Kit 'O Beer #19 - Canadian Double
Based on a Canadian blonde I'm going to dry hop using 2 hops. Cascade and Amarillo. I was thinking on using 3 of what I've got on hand but I think Montueka is not going to give much when dry hopped. Chinook I haven't tasted yet so not sure.
Seems the can I bought was past the best by. August.
Brewing this one to 20L not the regular 23L.
The recipe:
1 x 1.7kg Coopers Canadian Blonde
1 kg Coopers Brew Enhancer #2
1 x 11gms SafeAle US 04
30gms Cascade pellet hops dry hopped
30gms Amarillo pellet hops dry hopped
Cascade, Amarillo hops. US 04 yeast
OG 1.054
Volume: 20L
Fermenter: Std barrel #1
Brew temp: 21C - ambient
Pitch temp: 24C
Current temp: 17C
Notes: I've had a few canadian blonde extracts look fairly dark from the can compared to the final beer. This one is very dark. It is also more malty than others I've had. It's only a couple months past best by date. Almost like and IPA base. This is also being brewed to 20L so it is more concentrated. I usually add 250 - 500gm ( 9 - 18oz ) more fermentables ( 25% to 50% more ). This time 1Kg of coopers #2.
O.G. is quite high.
Has been sitting a few hours waiting for the temp to come down. seems fairly slow to drop.
Re: Kit 'O Beer #19 - Canadian Double
This could still end up a triple dry hopped brew. Lets see.
SG reading 1.015 today.
Was hoping to rack to secondary for dry hoping but no dice. Tastes ok. I think this one ran a bit warm there for a couple days. Tastes good. Still darker in colour than expected.
might be ready for mid week.
Re: Kit 'O Beer #19 - Canadian Double
I racked this one to secondary.
~38gms Cascade
~38gms Amarillo
Basically what was left in the packets. Into a stocking leg. I used up all the foot sections. Using thighs now. Tying off both ends.
When I was cleaning this vessel. The jerry can fermenter from #18. I found it was pretty hard to get out the hops. 2 oz in the stocking made a pretty long hop sock. Took some time to get out. Holds a lot of liquid.
I was going to do maybe 3 hops this time. Based on the size for 2oz I decided not too.
I haven't been recycling these stockings. Figured they were cheap enough for single use. I think they were $1 a pair. $0.50 per hop sock. They give off a bit of colour when boiled.
Re: Kit 'O Beer #19 - Canadian Double
bottled this one today. about 54 x 12ox bottles. Something like that. For a Canadian blonde it has a dark caramel colour to it. It has the colour of an IPA but not the bitterness. The dry hops added some bitterness.
It is another tasty beer. I'd like a bit more sweetness on it but it will be very fine as is. Another one I can't wait to try.
Bulk primed with 160gms on 20L.
Every thing went nice and smooth. Prep takes a long time but bottling's done in 30 - 45. Cleanup and everything not much more than an hour. Prep is close to 3 hours though.
Getting ready to shuffle the other beers. Its been bloody hot here today bit of a spike. Right on 100f. Might be waiting a few hours I think. Or until tomorrow. 77f tomorrow.
I went out to an off road show after bottling. Was good, lots to see, but the heat was intense. Still was able to check out some gear upclose and compare build quality. I was surprised a couple times and I think it changed my mind on where to get some gear I want. Some bastard popped the back cover of the truck tub. I keep nothing in there cause it's not secure. I've heard of people getting stuff ripped off when parking at these things. There's a few parking wardens but no security walking around the parking.
Re: Kit 'O Beer #19 - Canadian Double
Instead of foolin with those nylon panty hose, have you looked into muslin bags? They're 99¢ and don't have that leaching effect and can be used multiple times.
Re: Kit 'O Beer #19 - Canadian Double
I did grab 2 small ones on Saturday. I was going to use them as boil bags. The 1oz ones are $6 ea here.
Re: Kit 'O Beer #19 - Canadian Double
DAYUM!! $6... I would still pay the extra $ cause you don't have to worry about the leaching and they can be used multiples of times, just be gentle with them when cleaning them. When I ship a sanitizer I'll throw in a bunch of those too, those things are dirt cheap here.
Re: Kit 'O Beer #19 - Canadian Double
had one of these today.
Carb good for 1 week. No green tastes. Has a nice golden sweet kind of taste. Almost like honey. Is very clear. To me there is no one hop prominence over the other.
It's a pleasant golden ale. Not too strong, not too sweet, too dry. I called it a double. Maybe it should be called a "Not Too (Ale)".
copyright there thanks. Will try another one because We Are trying and see if I change my mind.
Re: Kit 'O Beer #19 - Canadian Double
nice beer this one. Soft mouth feel. Light flavour but a nice dark caramel colour. Same thoughts as my last post. Good summer beer.
Re: Kit 'O Beer #19 - Canadian Double
yes brilliant summer beer. Not much head retention when fast chilled. Better to give them a day or so. The lacing is consistent. Its crystal clear. The flavour is nice light ale with some pine on the finish. I've been eating salty snacks so not picking up the flavours. The colour says it should be maltier or more bitter. I think this was an unusually dark Canadian Blonde, past use by. Still I rate this highly as a session beer but it is noticeably strong.
I've realised I might not be able to repeat this one. Unless I can score some out of date cans. Probably could. from the same place maybe. As it warms its faint pineapple. Do you remember those rubber erasers that smelled like strawberry or pineapple or other fruits.
Re: Kit 'O Beer #19 - Canadian Double
tasting another one of these. Might not be many left now. Need to do this one again. said it before. Tasty drop.
Re: Kit 'O Beer #19 - Canadian Double
I found one of these and chilled it. I think I have a #11, 24 oz. Thats the last of the first year beers.
Now I have read the recipe a few things make sense. It has a honey or soft caramel type after taste. Makes sense now as it was brewed to 20L not 23L.
Not much else there. Very well carbonated. Clean tasting. Thick sweetness. I think it's one worth redoing. I have the ingredients for this. Or near enough.
I've picked up the empty glass about 5 times and gave it a shake to see if there is any left. I'm surprised how decent it was given how long it's been sitting there, not getting any special treatment. I did get at least one right.
I might brew this again as the come back beer. All we need now is some reasonable weather.