the bible clearly speaks of inner earth as an actual place.
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the bible clearly speaks of inner earth as an actual place.
Russ Winter Introduces Dino Costa to the Smiley Face Killers Mysteries
August 19, 2020 Winter Watch Articles by Russ Winter, Crime, US News, Winter Watch Articles 5
Dino Costa and Russ Winter kicked off their now bi-monthly “Dino Costa Show” together on Tuesday night with the topic of the Smiley Face Killers murder mysteries. Costa is a true professional with a long history in sports news, including as an talk show host and announcer for Sirius XM Radio. Now, he’s working for himself, and he’s cutting loose. He’s talking about everything deemed unsuitable for mainstream media.
The following Winter Watch posts are essential to the discussion:
- The Smiley Face Killers: More Than 200 Maliciously Drugged Young Men Found Dead from ‘Accidental Drowning’
- Smiley Face Murders: More Victims, A Mother’s Torment and Strange Parallels to Belgium’s Dutroux Murders
- More Inexplicable Cases of Young Men Found Dead in Water
- Is Scopolamine (Devil’s Breath) a Widespread, Undetected Threat?
- September 11 – New Pearl Harbor
For an even deeper dive into the topic, so to speak, William Ramsey’s documentary “The Smiley Face Killers” is a must-view.
We are not able to embed the video podcast on this website, but you can access it via this link. The portion of the program that features Russ is broken out below the main video and is titled “DINO TALKS IT OVER WITH RUSS WINTER ON THE 1ST EDITION OF ‘WINTER WATCH’ ON THE SHOW,” or you can find it starting at 01:01:00 in the full program.
Russ Winter on the “Dino Costa Show”
Tuesday, August 18, 2020 Broadcast Month-9 Episode #153
Broadcasted 8/18/20 4:47pm – 8/18/20 8:00pm
Also HUGE quantities of GBH the date rape drug, are found in those bodies that are recovered. Who administered it and HOW?
David Paulides has a new video up and the first ten minutes are on a study done on disappearances at certain time during the lunar cycle.
At about the 10:00 mark he goes in to the disappearance of a two year old girl in the Libby, Montana area in 1954. She was found two days later and spoke about a bear. Paulides is along the creek where the disappearance occurred when he recounts the story.
This is a comment from the comment section of the video above about other similar disappearances.
Wilko Wilkinson4 hours ago (edited)
26/Jan/2019...Three year old Casey Hathaway was found alive last night after having been missing for over two days in rain and frigid temperatures. Authorities from the FBI and U.S. Marines professional search teams joined up with volunteers to search for Casey Hathaway when he vanished from outside his grandmother’s house. It was Linda Fraker that thought she heard crying when she was walking her dogs on Aurora Road in rural eastern NC. She contacted authorities and Shane Grier arrived. Shane, captain of Chocowinity EMS, heard Casey calling for his mama, from deep in the woods where he was tangled in briars in a flooded area. Casey was cold and wet, but verbal. He told his family that a bear was his best friend for two days, before requesting French fries from Wendy’s and television. Tonight, Casey is still recovering from hypothermia at Carolina East Medical Center where he was visited by Grier, his new friend. But, what about that bear? It’s not the first time a missing child has made mention of one.
In 1869, three year old Katie Flynn went missing in Manistee National Forest. She was found the next day alive and told searchers that “a big doggie” had stayed with her throughout the night.
In 1888, the New York Times reported a disappearance of a not quite three year old girl. She was found a day later, two miles away in a deep valley and shared that she had slept by a bear that kept her warm that night.
In 1955, Ida Mae Curtis went missing in Kootenai National Forrest in Montana. She, like Casey, was found two days later after 350 backwoodsmen searches in heavy rain. She relayed, to the best of a 2-year-old’s ability, being cuddled and comforted by a bear during the time she was missing. The Montana Sheriff demanded that Ida Mae’s family stop telling the story of a bear caring for their little girl. He told them, “Quit telling that story. It could never happen. It didn’t happen and don’t say it anymore.”
Cam interviews an old country boy that got attacked by something in the woods when he was hunting. Good stories and pretty entertaining all the way through.
Here's a couple more stories for you JD. The first one is from an Inuit woman that's now living in Wyoming with her Indian husband. If you go to the 6:45 minute mark the story of this woman begins there.
The stories of the fellow in the video below are from the Texas, Oklahoma area and are about the Gugway, Genesquaw or Dogmen. 45-70's are the preferred equipment for repelling them.
Amen to the 45/70 its prolly my next gun, bc the woods are thick with grizzly. What long gun do u use to launch it? I love handloading straight wall cases.
I have the Henry all weather model that's pretty smooth and handy to carry. I also have a Marlin cowboy model that's been back to the factory twice because it would jam. It seems to be working good now though. I recently bought a thousand 405 gr. hardcast bullets to reload for them but haven't had time.
Here's another one for you JD. 45-70's and 44 magnums with bear loads are probably what a person should be packing when these things show up.
Go to the 23:00 minute mark in this video below where this story begins of two bow hunters that were attacked. One survived and the other one didn't.
The 50 Cal. Beowolf AR he's probably talking about taking with him when he goes back to the site.
People should be packing guns when they're out in wild country for lots of reasons and this is one of them.
Kyle Burgess was on a run about 2 miles up Slate Canyon on Saturday evening and saw four small animals scampering around on the trail ahead, he didn’t realize what they were at first.Thinking they were bobcats (it wouldn’t be the first time he’d seen those), Burgess pulled out his phone and started recording.
Seconds later, when their mother came into view, it dawned on him that he was in big trouble.They were mountain lion cubs. And their mother was going to protect them at all costs.The instant the full-grown mountain lion mother charged him, Burgess’s adrenaline fired up. He let out a stream of profanities while he backed away.
The cougar dove into the trees along the side of the trail, as if to flank him.She reappeared on the trail. Her eyes locked on him, and she followed him as he retreated backward.What came next was the longest six minutes of Burgess’ life.
David Paulides has some interesting cases he talks about in this video. The first one is about people camping, feeling sick and going out of sight of the people they're with. He has four more about people going missing in the same area in Arizona over a lot of years.
Steve Isdahl has a video up about a father and son who disappeared in the area where he lives. These stories always leave me wondering "what the hell"? "Where'd they go"?
im noticing on dixie criptid, that alot of the juicy parts, like shooting the bastards is blocked. the vid just stops at a certain point,
This is another David Paulides video about people disappearing on the same day in one county in Idaho many years apart. The stories of their disappearances are interesting but there's no good answers it seems to what happened to them.
I've listened to a couple of stories of people who've had some strange things happen to them that hardly anyone will believe. It may explain though what's happening when people disappear never to be seen again. Those stories point out that the government is involved and they're covering it up because they are involved.
I've been wondering that too but it was probably best to just keep backing away and making himself look large. If he'd stopped and bent over to pick up a rock that might have been enough to make that cat charge. If he'd thrown a rock and hit that cat it might have been enough to make it attack him too.
I've played that game with cattle that get on the fight, they will some times threaten and follow you, bluff charge or full on attack you. Every time it's different. I pack a gun all the time because you never know what you'll run into and it's best to be armed so you can take care of business if you need to.
This is a follow up video to David Paulides video above of the 4 missing people in Idaho. This time he talks about more people missing in the area in about a 35 mile radius. Some strange stuff.
I really want to camp in that cluster!
OK, now I got it. That East West road there is the road that goes to Elk City. I'm way North of that. This area is the largest cluster of timbered National Forest in the lower 48 states. My property line is adjacent to it. I'm not far from where Lolo NF, Clearwater NF and St Joe NF come together.
I'm at 3400 feet. Highest peaks around here are about 7300. Winters are long but that keeps the undesirables away. Average winter temps 20 at night, 30 degree days. I love Montana.
Rusty West has more disappearances.
Volume 30
David Paulides also has some interesting
recent disappearances.
only being at 3400 ' is a blessing. our valley floor is 6250. Nothing grows but potatoes lettuce and berries.
Steve Isdahl shows some photos from the wilderness people have sent him.
Hint:. Always leave a debt owed to the IRS. If you would like someone to not stop looking for you when you vanish this agency fills the bill!!
They never stop caring.
David Paulides has another one up about three physicians that are just really weird when it come to what happened to them. There are some earlier posts in this thread about people leaving bars or parties, disappearing and then being found in or near water. These are similar and there are no good explanations.
David Paulides presents a series of cases from the Missing 411 Files where people vanished without explanation and were found in areas with no tracks leading into the region.
More weirdness from David Paulides and no answers to what the hell is happening to people who disappear.
Rusty has ten more missing people. One of them is a guy David Paulides talked about in his video above.
David Paulides and some disappearances in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
David Paulides has a video up on the Stacy Arras disappearance in Yosemite National Park and his frustration with people in government. Rusty West had put up a couple of videos of her disappearance that are in this thread too. People in government don't want us to know what's going on in the national parks.
A link here for a Paulides movie.
"The Hunted"
Another link to a Paulides movie.
"Missing 411"
John Ballen I believe is a former navy seal that's searching out stories and putting them in to pod casts. He's been going through David Paulides books and looking in to stories that he finds interesting and they are. David Paulides is a good researcher but his videos and story telling are kind of slow. This guy Ballen is a good story teller and he gets right with it and tells the stories and they are all very interesting.
He has 21 videos up of Paulides stories he tells and I'll post them. They are well done from start to finish with some really strange things in all of them. He has Paulides permission to do what he's doing with these stories too. I've noticed when I post videos here they don't get stopped by advertisements when you watch them here rather than on youtube.