Re: The Globalists = British
Communism is a red herring.
German and European success is a white issue, a white cause, the white goal. British conservatives (globalists) have sought for nearly 500 years to keep down continental rivals using wars, conflicts, crisis and chaos.
Jews are the tools of destruction as are the niggers. To destroy rivals and foes and provide phony victimhood for British and American dominance.
This Soros era is the era of phony victimhood, the same with the holocaust, to have the end goal of British and American dominance of the globe, as the Jews got the dominance of Palestine from the holohoax. Don't focus on the historical thieving and sinister Jew, focus on the holohoax, give the Jews Palestine. This era of phony victimhood led by Trump, Putin and Alex Jones, with the globalist endgame into never destroying the British Monarchy and secret societies, never giving continental Europe and Europeans their riches stolen and success returned, "the British and Americans are victims of Soros and get to dominate the globe because of the phony victimhood".
Re: The Globalists = British
"A globe is often solid, a sphere often hollow. The secondary senses of globe are physical; those of sphere are moral." [Century Dictionary].
A global-ist believes in physical things. A sphere-ist believes in moral things. A flat earther believes in five senses.