Re: The Best Buys at the Moment
Who knew it would be China that takes down cryptos. We all know China is in control of the US since the democrats stole the election. Plus China holds huge power over the rest of the world through manufacturing and trade. Could China take down cryptos globally?
Cryptos Crash After China Again Vows Crackdown On Mining And Trading
FRIDAY, MAY 21, 2021 - 10:29 AM
Another day, another attempt by China - where the reception of the digital yuan has been a total disaster so far much to Beijing's complete humiliation - to crash Crypto, with Reuters and Bloomberg reporting moments ago that just two days after the PBOC barred financial institutions from accepting bitcoin as payment, China's vice premier Liu He said (at 11pm on Friday local time) that China will crack down on bitcoin mining and trading activities, which of course is what we already knew.
From Reuters:
And From Bloomberg
So China will reiterate, i.e., repeat what it has said, the same news every day until bitcoin hits 0? Or at least it hopes to, and somehow this is supposed to inspire confidence in the digital Yuan? And yes, this is as some have jokingly pointed out, the 1000th time China has tried to ban bitcoin:
What is even funnier is that a month ago Peter Thiel grabbed headlines with his laughable conclusion that bitcoin was helping China to end the reserve status of the dollar and was a "Chinese financial weapon". How about now, Peter, is China's crushing bitcoin to boost the dollar? Inquiring minds want to know.
Incidentally, a cynical take of this report is that it is great news as it means no more dirty coal bitcoin mining in Xinjiang. How will the ESG cult bash bitcoin if there are no more coal-fired plants generating the electricity for Chinese miners?
As a reminder, China is the bitcoin bears biggest friend: as long as bitcoin can be mined in China it is "dirty." Once China bans bitcoin mining there, the anti-ESG case collapses as miners end up moving to cleaner and more ESG-friendly venues.
For those wondering about China's neverending - and unsuccessful - campaign to destroy bitcoin, here is a breakdown of major regulatory announcements in China courtesy of CoinTelegraph:
FUD watchers got a glimpse of an old favorite as three government bodies in China, including the China Internet Finance Association, the China Banking Association and the China Payment and Clearing Association re-warned the public about the risks of investing in cryptocurrencies. This dates back to a 2017 ruling that all exchanges must close and a 2018 ruling on ICOs. But is it actually illegal?
For starters, these types of announcements are a good indication that cryptocurrencies are starting to flare up in popularity. Whenever speculative digital assets begin to grab headlines and seep into more mainstream culture, these warnings and reminders are common as a method of discouraging more open adoption.
Last year it was established that owning virtual currencies was not in itself illegal, only that virtual currencies could not be used as legal tender. Even though exchanges are supposed to be illegal, numerous exchanges operate within the country, even partnering with government organizations in free trade zones and hosting large events. There is very much an understanding of being free to innovate, as long as it doesn’t start breaking other laws, such as money laundering, fraud or aiding capital flight. If not for this convenient truth, there probably wouldn’t be much of a column left for Our Man in Shanghai to write about.
In any case, the news was enough to spark another algo-driven liquidation as the robots apparently have a 15 nanosecond memory and have forgotten that China has said all this and more both a few days ago as well as years ago when it first cracked down on crypto and banned bitcoin and its peers on the mainland.
The selloff has pushed bitcoin back under its 200DMA again:
And stocks follow cryptos lower, as China now appears to also be attacking the US stock market - which has become joined at the hip with crypto.
Will this aggression stand, Mr "big guy" president?
Re: The Best Buys at the Moment
The market structure and trends have radically changed recently due to the recent engineered crash of cryptos.
I believe we are now in a 2013 style cycle, with 2 bubbles back to back.
The first bubble is now over. We should have some recovery and sideways action over the next few months, with the next bubble starting after and concluding around December 2021. I already took some profits for some real estate. As long as the price doesn't drop below $30K we should be fine. It can drop down to $25k briefly, but can't stay there long. If Bitcoin breaks below $25K and stays there the market is completely wrecked and all hope is lost. I didn't expect the market to dump this hard, but it was a very well engineered crash for the billionaires/institutions to accumulate.
In the 2013 there was the crack down on the Silk Road (black market Bitcoin marketplace) and China FUD which led to the first bubble pop. This cycle we had a mix of Elon Musk FUD and China FUD v24343252 (they repeat the same news story over and over again.) The NWO is pushing Ethereum to replace Bitcoin right now too. Part of the "OMG BITCOIN USES ELECTRICITY?!!" bullshit was since the NWO wants Ethereum over Bitcoin:
I recommend buying Gold near the end of this market cycle. Either virtual (Pax Gold), or physical Gold. Gold likely will move up during the upcoming Crypto Winter.
My "picks" have now changed.
NWO Play
This is what the NWO wants to win. It's that simple.
Non-Privacy Buys
Polkadot + Kusama
Polkadot and Kusama got hit super hard during the crash, and have the most upside potential now. They are sister chains so you can invest in either, or both. I only invest in Polkadot personally since it's easier to get but you can do either. Parachain auctions are coming so Kusama will have a run up on the shorter time frame. Stake your Polkadot/Kusama on the exchange Kraken for 12% returns.
Follow Mr. Business on Twitter to stay on top of things.
Privacy Buys
Monero + Pirate Chain
I still prefer Monero. First mover advantage is paramount. I know many of you might think I'm insane since Monero got hit hard, but it also went up 31% in one day after the government announced they will be tracking all transfer payments of $10k or more. Monero is a long term play. It might not "run" until 1-3 years potentially, but it's like insurance if the government goes crazy on regulations/taxes. Pirate Chain has already pretty much added Atomic Swaps, but since no one uses it in the real world like Monero its unsure if it means anything. Monero is the only cryptocurrency/currency that's actually used in the real world that's fungible and private. It's a long term play, so don't expect to get rich off it anytime soon. It's a "one day" type play. The same was like that when I got into Cardano at $0.02. You have to get into things early that have high growth potential, and hold onto it for a long time.
Follow /XMR/ General for the latest info on /biz/.
Monero is a belief system to me. It's an ideology. It's one of my deepest beliefs.
Pi Cycle Top = MA350*2(BTCusd) and MA111(BTCusd)
Sell when the following two lines cross. Most whales and myself have been doing this. These coincide with the engineered crashes too.
Re: The Best Buys at the Moment
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]The Bit Short: Inside Crypto’s Doomsday Machine
Crypto Anonymous
This is the story of a Bitcoin trade — the most financially impactful trade I’ve ever made in my life. It’s also the story of the deep-yet-frantic investigation of the crypto ecosystem that led me to make that trade. And it’s the story of what’s really going on in crypto — and what we should do about it.
If you own meaningful amounts of cryptocurrency or you’re considering buying some, you’re the reason I wrote this. Please do read to the end.
Prologue: Tether & company
Before I begin this story, there’s a bit of background you need to know first.
There are things in crypto right now called Tethers. To simplify a bit, Tethers are issued by a crypto company called Tether Ltd. — meaning that if Tether Ltd. says you own a Tether, then you do.
Tether Ltd. also says one Tether is worth exactly one US dollar. Can they do that? Well they say they can, because they hold $1 worth of assets for each Tether. But are those assets actual dollars? No, they are not. So what if the assets go down in value? Don’t worry; they will not. Okay, but can we at least see the assets? No, you may not.
Who in their right mind would use something like Tether? Well, the short answer is that many people use Tethers to buy Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The long answer, though, is astounding — but more on that later.
Because Tether sounds exactly like a currency fraud, it may not surprise you to learn that Tether Ltd. is currently under investigation by the Office of the Attorney General for the Southern District of New York. That investigation was announced to the public on April 25th, 2019.
The rest of the story at above link.
Re: The Best Buys at the Moment
This is a list of cryptos that Goldman Sachs recommends to it's investors.
Notice Monero is in there.
Re: The Best Buys at the Moment
I’m accumulating BCH right now.
First of all, it’s heavily suppressed by bitcoin maxis, and a short squeeze is possible.
Second, smartBCH is in stealth mode and growing like crazy.
Bitcoin cash already has very low fees compared to bitcoin, but compared to Ethereum the contrast is even greater.
Bitcoin cash is the only smart contracts platform that solves the trilemma: decentralized, low fees, high capacity. Furthermore, it’s proof of work and will stay that way.
Finally, the SEC is having some kind of public appearance on the 18th. If they come out and say that Ethereum is a security, then that means that everything under Ethereum is also a security.
All these other chains are then likely securities.
Bitcoin cash would then be the only smart contracts platform in existence that is definitely not a security because it is a fork of bitcoin which isn’t a security. No one seems to realize this.
Finally, the bollinger bands are the tightest they have ever been in the history of bitcoin cash right now.
Re: The Best Buys at the Moment
Monero is very bullish right now. The xmr:btc pair has a bump and run formation with a retest, and it’s now paying upwards.