Okay, got this in the email yesterday. I think this is the first message she's ever sent that was marked URGENT.

Hi amanda,

I have critically important data to share with you on the Global Economic Reset. A new report just came out showing the most alarming financial numbers I have personally ever seen in over 50 years of studying money, banks, and currencies. If you have any money in the bank or the markets, including IRA's, 401K's, stocks, bonds, annuities, ETF's, and virtually any other investments, retirement accounts, or insurance policies...this information is vital for you to understand so you can make the most intelligent choices around the future of your wealth.

This data was released by an organization that includes 38 of the most powerful economic countries globally, which drive policymaking in over 100 other countries, and makes up over 80% of all world trade and global investments.

I have never come on air like this to stress the importance of watching a video series, but this Tuesday and Wednesday (the 3rd & 4th of August), I'm doing a 2-Part series showing you exactly where we're at in the Global Reset. And more importantly, I'll be breaking down the potential solutions you have so your money doesn't evaporate in this wealth transfer.

I believe this information is so important; I'll be doing a live Q&A and the end of each video to answer any questions you might have about it. Again, I'll be going live this Tuesday and Wednesday (the 3rd & 4th of August), and I promise this 2-Part series will blow your mind. This is, without a doubt, the most critical data I've put out in my entire career. Please tune in and inform the people you care about.

Lynette Zang & The ITM Trading Family

message today saying it's pacific Time

For clarification, today's important video regarding New Data on the Global Reset is at 1 pm PDT on our YouTube channel. Here is a direct link to the live video page...and I'll be staying on to answer your questions at the end.

Vulnerability & Risk Increase Exponentially

I'll try to watch it tonight