Who Owns The Other--Corporations or Government?
I have encountered two separate schools of thought about the dominant controlling institutions in America. One says that Corporations control the government, and point to the corporate lobbyists who push for legislation favorable to corporations and that corporations provide the funds politicians need to get elected. This school says that corporations control (own) the government. The other says that government by virtue of its control of pension funds own the corporations. This school can be found in the thinking of Walter Burien at CAFR1, and Clint Richardson who produced the video Corporation Nation. The group that claims that corporations own the government see our system as 'corporatist' (fascist) and the others who think the government owns the major corporations see the system as essentially communist.
Has anyone else noticed this? Could this be the Ezra Pound idea that you present two simultaneous lies and watch people argue about which one is the truth?
Is there a third view--that corporations and government are essentially the same thing, and they are both owned by TPTB?
Re: Who Owns The Other--Corporations or Government?
Originally Posted by Bouvier
Si quid universitate debetur singulis non debetur, nec quod debet, universitas singuli debent. If anything is due to a corporation, it is not due to the individual members of it, nor do the members individually owe what the corporation owes.
Government is corporate. Voting members (electorate) are corporate. After all, you don't yoke a mule and an oxen together and things mix with similar things. FRNs are corporate coupons. You vote with them.
Beyond this, what goes on within corporations is a matter for corporations. Arguing about them one way or another creates joinder. Again:
Originally Posted by Bouvier
Culpa est immiscere se rei ad se non pertinenti. It is a fault to meddle with what does not belong to or does not concern you. Dig. 50, 17, 36.
Re: Who Owns The Other--Corporations or Government?
Originally Posted by
This doesn't concern us? Lol... Don't pay any attention to that thing slithering around in the tall grass. It does't concern you. ::)
Re: Who Owns The Other--Corporations or Government?
Originally Posted by
Don't pay any attention to that thing slithering around in the tall grass. It does't concern you. ::)
I am not a snake. What goes on in the snake world is a matter for snakes.
Re: Who Owns The Other--Corporations or Government?
There was at one time, as I learned in my indoctrination, a difference between public and private institutions. Government was public. Corporations were private. More recently--in the last dozen years or so, that distinction has been blurred. Government at one time had the power to regulate corporations. More recently, government refuses to regulate corporations, but allow them to do what they please unhindered.
Is our distinction between public and private obsolete? Is everything private now? Including government? If we (the people) don't own the government any more, who does? Or does the government, like the corporations own us? Is it moot to try to figure out who owns who? Are we all slaves, and these institutions are our masters, and it doesn't matter?
Re: Who Owns The Other--Corporations or Government?
We lives in Depublic of Omerica.
Re: Who Owns The Other--Corporations or Government?
Gov and corp are the head and the tail of the snake that eats itself
Or the knife that cuts its own handle
Either end is interchangeable
Re: Who Owns The Other--Corporations or Government?
I think the recently posted plantation video summed it up rather nicely. Corporations and 'government' are just tools they use to obfuscate the truth. Power in this world is derived from nothing more complicated than pure brute force. It has always been this way.
Re: Who Owns The Other--Corporations or Government?
Originally Posted by
I think the recently posted plantation video summed it up rather nicely. Corporations and 'government' are just tools they use to obfuscate the truth. Power in this world is derived from nothing more complicated than pure brute force. It has always been this way.
On one hand--pure brute force, coupled with fear to paralyze you, and on the other hand, with chicanery (trickery, deception, fraud) to take advantage of your inability to think critically because that is a skill they fail to teach you in public schools.
Hitler summed it up in Mein Kampf--It is fortunate for the rulers that the people don't think. Makes you wonder if humanity has lived in paralytic fear for its entire existence.
Re: Who Owns The Other--Corporations or Government?
Originally Posted by
Hatha Sunahara
Is our distinction between public and private obsolete? Is everything private now? Including government?
Government lost the ability to pass public law when they took bankruptcy. Corporations have always been formed under the executive branch of government.
As long as they are not paid they will be lose canon. To make their system work they come up with false money and this is what they pay themselves with. They have built quite a system based on this false money but eventually it must break down. You have to admire the improvisation that they put into making things work. Who would have ever thought of derivatives in a world relying on gold and silver?