How long before the current Wilver train crashes?
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How long before the current Wilver train crashes?
It's good to see little brother silver trying to catch up to big brother gold. Ratio is currently 88 oz of silver to 1 oz of gold. To make an 80/1 ratio, silver can go to $18 quickly. But once silver gets momentum it could easily pass that.
I say $20 silver in the coming months.
I was just flipping thru thrillver charts; ~1y high @ $16.21 yesterday; whoduh thunk it?
It already hit 14 frns, for what several months or even a year. Silver can't "hit" what it was held down and slammed to. Wilver's been there and done that. Now, big brother Dold is off to the races gaining. Wilver has a little life left to try and keep up.
18 frns we go, watch and enjoy the show. :)
It’s a gigantic buy signal when silver is at more than 90:1 to gold. The house voted a $15 minimum wage (it will not pass senate, but it will probably by the end of next year after elections), and federal reserve lowered interest rates. These two things are very inflationary and this favors silver more than gold. Then you have the epic “cup and handle” which have been forming since 1980, and the “handle” part is about to break out. I wouldn’t be surprised if silver is at +$100/t.oz within a year.
Aint no $15 minimum wage coming to all parts U.S. is just a publicity stunt so democractic runners can use as ammo in elections.
Christ there's still some parts in U.S. where entire plant managers still only earn $15 an hour.
I'm of the opinion nothing happens to Silver until something happens to crude.
See the democrats will even get the plant managers in those areas then. If the workers get payed $15/hour a plant manager should get at least 22 maybe 24 even, hell he’ll vote Democrat too. Anyway it won’t take long until those $15 gets you what $7.25 gets you today. Sure some jobs will get lost, but those people will get hired in hey-tich industry doin internet an sheit.
I like the way you think. I will say I have never, sold any of the silver I've bought over the years, bought in meager amounts. However, If silver hit's +$100 an oz, I will part with some 1 oz rounds or 10 oz bars I have. 90% junk is for SHTF and bartering, won't sell that. Coins are for when/if I am blessed to retire in 15-20 years...
Silver has always been a long play investment. I'm bullish, but won't sell any silver anytime soon. Have silver for a plan in place, and set a price for when you'll sell. That is what silver is for.
Silver will probably surprise most of us as it starts moving massively. The $50 it was in 1980 is probably equivalent to $500 today if you count the real inflation of the dollar. It may even get higher than this. Fueled by profits in the crypto arena, what unites gold/silver-bugs with adopters of crypto-currencies is a distrust of fiat currency. Some in the crypto community also has a firm belief in gold and silver but right now sees greater profit potential in crypto’s, once those profits have been realized they probably will move into booming gold and silver.
Wow, alls you guys need now is some peanut butter to go with all the jelly... Reason gold is 90 to 1 is so that it can be shorted to supress silver. And nowadays that even an apparent subject to Bitcoin.
We backtrack to 14 before eclipsing 18.
No need to become a wilver tard again.
How else could you grab the multi-annual Hugo Salinas, Nobel Peace & Prosperity Award?
Imagine the insulation to oil shocks that local Silver banking and exchanges could provide to global communist states everywhere.
Persons from all walks of life would be diggin through old disposed of cellphones and keyboards now gathering dust in closets across the globe.
Even genetically disadvantaged people..
Another 1/4 point cut and wilver on the way way down. Palladium dropped the day before. Foreshadowing?
What happens when the dollar is routed?
I like the way you think. There is always a lag time with silver, trying to follow big brother gold.
There really is a silver rocket ready to launch at any time! Wait for it....wait for it....boom! Off to the races!
We live in exciting times for metals! Cheers, folks! Enjoy the ride coming!
I am hearing dollar a day moves are coming in silver.
Cabal losing control?
Jim Rickard's sources say China will invade Hong Kong soon and in retaliation USA will freeze their Treasury notes, prepare accordingly.
Yes we will be in the 2% time frame when silver investors are not miserable! Civilization breakdown time! Wohoooo! ;D ;D enjoy it guys!
^Funny site monitoring the difference between west’s fake paper gold and silver price and china’s exchange price.
Perhaps JQP could replace the kitco ticker with that instead?
If the liquidity issues that are showing now continue, then we will see a repeat of the 2008 downward spiral. I'd hold onto the powder.
You are just wanting to reallocate your stash. If the below doesn't scream liquidity issues, I don't know what would.
Denmark's 3rd Largest Bank Is Now Paying People To Take Out A Mortgage
"a gigantic outbreak is looming. it is a waiting game, yet it is worth being patient"
Imagine being patient, after all these years....
That's the symbol the Silver Surfer uses when he's lost his board and needs to call Batman in.
The PPT will always win.