The War on Drugs was used by Nixon against Democratic opponents
"You want to know what this was really all about?" Ehrlichman asked, referring to the war on drugs.
"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news."
"Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did," he concluded, according to Baum.
Re: The War on Drugs was used by Nixon against Democratic opponents
The same fooling of the public in making the support of the American Empire to be populism is the same fooling of the public to have Republicans lead the popular movements that should be targeted at the Republican establishment themselves.
The corporations replaced natural medicine with Rockefeller Republican and Big Business Republican medicine of Wall Street and profits.
watch here:
The flower children leftist enemies of Republican Nixon and enemies of Republican Big Business were into nature, not artificial science. Were opposed to the Republican Wall Street Corporations poisoning the food and water.
In the 1980s, the policies of the Reagan Administration emphasized economic growth, rolling back many of the environmental policies adopted in response to Rachel Carson (author of the book Silent Spring) and her work.
Opposition to the George HW Bush and Republican GMOs was from the Green Left. Conservatives did not care.
AIDS was from vaccines, and the Leftist Anti-war Rolling Stone of the hippies wanted to run an article on this topic of vaccines behind the AIDS epidemic, and it was axed by Jews and the Republican corporate medical industry.
The medical industry and pharmaceutical industry were Republican institutions against anti-government and anti-wall street natural remedies.
The Left owned the issue when it was kept down. And now the cia promote natural cures to their supporters. And the Democratic henchmen of Fauci and Gates promote poison to their supporters.
Re: The War on Drugs was used by Nixon against Democratic opponents
When the goyim know, the Jews shut it down. There is an increasing number of persons into natural remedies that don't trust Republican medicine. Then the controlled opposition Democrats that exist to keep the old system operating were given the double task to take the blame of modern medicine and be the last to support poison science, thus ruining their chances at winning elections as more are told by the cia agents, such as Alex Jones, about the poison industry. Also it is racially targeted against negros and minorities now. Minority Democrats are told to get the clot shot. The cia Republicans warn their base to not get the clot shot.
The Corporate Republicans are shutting down the poison medical industry after a century of hundreds of millions of murders by the Republicans and getting their base to reject the poison, leaving the genocide to happen to Democrats that hate corporations. George Bush is smiling.
Re: The War on Drugs was used by Nixon against Democratic opponents
I knew this whole agenda in one instance when I wrote on May 19th 2024:
Re: The War on Drugs was used by Nixon against Democratic opponents
The same is true for the "defend the Blue"/"Law and Order" War on Drugs:
It is the Republican Rockefeller, Republican Police, Republican Wall Street, Republican Law and Order, Republican Big Business base that are for murdering and raping in prison those that make use of nature. Those that smoke a joint.
A Republican move to have free marijuana is as phony as Republicans being the leaders against the poison industry, the same poison industry Republicans led for the past 100 years.
Re: The War on Drugs was used by Nixon against Democratic opponents
If this does not prove the deep state is Republican, then you missed the whole course of American history.
Re: The War on Drugs was used by Nixon against Democratic opponents
Not only Jews recently saying this about Nixon, this is common knowledge:
Watch until 36:00 (4 minutes)