There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Mamboni comments: This is an excellent comprehensive summation of the state of the US economy presently, prepared and presented by Mr. Molyneux. It was very tough to get through becuase the numbers are just staggering. The rate of deterioration is just mindbending in the last 10 years alone. I posted it becuase I thought maybe, just maybe, some people could be awoken out the mental trap they're in, whether it be the false left-right political dialectic, the don't-blame-Obama white guilt affliction, or the pie-in-the-sky belief that the government and socialist central planning will save us; and they might realize that the ship of state called the USA is sinking, and on fire, and has past the point of no return. The situation is that dire, that serious, that any time wasted in fingerpointing, placing blame, or denial can get you homeless, starved or worse. For anyone who is still sipping the "hope and change" koolaid, this video gives you all the hard facts, the entire granular picture, enough to snap you awake and into action towards self-preservation. Anyone who watches this video and denies the crisis we are in at this late date is either stupid or in severe denial of reality, a form of psychosis:
Over 7 years ago, Jim Willie was shouting in his newsletter and articles that the US economy was entering not recession, not depression, but out-and-out disintegration. It terrified me into greatly accelerating my preparations, though I hoped that he was over pessimistic. He has turned out to absolutely on target correct, sadly.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Anyone who watches this video and denies the crisis we are in at this late date is either stupid or in severe denial of reality, a form of psychosis.
I didn't realize you practiced as a psychiatrist.
When reality changes does that mean you were living an illusion?
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
I didn't realize you practiced as a psychiatrist.
When reality changes does that mean you were living an illusion?
What did you think of the video?
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
What did you think of the video?
I watched the first minute and couldn't take any more. His basic premise is that America exists (or once existed). There has never been a country "America" in the existence of the world.
I once was on vacation in Florida and happened to talk to a black guy by the pool. I asked his nationality. He looked at me amazed and said "I am Black". I told him there had never been a nation "Black" in the history of the world and asked where he had been born. He said "Kentucky". So I told him his nationality was Kentuckian. He looked startled and thanked me.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
there had never been a nation "Black" in the history of the world
Nigeria, Niger means black
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
Nigeria, Niger means black
Yeah ... but he was born in KENTUCKY and I really doubt he had ever been to Nigeria.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
I watched the first minute and couldn't take any more. His basic premise is that America exists (or once existed). There has never been a country "America" in the existence of the world.
I once was on vacation in Florida and happened to talk to a black guy by the pool. I asked his nationality. He looked at me amazed and said "I am Black". I told him there had never been a nation "Black" in the history of the world and asked where he had been born. He said "Kentucky". So I told him his nationality was Kentuckian. He looked startled and thanked me.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
This is an excellent video/presentation with some truly staggering facts and numbers. It is tough to get through, but I like how the Mr. Molyneux uses the numbers so your average person should be able to wrap their head around just how bleak our situation is currently.
As of now, I had some glimmer of hope that a complete collapse could be avoided. Now, I am 100% certain a collapse is imminent. I think I need a stiff drink. Thanks Mamboni, I hope my demoralized mood will change in short order.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
"No Export = No Recovery"... Ponce
Glad to see that I have at least one follower....... we will never be again what we were at one time?
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
I watched the first minute and couldn't take any more.
Those who actually WATCHED the video are probably also paying close attention to THIS relevant thread. Not wasting everyone's time with the constant annoying semantics of old law books and legalize bullshit.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
Those who actually WATCHED the video are probably also paying close attention to
THIS relevant thread. Not wasting everyone's time with the constant annoying semantics of old law books and legalize bullshit.
If one does not know where one is from, then one is LOST (and Z Tribe has done a very fine job of confusing folks as to their roots).
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
Those who actually WATCHED the video are probably also paying close attention to
THIS relevant thread. Not wasting everyone's time with the constant annoying semantics of old law books and legalize bullshit.
Palani, Book's right. This video and thread is too important to get derailed. Everyone should take the time to watch this video, and comment on it. If you don't invest the time to watch this, don't comment, because it will just derail the thread.
That being said, I get about 50% wage increase if our customer is the gov, in my work. For doing the same work. Private company customer, one wage. Gov contract, 50% more, roughly. These are gov funded construction projects I'm mentioning.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
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My thoughts exactly!
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
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Originally Posted by
7th trump
My thoughts exactly!
I feel palani will find these statements most agreeable.
Watched the first 10-15 min then scanned the rest. Decent video, I feel it has a ton of economic data/numbers, and would be good to show any friends that don't really have a clue or are just starting to wake up.
Then again if they're just now starting to wake up they might do better going back to sleep.
Anyone of the mindset generally found on this site would have/should have seen the picture this video paints a long while ago.
Just my two zinc pennies worth.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
This video and thread is too important to get derailed. Everyone should take the time to watch this video, and comment on it. If you don't invest the time to watch this, don't comment, because it will just derail the thread.
I am really struck that Stefan Molyneux is able to recite all the grim statistics of our current Reality during this video while remaining calm and maintaining such a pleasant demeanor. Kinda surprising that he doesn't rant like most others. Not even a hint of being, himself, personally unhinged or angry or morose. Probably the most sane man among us. He concludes by frankly stating that really hard times are ahead and suggests accumulating gold and FOOD. Didn't mention guns and ammo...
I dunno how he maintains his personal calm.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Stefan Molyneux suffers from ideology induced cognitive dissonance, he had several episodes of it during this video. Always fun to watch...
Other than that, he covered the topic very well.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
I dunno how he maintains his personal calm.
I'm pretty calm right now.
We're fucked. Maybe Stefan knows this, I'm sure he does, but just says 'fuck it'. Pardon my language.
I am not sure I understand your post, Book. However, these facts and numbers stand for themselves...if you listen to Stefan. Listen to the numbers.
We are fucked.
Pardon my language. We are though.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
Those who actually WATCHED the video are probably also paying close attention to
THIS relevant thread. Not wasting everyone's time with the constant annoying semantics of old law books and legalize bullshit.
Masked Man to Tonto: "We are surrounded by Indians and are going to DIE!!!!"
Tonto To Masked Man: "What do you mean by WE, White Man?"
Reason is where ever you might find it and I find more reason in old law books than in fictional TV dramas. The above excerpt is an exception.
The economy is now and always has been a federally controlled thing. It was destined to fail from the git go ... hence the 14th amendment proclamation from Big Daddy United States (the pre-Civil War government):
Originally Posted by Section IV of 14th Amendment
But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
What did you think of the video?
it's 59 minutes. be a big download, 149 MB. downloading it now.
i like to listen to my Doom in Quicktime.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
We all know where society is headed...the same place as all societies have gone throughout history.
To think we can save society from being the next in line for collapse is futile at best.
So many people are fretting about what is coming, thinking we must survive and live forever...it just doesn't work that way.
Life goes on until it doesn't.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Staggering statistic;
U.S. 32% of global GDP in 2001 to 22% in 2011.
That's a percent of GDP per year, man the Boomers really F'ed that place over.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
Staggering statistic;
U.S. 32% of global GDP in 2001 to 22% in 2011.
That's a percent of GDP per year, man the boomers really F'ed that place over.
US GDP was 50% of the world in 1950. It took 50 years to decline 36%.
It has taken only 10 years for US GDP as percent of world GDP to decline 32%.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
US GDP was 50% of the world in 1950. It took 50 years to decline 36%.
It has taken only 10 years for US GDP as percent of world GDP to decline 32%.
I'm reminded of statements back on GIM in 2005,
when someone said the illegal alien exodus from U.S. to Mexico is coming next.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
This was a really ominous prognosis of the state of the economy.
I saw plenty of exponential-shaped graphs that were near vertical. Knowing what I know about mathematics, something has to change very very soon, because they can't continue to follow their trajectories.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
The truth is very sad. :(
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
But there are complete economic recoveries in selected cities. Anyone can move to one of these.
Silicon Valley/San Fran, CA
NY City/Wall Street
Washington DC (never had a recession)
South Florida
Austin, TX
Houston/Dallas Corridor
Phoenix, AZ
Charlotte, Raleigh NC
Los Angelos, CA
North Dakota
South Dakota
Cape Cod
Chicago, IL
I'm sure there are more
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
This was a really ominous prognosis of the state of the economy.
I saw plenty of exponential-shaped graphs that were near vertical. Knowing what I know about mathematics, something has to change very very soon, because they can't continue to follow their trajectories.
i agree.
when something goes parabolic. ....it is almost like " my eyes glaze over" because your abilty to quantify goes poof.
The only thing you can grasp is the end will NOT be a progressive slide.
it will bee a abrupt end comes with the boom of a Thunderclap and the speed of a eye blinking.
it can make you paranoid
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
REMEMBER ammo....and how the "shortage" developed into a crisis, then became a permanent shortage, orchestrated aided and abetted by your zio overlords......now, consider this- food and water are next. prepare.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
i've just been listening to the Financial Sense webcast for March 30.
they are wierd, sort of bi-polar. they go into medium detail on all the Doom-related subjects like cascading bank failures, Cyprus, the cooking of US economic numbers, the skillful channeling of QE to pump up the US stock market.
but then they "talk up" investing in the US stock market as if it were a low-risk scenario. pointing out that it has risen about 100% since the lows in 2009, and ridiculing those who stayed out of the stock market. (meanwhile, Gold has gone up 100% and Silver about 150% since the lows of 2009 - and those gains are much lower risk than investing in the US stock market.)
it makes for a wierd concoction of webcast. in the past Financial Sense has been useful, it helps me figure out the economy.
getting back to the subject of the thread - it's a 110% government-financed pseudo-recovery. Everything is cooked & manipulated. The stock market is goosed UP. unemployment numbers are goosed DOWN. Precious metal prices are manipulated DOWN. etc. etc. Health care stocks are up 6% this year - Jeez, I wonder why ?
i like honest webcasts. at least on King World News, the advertisers are the people Eric King interviews, e.g. Sinclair's company. their shtick is simple - buy PM's, long term, they're going up.
while the motivations of MSM economic journalists are obvious (e.g. Cramer), i have to wonder about some of the 'intermediate media'. Puplava is pushing Puplava Financial Services more & more. but if they just admitted the truth - that markets are highly manipulated, and that going all-in into precious metals at these recent lows makes for a sound financial strategy ... well, what do we need PFS for ?
perhaps, to remind us of the merits of diversification, to discuss different types of diversification.
but, getting back to the subject of the thread ... while the US economy continues to contract, the stock market is marking all time nominal, highs, and the Zio-media is in full-on "Rah Rah" mode - unless the subject is Gold.
so we have to go to Zero Hedge and here at G-S.us to find out some deeper truth, e.g. MOPE (Management of Perception Economics.)
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Not that i doubt Stefan because i know the situation is beyond bad.
my question is.
who did the studies as the sources he is citing?
some of them.i really have a hard time wrapping my head around
for ex. The one in which he states 1 in 4 american dosent have acess to 500 in savings.
how was this stat obtained?
how was it verified?
only reason i ask is because i really have a hard time seeing people fillng out any questionre trying to quantify that type of info.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Probably got the stats from institutional sources. The savings rate and amounts would be tracked by the banks.
I've never had a savings account. If you don't hold it you don't own it.....
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
Probably got the stats from institutional sources. The savings rate and amounts would be tracked by the banks.
I've never had a savings account. If you don't hold it you don't own it.....
Pay Ponce a 2 cent royalty. He accepts milli-bitcoins or PayPal.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
i haven't even listened to Stefan's webcast, though i will probably get a chance to this morning.
but we know the basics, regardless of what Stefan says.
we're in the midst of an economic contraction that exceeds that of the "Great Depression" in terms of real economic activity.
of course, there is plenty of fake economic activity. i had 2 medical appointments last year where zero medical service was performed. in one case a doctor refused to examine me, in another a doctor refused to treat me, for treatment of a painful allergic reaction. the bills that followed those appointments were $200+ and $500+. absolutely no service was rendered.
yet those appointments are counted as economic activity.
the political climate is defined by events like 9-11 and the passage of the NDAA - gentiles are expendable, and the US gov. Police State has assigned itself the right to "kill whenever they feel like it".
it's sort of a combination of -
A/ the worst nightmare of a civic rights activist
B/ the worst nightmare of an economist.
all with the sugary cheery coating that can be afforded by modern technology & the Zio-media.
the net result naturally evokes comparisons to -
Brave New World
The Matrix.
in terms of how we respond, i would say that it's good to be aware without dwelling on it, and to focus on real work in the real world.
this morning i get a short break from high-tech, to make some large seedling enclosures for this years' peanuts & sunflowers. i have some shelving to make for an outdoor shop area. nice real-world hands-on sawdust-creating activities which help me remember - even in the midst of a larger historic transition that involves the disappearance of the America we knew last century, real work which results in real stuff and real satisfaction can still go on.
after starting to listen to it, i am realizing that i will have to listen to it about 5 times to fully comprehend it.
i alternate between Doom webcasts, ZZ Top, and Johnny Cash (e.g. Walk the Line, favorite song) when i'm working with my hands. :)
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
j just got a stat from usawatchdog that was absolutely mindboggelling.
He speaks to somebody at FDIC and the following exchange happens.
FDIC has over 10 TRILLION in deposits on the books
FDIC has only 30 BILLION in insurance funding
FDIC HAS a credit line from Treasury for 100 MIllion.
so when the smoke clears there is a grand total of 133 million dollars securing over 10 TRILLION
Who the eff in their in their right mind would keep anything of consequence in the banks?
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
i listened to it about 3 times so far.
i think Stefan was a little too ambitious with his outline when he started to lay this webcast.
he is mixing economic statistics & observations about world affairs.
i think he has done a great job pulling together economic statistics, but i would say he is dead wrong about some of his sociological observations.
e.g. he says that "Violence doesn't work".
i would say that the Violence that has occurred in the past has worked GREAT for the parties who inflict it on the general population.
JFK was a threat to Israeli nuclear power dreams. 3 military snipers made sure to put an end to that. now Israel can be as obnoxious to their neighbors as they want. Violence worked well for them, in the short term.
he mentions the War on Drugs, is if it were supposed to be a "rational project". does he really think the War on Drugs is supposed to be rational ? it criminalizes a plant (hemp) that endangers the profits of both the big pharma & the petro-chemical industries. it creates a Gulag of 2 million American prisoners.
obviously the War on Drugs has not worked well for non-violent drug offenders, but it's not supposed to.
of course, that subject - that of the effectiveness of violence - is both a subject unto itself, AND one that we can not discuss freely.
if i was Stefan's 'editor' i would tell him to outline the subject areas he discusses, and to state the obvious - that it's too much for one 1-hour webcast, so this webcast will be on the deterioration of the economy (for example.)
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Finally got around to watching the vid, and while the information should be nothing new to most of us, it's a sobering reminder to double down on prep plans. Also, at around 12:00 in the video, the statistic that welfare spending equates to $168 per household per day compared to $137 per private household floored me!
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
Finally got around to watching the vid, and while the information should be nothing new to most of us, it's a sobering reminder to double down on prep plans. Also, at around 12:00 in the video, the statistic that welfare spending equates to $168 per household per day compared to $137 per private household floored me!
Those welfare famalies are larger ones in most cases.
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
You mean paying debt with more debt does not fix a debt problem?
OMG...ground breaking discoveries going on here!
Re: There Will Be No Economic Recovery. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Originally Posted by
i listened to it about 3 times so far.
i think Stefan was a little too ambitious with his outline when he started to lay this webcast.
he is mixing economic statistics & observations about world affairs.
i think he has done a great job pulling together economic statistics, but i would say he is dead wrong about some of his sociological observations.
e.g. he says that "Violence doesn't work".
i would say that the Violence that has occurred in the past has worked GREAT for the parties who inflict it on the general population.
JFK was a threat to Israeli nuclear power dreams. 3 military snipers made sure to put an end to that. now Israel can be as obnoxious to their neighbors as they want. Violence worked well for them, in the short term.
he mentions the War on Drugs, is if it were supposed to be a "rational project". does he really think the War on Drugs is supposed to be rational ? it criminalizes a plant (hemp) that endangers the profits of both the big pharma & the petro-chemical industries. it creates a Gulag of 2 million American prisoners.
obviously the War on Drugs has not worked well for non-violent drug offenders, but it's not supposed to.
of course, that subject - that of the effectiveness of violence - is both a subject unto itself, AND one that we can not discuss freely.
if i was Stefan's 'editor' i would tell him to outline the subject areas he discusses, and to state the obvious - that it's too much for one 1-hour webcast, so this webcast will be on the deterioration of the economy (for example.)
I have not finished it yet and had the same kind of reaction you did.
At first I was eating all the food he put out... and he stated a PRINCIPLE that violence ALWAYS causes the opposite of the desired consequences. For a moment I accepted this as truth. But then something nagged at me. I brought this concept back up to conscious judgment.
America was founded by violence in opposition to tyranny. Violence on the battlefield wins the battles. Violence in the face of an attacker may save the life of your family. Violence when hunting for food will put meat on your table. Violence against weeds in your garden will allow the desired plants to grow.
I would have to say that Molyneux was wrong about that.
There other thing about this is that he misplaces causes for results. It os government violence against the free market that is inefficient and will usually cause the opposite of supposed intended results. He seems to overlook the one key factor in this- unjust violence. There is a just violence.