Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
Originally Posted by
Ticks target people with weak immune systems. Healthy people don't as a rule have to worry so much.
Just like vultures tend to feed on carcasses and ignore the living.
Not so. I was bitten by a tick while working in the woods in the mid 90's. I was healthy as an ox before I was bitten. My immune system was strong. The tick still targeted me. I was fresh meat.
I got a bullseye rash and got very sick. Feverish, aching real bad in the joints and chills IIRC. Was dating a girl down in the city (Dearborn, by Detroit) and went to see a city Doc down there. He listened to my symptoms and looked at the bullseye rash and said "Very interesting. I have not seen this before." He gave me 4 days worth of Tetracycline and sent me on my way. I immediately started feeling better after taking the anti-biotic. Who knows, I may still have Lyme disease. I have read that if it is not completely eradicated by a lengthy anti-biotic regime, that it can become chronic and cause all sorts of weird shit.
Why do you think ticks would only target those with weak immune systems? It does not matter to the tick, as he is merely after a blood meal.
Fast forward to 2009: I'm sitting in the living room watching a flick and all of a sudden my left toe goes completely numb. I pull my foot up and there is a tick feeding at the base of the toe by my next toe. I pulled the son-of-a-bitch off and after a while the feeling came back into the toe.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
"Why do you think ticks would only target those with weak immune systems? It does not matter to the tick, as he is merely after a blood meal."
Let's just call it an observation and define a weak immune system as a pheromone for ticks.
I am not into tick behavior but suspect given a choice between weak and healthy immune 95% of all ticks will favor the weak.
Further I would add that 99.8% of all Biden supporters have weak immune systems and it would be prudent to offer them Cutters in social affairs in the woods (as long as you maintain proper separation).
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
The phrase "Thicker than ticks on a fat dog comes to mind". I've seen healthy fat dogs with ticks all over them and they must have had good immune systems because they remained healthy. Sheep pick up ticks and we used to put a powder on them to kill the ticks.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
Smiley Face Murders: More Victims, A Mother’s Torment and Strange Parallels to Belgium’s Dutroux Murders
May 11, 2021 Russ Winter
Editor’s Note: There will be an update on this subject matter on Tuesday evening on the Dino Ryan Radio Show. We hope to have a three way conversation with one of the top researchers, Jim Smith, on this plague. You can listen live in the second hour or when it is posted at WW on Wednesday.
The Smiley Face death toll continues to climb, this time in Germany. On April 23 in Hamburg and the following weekend in Dusseldorf, the bodies of young men were retrieved from waterways. In both cases, and as per usual, police attributed the deaths to accidents before autopsy or investigation. Dozens more inexplicable cases have been reported all summer as the Smiley Face Killers continue unchecked.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
David Paulides has a couple more stories of people that were missing then found in water under strange circumstances. Skip the first part of the video and start at the 19:00 minute mark.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
Originally Posted by
Smiley Face Murders: More Victims, A Mother’s Torment and Strange Parallels to Belgium’s Dutroux Murders
May 11, 2021 Russ Winter
Editor’s Note: There will be an update on this subject matter on Tuesday evening on the Dino Ryan Radio Show. We hope to have a three way conversation with one of the top researchers, Jim Smith, on this plague. You can listen live in the second hour or when it is posted at WW on Wednesday.
The Smiley Face death toll continues to climb, this time in Germany. On April 23 in Hamburg and the following weekend in Dusseldorf, the bodies of young men were retrieved from waterways. In both cases, and as per usual, police attributed the deaths to accidents before autopsy or investigation. Dozens more inexplicable cases have been reported all summer as the Smiley Face Killers continue unchecked.
“The Patrick ‘Dino’ Ryan Show”: Dino, Russ Winter Discuss Netflix’s Sons of Sam Series and Beyond
May 12, 2021 Winter Watch Podcasts, Winter Watch Articles 4
After a short foray into anarcho-tyranny and the Red Vanguard Bruce Catlyn Jenner salami misdirection strategy (szalámitaktika), the duo slice and dice the Netflix Sons of Sam series and Maury Terry’s book Ultimate Evil.
Relevant posts:
‘Son of Sam’ Berkowitz Was Not a Lone-Wolf Killer (Update)
California Anarcho Tyrants Prepare to Release 78,000 Hardened Felons into Unsuspecting Communities
The May 11 One-Hour Segment of “Winter Watch on the Radio” is Here
The Full “Patrick Ryan Show” with Dino is Available Here
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
More stories here that are a collection gathered by Bobbie Short. Lots of interesting stories that cover quite a few years.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
T weed, I got chills hearing your personal story about hearing that samurai chatter. The forum wont let me respond with a quote from that post.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
Originally Posted by
T weed, I got chills hearing your personal story about hearing that samurai chatter. The forum wont let me respond with a quote from that post.
Which post is that, I missed it.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
This is a story that's a little different but it's about women going missing in the Anchorage, AK area. There have been a lot of Indian women go missing on a certain hi way in Canada too and it's a mystery what happened to them. Something to think about on these missing cases.
Cathy O'Brien spoke of being hunted in a similar way in one of her books.
The mystery was solved in these missing cases and the story is chilling.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
There's an abandoned town by the name of Portlock Alaska where it's said a lot of hunters went missing . So many people went missing a cannery located there closed down and everyone moved away. This is the story of that town.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
David Paulides has an hour long video up that's pretty interesting. He covers a lot of things that he's investigated over the years. Pretty interesting all the way through and as always so many things don't seem to make sense. There are no missing people stories just his stories about his investigations in different areas and on different subjects.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
David Paulides has another one up and this time he talks about a recent attack of a young woman by a grizzly in Montana and she didn't survive. Another young woman is currently missing in Montana and the search is ongoing at this time. There is a cluster of missing in the area where this young woman is now missing.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
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Ok JD, I've never seen a bigfoot or a UFO but I've seen and heard some things that I still wonder about when I've been in the wilderness. I think in maybe 1986 or seven I went in to the Bob Marshall wilderness south of Glacier Park with some other people with saddle horses and pack mules. I think we rode south for about three days with a different camp every night. At the furthest camp we stayed two nights and then started making our way back out.
As I recall I would hear what may have been wood knocks that people speak of as we traveled along during the day and I wondered if it may have just been trees or chunks of wood falling and hitting another tree of chunk of wood. On our trip out of the wilderness we camped along a creek and a couple of guys picked up some dry tree limbs that were baseball bat size and started doing some batting practice seeing how far they could send a rock flying. They made some pretty loud cracks doing that for quite a while. I don't know if they might have attracted the attention of some forrest creatures when they were doing that but they might have.
There were grizzly bears in the area where we were camped and I didn't like the looks of the campsite because someone had camped there before us and had left it kind of dirty. There were some porrkchop bones in the fire pit they'd left that weren't burned and it looked like trouble to me but we camped there anyway. We cooked and ate our supper then set our tents up for the night. We sat around the campfire for a while visiting then turned in for the night.
I think about 2:30 or 3 am I woke up and heard something big walking past my tent. I lay real still and just listened. It was breathing heavy and making kind of a grunt as it walked by. A little way behind it was what sounded like two young Japaese kids jabbering back and forth to each other. I though it was probably a grizzly that went past my tent and those two Japanese kids were going to be running in to that bear and I'd soon hear them screaming. Never heard anything though and I'm sure glad I didn't because even though I had a revolver I'd sure have hated to have to crawl out of that tent and go try to help them.
I just lay there and waited until daylight and we all got up. I asked the others there if they'd heard what I did and no one had and they just kind of looked at me funny when I told them what I'd heard. I looked for tracks but the ground was hard packed and there weren't any. I didn't say anymore about it after that. I looked for recordings of bears to see if I could find a recording of the sounds bears make but never could find anything like what I'd heard going past my tent that night until I listened to a story Greg Yost tells about an encounter he had. I've listened to the Ron Morheads Sierra sounds but they weren't quite like what I heard that sounded like two young Japanese. I don't know what the hell would make to young Japanese kids go hiking in the wilderness though at two or three am in the morning. So I now wonder what walked past my tent that night in the wilderness.
Greg Yost is a real character and kind of interesting to listen too. He tells some stories in this video below and at about the 2:00 mark he does an imitation of something that came down off a hill towards him and his dog "Buddy". The imitation of what he heard coming down off the hill towards him is exactly what I heard going past my tent that night in the Bob Marshall Wilderness minus what sounded like two Japanese kids behind it jabbering to each other.
When I made this post above I couldn't find the Greg Yost video I was looking for. I came across it today so I'm going to put it here so I'll know where to find it. At the 3:30 time mark he does an imitation of what he heard in the park he was in. His imitation of what he heard is exactly what I heard walking past my tent in the Bob Marshall Wilderness in the story above minus what sounded like two young Japanese jabbering back and forth to each other not to far behind.
When I was driving truck over the road the company I was driving for sent me to Indiana and I spent several days there picking up and delivering loads that were short hauls. I'd delivered a load late in the evening and they had another one for me to pick up in south east Indiana. I don't remember what town it was near but I still have all my log books stored away and I could look it up if I dug them out. I think looking back now it was probably in the general vicinity of where Greg Yost was in his story in the video above.
They had drop yards all over the country some large with a hundred or more trailers and some smaller. I did a lot of drop and hook where we'd drop an empty trailer then hook a loaded one that needed to be delivered right away. This yard was out in the country away from town. There were no yard lights there either and it was in the middle of the night when I got there. Dropped my trailer and drove around until I found the one I needed to hook to. Got out, hooked up my airlines, cranked up the landing gear and checked the tires. This yard was surrounded by thick forrest and and I had a feeling come over me like I'd never felt before or since. It was not just fear it was a feeling like dread that made it hard for me to even move.
The trailers we pulled had axles that would slide and we could set them so we wouldn't have problems in the cities making corners with out running over the curbs. I needed to set these axles and the mechanism was stuck and I couldn't get it to work. I was getting in and out of the truck going back and forth trying to get it to slide. All the time with this feeling that was almost paralyzing me. I couldn't figure out why I was feeling this way. I had a Glock 357 sig so I dug it out and put it in my pocket but I still had that feeling. I had to really force myself to get out of that truck and get those axles set but I finally got it. It had got to the point I was about to unhook and get the hell out of there.
When I've listened to people tell their stories on HowtoHunt and other sites they talk about a feeling of dread coming over them and feeling like they are being watched. That's what I was feeling that night trying to get hooked up. I now wonder if there was something watching me that I couldn't see. Because of that experience I think I understand what others are talking about when they say they can't move or are barely able to. I'd picked up and dropped loads all over the country in the middle of the night and in some dangerous areas in cities but I never had that feeling before or after that. I didn't see anything but I still wonder now what made me feel that way that night in that drop yard in the forrest.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
An astonishing 76,000 views on a forum of 12 people! T weed has achieved legend status.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
Originally Posted by
An astonishing 76,000 views on a forum of 12 people! T weed has achieved legend status.
Web crawlers leaving a trail. Nothing like a Democrat vote in a presidential elextion which is untraceable.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
Originally Posted by
Web crawlers leaving a trail. Nothing like a Democrat vote in a presidential elextion which is untraceable.
wrong. again. web crawlers dont troll only ONE thread on ONE sub section of an obscure forum.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
In Episode 514: Terror In The LBL we are joined by Martin Groves, a retired sheriff, who recently started speaking publicly about his horrific experience in the Land Between The Lakes (LBL) back in 1993. Martin and his hunting partner, who was also a police officer, went on a weekend hunting trip that was supposed to be fun and relaxing. After spending some time in the LBL on their hunts and as nightfall approached, things turn to anything but relaxing. Martin recalls being stalked on his way back to camp where his partner was waiting for him. Then that night through a series of dramatic events, Martin and his partner came to realize that they were being hunted by three upright-walking dogmen. As one dogman came walking into their camp to show itself to them, there were two taunting them from the shadows. They fired upon the creatures and ran for the truck where they encounter more unexpected beasts. Martin and his partner escaped with their lives that night but one hunter not far from their camp wasn't so lucky. After this experience, Martin spent the next 20+ years of his law enforcement career quietly investigating these encounters people were having in the LBL. He's connected a lot of dots and wants to share what he's learned with everyone today in this two-part Overtime episode!
He has a book out with his story. "Beasts Between the Rivers" by Martin Groves.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
Martin Groves the deputy in the video above, mentions a case David Paulides has in this video below. Martin thinks the sons of the fellow who disappeared in the video above may have heard the same thing he did.
An interesting interview at this link that may explain what these things are that people encounter in the wilderness. It's an interview with biblical scholar Mark MacClean concerning the Nephillim spoken of in the Bible. They may be the creations of the fallen angels.
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Dave Paulides has a pretty interesting story of a guy that went missing on the Missouri River in South Dakota. He was found afterwards a long way from where he went missing and didn't know who he was or how he'd gotten where he was.
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It's been awhile since I've posted anything here. I thought the forum was gone for good because I kept getting the message it wasn't here anymore. Clicked on the link today for the hell of it and here it is.
Jeff Nodolny has some interesting stories. This one starts at the 13:00 mark and is from a park ranger that had a run in with a dog man in the Black Hills of South Dakota. He's dieing from cancer and doesn't care about the non disclosure agreement he had to sign after this incident.
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Here's another one from Jeff Nodolny on DUMB's. I thought it was pretty interesting and he has explanations and theories for what's happening to people that disappear and are never seen again.
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This is an account of a dogman attack in Michigan where a woman was killed and fed on. Two park rangers investigated and ended up killing the dogman. People from the government showed up and a coverup followed.
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There have been reports of dog men around my town in Michigan (Luther) for over 100 years. Dog man has been reported in other nearby towns also. There are Bigfoot around also. My wife had one cross the road in front of her down by the luther-Baldwin swamp. Shit is out there and it is real. Fact is, if one shows it’s mug near me I’m giving it the three esses.
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Jeff Nodolny has another video with dogmen encounters with the police and a man that went missing. There was a cover up that followed. He was later found and appeared to have been fed on. The last story is one from Michigan.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
Originally Posted by
I've steered clear of the ufo stories because they always seemed a little too weird to me and I really didn't have any interest in them. There have been a few though that have caught my attention because it seemed like there may be a connection to David Paulides stories of people vanishing in the wilderness.
Over the years as I've listened to stories there have been things that stuck in my mind and I'm going to post some of those videos and time marks in them for things that caught my attention because they may be connected to what's going on in the wilderness when people vanish.
I think our government may be involved and it may shed some light on why they would cover these things up and hide the truth from us.
This first video is one John Ballen did of the "Travis Walton Story". It's a story with lots of witnesses, a disappearance with the sheriff and his deputies thinking it was a murder then Walton shows up again alive.
There have been people in David Paulides stories who disappeared for awhile then were found alive but couldn't remember what had happened to them but a lot of Waltons memories came back to him and it's a pretty interesting story he tells.
Phil Schneider gave some talks on Deep Underground bases before he died.
I'll post a talk he gave in Post Falls, Idaho and at about the 14:00 minute mark he talks about an agreement president Eisenhower was thought to have made in 1954 to allow animals to be taken for experimentation.
People were not supposed to be taken but those taking the animals didn't keep their agreement and started taking people along with animals.
General Isenhower was involved in carrying out the Morganthau plan to exterminate twenty million Germans after they'd surrendered in WWII. In his 1954 deal I now wonder if he may have wanted the German people to be targeted for abduction because David Paulides mentions a lot of people with German ancestry vanish.
Terry Lovelace wrote a book about his experience at a state park he was camped at called "Incident at Devils Den" and he has an interesting story to tell too. In the video below he is interviewed by Tony Merkel.
There is a part of it starting at the 1:16:00 mark that is especially chilling where he observed other men, women, and children that were probably abducted and what looked like our military people who were probably involved with their adduction and later a cover up.
After the incident he was in the hospital and interviewed by military people and they hypnotized him or so they thought and tried to remove his memories of what happened during this incident.
I'm going to bump this video and post another one below so they're in the same place because it covers things I've been wondering about for a long time.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
Jeff Nadolny has done a video that puts everything together that I was thinking and wondering about in the post above. I don't know what to think about all the stuff he covers but I sure wonder about it. Make of it what you will.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
This is a story about four young guys that went camping near Devils Lake, North Dakota. One of them was taken and never seen again. It was covered up and the government was involved.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
This is a story told to Jeff Nodolny by a Tennessee park maintenance worker about a hiker that went missing.
It's fairly long but interesting. A lever action 45/70 was involved and was a good choice. The hiker lost his life and there was a cover up. The men in Black showed up too.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
Here are some stories from military men who have been in Afghanistan and have witnessed some strangeness. Everyone has heard the Kandahar giant stories but there are more stories by different military men seeing these things. I think it's interesting and you can make of it what you will.
in the Kandahar story the men of the first patrol vanished and a second team that was sent out ran in to a giant. More stories on this subject below.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
Jeff Nadolny was contacted by a retired deputy sheriff from the county of the Lovelock caves in Nevada.
He passes along the story told to him by the deputy sheriff.
Some kids from Fallon went in to one of the caves and two of them didn't make it out alive.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
I just got back from the bridger teton wilderness and heard a vocalization at 3 am that got my heart thumping and my 10 mm ready! Creepy as fk!
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
135,000 views on this one thread in an otherwise dead forum. amazing! Anyone have admin powers that can move this to the general section??
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
Originally Posted by
I just got back from the bridger teton wilderness and heard a vocalization at 3 am that got my heart thumping and my 10 mm ready! Creepy as fk!
JD.....Here's a story for you from Base camp Chris. It's a story of some guys that heard a vocalization and were pretty weirded out by it. Later on someone else vanished in that area.
If this were put in the general section I wouldn't be able to post videos anymore.
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
Originally Posted by
JD.....Here's a story for you from Base camp Chris. It's a story of some guys that heard a vocalization and were pretty weirded out by it. Later on someone else vanished in that area.
If this were put in the general section I wouldn't be able to post videos anymore.
oooh, good to know- lets leave it here!!
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
3:00 in the morning is exactly the time i heard it. I believe these things KNOW when your packing serious heat. this one stayed back 40-50yds in the timber (a mix of lodgepole and engleman spruce). Yet it was loud and long enough to wake me up!
Re: Vanishing in the wilderness
Also, i will repeat i reccomend dogman encounters radio on youtube- episode 66. Ive learned more about these things from episode 66, than from all the "experts" combined. 5 stars- a once in a lifetime listen.