Hint:. Always leave a debt owed to the IRS. If you would like someone to not stop looking for you when you vanish this agency fills the bill!!
They never stop caring.
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Hint:. Always leave a debt owed to the IRS. If you would like someone to not stop looking for you when you vanish this agency fills the bill!!
They never stop caring.
David Paulides has another one up about three physicians that are just really weird when it come to what happened to them. There are some earlier posts in this thread about people leaving bars or parties, disappearing and then being found in or near water. These are similar and there are no good explanations.
David Paulides presents a series of cases from the Missing 411 Files where people vanished without explanation and were found in areas with no tracks leading into the region.
More weirdness from David Paulides and no answers to what the hell is happening to people who disappear.
Rusty has ten more missing people. One of them is a guy David Paulides talked about in his video above.
David Paulides and some disappearances in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
David Paulides has a video up on the Stacy Arras disappearance in Yosemite National Park and his frustration with people in government. Rusty West had put up a couple of videos of her disappearance that are in this thread too. People in government don't want us to know what's going on in the national parks.
A link here for a Paulides movie.
"The Hunted"
Another link to a Paulides movie.
"Missing 411"
John Ballen I believe is a former navy seal that's searching out stories and putting them in to pod casts. He's been going through David Paulides books and looking in to stories that he finds interesting and they are. David Paulides is a good researcher but his videos and story telling are kind of slow. This guy Ballen is a good story teller and he gets right with it and tells the stories and they are all very interesting.
He has 21 videos up of Paulides stories he tells and I'll post them. They are well done from start to finish with some really strange things in all of them. He has Paulides permission to do what he's doing with these stories too. I've noticed when I post videos here they don't get stopped by advertisements when you watch them here rather than on youtube.