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Thread: John Titus Mafiacracy

  1. #1
    Great Value Carrots
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    John Titus Mafiacracy

    I just recently found John Titus and his y/t channel BestEvidence. I think he does an excellent job explaining the rampant criminality by the bankers, so I'm starting this thread for his vidoes:

    John Titus
    The Federal Reserve is Lying About Coronavirus - John Titus on The Corbett Report

    SHOW NOTES AND MP3: John Titus of Best Evidence joins us to discuss Season 2 of his "Mafiacracy Now" video series, an exploration of the crimes of the banksters and their multi-trillion dollar heist that is being perpetrated during the current crisis. Today we talk about the Fed's lies about the coronavirus and what horrifying truths about the collapsing economy are hidden behind them


    Sean at SGT report (with his 500k+ subscribers) is finally waking up from his Q-cult trance, and realizing that Trump is not working to magically save us. Sean had John Titus of y/t BestEvidence (extremely rational and reality based guy) on his show, and at 14 min, Sean disputes the idea that Trump, who he still likes (?!?!?!), is allowing this (the destruction of the economy) to happen in order to make deep state arrests, and then he even flashes on the screen a couple of the Q-cult youtubers who have been promoting this nonsense.

    The REAL WAR Has ALWAYS Been The Bankers VS. Humanity — John Titus

    Titus, always the rational one, said he knew there would be no arrests years ago b/c the rule of law is dead (see his y/t “The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime”). Titus also calls out the Q-cult BS about Trump bankrupting/taking over the Fed. So far, haven’t heard any apology from Sean @ SGT for promoting this Q BS for years!!!

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  3. #2
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: John Titus Mafiacracy

    All about no rule of law in the US:

    The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime


    The criminal global banking cartel has effected a coup d’etat in the U.S. This is why the same criminal financial elite that saw 1000 of its members go to prison 20 years ago (after the S&L crisis) is now above the law.

    To date, the question of why the U.S. Department of Justice has failed to prosecute even one too-big-to-fail bank for the pervasive criminal frauds that drove the multi-trillion-dollar economic meltdown of 2008 has been answered pretty much with shrugs.

    By far the most insightful answer was provided by Martin Smith’s breathtaking Untouchables episode, which PBS Frontline aired in January 2013. See

    But even Smith’s answer—that the DOJ never truly investigated Wall Street crime due largely to the so-called collateral consequences doctrine—really explains how rather than why prosecutions have been scuttled.

    In an effort to pick up where the Untouchables left off in early 2013, BestEvidence presents “The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime.” In addition to analyzing events that have occurred since the Untouchables aired (including events caused by the Untouchables), and in an attempt to answer some of the deeply troubling issues raised by Martin Smith, “Veneer" examines certain implications the DOJ's pronouncements, since late 2012, that the rule of law is effectively dead (having been supplanted by the management of oversized global banks).

    What follows is a brief American legal history of the executive branch's overthrow by criminal global banks, which is divided into four roughly chronological segments.

    I. Background (March 2010 to December 2012)

    Goldman Sachs’ legal defenses to fraud—and the DOJ’s adoption of those defenses—are summarized and exposed as false. The DOJ soon admits it refrains from prosecutions not based on any law, but on unspecified collateral effects that prosecutions allegedly would have.

    II. Lessons From the Untouchables (January 2013)

    Since it won't prosecute Wall Street, the DOJ doesn't even bother conducting investigations. The overriding factor is collateral consequences. Two potential sources for collateral consequences opinions emerge: government regulators and the very financial institutions that have been accused of crimes.

    III. The DOJ’s Endless Lies to Conceal Its Master (February 2013 - April 2014)

    The DOJ’s claim that government regulators provided opinions on collateral consequences is exposed as a lie. There never were any such regulators. Instead, the DOJ’s sources of collateral consequences opinions are—as the DOJ itself once admitted, before falsely backtracking—the very banks accused of crimes. The collateral consequences doctrine itself is next exposed as a sham, used by global banks to declare immunity from their own crimes—the act of a king.

    IV. Presenting the True Sovereign Power in the Executive Branch

    The one bank that’s on record as having gained access to a DOJ conference room—where, as the DOJ previously admitted, global banks asserted immunity from their own crimes—is revealed. The true chain of command in the DOJ is presented.

  4. #3
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: John Titus Mafiacracy

    John Titus- Presenting The Federal Reserve Script for Totalitarianism

    The Fed goes for the whole ball of wax--deciding who gets put to work and who gets jailed. Presented in the bright daylight of a Sunday morning news show, because the criminals in charge know that that's the best place to hide shocking information from a population that lost its capacity TO LISTEN a very long time ago.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Amanda For This Useful Post:

    monty (20th April 2020)

  6. #4
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    Re: John Titus Mafiacracy

    planning on listening later....

    Also, that Rothschild front man, Kashkari (psychopath from the TARP looting) has been out there saying we need 6 more weeks of a hard lockdown to make the virus going away. If Americans had any sense or critical thinking (which they don't) they'd be saying who the hell gives a crap what some banker says about a virus, or why the hell is the media telling me what a banker thinks about a health issue??

    The Fed's Silent Takeover of the U.S.

    Graphs and science and government overthrows, oh my! In this episode, we look under the hood of the Fed's massive, three-trillion-dollar expansion of its balance sheet, rationalized by officials as a necessary response to... what else? The pandemic. Fair enough. But that's not the end of the story. Whenever the Fed creates new reserves to purchase assets, it invariably claims that those reserves don't "leak out" into the real economy. As this video proves, that claim is completely false. It all depends on how the Fed structures the transactions that ensue once new reserves are created and are spent on assets. If the Fed buys an asset with $100 of reserves, it can structure the transaction so that no money reaches the real economy, or it can structure the transaction so that all of it reaches the real economy in the form of new bankmoney. This year, the Fed chose the latter route 96% of the time, In other words, the Fed's $2.9 trillion expansion of its balance sheet this year resulted in the creation of $2.8 trillion of new money in commercial bank accounts. Who exactly got that money? Stimulus checks only total around $0.2 trillion. That leaves more than $2.5 trillion sitting in commercial bank accounts--created by banks to accommodate the Fed--wholly unaccounted for. Was the creation of $2.5 trillion in commercial bankmoney required by the pandemic too? Or would the Virus have thrown a scary tantrum if the Fed had gone the other way? Stay tuned. This channel's coverage of the biggest coup d'etat ever--a story largely ignored elsewhere--is just getting started. LINK to Josh Maree's book, "Debt by Design"... Pay attention to Chapter 18. That's where Josh shows you how the Fed's Reserve Money / Bank Money QE shell game works.

  7. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Amanda For This Useful Post:

    midnight rambler (13th August 2020),monty (13th August 2020),woodman (13th August 2020)

  8. #5
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: John Titus Mafiacracy

    Quote Originally Posted by Amanda View Post

    The Fed's Silent Takeover of the U.S.

    Okay, so I finally finished this one--have to admit, most of it went over my head, but at 34 min, he basically says if you can't see the Fed's hands all over this pandemic, then you are missing some IQ points (so John Titus agrees w/Greg Mannarino that this is a Fed Reserve psyop)...Also mentions how you always have to follow the money (agree).

    Also, I learned something new--never heard of this one before. At 34 min, he says that the Federal Reserve controls all publications of scientific research in the US (he even shows a guy, who used to work, there saying this), apparently through its control over the National Science Foundation (Titus seems to be saying that this is why everyone is dumb in the area of science)...Reminds me of James McCanney always talking about how science is controlled and how the real science in going on in the black projects that we don't get to know about).

  9. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Amanda For This Useful Post:

    Bigjon (21st August 2020),midnight rambler (21st August 2020),monty (22nd August 2020)

  10. #6
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    Re: John Titus Mafiacracy

    What's Behind the Fed's Manufactured Coin Shortage?

    The media's explanations for the coin shortage are so ludicrous that even TV watchers are starting to ask questions, late in the game though they are, and muzzled to boot. The truth is that the kink in the distribution chain is being caused by the Federal Reserve, as is clear from congressional testimony--though notably the Fed Chair himself brought nothing but nonsense, archaic jargon and obfuscation to that hearing. In any case, the Fed's wholesale takeover of the U.S. continues apace, evidently intent on leaving no penny unturned.
    Nathaniel Rowan 2 days ago

    I asked my local bank what they are doing with all the coins they're collecting for to "help local businesses with the coin shortage." They flat out told me they're shipping them to the Fed.

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    midnight rambler (22nd August 2020),Tumbleweed (22nd August 2020)

  12. #7
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    Re: John Titus Mafiacracy

    GSCSP - John Titus, The Going Direct Reset: The Pandemic is a Monetary Event

    Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice
    An Interdisciplinary Symposium calling for immediate intervention
    Presented by Doctors for Covid Ethics Hosted by UK Column

    July 29th and 30th 2021
    DAY 1
    Session I: The False Pandemic
    Session II: The Going Direct Reset
    DAY 2
    Session III: First Do Not Harm
    Session IV: The Hour of Justice Closing Panel Session
    John Titus, The Going Direct Reset: The Pandemic is a Monetary Event
    John Titus has written, produced and directed videos about the loss of the rule of law in the U.S. since 2014. His videos focus largely on Wall Street crime, and cronyism in the financial system. He has a juris doctor and has litigated patents for 25 years. He also holds bachelor's and master's degrees in electrical engineering and worked as an electrical engineer in the space industry. Since 2020 John has co-produced and co-hostea Money & Markets witn Catnerine Austin Fitts at Solari Inc.
    Going Direct Reset

    The “novel” coronavirus pandemic marks the greatest turning point in U.S. monetary history since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. The Virus Pandemic and the Federal Reserve are fascinating historical figures for many reasons, starting with the deceptions their very names work on the public. “Federal” Reserve falsely implies that “the Fed” is an agency of the federal government when in fact it is a cartel of 12 private banks acting in concert from different locations to skim interest payments off the top of the U.S. money supply in perpetuity. “Coronavirus pandemic” deliberately misdiagnoses the real disease at the root of the current crisis, which is not in fact any virus (hint: it has a 99+% survival rate) but rather a radical plan for the eventual takeover of the U.S. monetary system by the privately owned Federal Reserve.
    ~ John Titus, The Going Direct Reset

  13. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Amanda For This Useful Post:

    midnight rambler (8th August 2021),woodman (9th August 2021)

  14. #8
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    Re: John Titus Mafiacracy

    Nothing goes on in the world of money. I mean that literally.

    After all there is only one number that cannot be represented by Roman numerals .....ZERO ....NOTHING

    Pay attention to NOTHING in the following statement:

    If you have no income you owe no tax.

  15. #9
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    Re: John Titus Mafiacracy

    Quote Originally Posted by ziero0 View Post
    Nothing goes on in the world of money. I mean that literally.

    After all there is only one number that cannot be represented by Roman numerals .....ZERO ....NOTHING

    Pay attention to NOTHING in the following statement:

    If you have no income you owe no tax.
    Nothin from nothin leaves nothin.....
    Billy Preston - Nothing from nothing 1975 - Bing video
    Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty." – Socrates

    "Communism can be summed up in one sentence: The abolition of private property." ---Karl Marx

    "Either you have the right to own property, or you are property." Wayne Hage

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to woodman For This Useful Post:

    ziero0 (9th August 2021)

  17. #10
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: John Titus Mafiacracy

    Persians invented the concept of zero. This is a more radical idea than a spherical earth or a solar system with a sun at the center. Bankers now offer zero per cent interest and money has no value. Crypto currency extends the no value concept to include the concept of no existence. A pandemic is worldwide based upon a virus that also has no existence.

    The U.S. is right in there playing the zero game and in fact has located a president with no brain!

    Nothing is what you have the most of when you are born and what you have a monopoly on when you die.

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