Heroic Citizens Going to Local Hospitals and Fact-Checking the LYING MSM
Nothing is going on, quiet, no ambulances racing in, empty, nothing happening…It’s all BS!!!! The MSM is giving the impression that hospitals are war zone, bodies are piling up, we are in the medical crisis of our lives, yet when these people visit their local hospitals, NOTHING is happening, they are ghost towns!! Tons of ambulances just sitting their parked, EMTs hanging out and playing with their phones, etc,
Jason Goodman- NYC Man Searches NYC Hospital for CV-19 Patients, Can't Find Any??
“It’s odd that in a city as big as NYC, in the midst of a pandemic, a key hospital looks quiet and employees haven’t seen any victims”
Emanuel hospital with empty quarantine tents
I Went To Various Hospitals, Urgent Care Centers and Emergency Rooms In My Area *MIRRORED
Corona Virus : Peter Dickman is Calling Hospitals to find Corona Patients
Man in Amsterdam calls hospitals for CV-19 patients, comes up empty
Pandemic Hunting! Hospital or Ghost Town?
Guy goes through a Canadian corolla virus hospital, best hospital vid yet, it's a ghost town. Where all the people dying??
Vorona Cirus EMPTY Hospital Check ups EXPOSE the LIE. (it says "verona" and not "corona" b/c of the censors)
Empty Hospitals are visited in Arizona, UK, Brooklyn NY, New Jersey, and Canada. JOIN zoomtruth.com and get involved. PLEASE Take video of YOUR Local EMPTY Hospital and email it to me at david@zoomtruth.com We MUST WAKE the ZOMBIES.
Now, this video is a collection of videos taking by other youtubers. This video also includes some dancing nurses---do you remember after one of the shooting hoaxes, they had cops (or somebody dancing)?? Also shows a woman going to those outside tents set up b/c "the hospitals were overflowing with people who wanted to be tested" and she looks inside and the tents are empty (which is what I suspected--outside tents as Hollywood touch, to push the fear and good photo ops to create the illusion of a medical crisis)
Looks like an excuse for martial Law.“The #mainstreammedia and @DNC want you to believe our NYC hospitals are war zones. Well - this is my local brooklyn hospital
CORONA HOAX LIES PROVED. Mainstream Media Lying about 'overwhelmed emergency centres'.
See for yourself, from Ireland to NY Brooklyn - hospital emergencies dead quiet and empty:
Gemma O'Doherty@gemmaod1#Coronavirus is having an incredible impact on Emergency Depts in Dublin which seem suspiciously quiet. Another video emerges showing an empty St Vincent’s and an employee who seems uncomfortable discussing #Coronavirus. Why?
This is the empty emergency room of St Vincent hospital in Dublin, Ireland. The nation is shut down because it is apparently overwhelmed with the CV.
Brooklyn, NYC
ER doctors are claiming ER rooms are a disaster with triage patients lining up outside exposed to the elements waiting for hours... Outside the war zone hospital in Brooklyn, New York. Where is the overflowing crisis justifying the destruction of freedom and millions of jobs and small businesses?