May 01, 2021
The Great Covaids War of 2021
^ wherein Jeff talks cryptos from about the halfway mark on, incl lots of monero & pirate chain (boasting...).
good grief, who dressed him up for...
Type: Posts; User: PatColo
May 01, 2021
The Great Covaids War of 2021
^ wherein Jeff talks cryptos from about the halfway mark on, incl lots of monero & pirate chain (boasting...).
good grief, who dressed him up for...
^ not sure if u watched Jeff B's spiel I pointed to, but he did spend some time on the (jooz).gov risk factor -- ex: hackers extorting Apple, & JSM's coverage of it, hinting at privacy coin users...
latter ~half of this Apr 25 Jeff Berwick vid is mostly crypto talk, emphasis on the privacy coins
Is The Covaids Insanity Actually Getting Worse?
he has two newer vids I haven't watched yet;...