
14:16 video runtime

Greed - Possessing Too Much


September 11, 2020

Sensus Fidelium

164K subscribers


There are many verses in the New Testament about every aspect of sin. There is no bible verse that specifies the "the seven capital sins" or now called "the seven deadly sins. These are principal categories of sin that many other sins come from.

"Christ in many of His utterances teaches the nature and extent of sin. He came to promulgate a new law more perfect than the old, which would extend to the ordering not only of external but also of internal acts to a degree unknown before, and, in His Sermon on the Mount, He condemns as sinful many acts which were judged honest and righteous by the doctors and teachers of the Old Law. He denounces in a special manner hypocrisy and scandal, infidelity and the sin against the Holy Ghost. In particular He teaches that sins come from the heart (Matthew 15:19-20)."

https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14004b.htm for hyperlinks within text.