Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
Originally Posted by
Base Camp Chris has some stories from Yellowstone, the Tetons and the areas around them. I've been on pack trips in the Yellowstone back country in some of the areas he talks about. He tells some stories of things that were going on in the 80's and that's the time period I was in the park back country. I was also outside of the park in the early 80's in the Thouroghfare country when something came in to our camp at night. I've told that story I think in an earlier post.
I can see GTNP from my deck. Let me tell you, the national parks are fracked up. There is something dark about them. My theory is that when isenhowerstein made that deal with the aliens that he granted them permission to use them as a base of operations. I stay in the natl forest and always go armed to the teeth and with a dog. Ive had enough strange things happen there, but GTNP there are small groups of aspens.. OLD ones twisted like you would a dandelion all the way from the base to the top. Yet NO branches broke.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
One of Steve Isdahls buddies has a channel I just came across.
He's in Canada and he gets a long ways off in to the wilderness at times.
He has an interesting story to tell of some people he ran into in the remote wilderness that spooked him. Starts at the 19:00 minute mark
He also has several stories of people that have written to him of encounters they've had that are pretty interesting too. Starts at the 38:00 minute mark
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
I cant wait for spring! I need to get back in the woods!
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness