(rolls eyes).... and your point in coming to this thread to post this is? smh
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Whenever I visit this thread I think of the cartoon of the elephant with the Jewish face covered by men looking for Jesuits, Illuminati, the Vatican, Masons etc. Seems there is no shortage of boogey men and hamster cages for us to chase them in.
Does it or does it not serve Jewish interests that we pursue mysterious powers we don't understand?
I think it serves jews interests to mock and ridicule people who look in to these sorts of things. The thread "Jews the children of Satan" makes sense of it all to me. Jews are descended from Satan, a fallen angel. When people get to looking too much they'll find out who and what these jews really are and what their intentions are.
The fallen angels created all kinds of abominations and the jews are one of them. There has been research on the DNA of these forrest creatures but it's been covered up because it tends to confirm the Bible and the jews don't like that. They want to pretend they are Gods chosen ones instead of the children of Satan like Jesus told them they were.
I'm curious about all of these things so I look in to them. Everyone has an opinion and that's fine with me but I don't think anyone knows absolutely and exactly for certain what's going on with creatures in the forrest or all of the disappearances David Paulides researches. People tell their experiences of things they've seen, heard and experienced most of the time I believe honestly but I think sometimes there are those who may not be telling the truth. That's for each one of us to decide for ourselves.
If you think someones lying in these videos that's fine or if they're telling the truth that's fine too. If I thought every story in this thread was a lie I sure as hell wouldn't be spending time reading this thread. There was a thread somewhere here on flat earth and that sounds like bullshit to me and I don't go near it. I don't understand why anyone would waste their time on this thread if they think it's all lies.
Things happen for strategic reasons. It's in Jews interests that we enter the satan hamster cage for it will get us nowhere.
I did look into this stuff as you did. I watched most of the videos with interest. But I watch with the objective of fitting puzzle pieces together and using the strategic yardstick. None of it fit any logical pattern.
Missing people taking their shoes off and walking barfoot dozens of miles sounds like something Jews dreamed up.
You have to start at the beginning with God and the angels to know who these jews are and what they are. If you don't know that nothing else will really makes sense. Who and what they are is explained in the thread I've mentioned in the religion section. The fallen angels violated God law of kind after kind when they mixed angel kind and animal kind. Ancient history speaks of these things the fallen angels created when they adulterated the creations of God. These forrest creatures leave a lot of people who see them believing they are demonic and that would fit with the story of the Bible.
God created mankind and when Satan beguiled and seduced Eve, Cain was the result and he was a mixture of Angel kind and Man kind. When God created Adam he gave him his breath of eternal life. Cain was a violation of Gods law of kind after kind, an empty vessel, a broken cistern, a cloud with out water because he was the result of the violation of Gods law without the breath of eternal life. It doesn't appear to me that God breathed that breath of eternal life in to Cain and that's when death came in to the world. Jews know they don't have eternal life and they think they can save themselves with trans humanism. Jesus asked the jews how they could save themselves and I guess they think they can save themselves with trans humanism. The Tree of Life is the Adamic race God breathed life in to. The Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil is the creation of the Fallen Angels. The two family trees spoken of in Genesis 3:15.
That's what David Paulides is saying, things don't logically add up and he's searching for the answers. He has looked in to the Alien abduction thing and also the Sasquatch thing as possible explanations for the people who vanish. In most cases there's no good reason for them to have wandered off and gotten lost or to eventually be found in places they probably couldn't have gotten too by themselves. There's just not enough information to come to any conclusion on what's happening but that doesn't mean people are lying when they tell their stories. It's a mystery to me and I believe everyone else that follows these stories.
David Paulides presents the disappearances of three small children, Joyce Abel from Okanogan, Washington, Janet Federer from Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Mickey O'Connor from northeast, Wyoming. Two of the three kids were found far outside any search and rescue grid. David starts the segment with two interesting stories from the mailbag.
Yes, strategy is the main topic, if you have been paying attention.
Why would there be a concerted effort by (( big tech)) ((( gov agencies))) to silence any opinion that differs from the "north ameican ape" theory. The go to guys here are Steve isdal and david paulides.
This is an extremely interesting thread. I, myself may be responsible for at least half of the views. Nuff said.