
Type: Posts; User: Neuro

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  1. Sticky: Re: Where are gold, silver, pgm prices going: big bank forecasts

    That was more than 8 years ago... Anyone who have seen JQP since? He may have died...
  2. Sticky: Re: Where are gold, silver, pgm prices going: big bank forecasts

    When it becomes an economical crisis sure
  3. Sticky: Re: Where are gold, silver, pgm prices going: big bank forecasts

    Did you timetravel from 2007?
  4. Sticky: Re: Where are gold, silver, pgm prices going: big bank forecasts

    Fill them up with Helium and they may even float in air, probably would need a volume of about 1/2 a gallon sphere to float in air... ;D
Results 1 to 4 of 4