6th June 2022, 09:54 AM
Law enforcement false flag / staged event checklist
See original article for hyperlinks.

[/B]June 6, 2022 James Fetzerblog
Jim Fetzer and Brian Davidson
[Editor’s note: We have prepared a checklist for law enforcement as guidelines in detecting and exposing staged events and “false flags” that are being used to deceive and manipulate the public. You can download the PDF from this site here. Please share this as far and wide as you can, beginning with your county sheriff and local police departments. There’s the ghost of a chance that it just might make a difference. Time is short. They want to take our guns. Act now!]
Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., and Brian Davidson, P.I.
5 June 2022
The authors collectively have 40+ years of private investigative research and critical analysis of politically significant but factually anomalous events, where aspects are puzzling because they do not add up and where consideration must be given to whether they may have been staged or faked and blamed on other parties to promote an agenda, such as gun control. Here are some rules of thumb indicating that you could be dealing with such a situation (which means they are highly reliable but not infallible evidential indicators):
__ No surge of EMTs
__ No string of ambulances
__ No med-evac choppers called
Authentic public medical resources, as a rule, do not participate in staged events because they may be needed for bona fide medical emergencies. So, you do not see them at Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon bombing, Orlando, Parkland, Las Vegas, Buffalo, or Uvalde. If they have only token presence, that is a strong indication you are dealing with a staged event. In Boston, for example, police would not allow real M.D.s to approach the victims, who were amputee crisis actors.
__ No blood
__ No bodies
__ Dead shooter
At Sandy Hook, the parents were not even permitted to see their children, who were identified using photographs (apparently because they only existed in the form of photographs). In Boston, there was initially no blood, which only showed up later and came out of small orange duffle bags. In Parkland, we have a 57-second video showing a black training dummy with no head and no arms lying on a pool of fake blood–and fake cops rushing in and out, to boot!
__ Conflicting stories
__ Crisis actors
__ Instant publicity
Calls for gun control from parents, who are not displaying appropriate signs of grief, is a tell that they are not in a state of grief but promoting a political agenda. Orlando was egregious. At Sandy Hook, donation sites were posted before the alleged shooting had even taken place. In Buffalo, a black “eyewitness” reported speaking with the “white supremacist” shooter for an hour the previous day–and was reporting the timing of shots to the tenth of a second. In Uvalde, two “dads” for the same kid. A schoolteacher from Sandy Hook made an appearance in Uvalde, too.
__ No investigation
__ Calls for action
__ Massive coverage
When every talking head is giving the same pitch about the “horrific shooting” and “demand for gun control” (where most of these are designed to promote the Democrat’s gun control agenda, often with the complicity of local law enforcement and even of the FBI), it becomes entirely apparent this was a staged event to promote a political agenda, an egregious example of which was the Jussie Smollett “hate crime” timed to benefit the “anti-lynching” bill of Kamala Harris and Cory Booker.
BLATANT EXAMPLE: The Buffalo “Grocery Store” Mass Shooting (always “mass”):
on Uvalde, see “The Raw Deal” (1 June 2022)
and “The Raw Deal” (3 June 2022)
TRAINING VIDEOS (reviewing a dozen or more with quick takes exposing them as fake):
How to Spot a False Flag (Part 1): https://www.bitchute.com/video/c1GEOBGJuXHy
How to Spot a False Flag (Part 2): https://www.bitchute.com/video/T1wECfFc81Ff
4th of July Special with Bill Binney and Dr. Katherine Horton: How to Spot a False Flag:
False Flag and Conspiracies Conference (2020):
More Resources:
Check out: jamesfetzer.org and https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Jim_Fetzer
BACKGROUND: Disarming law-abiding citizens does not make them more secure. The nonsense being peddled by present and past Democrat administrations would bring about a minimum of 200,000 additional deaths of Americans by depriving them of the defensive use of guns, which the gun-grabbers and their allies in the media do not report. But it would make the US easier to invade by a foreign power, which may be the point.
The 2nd Amendment and the Politics of Gun Control
CONSPIRACY THEORISTS: Those who expose these false flags and staged events are liable to be attacked as “conspiracy theorists”, which is a form of self-defense by the government. Conspiracy theorists are exposing crimes the government does not want exposed—because, more often than not, they lead back to the government. Don’t let yourself be played. If you know what’s going on, then you should be a conspiracy theorist, a conspiracy analyst, or a conspiracy realist!
James H. Fetzer, Ph.D., “Thinking about ‘Conspiracy Theories’: JFK and 9/11”
Jim Fetzer, “What’s Wrong with Conspiracy Theories?”
Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., “Conspiracy Theorists are Investigating Crimes: No wonder they want to silence us!”
Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., is a former Marine Corps officer and retired university professor who offered courses in logic, critical thinking, and scientific reasoning for 35 years. He has been a serious student of conspiracies and false flags since 1992 and has pioneered collaborative research in this area by bringing together experts in different disciplines to sort things out. He has 24+ books in traditional academic areas and 12+ in conspiracy research, 6 of which have been banned by amazon.com. He currently has a Petition pending before the U.S. Supreme Court.
CONTACT: jfetzer@d.umn.edu;
Brian Davidson, P.I., has been a licensed private investigator in the State of Texas for 10 years. He has conducted seminars related to Open-Source Intelligence research and has contributed to research related to Sandy Hook, the Buffalo shooting, the Pulse nightclub, and many others. His company Panoramic Investigations is a general investigation firm that has handled many aspects of investigations from criminal defense, fraud, property crimes, murder, bank robbery, and others as well. Mr. Davidson can be reached at (832) 304-3577. His website is www.panoramicInvestigations.com. He currently operates the international secure tips line related to the Uvalde shooting where tips can be anonymously sent: uvaldetips@proton.me.
7th June 2022, 01:47 PM
Re: Law enforcement false flag / staged event checklist
The Raw Deal (6 June 2022) with Brian Davidson

1:57:36 video runtime
First published at 21:37 UTC on June 6th, 2022.
Jim Fetzer
11180 subscribers
Wonderful show where Brian and I put together a LAW ENFORCEMENT FALSE FLAG / STAGED SHOOTING CHECKLIST, which we would like to see in the hands of every sheriff, police officer, and governor of every state in the union. Biden and the Democrats have gone stark raving mad in their efforts to deprive the American people of their right to keep and bear arms under the 2nd Amendment. They are conducting one fake event after another--Sandy Hook, Orlando and Dallas, Parkland, Las Vegas, Buffalo and (now) Uvalde--to make the public think that mass shootings are becoming commonplace and that the only way to deal with it is to disarm law abiding citizens. This is completely absurd. We never hear about it from the media, but Americans use guns to defend themselves millions of times every year. They only have to show they are armed in most cases. But to take away the right to the defensive use of guns could cost an additional 200,000 lives per year--and the number will keep growing as long as their gun control laws get stricter and stricter. They are moving in precisely the wrong direction. Go to my blog at
Category News & Politics
Sensitivity Normal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over
7th June 2022, 06:00 PM
Re: Law enforcement false flag / staged event checklist
No Birth Records for Any of the Uvalde Massacre Child Victims
June 7, 2022 renegade 3 Comments

Anyone can take an old photo of a person from a family album, and give it any name and birth date one chooses. When that person disappears without a trace, you can claim that was for any reason one wishes.
That appears to have been the method used for Sandy Hook. Was it used here as well? Certainly looks like it.
embedded video
08:03 video runtime
Dachsie comment:
I just heard there was some kind of evidence regarding no birth certificates on any of the children "victims." I just posted the first video and article I could find about this. I am sure there are more documented records searches to be found somewhere.
MAJOR EVIDENCE against official narrative.
I hope there are some honest law enforcement in the state of Texas that will follow up on this.
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