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From out of chaos, order.
According to Russell Pine the Death Cult are 'divinely ordained' to lord over us, so just accept it.
max if you like to have someone lord over you come on down to hillybilly land i have some shit jobs for you do ..... bitch dont make me tell you twice get it done . i wonder how he would like being chain to the outside of the barn so he cant run
On January 28, 2004, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a default judgment and order against Jordan Maxwell, aka Russell Pine, charging that he, along with Vic Varjabedian, aka Victor Varjabedian, aka Varouj Varjabedian, violated the FTC act, in connection with illegally and deceptively selling marketed international driving permits over the internet.
According to the Memorandum Opinion in Support of Order, under section II entitled FACTS, both Jordan Maxwell, aka Russell Pine, and Vic Varjabedian, from about December 1999 to January 2003 "conducted a nationwide scheme to defraud customers using an internet website and in-bound telemarketing calls. The defendants maintained this website,,[10] where they sold fake international driver's permits, bogus credit repair services, and sham debt termination programs. Maxwell and Varjabedian have directed, controlled, and participated in the acts and practices of BBCOA."[11][12]
Russell Pine (born 28 December 1940), better known as Jordan Maxwell, is a freemasonic shill and New Age activist in the Truth movement. The main purpose of Maxwell's work seems to be to cover up crimes commited by Jews and blame them on kosher poltergeists: his favourite fall-guys are ethnic Germanics (he coined the phrase "Teutonic Zionism") and the Vatican or Rome in general.
Well Mick the problem is that Russell Pine hasn't done a lick of honest work in his entire life, which is a very long time considering he's 74 now. Dunno if you'd be able to get him to do anything productive at this point, even if it's just raking leaves. He's made a career out of being non-productive.
thats alright i can put his ass in the hog pen to watch the hogs
I was a big JM fan in the Early days and stuff Like Matrix of Power. Was standard reading
But as MR says he dances ever so carefully about the zionist stranglehold on the world.
He worships Blahvatsky(sp) and that woman attained some of the highest levels in the Black Arts working lock step with Alice Bailey and the Lucifer Trust.
I cannot watch video here as the house has a limited stream package.... it is strange however that people who try to debunk generally refute the kabalistic nature of the 2 testaments to start with. So they cannot win the argument.
yeah when one's knowledge is as developed as which of the PTBs, one is part of the cabal :)
merely posting this for people to make up their own minds and feel free to debunk him after investigating as much as they can about the topics
Jordans areas of interest include:
* Astro-Theology
* Sexual Symbolisn in World Religions
* Foundations for Modern-Day Religion
* Secret Societies and Toxic Religion
* World Mysteries: Ancient and Modern
* Ancient Symbols and Occult Emblems
* Ancient Sciences and Technology
* Hidden Bible Teachings and Mysteries
* The Sun in the History of Politics and Religion
* The Story Your Church Doesn't Want You to Know
* Secret Societies and their Influence on World Events
Jordan Maxwell - Overshadowing of the Human Race [Red Ice Radio] 01-03-13
Published on Jan 17, 2013
Jordan Maxwell continues as the preeminent pioneer researcher and independent scholar in the field of occult / religious philosophy. His interest in these subjects began as far back as 1959. His work on the subject of secret societies, both ancient and modern, and their symbols, has fascinated audiences around the world for decades. He returns to kick off another new year. He'll speak about our crumbling, decaying society and the signs of the slow collapse. Jordan explains how all roads lead to Rome. Then, he gives his opinion on the Occupy movement and other new revolutionary movements. Later, he explains how God or the spirit, as a higher intelligence is the one who leads us into discovering sacred knowledge based upon our desire to know truth but not all will find it. He shares a bit about his own personal experiences. In the second hour, we'll begin on the British/Israeli World Federation and September 11th as an important date for the "new kingdom." Jordan moves on to talk about a higher intelligence that has been manipulating humanity for ages, leading and overshadowing us. He says different factions of higher beings are at war with each other. We'll explore the phenomena of reincarnation, free will, psychic ability and the questions of why, who and where. Jordan ends with a personal UFO story from the 50's. He also discusses how the Bible doesn't really say God created man.
"Nicea is a town in France."* --Russell Pine aka Jordan Maxwell in a talk regarding the Council of Nicea
Yeah, that Russell is a real bright and diligent straight shooter. lol
*How the Hell can someone who's supposedly studied the matter of the Council of Nicea NOT know that Nicea is NOT in France?!?!?!? ??? Seriously, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing my ass off when I heard him say that on the video I was watching, but you know that fucker is so FULL OF SHIT that if one listens to him carefully one will find that it's impossible for him to speak for more than five minutes without him telling a whopper of a bald-faced lie. Of course he mixes in just enough of the catchy buzzwords to numb the minds of his listeners and con them into thinking that he's telling the gospel truth. He's of his father the devil and he's made a career out of preaching his father the devil's spew.
ohh and by the way Krishnamurti was too an theosophical asset at some point, but Krishnamurti turned his back to them and went on his own path, became a world acclaimed philosopher. He knew what they were up to and delivered his message to destroy them from within.
“You can only be afraid of what you think you know.”
“Governments want efficient technicians, not human beings, because human beings become dangerous to governments – and to organized religions as well. That is why governments and religious organizations seek to control education.
“The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.”
― Jiddu Krishnamurti
is this the only example you have to debunk his life time research?
when are you going to ponder the 33 masonic degrees and the fact that Christ died at age 33? :)
yes I know it is upsetting to hear that what you dearly believe in has been borrowed from ancient myths. Religions havent changed over 6000 years, they ALL copycat one another. Why? because the ancient myths are filled with universal truths.
I'm not going to waste my time pointing out what an obvious fraud that lifetime con artist and Lucifer worshiping* asshole Russell Pine aka Jordan Maxwell is.
*Russell Pine's 'life work' revolves around being a Lucifer worshiper, that much is indisputable (as evidenced by him being a hardcore adherent of top Lucifer worshiper Blavatsky [and anyone who denies that Blavatsky wasn't a Lucifer worshiper herself is blind as a fucking bat seeing as how the magazine she published was titled Lucifer]).
we can avoid judgement day, if we have the intelligence to do so...
more knowledge in the hands of a few will always impose serfdom onto the masses. It is a Universal Law. No knowledge is deemed evil when it is allowed to circulate freely. By blasting it, we not only prevent people from making up their own minds (keep out, stay in your bubble) but just get the opposite motion, what we dont want... evil keeps prospering.
it takes a lot of courage to know it all, even though we canT... because at the end of the road, when we die, we must submit, regardless of our belief system, we reunite the pool of Universal Love.... the DMT shock telling bus that everything (petty fights) is/was vain.
edit: MR, I did Ayahuasca last december in Mexico and I asked the Divine Plant right before drinking 'it" (my intent) to show me how I could Love better... and 20 mins later. as soon as I entered the 'sacred geometry portal', Ayahuasca told me "you just have to Love more'... Ayahuasca took me where duality doesnt exist for 4 hours, I experienced God's Love. And I got IT! I didnt flip out because I dared ask the right question :)
edit 2: I wouldnt recommend "it" to anyone who is righteous, really. Love is infinite and one must come to terms with one's inner dualities first otherwise Mother Ayahuasca will fix this and the journey will sound like a nightmare. But since I understand "non dualism", for me it went pretty well. The Shaman was amazed by my self-control. Actually, after experiencing God's Love directly, I dont think I have much more to ask... I do not need a 2nd journey, I mean.
hello Book! well I think that there is a pact between Freemasonry/Vatican and the Judaism/Zionism... to keep us focus on the wrong ball rolling: you, Jews, you will be accused of every evil done but we will ALWAYS back you up by creating more diversions and ultimately make you UNimpeachable... a win-win situation, well so to speak.
But I fear that the Jesuits are behind everything... keep in mind that with no antagonism, nothing can progress... in this case, world domination. All roads lead to Rome, I am afraid.
FWIW about four years ago I researched the character who calls himself Jordan Maxwell, mainly because a friend got sucked into giving that parasitic POS financial assistance. (I tried to warn my friend but he was getting his ears tickled) What I found out: Russell Pine has never worked at anything other than being a bum his entire life sponging off others starting at about 19; he has learned how to tickle the ears of others for a fee and he's perfected that now, however as recently as ~12 years ago when he and his partner in crime were doing the 'Int'l Driver License' and 'credit repair' scams he was literally homeless sleeping on the floor of the office they had rented for facilitating their scams (interestingly there's a big gap in the 'resume' on his website from '99-'03 lol). I haven't found it on his website (frankly I've not looked that hard for it) but on his website he used to refer to himself as "the godfather of the occult" and claimed to have gone through an 'initiation' in the king's chamber of the Great Pyramid. I see now on his website he admits to being Russell T. Pine, formerly that was NOT the case. And formerly on his website he had photos of himself with several celebs, a handful of these photos were taken in an elevator lobby where obviously he had positioned himself in order to buttonhole them for a photo op when they were getting on or off the elevators. lol (those photos are not there now - I suspect these changes to his website are the result of folks like me outing him on the 'net).
Oh, and most importantly he has a video offered for sale on his website about Lucifer which refers to Lucifer as 'misunderstood' - which is typical for Lucifer worshipers.
there is a BIG difference between Satan and Lucifer. In Latin 'Lucifer' means "Light Bearer", which is Hermes in the Hermetic tradition.. maybe should you look into it some time. while there may be any excuses, when one is too poor, one easily can find oneself in odd situations which can later on be used against one. Not being an apologist here... far to the contrary.
I am all for Satan terminology though.
I think having gone through homelessness is a big PLUS... in this time and age. Buddha has to live in a cave and endure starvation too to come up with his teachings, Christ was pretty poor also, wasnt he?
which 'stupidity barometer' are you using, Mick? Being a libertarian is all nice but WHEN it comes down to the BIG Reality, many are losing it ... I do not see myself as a guru of any kind, until we do not see the world as it TRULY IS... nothing can improve. Ideologies are just pipe dreams.... empathy can only change the world as we all are fractals of the same Universe. It is only we when accept what IT IS that we can comprehend why the NWO wants us to keep fighting among ourselves.
How 'bout scamming folks - is that a big PLUS as well?? ???Quote:
I think having gone through homelessness is a big PLUS
it not about you ... stop and laugh it does us all some good
back to square one
plz feel free to debunk anything he says (NOT his past).... one of the biggest scam ever is to make people believe in whatever "new age"... religions are NOT new at all, it just is the same mantra repeated with a different 'gravy'... but the food bathing underneath that gravy still is the same.
MR, I like you a lot and you are a valuable mind on here, if you still want to believe in Christianity, that is FINE... just dont defend it do death, it is not worth it... because when you do so, you imperil the 'Whole Universe'. The latter has made sure that subjective reality is worth it as long as we do not enforce it upon others. And that is how the NWO/Zionists/Vatican get us.... to take over the world. Subjectivity will ever, never surpass Objectivity (wisdom without judgment)
I don't care what you post SM, Russell Pine/Jordan Maxwell is a turd of the first order and a snake. Indeed, I thought you were smarter than to get sucked in by the likes of that lyin' asshole serving the Death Cult. Anyone who buys into ANYTHING that turd spews is grievously misguided (those who are cognizant recognize that those peddling snake oil sprinkle in just enough of the truth to make their spew sound credible).
And FWIW my position isn't so much a 'defense of Christianity' as it is attacking a bald-faced lyin' parasitic shitbird serving the Death Cult leading folks astray.
I'm living like Jesus (burp)
:rolleyes: failure rationalized
There it is.. SBK, I most likely am the only one posting on here who dares reveal her real name.. and you turn it against me...
there is no death cult out there but people who cannot accept that their education was limited.. and the NWO banks on it.
Global serfdom would never have become a reality without it... Free Will starts with taking responsibility for what it is... if one does NOT get that, YES, we deserve what is happening... Free Will is always a 50-50% rule of engagement . YES, ALL religions/politics are utterly corrupt... and I am not going to let them take me for a ride anymore!... those who separate religions from politics have not understood the BEAST we are dealing with, because politics and religions are the same two headed monster. Thats as simple as that.
God is Truth and Truth destroys (thanks to HT for repeating this over and over)... for the better.
edit: MR changed SBK into SM after this reply to him.
I was a huge Goldissima fan when she still lived in New York and wrote all those very thought-provoking sophisticated financial articles and posted them on GIM1.
What the hell ever happened to her gift of Discernment? Your post quoted above forces me to ask: Are your kidnappers keeping you disoriented with drugs? Are you being held against your will in New Mexico?
:) click your mouse three times if you are being watched and can't answer
empathy has nothing to with (moral) debt... it is about "live and let live"... if you cannot change people's mind, do NOT be aggressive about it... that is just the way it IS. Freedom starts with respect... christians are great when they do not go blindly after jews and muslims... or anybody explaining astro-theology.
Book, one advice... do not take anyone/anything for granted
classic example of a mind who cannot accept that everything evolves constantly, and that backgrounds superimpose ... if you dont agree with the 'zionists did it alone' conspiracy, then you must be in drugs!! :)
well at least, I am not alone.
Jesuit: Vatican Tyranny - The Forbidden Knowledge
The Jesuits created the Illuminati and are the NWO cabal, not the Jews!
Karen Hudes and Professor Antal Fekete
Exposing the Jesuit Conspiracy with Karen Hudes
I was a huge Goldissima fan when she still lived in New York and wrote all those very thought-provoking sophisticated financial articles and posted them on GIM1.
What the hell ever happened to her gift of Discernment? Your post quoted above forces me to ask: Are your kidnappers keeping you disoriented with drugs? Are you being held against your will in New Mexico?[/QUOTE]
Higher Spirituality
I'm living like Buddha and Jesus
The Loominaughty run the world
Jew Bankers are our Friends
like I said, Book... Christ was not rich and lived off people's generosity... do you ever donate to poor people?
:rolleyes: is that your Retirement plan Goldy?
The Roman government invented Jesus and started the religion to keep their idiot slave population in line.
The environment and anal sex are the new religions of the day.
actually I am housetting 2 houses as I type this and have a dogge ram 1500, 2008. Not bad for living off the grid, do have a part-time steady job I have to say, working with a deep end alcoholic who helps me having more compassion. Trade a couple of hours weekly work for organic veggies mainly.
sure being homeless and ignorant is a double whammy... Some regard themelves as usefull ants, and will fight for it to death... indeed the world we live in is insane.
Manhattan Finance World...booming in 2014
Hippy Commune in Arizona...went bankrupt
Next Year?