There is a recent video interview with David Paulides about the movie posted above. It's pretty interesting and I'll post it here. The video posted above is not supposed to be free so you better watch it now because it will probably disappear soon.
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There is a recent video interview with David Paulides about the movie posted above. It's pretty interesting and I'll post it here. The video posted above is not supposed to be free so you better watch it now because it will probably disappear soon.
Another David Paulides interview and he believes the government knows what's going on but they're not telling.
I'll post a link to a podcast I listened to recently that may shed a little light on the government covering up what's going on in the national parks. I like listening to stories when I don't have anything else to do and this is one of the most entertaining interviews I've ever heard. :D
This guys a country boy that likes to hunt and he says just what he thinks and he doesn't give a shit about what other people think. I've got a friend that kind of thinks, talks and acts like the guy in this interview. Whether you believe him or not he's entertaining as hell in my opinion.
Steve Isdahl is a Canadian hunting guide with a lot of stories. He wants to get to the bottom of what's going on in Canada and the US with people disappearing in the wilderness never to be seen again. In this video he speaks about three people who have disappeared in the area where he lives. He also reads accounts of what thousands of people have seen and experienced hunting and camping in the wilderness but are afraid to talk about because of the ridicule they are likely to receive.
I honestly don't know what the hell is causing these people to disappear. The more I look in to these things the more confusing it gets. I'm stumped but I'm still looking for the answer. I spend most of my time alone in the middle of nowhere. Maybe I'll find the answer and I'll disappear myself. :o Paulides cautions people to always be armed and I am so maybe I won't disappear. :)
David Paulides has four videos I'll post that leave me just as uncertain about what's happening as when I started watching. There's some pretty interesting things he reports that just don't make sense. I hope someone gets it figured out because I'd like to know the answer to what's happening to these people that disappear.
There's another video and an interview that may shed some light on what's happening that I may post if I can find it again. I think our government knows what's going on and they don't want us to know what they're up too.
from Russ Winter yest:
More Inexplicable Cases of Young Men Found Dead in Water
February 21, 2020 Russ Winter Articles by Russ Winter, Crime, US News, Winter Watch Articles 7
A diver searches a Sacramento area river for the body of Alex Holden in January 2020. PHOTO: Fox40
We first began about two years ago writing about hundreds of young who had gone missing and were later found dead in water. Links to previous posts are at the bottom of this page. The growing epidemic of deaths — most of which are incorrectly dubbed as “Smiley Face Killer” cases — continues to build. The stories concocted about their cause of death, when examined, are beyond incredulous. Nothing is what it seems.
David Paulides was interviewed in the video below and at about the 52:00 minute mark he talks about the young men found in water. A few autopsys were done by the parents of the boys that went further than what the police had done. What they found was the boys had high levels of a chemical called GHB in their blood. It's a date rape drug and when it's used with alcohol it can cause some weird things to happen. It's an interesting interview on people that have gone missing in Canada.
Kyle is a country boy from Kentucky and he has a hell of a story to tell about some things he's run in to in the woods in the Daniel Boon National Forrest. I've had some experiences over the years that have had me wondering about these things and I believe the story he tells is the truth.
edit for some reason this video doesn't start at the beginning and you have to go back to the start of it when you click on this link. I don't know why that is.
"Kyle" came back on Vic's show and they talked about more of the details of his experience. Kyle also talked about the problems he'd had because of that experience and not being able to talk to anyone about it. Night mares and self medicating with alcohol got to be real problems for him.
Kyle came back on Vic's show in the last few days to talk about things he'd learned about these creatures from family members. He says people in his area didn't call these creatures dogmen, they called it "Slew foot". I think he said his mamaw heard him singing that song and told him not to be singing it because it was about something evil. He was told the words of the song were changed to be about a bear but it really was a dogman that it had been written about.
Jim and Jesse do a good job on the song and their are comments on it from people who came to the youtube channel from dogman encounters.
audio player inside:
TradCatKnight Radio’s Eric Gajewski, Russ Winter Cover Murders of Hundreds of Young Men Dumped in Water
February 27, 2020
Russ on Wednesday participated in another monthly podcast with intrepid stalwart Eric Gajewski of TradCatKnight. This one was 37 minutes and really packed a lot in without wasted motion. TradCat podcasts are fast-moving and hard-hitting.
Previous shows are listed on the right side of post pages under the subhead “Podcasts.”
The following is a list of posts that were discussed during the interview:
- More Inexplicable Cases of Young Men Found Dead in Water
- The Smiley Face Killers: More Than 200 Drugged Young Men Found Dead from ‘Accidental Drowning’
- Is Scopolamine (Devil’s Breath) a Widespread, Undetected Threat?
- Tools for Rebuting the Conspiracy-Theorist, Mental-Illness Gaslighting Slur
- Jewish Organizations Continue to Bag Vast Majority of DHS Nonprofit Security Grants as Funding Quadruples
William Ramsey’s documentary on Smiley Face Killings (SFKs) is available here. A new sequel is out: “The Smiley Face Killers, vol. 2: The Global Slaughter Continues.”
SFK researcher Jim Smith can be followed here on Twitter
NOTE: Sound quality improves dramatically after about 60 seconds.
great thread, should be in the general sec. there is nothing like being in the wilderness alone and listining to a paulides podcast.
Steve Isdahl has some video clips to entertain those who are quarantined and need a distraction from the news.
This is honestly the best thread on this entire board.
Moar! T weed, if you knew about episode 66, what other goodies do you have up your sleeve?
Here you go JD, this was a bad one. Bear and Coonbo and some others had camped at a campground where this story happened in recent years and one of the people with them got a really good photo of one of these things in their camp while everyone else was away sight seeing. Scared the crap out of him and he wouldn't let them have a copy of the photo after he'd showed it to them then he got the hell out of there.
Brenton Sawin has passed on now but he did a couple of interviews with a country boy who worked as a game warden in the north west. JT is the name the game warden goes by in the interviews. Jt knows David Paulides and had been part of a search for a young boy that Paulides writes about in one of his books. The young boy had been with his family when he went missing. The search was started right away. JT gets choked up near the end of this video when he's talking about what he thinks he saw that concerned the missing boy and what happened to him.
Brenton got an email from JT later on and he'd been attacked and was in the hospital. JT calls his dog his partner and Brenton reads the short email from him in this video below.
In this video JT is out of the hospital and he tells Brenton what happened to him and his dog when they were attacked.
sawin was kinda young... hmmm
Stev Isdahl has a video up on the Patterson, Gimlin film of a Bigfoot. There is more to the story that hasn't been told. He tells some of it and Scott Carpenter in the second video tells more. Make of it what you will.
I know right? The patty film is as abridged as the zappruder film. Alot will never see the light of public scrutiny.
This is a recent video by David Paulides and he talks about the circumstances of those who have gone missing and the effect it had on their families. It's thought provoking for me because I've spent many days searching for missing animals and sometimes you find them and sometimes you don't.
t weed, i noticed paulides is doing more steve isdahl style vids. just reading stories. a great idea imo.
Dogman encounters radio episode 66 is still the high water mark, imo. Not for being scary at all, but the sheer weight of facts... "there were dimes scattered about" pre 64 no doubt... wonder why...*cough cough.
I think his uncles must have believed these things were "Werewolves" and that's why they loaded their shells with silver dimes. I think I'd prefer Underwoods +P 430 grain hard cast lead bullets in 45-70.
His uncles were trappers and what he had to say about how they set things up and their use of the dogs was right on the mark. There are hundreds and maybe thousands of people that say they have seen these things and they sound credible to me.
Josh Turner tells some stories about these things in Texas that are pretty interesting but he's a Mexican and he likes to put white peiple down.
Here you go JD some of Josh Turners stories. Ep 162
There is something really strange about all of this and it's why David Paulides won't make statements about what he thinks is going on. So many strange things happen that I really can't make sense out of it for myself about what's happening or what these things are. There seems to be multiple things happening and nothing really adds up.
I'm wondering if CERN has opened up some portals that are allowing things like this to show up. People who encounter these things get the feeling they're evil and They're demons. People also say they look human and animal and that would make them an abomination forbidden by Gods law of "Kind after Kind". With that in mind I think they may be a creation of the fallen angels mentioned in the Bible.
there are some excellent stories, in text, on the ifish forum thread titledwierd things you have seen in the woods. also on glp a similar thread with links to other forums.
Aren't fishermen known for their tall tales?
This is a David Paulides interview with a guy who owns an "energy vortex" in Columbia Falls, Montana. I've been by it when I was visiting a lady friend in the area. I wish now I'd stopped in and taken the tour. The photos are interesting if you go to the site where they advertise their tours.
A link to the website of the Montana Vortex portal.
i noticed paulides went to the steve isdahl method of short to the point all killer no filler vids.
I agree with JD, this is by far the most interesting thread here. I'm a newbie and have only watched a few videos here and there . My question to the vets is: what are the theory's behind the disappearances?
Bigfoot, Dogman, Aliens, Magnetic field, underground world, Predator, etc?
Does DP ever give his theory on this matter?
some of the dogman encounters radio shows are incredible! episode 66 especially. credibility rating -10 out of ten.
I just saw this thread on glp yesterday.
Missing 411 -- Evidence Suggests Thousands of Missing Persons Taken to Inner Earth via Cave Systems
The map on the top shows missing person clusters in the U.S. as documented by Missing 411 investigator David Paulides.
The map on the bottom shows clusters of cave systems throughout the U.S.