Which post is that, I missed it.
Type: Posts; User: midnight rambler
Which post is that, I missed it.
Not at all difficult to understand the occult once one pierces that veil. Suggest starting by looking into Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, etc. They’re all in the same tribe.
”Know the enemy and know...
There are a number of threads on the forum that have tens of thousands of hits, not just this one.
How many of those hits are bots?
Why did it take him over five minutes to figure out he had ready projectiles at his feet?? That's the very first thing I would have done, start hurling rocks.
I've been watching his Sasquatch videos, Steve is a rock solid dude.
And her speculation was "she may have curled up with a coyote." As if. lol
Note the way Obombya's Secretary of Interior answers the question about keeping a database of missing persons in National Parks at 57:17 in that video. Looks hinky to me.