epoch (n.)
1610s, epocha, "point marking the start of a new period in time" (such as the founding of Rome, the birth of Christ, the Hegira), from Medieval Latin epocha, from Greek epokhe "stoppage, fixed point of time," from epekhein "to pause, take up a position," from epi "on" (see epi-) + ekhein "to hold" (from PIE root *segh- "to hold"). Transferred sense of "a period of time" is 1620s; geological usage (not a precise measurement) is from 1802.

Point being what separates one period of time from another is an EVENT. What is that event? It could be tall buildings jumping into the path of fast planes. It could be mass delusions concerning small bugs with the ability to kill (perceived if not actual). It could be the delusions of Democrats (aka "liberals") concerning global warming, racism, homophobia, mass murders, gun control, food insanity or any other illusion called current events.

The phobias and illusions of the previous epoch need not be carried into the next. Perhaps it is not a good idea to attempt to destroy the fantasy of epoch-believers. It is after all THEIR illusion and the rules of the current epoch are not of necessity your rules.