if the ratio ever gets closer to 45:1 wilver to oro I might exchange some wilver to cut down on weight.
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What happens when the dollar is routed?
I like the way you think. There is always a lag time with silver, trying to follow big brother gold.
There really is a silver rocket ready to launch at any time! Wait for it....wait for it....boom! Off to the races!
We live in exciting times for metals! Cheers, folks! Enjoy the ride coming!
I am hearing dollar a day moves are coming in silver.
Cabal losing control?
Jim Rickard's sources say China will invade Hong Kong soon and in retaliation USA will freeze their Treasury notes, prepare accordingly.
Yes we will be in the 2% time frame when silver investors are not miserable! Civilization breakdown time! Wohoooo! ;D ;D enjoy it guys!
^Funny site monitoring the difference between west’s fake paper gold and silver price and china’s exchange price.
Perhaps JQP could replace the kitco ticker with that instead?
If the liquidity issues that are showing now continue, then we will see a repeat of the 2008 downward spiral. I'd hold onto the powder.