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Thread: Canucks stage showdown with Fidel Jr

  1. #121
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Canucks stage showdown with Fidel Jr (The Canadian Press): Trudeau says he's 'absolutely serene' about invoking Emergencies Act
    The prime minister was the final witness at the Public Order Emergency Commission, which has spent six weeks examining Trudeau's emergency declaration in February in response to “Freedom Convoy” protests in Ottawa and elsewhere.

    "This was a moment to do something that we needed to do to keep Canadians safe," he said. "I am absolutely, absolutely serene and confident that I made the right choice."...

    When there's a national emergency and serious threats of violence to Canadians, and you have a tool that you should use, how would I explain it to the family of a police officer who was killed or a grandmother who got run over trying to stop a truck or a protester who was killed?”

    Friday marked the first time Canadians have heard directly from the prime minister about his version of events surrounding the convoy protests.

    The inquiry has been focused on the question of whether Trudeau was justified in declaring a public order emergency, which the Emergencies Act identifies as a threat to Canada's security, as defined in the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act.
    Just a reminder:

    The Public Order Emergency Commission (
    ) was pure show and tell.

    No one will be charged.

    No one will be accountable.

    Those who lied under oath will not be charged.

    The documents that were hidden/redacted will not be exposed.

    Nov 26, 2022
    Fully vaxxed commission senior counsel Gabriel Poliquin has not returned to work as Judge Rouleau said he would. He passed out and was removed by ambulance following some sort of heart ailment. Ironic given the whole convoy was about forced vaccine mandates.

    No further info..

    Nov 26, 2022
    Lawyer collapses during Emergencies Act inquiry, delaying proceedings [November 9, 2022]

    They went to war with Human Nature, Cold and Flu Season and the Weather!
    Corporation, a fiction legitimized by government, is part of big government
    Their men were like women and their women were like Jews

  2. #122
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Canucks stage showdown with Fidel Jr Convoy lawyer Brendan Miller reveals why he didn't cross-examine Trudeau
    Dec 18, 2022
    I’ve had several text exchanges with Brendan over the past few weeks, starting about the time he went off the rails, risking his reputation in my opinion, accusing people of flying Confederate and Nazi flags, and then again when he did something totally out of character for a scrappy, in-your-face litigator, choosing not to cross-examine Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the final day of the inquiry. That really got my attention.

    “What were you thinking?”

    ...As to why he left Ottawa early and didn’t cross-examine Trudeau, Brendan’s explanation is jarring. He was getting threats, serious ones, to the point where his team hired a security detail to protect him. Report: Government Responsible for 86% of New Jobs In Canada Since Pandemic Began
    December 18, 2022
    “We find that the government sector accounts for a large majority, 86.7 percent, of all net new jobs created since the start of the pandemic,” the Fraser Research Institute said. “Meanwhile, there has been almost no net job creation in the private sector (including self-employment).”

    “This despite the fact that the government sector represents just 21.8 percent of jobs in the economy,” the economic study said...

    “Net jobs increased in the private sector by just 0.4 percent between February 2020 and July 2020 compared to an increase in net jobs of 9.4 percent in the government sector,” the study concluded...

    “Once we adjust for population growth over this period, [which is] 2.7 percent for individuals over the age of 15], Canada’s private sector job performance is even less impressive,” the authors stated. “The share of adults above the age of 15 employed in the private sector has fallen from 49.3 to 48.2 percent during this time.”

    “Private sector total employment is now only slightly above pre-pandemic levels and once an adjustment is made for population growth, private sector employment is in fact lower than it was in February 2020.” Canada's low unemployment rate is unsustainable, contributing to inflation: Macklem
    Nov. 10, 2022
    Canada's low unemployment rate is not sustainable and is contributing to decades-high inflation, Bank of Canada governor Tiff Macklem said during a speech in downtown Toronto Thursday.Speaking before students and researchers at Toronto Metropolitan University, the governor said the Canadian labour market needs to be rebalanced to stabilize inflation.

    Macklem said businesses struggling to find workers can't keep up with demand for goods and services in the economy.

    "The tightness in the labour market is a symptom of the general imbalance between demand and supply that is fueling inflation and hurting all Canadians," he said...

    Macklem said policies that increase the number of workers available to work would help ease inflation.

    Increasing immigration is one of them, he said...

    Other polices such as the expansion of universal childcare will help increase the proportion of women in the workforce, he said, but noted it will take time.
    They went to war with Human Nature, Cold and Flu Season and the Weather!
    Corporation, a fiction legitimized by government, is part of big government
    Their men were like women and their women were like Jews

  3. #123
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Canucks stage showdown with Fidel Jr

    Tanya Gaw founder of Action4Canada interviews Canadian Constitutional Layer Rocco Galati.

    Rumble: Action4Canada: Updates And Government Inquiry with Rocco Galati

    6 days ago
    Tanya Gaw is joined by Rocco Galati, top Canadian Constitutional Lawyer, to address the status of ongoing legal actions, an update on Rocco’s health, Government Inquiries, and so much more.
    About Rocco
    Citizens Hold the Political Power

    Partial Transcript of Rocco Galati's discussion and responses:

    2 Just before Christmas in 2021 I fell very ill...six obituaries about me are still online that they refuse to take illness was not Covid related whatsoever. I was hospitalized and then intubated into a coma against my written instructions and so I was in a coma for about twelve days. I had myself released two days after I came out of the coma and I had myself released into a private medical facility were I was basically paralyzed for the next several weeks and then I began my slow rehabilitation... with 24-7 ICU nursing care that I had to pay for because I didn't trust the hospital to do anything but kill me... was not until March that I was walking without oxygen... I'm still recuperating, I'm back at work... I'm basically 90-92% [recovered]

    6:20 We've been pursuing all the Doctor's cases where they're trying to delicense Doctors for their free speech and criticism of Covid measures

    7:30 [Re: Rocco's quality of care in the hospital] dismal, criminal. I wouldn't get into it now, you may read about it in a statement of claim later.... Just to clarify, you hear my voice is different, this is permanent damage they did to me through the intubation, which I did not want and specifically in writing before I was hospitalized under no circumstance intubate me. Because you know 90% of the people who were intubated died during the Covid pandemic.

    9:30 ...the cases are preceding. We have a motion scheduled this year for Vaccine Choice for Canada... They are progressing in accordance with the instructions of my different clients.

    15:40 Within two weeks of issuing the statement of claim in which we challenged the constitutional mandate of [Trudeau's] travel mandates he suspended them all.

    19:50 And when we announced a pending injunction against the masking [Province of Ontario], well they promulgated regulations that said you can declare your own exemption without having to provide proof. So people are saying were is your injunction? Well we don't need it, you have the right to just declare an exemption and enforce your own right.
    Now I think the science is out, the landscape has changed dramatically. Even Judges know, they read and they listen. Its not 18 months ago were anybody who criticized the mandates was a crackpot.

    22 The case law coming out of the states; they are smacking the Covid measures left right and centre, the courts are, but Canadian courts are not so far. Its a tougher slog.

    29:30 The juncture we are at now is of course we have still have to fight these vaccines and masks, its part of the psyche war they keep coming it back but they've done their damage. All the misguided people who want the vaccines have already taken their second and third doses. They've done the damage to those. People who did not, and will not ever vaccinate are never going to vaccinate. So now, with the public inquiry about the Truckers and all of that and all the lawsuits that are coming down, and all the analysis on the damage that the vaccines have done, that is where they are going to distract us for the next two or three years while they fully implement digital ID, digital currency, get rid of cash, 15 minute cities, where the real fascist control is going to be implemented. So people right now have to start fighting against that. The vaccine damage will be dealt with, and the lawsuits and all that. But if people fixate on ruminating on the past, what is going on the the globalist agenda is going to be entrenched before people realize it and then they'll wake up in two or three years to that nightmare.... servitude and slavery.

    39:20 [Re: Trudeau's Emergency Act Inquiry] There are different types of inquiries in our political and legal system. The first one is legislative inquiries, where the legislative body itself conducts the inquiry Those inquiries the rules are set by legislator house, not by the executive, not by the president, not by the prime minister, they are bi-partisan. Different parties have a right to participate in those inquiries. Then you have two other types of inquiries, which are inquiries under the various inquires act, where a condition of inquiry is chosen and you have royal commissions. They are very similar. And the important thing about those, as opposed to a legislative inquiry is that they are struck by the executive. Not only is the commissioner or the commission members chosen by the executive, the government, but the terms of the inquiry are not free ranging, they are set by the government and they cannot exceed the terms of the inquiry. So its the government that not only sets the terms of the inquiry, but also chooses the person who is going to conduct the inquiry. They are not as democratic as the legislative inquiry. So for instance right now in the US, Japan, and a few other countries they have struck legislative inquiries on the harm the vaccines have caused. The third type of inquiry that exists is a good old fashioned police investigation and that is more impartial than any of the other two (three rather) that are political in nature.

    So here is the problem: Dealing with executive struck public inquiries, its been my view, my strong view as a constitutional lawyer, as an observer, of the inquiries over the thirty-four years I've been practicing law, that virtually most government inquiries serve two purposes. One is to whitewash the wrongdoing of government officials, and to ignore actually dealing with the problem of the wrongdoing of the officials. And two, more sinister is that by issuing subpoenas to these government wrongdoers, they are immunized from criminal prosecution, from any of the evidence they give or any of the derivative evidence coming from the evidence they gave. So if you are a smart witness who has done something wrong you admit to it at the inquiry because they can't prosecute it for you. And the reason for that is section 13 of the charter. Section 13 of the charter says:

    "Self incrimination; A witness who testifies in any proceeding has the right to not have any incriminating evidence so given, used to incriminate that witness in any other proceeding, except in a prosecution for perjury."

    So that means if somebody goes up there and says "Yeah, yeah I broke the criminal code, yeah I committed criminal offences" in a public inquiry under subpoena, they cannot be criminally charged for that offence. You got it? So that's why we have these public inquiries. And moreover the really cynical idea of striking a public inquiry as a smoke and mirror to give the misimpression that your actually doing something about the problem...

    So that is the problem with public inquiries. I have no time or need for them. They don't do anything...
    A citizen's inquiry is no more than a podcast.

    54 I think they've [Judges] been corrupted by their own cultural bent and fear. But its not intentional, its not because the government has told them to decide this way or the other way. Its because they are overly conservative... they are acting like a lot of the population out of fear... They are saying 'We don't want to decide pubic health, let the public health people decide it.' Which is very dangerous, in doing so they are ignoring binding jurisprudence from the Supreme Court of Canada and pretending it doesn't exist. That is corruption in the sense that they are breaking their oath as judges, but its not an intentional corruption as we know it. This is not new, when they don't like where the law takes them, some of them, the courts, are dishonest with the law.

    57 Judicial notice changed during Covid. The courts are now bypassing the rues and requirement of evidence... What Regina vs Fines said very clearly is you cannot take judicial notice of a scientific fact. And so now with the Covid these courts are getting lazy, and they are outrageously taking, some of them, judicial notice that the vaccine is effective and safe. That's a scientific fact which is belied by the fact that if you can take judicial notice of that, that they are effective and safe, you can take judicial notice that they are not for a good number of people because they have implemented a covid-19 vaccine compensation fund. So the government of Canada has conceded that these vaccines in some people will cause injury or death.

    So this is where the courts are going. So for instance you cannot take judicial notice of any scientific fact. Only events. You can take judicial notice that the government has approved that the temporary inoculation is being effective and safe. That doesn't make it so. If your contesting that statement by the government your entitled to call evidence and say not that's not true...

    The courts in Covid, mostly in family cases are taking judicial notice. But the irony is in family cases they all make it clear that we're not deciding if the children should be vaccinated or not, we're deciding which parent gets to decide. Which is a fig leaf. So judicial notice in the Covid context has the potential to throw the entire system of law and rule of law out the window. Cause [example] we could then take judicial notice that if x percentage of people in prison are this race then I take judicial notice that you're likely guilty. That kind of shit right?

    109 [Canadian officials now pledging allegiance and duty to the Canadian Constitution and Charter of Rights since repatriation (Canada Act of 1982). Provinces have defined sovereign rights and the duty not to not be complicit with unconstitutional federal bills. Provinces do not have to comply until the Federal government gets the permission of the Supreme court to enforce it.]

    1:17:10 A police officer can decline to enforce a law if it is unconstitutional.

    1:19 It's your constitutional right to refuse any medical treatment... That's happening now in the labour context...
    At the constitutional Rights centre we were asked hundreds of times to assist with exemptions and our policy is absolute. We will not assist with requesting or facilitating any exemption cause the request to facilitate and exemption implies that you are okay with the law and we take the position that to force someone to vaccinate is unconstitutional and you have a right to exempt yourself under the constitution. So why would you seek an exemption from an idiot employer to respect your constitutional rights which has already been recognized by the Supreme Court of Canada?

    [Serve such resistant people with notices of liability]

    1:21:50 86% of all those who died from Covid, according to the government, were in long term care facilities. Average age of every person who died in the long term facilities was 83.4 years of age average. The life expectancy in Canada is 81.2 or something like that. So there you have it. Covid, a non-pandemic.

    124:35 [Since Trudeau lied under oath at the commission can he be found in contempt or charged with purgery?]
    He can, but your going to have to get someone to charge the prime minister with purgery and to charge a cabinet minister or prime minister you need the personal consent of the Attorney General, which is not going to happen, and even if you get him charged by a justice of the peace, the crown can step in any time and take over the prosecution and withdraw the charges.
    [What are we looking at here Rocco, potentially with Trudeau?]
    Your looking at a dumb ass Canadian population who keeps voting this asshole into office.

    1:25:30 [changes supporting vote fraud, voting machines]

    1:32:20 I can't travel to the United States, I'm on their blacklist. For all the anti-terrorism work I did and the anti-Covid work I'm doing.

    1:34:10 [The Federal government wants access to Provincial health records in order to get the extra federal healthcare funds]
    Yeah, that's all illegal and unconstitutional...section 36 on the constitution act to ensure that enough money flows from the Feds to the Provinces so that every Canadian is receiving comparable services... so they can try to impose conditions but not where it goes to the heart of the exclusive jurisdiction of the Provinces.... What they cannot do is say 'Yeah, we'll give you more money if you forfeit, if you do something that we can't do, like give us the patient records. Because that's not for the Feds. They have no jurisdiction over patient records.

    1:36 [School board grooming, and degeneracy, potential for board trusties' personal liability]

    1:41:30 [Gun bans and right to bear arms] And while people say we don't have that [US] right, I disagree and one of these days I will take this to court. I think under the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights we have the right to bear arms as a pre-1982 constitutional right... Its never been raised or litigated.

    1:57 I wish everybody well and keep living your life as a free person. Assert and exercise your Constitutional God given rights.

    2:06 [Psalm 37:8-15]
    They went to war with Human Nature, Cold and Flu Season and the Weather!
    Corporation, a fiction legitimized by government, is part of big government
    Their men were like women and their women were like Jews

  4. #124
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Canucks stage showdown with Fidel Jr Most Canadians agree 'Canada is broken' — and they're angry about it: National poll
    A higher percentage of women agreed Canada is broken than did men, and more in the youngest age brackets than among the oldest

    Feb 06, 2023
    A majority of Canadians looking at the country they see around them say everything seems to be broken. Concerned about rising costs, the state of health care, affordable housing, jobs and more, half of us are also angry about the way Canada is being run, a national opinion poll says...

    Two-thirds of those asked (67 per cent) agreed everything feels broken — [30%] even strongly agreed — while 25 per cent disagreed, only seven per cent strongly.

    “I didn’t think it would be that high. I thought maybe it was more a noisy minority as opposed to a prevailing majority opinion,” said Andrew Enns, an executive vice-president at the market research company Leger, and lead researcher for this data.

    The numbers are a warning, he said.

    “If you’re in government, regardless of what level — federal, provincial, or municipal — these are your customers, the general population. They all interact with you in some form or fashion, and these are their opinions. And they’re basically saying we don’t like how business is running right now.”

    Enns said his team heard talk for months about systems seeming to be falling apart or broken. He saw examples of it, too, with enormous waits for passports, frustrating airport delays, fast-rising grocery prices...

    “It feels like everything is broken in this country right now,” Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre said in November. It grabbed a lot of headlines and he’s repeated it since. Last week in a speech to his caucus, he said it again — “everything feels broken,” this time in French...

    “When he says Canada is broken,” Trudeau said of Poilievre in a speech, “that’s where we draw the line. This is Canada. And in Canada, better is always possible, but I don’t accept Canadians and politicians that talk down our country.

    “Canada is not broken,” Trudeau added with emphasis.
    One year ago today, Russian aggression took on a new form of evil with the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.

    Throughout this war, we've seen the unshakeable resilience of the Ukrainian people.

    Canada must always stand for freedom & democracy in the face of evil tyrants.
    10:52 AM · Feb 24, 2023
    [Top reply] Viva Frei @thevivafrei

    Replying to @PierrePoilievre

    Justin Trudeau apparently took over Pierre’s Twitter account.
    11:19 AM · Feb 24, 2023 Poilievre denounces 'vile' and 'racist' views of German politician who met with some of his MPs
    February 24th 2023
    Conservative MPs Dean Allison, Colin Carrie and Leslyn Lewis were photographed at a restaurant with Christine Anderson, a member of the European Parliament...

    He said the Conservative party leadership "should be calling her out loudly."

    In a written statement responding to the concerns Friday, Poilievre said Anderson's views are "vile" and that her "racist, hateful views are not welcome here."

    "The MPs were not aware of this visiting member of the European Parliament’s opinions, and they regret meeting with her. Frankly, it would be better if Anderson never visited Canada in the first place," the statement said...

    The three MPs said in their own statement that it is not uncommon to meet with visiting elected officials from other countries...

    The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, which said it had raised its concerns about the MPs visit with Anderson directly with the party, said Friday it appreciates Poilievre's clear rejection of Anderson's views. But it also said MPs must do their "due diligence" before agreeing to such meetings...

    "All I can say, I had a lovely time meeting with the members of his party," she said. "At no point do I see where I expressed hateful and racist views, as he puts it."
    They went to war with Human Nature, Cold and Flu Season and the Weather!
    Corporation, a fiction legitimized by government, is part of big government
    Their men were like women and their women were like Jews

  5. #125
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Canucks stage showdown with Fidel Jr
    We began as a group of active and retired Police Officers whose mission remains:

    To honour our Oath to uphold the Constitution of Canada and, to the best of our abilities, preserve the peace, prevent offenses and to discharge other duties as Police Officers faithfully, impartially, and according to law.

    To continue to serve and protect the public while remaining independent of political influence.

    To repair and regain public trust being damaged or lost due to the enforcement of emergency measures. We believe these measures not only conflict with our Charter Oath but place active duty police officers in an untenable position when directed to enforce these measures...
    Good interview, I transcribed two sections below. Video interview of two retired Canadian police officers focuses on the state of policing in Canada, related to the scamdemic policing probable illegality in relation to the Canadian Constitution and Charter of Rights, Ottawa's Emergency Measures Act response to the Trucker's Protest, illegal police activity around the Coutts protest in Alberta, oath breaking, conflicted police, internal harassment or mistreatment of the more ethical. And warnings of what to expect if the police continue to follow orders to act against Canadians with oath-breaking and illegal unconstitutional activity. The Canadian Story: 182. Clay Farnsworth & Chris VandenBos - Police on Guard
    15 Days ago

    5:50 There is a lot of different facets within that charter that are there as protections for Canadians that were seemingly being stomped on by the government and they were given direction from the police to stomp on those rights. Some would say 'well no the government has the justification because if it is demonstrably justified they can overrule your Charter of Rights and Freedoms, yeah but it says you have to demonstrably justify in a fair and democratic society. So it has to be your demonstrably justifying the need for this and when you have Doctors and scientists that are speaking out and saying here's the data here's the science, here's the possible treatments that we are finding are working and they are all getting delicensed and they are all getting silenced, is that demonstrably justifying anything?

    ...There is case law in superseding the Charter.

    Section one of the Charter is the section Chris is referring to there, the government can supersede the Charter but there is in 1986 a decision that's come to be known as the Oakes Test which gives four clear definitions that the government must meet in order to supersede Section 1 of the Charter. Now none of these mandates was ever tested before the supreme court. So how can they supersede the Charter is one of the feelings we have as police on guard. It was never done properly through the courts, therefore the mandates were illegal. They were never law to begin with.

    20:50 Where is the sate of Canadian Policing?

    There is an egregious lack of ethical leadership within the higher rank and file of policing. They're politicians that are wanting to satisfy their police services boards and those politicians that have any sort of clout over them. And they don't have the spine enough to stand up and say: 'This is my job to hold the oath in high regard and independent office. I do not take direction from you, you do not tell me how to operate, we have a set of rules and guidelines and an oath and we will adhere to it. Get lost.'

    But that's not happening.

    The biggest positive change that could happen is accountability for those that went against it and to put people in place that actually have that integrity to lead and to lead well.
    They went to war with Human Nature, Cold and Flu Season and the Weather!
    Corporation, a fiction legitimized by government, is part of big government
    Their men were like women and their women were like Jews

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