Here)
Watch your flank as things just got very real.

Jay Lowe

24th December 2018, 01:11 PM
didn't watch but a minute of the OP vid-- I'm a little familiar with vlogger "David Zublick", enough to know he's a money grubbing click-baiter... as with his vid/title re this theory.

the "indictments served at GHWB's funeral" theory caught thermals in Q-istan (https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/) quickly after the event. There's also video of Killery & Michael O'Bummer getting/opening similar little envelopes at the funeral, but not reacting as notably as JEB! when shown by Laura. Bottom line is, we don't know what if anything serious was in the envelopes. Plus, the Laura/JEB! clip wasn't apparently inside their program, & it's speculated that it was handed to Laura by an SS agent nearby.

Carter didn't get one! this vid shows killery (3-4x) finding hers, prompting Carter to poke around in his program, & not finding.

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/l2ub8bSAfr4/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEjCNACELwBSFryq4qpAxUIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJ DeAE=&rs=AOn4CLCzmlFmHvB2dzwayeRwW_3Ry3Fv7Q 1:55
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2ub8bSAfr4) The Strange Hidden Envelope that Hillary Clinton Received at Bush funeral (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2ub8bSAfr4)
NEWS TODAY (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS72Ze1uL4f6MeCaFdopyKg)
2 weeks ago
The strange hidden envelope that Hillary Clinton received at Bush funeral, After Hillary Clinton opened her program brochure ...

Jan 1 an EO takes effect allowing mil tribunals for... "domestic terrorists" IIRC. Gitmo has been expanded. Many "hope-porn" theories re what's imminent for our favorite satanists.

5th May 2021, 08:55 PM
Hillary Hanged? Make of what you will. From David Zublick who I don't have a lot of faith in. I think it is bullsh!t.


Rumble (https://rumble.com/) — This is a report from Dark Outpost of a detailed description of Hillary Clinton’s hanging and it’s quite disturbing!

Your support is greatly appreciated. Here is my PayPal link:

Thank you so much!

Dark Outpost link:

I will generally show sources embedded within videos but here is a general list of common sources I use:
(Q) The Storm Rider Twitter

Project Camelot

Ghost Ezra



Bitchute: The Charlie Ward Show, Simon Parkes, Robert David Steele, Kirsten W, The Mel K Show, McAllister TV

Nicholas Veniman

Sean Stone

Rumble: Charlie Freak, Blessed2Teach

Youtube: Ark of Grace, Reveal Report, Steve Motley, XtremeRealityCheck

Michael Jaco, SGTREPORT, X22Report

Websites: Blessed2Teach, DarkOutpostTV, RumorMillNews, BeforeIts News, Judy Byington, The Gateway Pundit, Fox News, William Mount

Do you want to get saved? Here is a great link with an explanation and prayer:

Video link with info on refusing vaccine:

Link to Jordan Sather’s blog about MMS with embedded link to a store:

Blessed2Teach (BACKSTAGE) link with Gene’s health protocols (this site requires you subscribe to access all health documents & past videos; WELL WORTH IT):

Please see my disclaimers in opening credits of every video .

6th May 2021, 05:10 AM
^ Good story and I'd like to believe it but I don't. If it were true I think Trump would be in line for the same treatment for crimes against humanity for promoting his warp speed murder injection. How many innocents have already died and how many more will die because of the injections he's so proud of bringing to the people of this nation?

6th May 2021, 09:32 AM
^ Good story and I'd like to believe it but I don't. If it were true I think Trump would be in line for the same treatment for crimes against humanity for promoting his warp speed murder injection. How many innocents have already died and how many more will die because of the injections he's so proud of bringing to the people of this nation?

Yeah, I don't believe it either.

Apparently, according to Tucker's recent segment, about 30 people a day are dying from the vaccine (link post on the Trump Use Military for vax). But that's data from VAERS, and we know the data there only represents 1% of the damage (according to Harvard study).

Sad to see how they flipped Trump on the vaccines--he started out in 2016 talking about the autism/vax connection, never got a flu shot, and wanted RFK to chair a vaccine safety commission, and now he's boasting about his role in bringing the genocidal bioweapon injection to the American people.

Oh, and I saw the other day in comments at Conservativetreehouse, there was a commenter who was basically attacking the anti-vaxxers at the site for not supporting Trump's accomplishment--this moron actually said he trusts Trump and if Trump says the vax are safe, then that's good enough for him, so he went and got it.

6th May 2021, 10:35 AM
Yeah, I don't believe it either.

Sad to see how they flipped Trump on the vaccines--he started out in 2016 talking about the autism/vax connection, never got a flu shot, and wanted RFK to chair a vaccine safety commission, and now he's boasting about his role in bringing the genocidal bioweapon injection to the American people.

This woman, Leslie Manookian tells about her experience in dealing with CEOs CFOs etc. in the corporate world, how it is all about $$$ regardless if it kills and the billions big pharma spends to train and control the media etc. in this segment of a 4+ hour long live streamed conference
