HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Some commercial diver made this presentation about how everything is dying on the West coast and took a bunch of pictures. It got a bunch of views on YouTube and Jeff Rense caught wind of it, who covers Fukushima heavily on his show Rense's crew took the video and made a shorter/to the point version:
Full Version here
Jeff Rense continuously refers to this video in all of his shows now for being groundbreaking, but I'm unsure what to make of it. I don't know if it's completely accurate or they may be to biased in a BS conspiracy.
Again I don't understand if this is accurate, or if this is "evidence" that the Pacific Island is dying. I simply don't understand how the Ocean normally looks/works. Please let me know what you guys think.
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
That Dana diver person was supposed to be guest on Rense last night (Tues), maybe joined by Yoishi S.
http://grizzom.blogspot.com should be posting it any time now, they're already later than normal after the show's ended (10 PM Pacific)
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Originally Posted by
That Dana diver person was supposed to be guest on Rense last night (Tues), maybe joined by Yoishi S.
http://grizzom.blogspot.com should be posting it any time now, they're already later than normal after the show's ended (10 PM Pacific)
I'm aware. I was planning on posting it when it was posted on Mami's Shit.
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
very troubling information. I wonder what it is like on the other side of the island? or further north. I wonder if they can take samples or if you need a permit. Should be able to detect it.
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
I am leaning to thinking this drama is all hyperbole. The truth is probably way worse than we are being told by mass media (as if we'd get the truth from them). I would think if the Pacific was as dead as these alarming headlines claim, then there would be an outcry that would be impossible to silence. The world should have come together after the Fuk meltdowns and devised an enormous sea wall to contain this contamination. Nothing was done and we will all pay the price.
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Someone here on this forum that lives on the west coast ... I forget who said it... said that its BS... well at least where they live. They said that there were sea lions bigger than ever and sea life of all types. They never saw anything like this video makes claim to.I hope so anyway. The Pacific ocean is a HUGE body of water and I think it would take much more to kill it all. But I am no expert.
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
the guest in this podcast believes nuke power itself is BS; that they just put up the steam stacks for effect, bla bla,
Thread: The Realist Report - Are nuclear weapons a hoax?
His case that the supposed nuking of Hiro/Naga JP in 1945 was hoaxed though, I find very plausible! :o
Anyways, Rense.com is the best clearinghouse I know of for ongoing Fuku news; scroll past all the bs until you see LATEST FUKUSHIMA UPDATES in the center column.
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Originally Posted by
I'm aware. I was planning on posting it when it was posted on Mami's Shit.
whew, our fuku doom-porn package has arrived! about time! :D
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.08.19
Listen Download Hour 1 - Dana Durnford & Terry Daniels - Radiation Wipes Out Nearly
All Sea Life On 200km Of B.C. Beach
Listen Download Hour 2 - Dana Durnford & Terry Daniels - Radiation Wipes Out Nearly
All Sea Life On 200km Of B.C. Beach
Listen Download Hour 3 - Jim Kirwan - The View From SF
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
So what's your opinion of all of this Pat?
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Originally Posted by
I wonder if they can take samples or if you need a permit. Should be able to detect it.
Yeah right, where's the brain surgeon with a geiger counter when producing such a film?
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Originally Posted by
So what's your opinion of all of this Pat?
It's of some concern, of course. I have family in SF CA, and I've passed on some stuff and urged them to stay away from the beach, pacific seafood etc. I haven't dashed to the S. Hemisphere or anything myself. I've been in Thailand since 3/11, and I even eat seafood when I feel like it... semi-daily, as I believe it mostly comes from Sea of Thailand & Indian Ocean here. So I've prolly been a bit of a sinner here & there wrt Fuku fallout prudence. TH is southwest of JP, and the currents from JP circle around the N. Pacific, the opposite direction from TH. I eat something curry based more days than not, as I love it, and the curcumen in curry (turmeric) is thought to have anti-cancer, even cancer-prophylactic properties. I brush teeth with baking soda & turmeric mix, then swallow it all. My R/O-filtered drinking water is usually spiked with apple cider vinegar... all pH regulating stuff.
But hey, ultimately if I get some terminal cancer one day, I'll give the world of nutritional/herbal (420!) alt-remedies a go, play the results by ear, and if nothing's working I'll just have my affairs in order & off myself rather than any slow painful route to the same place. :) Main thing is, nothing goes to Western Big Med/Phama (read: dajooz) so they can kill me in the most profitable way.
I learned something from having spent '04 through around '08 or so, worried about "Peak Oil", imminent collapse any second now, Mad Max society during a treacherous die-off etc etc, and oh what a waste of emotional energy! I do hear Rense & others preaching about Fuku as "Extinction Level Event" and so on, but whatever the truth is, I aint gonna let it consume me in worry... that'll gimme cancer faster than a little radiation here & there will! Besides, radiation doesn't even really exist! :D
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Originally Posted by
I brush teeth with baking soda & turmeric mix, then swallow it all.
If you suddenly stop posting we'll know the reason... :)
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Originally Posted by
If you suddenly stop posting we'll know the reason... :)
It's a fairly new thing for me. Doesn't leave your teeth yellow at all. The formerly white toothbrush bristles are good & yellow, though!
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Originally Posted by
Is hard to find curry in any potent quantity here, everything reminds me of those week sugar mexican candies and pastries kinda flavorless.
Maybe it has more turmeric than I am used to? I have no idea, but would assume pure turmeric would be potent tasting just by its name.
Is also a bitch to cook with.
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Seems the Fukushima Pacific Ocean is dead theory is basically fear mongering at this point.
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Originally Posted by
Maybe it's true, all these events are bullshit and are hyped to distract us.
Fukushima = BS
California drought = BS
ISIS beheadings = BS
Ebola = BS
Ukraine crisis = BS
Immigration crisis = BS
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Originally Posted by
Maybe it's true, all these events are bullshit and are hyped to distract us.
Fukushima = BS
California drought = BS
ISIS beheadings = BS
Ebola = BS
Ukraine crisis = BS
Immigration crisis = BS
Hmmmm these words he speaks could be true, and we're all humanary stew.
Unless we pledge allegiance to,
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
The mainstream does not have a monopoly on bullshit. I see plenty of bs on Rense and elsewhere. Remember the words of Buddha, believe nothing unless it agrees with your own common sense. The Rense site which I read for info is an embarrassment because of the ridiculous ads and articles posted. You have to sift through to find the gems. I think it is purposefully that way. Almost like a deal was made; 'you can show the truth but we insist you muddy it up with asinine shit so it will be marginalized.'
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
I think the best we can do is try to get on record every perspective possible and then each use our reasoning to make our own conclusions.
John Friend, since he lives in San Diego and that is where Scripps Institutue of Oceanography - UC San Diego is, ought to try to get one of their marine sciences professors on his show to get their mainstream academia perspective on Fukushima Pacific impacts. John ought to have a powerful set of questions for the professor and at least get that take on record.
If nothing else, if will show us how marine sciences officialdom has an "official story" that is far far different that most of the stories we see on rense.com.
One thing I can say for sure, when you get these academic experts trying to give us clear information on a politically hot topic like this, we will all get treated to usual inconclusive tap dancing and bovine excrement.
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
The name Chernobyl is Ukrainian for wormwood. Look that word up in your Bible.
Fukushima is the enduring Chernobyl.
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
In the Bible[edit]
Artemisia herba-alba is thought to be a plant translated as "wormwood" in English language versions of the Bible ("apsinthos" in the Greek text). Wormwood is mentioned seven times in the Jewish Bible, always with the implication of bitterness.[2]
Although the word wormwood appears several times in the Old Testament, translated from the Hebrew term לענה (la'anah) (which means "curse" in Arabic and Hebrew), its only clear reference as a named entity occurs in the New Testament, in the Book of Revelation: "The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter." (Rev 8:10–11)
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
I surf regularly and I'm normal.
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Originally Posted by
I surf regularly and I'm normal.
Are you absorootly sure?
You hang out here with us dontyouknow!
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
TEPCO admitted for the first time on 12 October 2012 that it had failed to take stronger measures to prevent disasters for fear of inviting lawsuits or protests against its nuclear plants.[32][33][34][35] There are no clear plans for decommissioning the plant, but the plant management estimate is thirty or forty years.[36] A frozen soil barrier is being constructed in order to prevent ongoing exposure of running groundwater with melted down nuclear fuel.[37]
The Fukushima I (Daiichi) Nuclear Power Plant consists of six GE light water, boiling water reactors (BWR) with a combined power of 4.7 gigawatts, making Fukushima Daiichi one of the world's 25 largest nuclear power stations. Fukushima Daiichi was the first GE-designed nuclear plant to be constructed and run entirely by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO).
Reactor 1 is a 439 MWe type (BWR-3) reactor constructed in July 1967. It commenced operation on 26 March 1971.[38] It was designed to withstand an earthquake with a peak ground acceleration of 0.18 g (1.74 m/s2) and a response spectrum based on the 1952 Kern County earthquake.[39] Reactors 2 and 3 are both 784 MWe type BWR-4. Reactor 2 commenced operating in July 1974, and Reactor 3 in March 1976. The earthquake design basis for all units ranged from 0.42 g (4.12 m/s2) to 0.46 g (4.52 m/s2).[40][41]
All units were inspected after the 1978 Miyagi earthquake when the ground acceleration reached 0.125 g (1.22 m/s2) for 30 seconds, but no damage to the critical parts of the reactor was discovered.[39]
Units 1–5 have a Mark 1 type (light bulb torus) containment structure; unit 6 has Mark 2 type (over/under) containment structure.[39] In September 2010, Reactor 3 was partially fueled by mixed-oxides (MOX).[42]
At the time of the accident, the units and central storage facility contained the following numbers of fuel assemblies:[43]
2008: Tsunami study ignored[edit]
In 2007, TEPCO set up a department to supervise its nuclear facilities. Until June 2011 its chairman was Masao Yoshida, the Fukushima Daiichi chief. A 2008 in-house study identified an immediate need to better protect the facility from flooding by seawater. This study mentioned the possibility of tsunami-waves up to 10.2 metres (33 ft). Headquarters officials insisted that such a risk was unrealistic and did not take the prediction seriously.[72][verification needed]
A Mr. Okamura of the Active Fault and Earthquake Research Center urged TEPCO and NISA to review their assumption of possible tsunami heights based on a tenth century earthquake, but it was not seriously considered at that time.[73] The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission warned of a risk of losing emergency power in 1991 (NUREG-1150) and NISA referred to the report in 2004. No action to mitigate the risk was taken.[74
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
Thursday, 9 January 2014Edit
Nuclear scientists in Japan are planning a controlled nuclear meltdown in the hope of learning how to prevent disasters like the one at Fukushima. Using a scaled down version of a nuclear reactor, Tomoyuki Sugiyama, a senior scientist at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, told MSN Sankei that scientists "want to help improve the accuracy of the Fukushima accident analysis" using the data from their experiment. "We want to study exactly how meltdowns happen and apply what we will learn to help improve ways to deal with severe accidents in the future," another spokesman for the government-backed engineering agency told Agence France Presse. The experiment will test a small fuel rod in a very rapid fission process. The project will begin sometime later this year, the spokesman said.[302]
Thursday, 6 February 2014Edit
The reanalysis of a groundwater sample taken from a well in July 2013 updates its measurement from 900,000 Bq/L total beta radioactivity to a record-high 5 MBq/L of strontium-90 only (corresponding to about 10 MBq/L total beta radioactivity), after a problem with the measuring devices was found in October.[303]
Thursday, 13 February 2014Edit
It was revealed that TEPCO had concealed for months the increase in measured groundwater radioactivity.[304][305]
Thursday, 20 February 2014Edit
Earlier this week a routine inspection discovers an overflowing tank which had leaked about 12,000 litres of highly contaminated water onto the ground. The spill was caused by a valve that was left open by mistake. Radiation readings of the ground nearby measure 230 MBq/L, including strontium-90. TEPCO claims it is unlikely that the water had spilled into the sea.[306]
Wednesday, 21 May 2014Edit
TEPCO begins operation to bypass groundwater flow around the reactor by pumping upstream groundwater to storage tanks, then discharging directly to the sea after measuring the contamination levels.[307]
Tuesday, 3 June 2014Edit
TEPCO begins to construct facilities to establish an ice wall within the ground around the reactors to prevent contaminated water to mix with groundwater flowing under the area.[308]
Monday, 7 July 2014Edit
TEPCO has switched off the cooling system at reactor 5 due to a 3mm leak near a flow valve. Approximately 1,300 litre of water has spilled. They have approximately 9 days to repair it before water temperature reaches 65 degrees Celsius[309]
Thursday, 17 July 2014Edit
TEPCO launches another campaign to contain the spread of contaminated sediments in the sea near the power plant, this time coating 180,000 square meters of sea floor with cement.[310]
Saturday, 20 December 2014Edit
TEPCO reports that all spent fuel rods have now been safely removed from the storage pool at reactor 4.[311]
Saturday, 10 January 2015Edit
TEPCO begins operation of a new reverse-osmosis system to remove strontium from contaminated water. The new system was built to treat 500 to 900 cubic metres of water per day, and reduce the strontium levels in the water by a factor of 100 to 1000.[312]
Saturday, 5 September 2015Edit
The evacuation order is lifted for Naraha Town in Fukushima Prefecture.[313]
Thursday, 10 September 2015Edit
The Sendai-1 nuclear reactor resumes commercial operation for the first time since the earthquake in May 2011. This ends almost 2 years with no Japan nuclear power plants in commercial operation since Ohi-1 was halted on 15 September 2013.[314][315][316]
Monday, 26 October 2015Edit
After a 3-1/2 year construction project, TEPCO completes a 780 m seaside shielding wall to reduce the amount of contaminated water leaking into the sea.[317]
Tuesday, 16 February 2016Edit
TEPCO estimates that 749,000 cubic metres of contaminated debris from Fukushima Daiichi will be produced by the year 2027, and releases a plan for incineration and storage of this waste.[318]
Re: HORROR - Pacific Ocean Now Dead From Fukushima Radiation
10.09.2019 (NOW)
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant, which in 2011 experienced the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, has no choice but to discharge a massive amount of radioactive waste into the sea since it currently has no technology for treating the contaminated water and no adequate space to store it any longer, Japanese Environment Minister Yoshiaki Harada said on Tuesday.