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Thread: Coronavirus

  1. #51
    Great Value Carrots Silver Rocket Bitches!'s Avatar
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    Re: Coronavirus

    Gerald Celente has a realist take on coronavirus.

    everything we learn changes that which we know to be true

  2. #52
    Iridium Jewboo's Avatar
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    Re: Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver Rocket Bitches! View Post
    Gerald Celente has a realist take on coronavirus.
    I watched the entire video. Gerald Celente is distractedly wearing a cheap shiny polyester suit in front of his house plants and the babe asked him pithy structured questions. Gerald Celente has apparently lost a lot of personal money recently and is freaking out now. Remember that realist Gerald himself is a geezer who is now especially medically vulnerable the the coronavirus...he's freaking out.

    I'm the infamous Fred of GIM - Jewboo kindly turned over his account to me.

  3. #53
    Iridium Dachsie's Avatar
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    Re: Coronavirus

    (Dachsie disclaimer - I am a TRADITIONAL old-school Roman Catholic. Vortex is a "novus order" "catholic" entity that calls Chaos Frank "Pope Francis. Still Church Militant does have good commentary and insights.)

    9 minute video transcript below

    The Vortex — Catholics, China and COVID-19
    •Mar 18, 2020
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    Catholics, China and COVID-19
    Too many coincidences.
    March 18, 2020 78 Comments
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    As the coronavirus threatens to bring the world to a virtual standstill, we should step back for a moment and look at some interesting points of convergence. Three in particular stand out — their interrelationships: the Church, China and coronavirus.

    Let's tackle China first — a nation whose leadership is bent on not just being the mythical number-one nation in the world — whatever that means — but world domination.

    For years and years, China has been screwing over America predominantly and any other nation that wanted to work with them. It's been fools gold to believe that the largest human rights offender on the planet could also be, at the same time, a "good global business partner." That's ridiculous.
    Biden has another funny deal going on. He's an actual supporter of China.

    They murder people — outright kill them. They have what amounts to a concentration camp system in place for political or religious prisoners. They forcibly abort all children except the first one. China is an evil empire run by godless, bloodthirsty leaders — atheist Marxists.

    The hammer and sickle speak for themselves. They are instruments meant for violence — to deny individuality and to demand submission to the state. The God-given dignity of the human being is completely ignored. Communism believes in so-called globalism, not just the kind the Hollywood patsies, vegans and environmental nut jobs do. Those crowds are just useful idiots for the Marxist crowd, which brings us to the Church. And in dealing with China, it's either the biggest patsy of them all, or in on the deal.

    We know there are Freemasons up and down the Vatican, and Marxism is an excellent weapon for them to destroy the Church. It has been for over 100 years now.

    So why would there be such a cozy relationship between this pontificate and the commies in China? And it is beyond cozy. It's downright alarming. Nearly every major bad actor on earth is involved in this triangle somehow.

    Theodore McCarrick, who appears to have been a communist plant in the Church, set up the China-Vatican deal before being exposed as the twisted pervert he is. That deal has not only been denounced by Abp. Viganò, who blew the whistle on McCarrick and associated scum, but he is now in hiding for his life for having done so.

    It's also been denounced by the very man who would know more about it than any other man alive — Cardinal Zen. Yet the Vatican continues to maintain all is good. China, in fact, is the role model of Catholic social justice in action.

    Last year, Sam Brownback, the U.S. ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom, said "Since this provisional deal was announced last year, the Chinese government's abuse of members of the Catholic community has continued. We see no signs that will change in the near future." Brownback's work is done on behalf of the Trump administration, which of course has been trying to establish a level playing field with the Chinese communists.

    So we have, in this corner, the commies in China, and absolutely remarkably, the Marxists in the Vatican, while in the other corner, we have the Trump administration and faithful Catholics. Ah, but don't forget, on top of all of it, we have the U.S. bishop-backed presumptive presidential nominee for the Party of Death, Joe Biden. Biden is a phony Catholic who has been celebrated by various bishops and given a complete pass for his heresy and sacrilege.

    But, Biden has another funny deal going on. He's an actual supporter of China. In the 1990s, Biden was instrumental in obtaining for the Chinese commies the status of most-favored-nation during his term as senior Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

    Biden was able to get the Senate to side-step and then vote down the tying of human rights violations to economic considerations, and American workers were thenceforth screwed. Likewise, when he played the role of giving Obama some credibility on foreign policy as Obama's vice president, China's situation only got better economically and the American worker suffered more.

    When President Trump said last year it's time to go after China, there was Joe Biden with the insane claim that everything is cool with China.

    And who can forget that while vice president, this abortion-loving, phony Catholic crafted a deal with the Chinese communists that enriched his son Hunter by a cool $1 billion. That's billion with a B.

    But perhaps the best example of all of Biden's love of the Catholic-persecuting Chinese commies is his ridiculously stupid assertion that Trump's travel ban against coronavirus Chinese visitors coming to the United States — like they did in Italy — was based on race.

    [Transcript unavailable]

    Even many average-Joe Democrats are finding that claim hard to swallow.

    Coronavirus in the third cog in this very weird wheel.
    Even many average-Joe Democrats are finding that claim hard to swallow.

    Remember, the Wuhan virus originated in China — a fact they are now lying about through a massive propaganda assault in various organs of social media — actually blaming it on the U.S. Army in some kind of secret biowarfare operation.

    And yes, for those of you connecting the dots or keeping score, it's the same virus that has caused bishops all over the world— including the United States and especially Rome — to shut down parishes and cease all Masses.

    Perhaps all of this is just some big coincidence, but it does make for a very interesting constellation.

    Many of the bishops' love for Biden; the non-stop, phony social justice garbage pouring out of the Vatican and the USCCB; the Vatican's newfound love for communist China at the expense of faithful Catholics actually in China; a virus originating in China; a nation that has a vested interest in seeing Trump lose in November; and the leading contender using the same Chinese virus as a weapon against Trump — the same contender that too many of the bishops support.

    Something is seriously wrong here.

    Too many stars are aligned — too many dots are just too easily connected: the Vatican, McCarrick, the Chinese accord, ranking U.S. prelates' admiration for Biden, the coronavirus now destabilizing markets — not to mention killing people all over the world, as well as bringing the sacrifice of the Mass to a virtual screeching halt — to an upcoming election where the Party of Death nominee is a China ally and cheerleader.

    It's all just too weird.

    And oh yeah, Vatican, just exactly where is that report on commie agent McCarrick, whose shenanigans elevated China even more, and gave permission for Vatican Marxists to sing the praises of the atheist Marxist regime? You know, that report. We're all still waiting — more than 500 days now — and we're all still waiting.

    There can be no doubt when the damage is this severe and the players this evil, that there are gigantic evil forces just off stage, just behind the curtain. There are just too many coincidences and relationships — way too many.

    There are always massive forces just off stage, but when the sacrifice of the Mass is directly touched upon, we have moved to a different universe.

    Pray and fast. Pray and fast.

  4. #54
    Iridium Dachsie's Avatar
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    Re: Coronavirus

    Audio of E. Michael Jones with Timothy Kelly

    entertaining commentary on coronavirus

    Listen on Stitcher
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    Coronavirus, AIDS, and Weaponized Medicine
    March 17, 2020/ E. Michael Jones

    Dr. Jones joins Tim Kelly on Our Interesting Times to discuss the Coronavirus and his latest article in Culture Wars Magazine.

  5. #55
    Iridium Dachsie's Avatar
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    Re: Coronavirus

    13:29 runtime of video

    This could be uplifting information but it also an infomercial for E. Michael Jones new book, Logos Rising

    is on YouTube also but watch it here...

    The Coronavirus and the Culture War
    March 24, 2020/ E. Michael Jones

    Pestilence is portrayed in scripture as a punishment for sin. Yahweh forgave David after he committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband Uriah killed to cover up his original sin, but after David caved into the pride of the Israelites and decreed a census, the punishment which had been postponed became inevitable. But even here God relented and attempted to mitigate the punishment by giving David a choice. In the name of Yahweh, Gad the prophet offered the king a choice between three years of famine, “fleeing for three months from your pursuing enemy,” or three days of pestilence. Confronted with these options, David is forced to admit: “This is a hard choice. But let us rather fall into the power of Yahweh, since his mercy is great, and not into the power of men. So David chose pestilence” (2 Sam 24:14-5).

    The question has relevance to the current coronavirus crisis. Did any of the world’s leaders choose pestilence? Genetically modified biological weapons did not exist in David’s day, but the fact that they do in our own gives new meaning to the idea that a ruler can choose pestilence. The two main suspects in this regard are the United States and China. Currently, two equally plausible but competing explanations are making their way through the media: 1) the coronavirus is a bio-weapon which was either released into the population deliberately or escaped by accident, or 2) the coronavirus pandemic is a manufactured crisis. These two alternatives, however, are not mutually exclusive.

    In order to make the right choice, David had to distinguish categories of nature—between reality, the thing, the disease—and categories of the mind—things like politics, military strategy, policy, including the weaponization of the thing, etc.—before he could make an informed choice as ruler of the Israelites. Pestilence was a category of nature then, but it may not be that in an age when viruses have been weaponized.

    Leaders in our day are facing similar choices. What they lack is the ability to distinguish between categories of nature and categories of the mind. Ever since the publication of Newton’s Principia Mathematica, political policy has been based on categories of the mind imposed by the state in the name of categories of nature. The Whig oligarchs weaponized Newtonian physics through Masonic lodges which were established on the continent to bring down the Bourbon monarchy under the direction of Jean Theophilus Desaguliers, who was a member of the Royal Society, a Freemason and protégé of Newton himself. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations is another weaponization of Newtonian physics, with self-interest and competition taking the place of gravity and inertia, which allowed them to masquerade as forces of nature while promoting the interests of the Whig oligarchs who fostered Smith’s career. Feminism is a more recent example of the same thing. According to this ideological distortion, woman—an obvious category of nature which no one can deny—gets weaponized through the simultaneous creation and imposition of “women’s rights,” which includes, of course, abortion. If you acknowledge the existence of women, according to this line of thinking, you must admit the liceity of killing the fetus. Similarly, if you admit the existence of COVID-19, you must accede to the state’s guidelines in dealing with it. Science, as the Anglo-American tradition which derives from Newton tells us, is used to define what is real, which is to say all categories of nature. Religion now concedes to science the right to say what is real and what is not real. Pestilence, as a result, may come from God but its existence can only be validated by science, which establishes the guidelines which all politicians must follow. Those guidelines now trump all other guidelines, like those requiring attendance at Mass under pain of mortal sin.

    Absent any assistance from the Church in distinguishing between acts of God and categories of the mind, the state wasted no time in taking control and not letting another crisis go to waste. Following the lead of governors in more important sections of the United States, Eric Holcomb, the governor of Indiana, declared a state of emergency, banning public gatherings in places like restaurants, which the local bishops then applied to their churches. Unlike David, Governor Holcomb declared that pestilence was war. The arrival of COVID-19 had created a state of war in the state of Indiana. “To those who think we are overreacting,” Governor Holcomb said, “I assure you we are not. We are at war with COVID-19 and we will win this war.” [3]

    China agreed with the governor of Indiana, claiming that the United States had launched a biological warfare attack against them. On February 13, 2020, the Communist Party Committee of Beijing Centers for Disease Control issued a “wartime state order” requiring party members to recognize the fact that China had entered a state of war.[4] By mid-March, many commentators had abandoned the official story that COVID-19 had “originated in the Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market in Wuhan”[5] in favor of seeing a biological weapon as the cause of the pandemic. Opinions differed on how the virus made it into the general population. Metallicaman said that the release was intentional.[6] Drawing from his years of experience in the CIA, Philip Giraldi said that the danger of unintentional contamination from the deployment of biological weapons was so strong that it effectively nullified its use.[7]
    download (17).jpeg

    P-4 Biosafety Lab

    Those unusable weapons continued to be made, however, and one of the places they got produced was the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which houses China’s only P4-Level Biosafety Laboratory, a facility which is capable of storing, studying, or engineering Pathogen Level 4 microbes like the coronavirus. Coincidentally or not, the Wuhan Institute of Virology is only 8.6 miles from the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in China, causing Bill Gurtz of the Washington Times to report, “the deadly animal virus epidemic spreading globally may have originated in a Wuhan laboratory linked to China’s covert biological weapons program, according to an Israeli biological warfare expert.”

    The Wuhan Institute of Virology was at the center of a web of top-secret biological warfare research and academic espionage that stretched around the world. In 2013 two Chinese virologists were caught stealing and smuggling some of the most deadly viruses on earth from the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg, Canada’s only Pathogen Level 4 virology laboratory, back to Wuhan, where both smugglers, virologist Dr. Xiangguo Qui and biologist Dr. Keding Cheng, were involved in China’s biological warfare program.[8] According to ZeroHedge, “the couple is responsible for infiltrating Canada's NML with many Chinese agents as students from a range of Chinese scientific facilities directly tied to China's Biological Warfare Program, including the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Chengdu Military Region.”[9]

    One of the bioweapons stolen from the Winnipeg lab was the coronavirus, which had arrived at the NML on May 4, 2013 for experimentation on animals. “It is from this stash of reserves,” Sir Adrian Bond writes: “that the coronavirus was stolen and smuggled by Dr. Qui, Dr. Cheng, and by alleged Chinese Biological Warfare Program agents recruited from the Wuhan Institute of Virology who were disguised as virology students at the University of Manitoba.”[10]

    Dr. Charles Lieber

    Other universities were also involved in the global bioweapons smuggling ring. In late January 2020, FBI agents arrested Charles Lieber, chairman of Harvard’s Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. Lieber was “charged with lying about his role in a Chinese talent recruitment program” and then was released from custody on January 30, but only after posting a $1 million cash bond.[11] According to the Boston Globe, Lieber “lied about his links to the Wuhan Institute of Virology”[12] after China paid him hundreds of thousands of dollars to arrange not only for smuggling bioweapons but hiring the smugglers.

    Lieber, who is Jewish,[13] was considered a flight risk because of his ties to Israel, causing authorities to demand that both he and his wife surrender their passports. Lieber is one of the founders of the bio-tech firm Nanosys, which is affiliated with Hebrew University in Jerusalem.[14] According to the indictment, “Prosecutors say Lieber agreed to conduct research, publish articles and apply for patents on behalf of China's Wuhan University of Technology in exchange for $50,000 per month and about $150,000 in living expenses. He also received $1.5 million to establish a research lab at the Chinese university. . . . Authorities say Lieber hid his involvement in the program from Harvard and told federal investigators in 2018 that he had never been asked to participate in the program.”[15] Lieber’s arrest followed the federal government’s growing concern over China’s efforts to steal U.S. research and technology, as manifested in programs like the Thousand Talents Plan, where:

    scientists have downloaded sensitive research files before returning to China, filed patents based on U.S. research, lied on grant applications and failed to disclose money they had received from Chinese institutions, according to a congressional report issued last fall. . . . Federal prosecutors in Boston also announced charges this week against a researcher at Boston University, who is accused of concealing her ties to the Chinese military. Yanqing Ye, who prosecutors say is a lieutenant in the People's Liberation Army, lied about her military service to get into the U.S. and researched U.S. military projects and gathered information on two U.S. scientists for the Chinese military . . . . Federal authorities suspect that both Harvard and Winnepeg were complicit in the smuggling of dangerous biological agents to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.[16]

    According to a Facebook post, two Chinese “students” working as research assistants were also arrested after one of them, who was actually a lieutenant in the Chinese Army, was apprehended at Logan Airport while trying to board a flight to China while smuggling 21 vials of “Sensitive Biological Samples” on to the plane in his luggage.[17] Lieber’s connection with Wuhan and the “student’s” method of smuggling lend credence to the claim that the coronavirus escaped accidentally into the population there.

    On the other hand, the production of those bioweapons was nothing if not deliberate and paid for by the United States government. Professor Zhengli, Senior Scientist and Principal Investigator at the Wuhan Institute of Virology for the past 20 years, was the recipient of millions of dollars from USAID and other agencies “of grant funding for the express purpose of researching and experimenting with coronaviruses—often receiving numerous, overlapping grants for the same time period.”[18]

    The U. S. government, in other words, outsourced its bioweapons program to China by providing Prof. Zhengli with a $665,000 grant from the National Institute of Health for a study named The Ecology of Bat Coronaviruses and the Risk of Future Coronavirus Emergence (NIAID R01 AI1 10964). Four days after issuing that grant, on January 10, 2014, Prof. Zhengli received an additional $559,500 grant from the United States Agency of International Development for a research study entitled Emerging Pandemic Threats PREDICT 2_China (Project No. AID-OAA-A-14–00102).[19]

    If the United States government paid for the weaponization of coronavirus in bats, it did so with some eventual use in mind, which means that it could have been planning an attack. In many ways, the ideal place to unleash an attack on China would be from one of its own laboratories, because by launching it in Wuhan the United States could hold the Chinese accountable for the attack which the U.S. had launched.

    In the final analysis, Sir Adrian Bond, whose article we have been citing, concludes that “the likeliest source of origin for Coronavirus 2019-nCoV is the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” but he is unable to decide whether “there may be concerted efforts to conceal the precise nature of the virus, its source, and the parties responsible, or that, at worst, the dissemination of the epidemic coronavirus is intentional.”[20] SNIP

  6. #56
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    Re: Coronavirus

    Coronavirus and Our Resilient Federal System

    March 21, 2020
    By William J. Watkins Jr.
    Also published in The American Spectator Fri. March 20, 2020

    Across the country, state and local officials are taking steps to halt the spread of the coronavirus. The responses testify to the strength of our decentralized system of government and should comfort Americans in this time of uncertainty.

    In the epicenters of the sickness stringent measures are in place. For example, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has closed schools, casinos, gyms, movie theaters, bars, and restaurants. In the San Francisco Bay area, seven counties have ordered citizens to shelter in place, thus prohibiting them from leaving home except for essential work or needs.

    In states where the dangers are more attenuated, less restrictive approaches have been adopted. South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster, for instance, has closed all public schools, but has only recommended that large public gatherings be avoided.

    Unfortunately, too many Americans expect or want a national response akin to that of Italy with its nationwide lockdown.

    There are many problems with such an approach for the United States. First, the United States is 33 times larger than Italy and not as densely populated. A one-size-fits-all remedy is nonsensical in a continental nation where a third of the population still lives in a rural environment. While a broad shelter-in-place rule might make sense in the San Francisco Bay, it would not be suitable for, say, Sanborn, Iowa.

    Second, a single national response could actually hamper the fight against the disease. Under our federal system, states are supposed to serve as laboratories of democracy where various approaches to various public problems may be tried. Based on the effectiveness of these measures, the other states can watch, learn, and tailor their responses appropriately.

    Third, the federal government has no broad “public health power” enumerated in the Constitution; control of infectious diseases is thus left to the states.

    The states, absent restrictions in their own constitutions, possess the “police power” and may make laws for the health, welfare, and safety of the people. Chief Justice John Marshall recognized this in an 1824 court case, Gibbons v. Ogden, in which he said that “Inspection laws, quarantine laws, health laws of every description” belong to the reserved powers of the states.

    Of course, the federal government has claimed a limited role in this arena through its power to regulate interstate and foreign commerce. Under the Public Health Service Act, passed in 1944, the Secretary of Health and Human Services is authorized to regulate “the introduction, transmission, or spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the States or possessions, or from one State or possession into any other State or possession.” In other words, federal involvement is supposed to be limited to individuals crossing a state border or entering the United States from foreign countries.

    President Trump has been right to avoid heavy-handed federal mandates. The states, per their constitutional role, have all the police power they need to address the coronavirus crisis and have been taking appropriate actions.

    It would be a grave mistake to demand, or acquiesce to, expanded federal powers based on fear and panic. History teaches that authority claimed by the federal government in times of real or imagined emergency is seldom abandoned.

    What sort of country do we want when the coronavirus scare is over? One hopes it’s one that still respects the constitutional and practical benefits of a federal system that has served us well for 229 years.

    William J. Watkins Jr. is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute and President of the Greenville, SC, Lawyers Chapter of the Federalist Society.
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  7. #57
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    Re: Coronavirus

    Silver Report Uncut is one of my favorite commentators. Tells it like it is.

    THEY are only concerned about saving the economy and are just saying - "oh well, so we have to sacrifice our old people."

    As far as the economy, it looks like THEY are in reality intent upon crashing U S economy but doing in such a way as to have us think that THEY did everything they could to save the economy but just could not beat the virus.
    THEY, for at least the last century, have as their one and only goal a One World Death and Slavery System for ALL.

    13:09 video runtime

    Not Dying For Wall Street Is Trending! The World Has Gone Mad Over Money
    •Mar 25, 2020
    Silver Report Uncut
    50.2K subscribers
    This is an emotional subject for me not because I'm surprised, but the fact that so many are parroting this narrative that the loss of the "vulnerable" is insignificant compared to money. Dan Patrick the Lt. Governor of Texas took to Fox News to explain why He believes it's better to reopen the economy than to save the elderly. He brought up a touching story about how he loves his grandchildren and what seemed like an appeal to the elderly to sacrifice themselves in exchange for His businesses and the businessmen He said He has been talking to every day. There is right and wrong, Good and evil. Money is nothing compared to human life and a country that will put profits ahead of it's citizens should not expect things to go well for them. There comes a point when you have to say this is wrong. The entire Idea is wrong and it has been a growing trend which leads me to believe they want us to accept this. Even Jim Cramer came out to share the same message. It is "their" message and one that no other country has taken it almost guarantees that the US is destined for very bad news. I mention this a couple weeks ago when this narrative began and now I have heard it from Kudlow Trump and Now Patrick. But this is the main talking point now of all their minions who are afraid to think for themselves. These are people and I find it hard not to speak about this horrible trade of People's lives for stock market riches. This is no longer indirect but it is very direct what their intentions are.

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    monty (25th March 2020)

  9. #58
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    Re: Coronavirus

    Maybe the Nevada Legislature has enacted laws giving fat ass GOV. Sisolack the power to lockdown the State.

    The states, absent restrictions in their own constitutions, possess the “police power” and may make laws for the health, welfare, and safety of the people. Chief Justice John Marshall recognized this in an 1824 court case, Gibbons v. Ogden, in which he said that “Inspection laws, quarantine laws, health laws of every description” belong to the reserved powers of the states.
    I'll askmy youngest son to research that
    The only thing declared necessary in the Constitution & Bill of Rights is the #2A Militia of the several States.
    “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a freeState”

  10. #59
    Iridium mamboni's Avatar
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    Re: Coronavirus

    Is this COVID-19 scare just that, a big con job on the people?

    Check out this post from ZH by a NY health worker on the ground:

    3 minutes ago


    Re-posting this comment from SolosGirl posted here:
    Thank God. Someone with some sense listening to the reality on the ground. Nobody wants to do that---because it's just not as exciting. People love drama. If they can't have it, they'll make it up.

    I WORK in a NY state ER and ICU. There is NOBODY getting sick. Being "infected" with a virus does NOT mean ANYTHING--i.e. "getting intubated".

    Anybody that walks upright and is over the age of 20---has had a cold sore--commonly referred to as a "fever blister". That is caused by HSV. HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS. You are INFECTED. Period. For the remainder of your living days. You will have outbreaks every so often---under times of stress or illness--and you may go many many years without an outbreak. BUT YOU ARE INFECTED. FOREVER.

    Just because I or anyone else "tests positive" for a virus---does NOT mean they are ill or are becoming ill or will become ill. PERIOD.

    I asked some regurgitator staffer yesterday---because he's spewing all the Cuomo bullshite about "30K vents needed"....."So. We have 6 positive C-19 patients here right now. How many are intubated and need a vent?" He said---"I dunno." I said...."ZERO. None. They are not even symptomatic. They are here for other reasons and just happened to test positive. THEY DID NOT COME HERE BECAUSE THEY WERE SICK AND C-19 WAS THE CAUSE. In fact---these patients are going to be DISCHARGED to 'home quarantine' because THEY ARE NOT SICK."

    He stared at me. Slack jawed and unbelieving. I said---"So tell me how many of the 'positive' people on THIS PLANET are on vents right now?" He said...."duhhhhhh.. I dunno." I asked..."how many 'infected' have become sick AT ALL?" he responded with the usual..."duerrrfeee.I dunno."

    He then followed it up with... .BUT WE NEED 30,000 ventilators!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!

    I predicted that this bullshite would start "fading" in about 2 weeks....right after TARP 2.0 on steroids and nitro got passed. Right after creative destruction could occur---the CEOs cashed out, people get laid off only to be brought back with far less wage capacity/negotiating power (because being employed at half your previous wage is better than trying to get unemployment in NY), and people are now afraid OF EACH OTHER because the old tried and true "being afraid of those little brown people who are terrorists living in mud huts in the desert" isn't working so well this time around.

    Cuomo is positioning himself as the "Rudy" of the 20's. Don't see the comparison? Nobody remembers that trusted General holding the tiny vial of white powder and convincing the world that the US had to invade Iraq or there would be mushroom clouds all over the globe? How about Bushie passing the PATRIOT ACT in record time after the bullshite that WAS 9/11?

    Cuomo needs to shut his pie hole---because people ON THE GROUND are getting really ******* tired of his spewing garbage about things that ARE NOT HAPPENING.

    Morgues are NOT "overflowing". Period . I laughed my *** off at that dipshit Snyder's recent "article" about "recovery from this virus" is some stupidly low number. The number of infections is 250K---the number of DEAD is 200 (and I still have not seen any type of autopsy reports that PROVE to me that it was this virus that killed ANYBODY. AT ALL.)---but he touted some stupid number of "recovered" as something like 500. about those other 249,500 people who tested positive. They aren't sick--yet they aren't "recovered"?

    What a bunch of ******** for ******* retards. Get out of the house, morons---and go look for yourselves......oh yeah. Cheetoh has the hospitals locked from ANY visitors so nobody can actually SEE what's going on.

    Yet----me and my coworkers are NOT GETTING TESTED. In fact---we ran out of N95s a few days ago, along with iso gowns. Anybody give a ****?

    No. Because they know. There IS NO DANGER. I don't wear a mask at work. I don't wear iso gear. Neither do any of my ER colleagues. All of the pics you see---are for publicity only. Nobody is wearing this ****---because nobody is in any danger---and the hospitals aren't providing anything extra anyway.

    The money in TARP 2.0 on steroids and nitro is for paying the stockholders for their losses. That is what this whole bogus "virus" thing was about.

    Cheetoh says---economy is to be reopened by Easter. He should know. He and his buddies manufactured this whole thing.

    Please share and wake up the sheep!!

    3 minutes ago


    Re-posting this comment from SolosGirl posted here:
    Thank God. Someone with some sense listening to the reality on the ground. Nobody wants to do that---because it's just not as exciting. People love drama. If they can't have it, they'll make it up.

    I WORK in a NY state ER and ICU. There is NOBODY getting sick. Being "infected" with a virus does NOT mean ANYTHING--i.e. "getting intubated".

    Anybody that walks upright and is over the age of 20---has had a cold sore--commonly referred to as a "fever blister". That is caused by HSV. HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS. You are INFECTED. Period. For the remainder of your living days. You will have outbreaks every so often---under times of stress or illness--and you may go many many years without an outbreak. BUT YOU ARE INFECTED. FOREVER.

    Just because I or anyone else "tests positive" for a virus---does NOT mean they are ill or are becoming ill or will become ill. PERIOD.

    I asked some regurgitator staffer yesterday---because he's spewing all the Cuomo bullshite about "30K vents needed"....."So. We have 6 positive C-19 patients here right now. How many are intubated and need a vent?" He said---"I dunno." I said...."ZERO. None. They are not even symptomatic. They are here for other reasons and just happened to test positive. THEY DID NOT COME HERE BECAUSE THEY WERE SICK AND C-19 WAS THE CAUSE. In fact---these patients are going to be DISCHARGED to 'home quarantine' because THEY ARE NOT SICK."

    He stared at me. Slack jawed and unbelieving. I said---"So tell me how many of the 'positive' people on THIS PLANET are on vents right now?" He said...."duhhhhhh.. I dunno." I asked..."how many 'infected' have become sick AT ALL?" he responded with the usual..."duerrrfeee.I dunno."

    He then followed it up with... .BUT WE NEED 30,000 ventilators!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!

    I predicted that this bullshite would start "fading" in about 2 weeks....right after TARP 2.0 on steroids and nitro got passed. Right after creative destruction could occur---the CEOs cashed out, people get laid off only to be brought back with far less wage capacity/negotiating power (because being employed at half your previous wage is better than trying to get unemployment in NY), and people are now afraid OF EACH OTHER because the old tried and true "being afraid of those little brown people who are terrorists living in mud huts in the desert" isn't working so well this time around.

    Cuomo is positioning himself as the "Rudy" of the 20's. Don't see the comparison? Nobody remembers that trusted General holding the tiny vial of white powder and convincing the world that the US had to invade Iraq or there would be mushroom clouds all over the globe? How about Bushie passing the PATRIOT ACT in record time after the bullshite that WAS 9/11?

    Cuomo needs to shut his pie hole---because people ON THE GROUND are getting really ******* tired of his spewing garbage about things that ARE NOT HAPPENING.

    Morgues are NOT "overflowing". Period . I laughed my *** off at that dipshit Snyder's recent "article" about "recovery from this virus" is some stupidly low number. The number of infections is 250K---the number of DEAD is 200 (and I still have not seen any type of autopsy reports that PROVE to me that it was this virus that killed ANYBODY. AT ALL.)---but he touted some stupid number of "recovered" as something like 500. about those other 249,500 people who tested positive. They aren't sick--yet they aren't "recovered"?

    What a bunch of ******** for ******* retards. Get out of the house, morons---and go look for yourselves......oh yeah. Cheetoh has the hospitals locked from ANY visitors so nobody can actually SEE what's going on.

    Yet----me and my coworkers are NOT GETTING TESTED. In fact---we ran out of N95s a few days ago, along with iso gowns. Anybody give a ****?

    No. Because they know. There IS NO DANGER. I don't wear a mask at work. I don't wear iso gear. Neither do any of my ER colleagues. All of the pics you see---are for publicity only. Nobody is wearing this ****---because nobody is in any danger---and the hospitals aren't providing anything extra anyway.

    The money in TARP 2.0 on steroids and nitro is for paying the stockholders for their losses. That is what this whole bogus "virus" thing was about.

    Cheetoh says---economy is to be reopened by Easter. He should know. He and his buddies manufactured this whole thing.

    Please share and wake up the sheep!!

    Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. -Benjamin Franklin
    Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite. -Charles Spurgeon

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  12. #60
    Iridium Dachsie's Avatar
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    Re: Coronavirus

    I knew that Dr. Fauci was too good to be true. Such a kind and friendly fellow who spoke in such a balanced intelligent way. Not.

    Fouci has suddenly disappeared from C 19 Team Trump presentations.

    Information about Dr. Fouci's past are rather astounding. The implication of this short video is that the virus was a Dem operation from the beginning. Dr. Fouci is said to have very specifically and accurately "predicted" - THREE YEARS AGO - that such a medical event would present itself in the Trump's first term.


    video runtime: 3.55

    What's Up, Doc?
    •Mar 26, 2020
    Headlines with a Voice
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    What's Up, Doc?

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    mamboni (26th March 2020)

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