The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed
- Are The Federal Reserve’s Crimes Too Big To Comprehend?
By David DeGraw
What if the greatest scam ever perpetrated was blatantly exposed, and the US media didn’t cover it?
Does that mean the scam could keep going? That’s what we are about to find out...
I’ve written many reports detailing the crimes of Wall Street during this crisis.
The level of fraud, from top to bottom, has been staggering.
The lack of accountability and the complete disregard for the rule of law have made me
and many of my colleagues extremely cynical and jaded when it comes to new evidence
to pile on top of the mountain that we have already gathered.
But we must not let our cynicism cloud our vision on the details within this new information.
Just when I thought the banksters couldn’t possibly shock me anymore… they did.
We were finally granted the honor and privilege of finding out the specifics, a limited one-time Federal Reserve view,
of a secret taxpayer funded “backdoor bailout” by a small group of unelected bankers.
This data release reveals “emergency lending programs” that doled out $12.3 TRILLION in taxpayer money
- $3.3 trillion in liquidity, $9 trillion in “other financial arrangements.”
Wait, what? Did you say $12.3 TRILLION tax dollars were thrown around in secrecy by unelected bankers…
and Congress didn’t know any of the details?
The Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves.
The original copy of the Constitution spontaneously burst into flames.
The ghost of Tom Paine went running, stark raving mad screaming through the halls of Congress.
The Federal Reserve was secretly throwing around our money in unprecedented fashion,
and it wasn’t just to the usual suspects like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Bank of America, etc.;
it was to the entire Global Banking Cartel.
To central banks throughout the world:
Australia, Denmark, Japan, Mexico, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, England…
To the Fed’s foreign primary dealers like Credit Suisse (Switzerland), Deutsche Bank (Germany),
Royal Bank of Scotland (U.K.), Barclays (U.K.), BNP Paribas (France)…
All their Ponzi players were “gifted.” All the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations got their cut.
Talk about the ransacking and burning of Rome! Sayonara American middle class…
If you still had any question as to whether or not the United States is now the world’s preeminent banana republic,
the final verdict was just delivered and the decision was unanimous.
The ayes have it.
Any fairytale notions that we are living in a nation built on the rule of law and of the global economy
being based on free market principles has now been exposed as just that, a fairytale.
This moment is equivalent to everyone in Vatican City being told, by the Pope, that God is dead.
I’ve been arguing for years that the market is rigged and that the major Wall Street firms
are elaborate Ponzi schemes, as have many other people who built their beliefs on rational thought,
reasoned logic and evidence. We already came to this conclusion by doing the research and connecting the dots.
But now, even our strongest skeptics and the most ardent Wall Street supporters
have it all laid out in front of them, on FEDERAL RESERVE SPREADSHEETS.
Even the Financial Times, which named Lloyd Blankfein its 2009 person of the year, reacted by reporting this:
“The initial reactions were shock at the breadth of lending, particularly to foreign firms.
But the details paint a bleaker and even more disturbing picture.”
Yes, the emperor doesn’t have any clothes. God is, indeed, dead.
But, for the moment at least, the illusion continues to hold power. How is this possible?
To start with, as always, the US television “news” media (propaganda) networks just glossed over the whole thing - nothing to see here,
just move along, back after a message from our sponsors…
Other than that obvious reason, I’ve come to the realization that the Federal Reserve’s crimes are so big,
so huge in scale, it is very hard for people to even wrap their head around it and comprehend what has happened here.
Think about it.
In just this one peek we got at its operations, we learned that the Fed doled out $12.3 trillion in near-zero interest loans,
without Congressional input.
The audacity and absurdity of it all is mind boggling…
Based on many conversations I’ve had with people, it seems that the average person doesn’t comprehend
how much a trillion dollars is, let alone 12.3 trillion. You might as well just say 12.3 gazillion,
because people don’t grasp a number that large, nor do they understand what would be possible
if that money was used in other ways.
Can you imagine what we could do to restructure society with $12.3 trillion? Think about that…
People also can’t grasp the colossal crime committed because they keep hearing the word “loans.”
People think of the loans they get. You borrow money, you pay it back with interest, no big deal.
That’s not what happened here.
The Fed doled out $12.3 trillion in near-zero interest loans, using the American people as collateral,
demanding nothing in return, other than a bunch of toxic assets in some cases.
They only gave this money to a select group of insiders, at a time when very few had any money
because all these same insiders and speculators crashed the system.
Do you get that?
The very people most responsible for crashing the system, were then rewarded with trillions of our dollars.
This gave that select group of insiders unlimited power to seize control of assets
and have unprecedented leverage over almost everything within their economies - crony capitalism on steroids.
This was a hostile world takeover orchestrated through economic attacks
by a very small group of unelected global bankers.
They paralyzed the system, then were given the power to recreate it according to their own desires.
No free market, no democracy of any kind. All done in secrecy.
In the process, they gave themselves all-time record-breaking bonuses and impoverished tens of millions of people
- they have put into motion a system that will inevitably collapse again and utterly destroy the very existence of what is left of an economic middle class.
That is not hyperbole. That is what happened.
Much more:
What Book said,
Very good read. I'm going to convert it to a PDF encase the blog get's it's domain name seized by the for whatever.
Wait, no one else is getting up? :conf: