Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
Those who actually WATCHED the video are probably also paying close attention to
THIS relevant thread. Not wasting everyone's time with the constant annoying semantics of old law books and legalize bullshit.
If one does not know where one is from, then one is LOST (and Z Tribe has done a very fine job of confusing folks as to their roots).
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
Those who actually WATCHED the video are probably also paying close attention to
THIS relevant thread. Not wasting everyone's time with the constant annoying semantics of old law books and legalize bullshit.
Palani, Book's right. This video and thread is too important to get derailed. Everyone should take the time to watch this video, and comment on it. If you don't invest the time to watch this, don't comment, because it will just derail the thread.
That being said, I get about 50% wage increase if our customer is the gov, in my work. For doing the same work. Private company customer, one wage. Gov contract, 50% more, roughly. These are gov funded construction projects I'm mentioning.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
My thoughts exactly!
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by
7th trump
My thoughts exactly!
I feel palani will find these statements most agreeable.
Watched the first 10-15 min then scanned the rest. Decent video, I feel it has a ton of economic data/numbers, and would be good to show any friends that don't really have a clue or are just starting to wake up.
Then again if they're just now starting to wake up they might do better going back to sleep.
Anyone of the mindset generally found on this site would have/should have seen the picture this video paints a long while ago.
Just my two zinc pennies worth.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
This video and thread is too important to get derailed. Everyone should take the time to watch this video, and comment on it. If you don't invest the time to watch this, don't comment, because it will just derail the thread.
I am really struck that Stefan Molyneux is able to recite all the grim statistics of our current Reality during this video while remaining calm and maintaining such a pleasant demeanor. Kinda surprising that he doesn't rant like most others. Not even a hint of being, himself, personally unhinged or angry or morose. Probably the most sane man among us. He concludes by frankly stating that really hard times are ahead and suggests accumulating gold and FOOD. Didn't mention guns and ammo...
I dunno how he maintains his personal calm.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Stefan Molyneux suffers from ideology induced cognitive dissonance, he had several episodes of it during this video. Always fun to watch...
Other than that, he covered the topic very well.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
I dunno how he maintains his personal calm.
I'm pretty calm right now.
We're fucked. Maybe Stefan knows this, I'm sure he does, but just says 'fuck it'. Pardon my language.
I am not sure I understand your post, Book. However, these facts and numbers stand for themselves...if you listen to Stefan. Listen to the numbers.
We are fucked.
Pardon my language. We are though.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
Those who actually WATCHED the video are probably also paying close attention to
THIS relevant thread. Not wasting everyone's time with the constant annoying semantics of old law books and legalize bullshit.
Masked Man to Tonto: "We are surrounded by Indians and are going to DIE!!!!"
Tonto To Masked Man: "What do you mean by WE, White Man?"
Reason is where ever you might find it and I find more reason in old law books than in fictional TV dramas. The above excerpt is an exception.
The economy is now and always has been a federally controlled thing. It was destined to fail from the git go ... hence the 14th amendment proclamation from Big Daddy United States (the pre-Civil War government):
Originally Posted by Section IV of 14th Amendment
But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
What did you think of the video?
it's 59 minutes. be a big download, 149 MB. downloading it now.
i like to listen to my Doom in Quicktime.