
Type: Posts; User: C.Martel

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  1. Re: Report of New Partially Gold-Backed BRICS Settlement Currency

    lol, called it. Chinese sell out the world for 50 cents... for the 100th+ instance. China sold themselves cheap to the devil. China sold us out again to promote a BRICS blockchain payment method with...
  2. Re: Report of New Partially Gold-Backed BRICS Settlement Currency

    bitcoin is from the deepstate and is embraced by the MAGA deepstate Republican Party.
  3. Re: Report of New Partially Gold-Backed BRICS Settlement Currency

    The cia would promise Taiwan to China[1] to keep the Chinese from going to gold and precious metals. To join Team cia Blockchain.

    [1] with the Taiwanese microchips for China and blamed on "Biden...
  4. Re: Report of New Partially Gold-Backed BRICS Settlement Currency

    Chinese are being bribed as we type. Chinese are the biggest sell outs to make more money for the Chinese while selling out the resistance.

    Raisi was a big supporter of this new BRICS (settlement)...
  5. Report of New Partially Gold-Backed BRICS Settlement Currency

    Report of New Partially Gold-Backed BRICS Settlement Currency

    While gold and silver prices have rallied over the past 3 months there's been a lot of coverage about how much gold China and the...
Results 1 to 5 of 5