21st June 2022, 01:42 PM
Re: Jesus Christ, The Way, The Truth, and The Life
And when you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, fear ye not. For such things must needs be, but the end is not yet.
Mark: 13:7
Armstrong: Prepare for WWIII: The West NEEDS war because the entire financial system is collapsing
June 21, 2022 James Fetzerblog
Martin Armstrong
Britain’s Military Chief of the General Staff had just taken that position and he has already told the army they need to prepare for war against Russia in Europe. He has told every soldier to prepare to fight Russia in a potential World War III. He has pledged to forge an Army that can beat Russia in battle and said that we must now prepare “to fight in Europe once again.” He added on his fourth day on the job: “There is now a burning imperative to forge an Army capable of fighting alongside our allies and defeating Russia in battle.”
This is a video interview of Zelensky’s adviser years in advance. This entire Ukrainian War was deliberately instigated. The West NEEDS war because the entire financial system is collapsing. All the pensions promised have been wiped out in Europe thanks to NEGATIVE interest rates since 2014.
Zelensky is an actor. He is playing his role in this Great Reset which is to destroy Western civilization as we know it so they get to create their One-World Government and the United Nations will then appear to be the GREAT PEACEMAKER. On February 20th, 2022, VP Harris blurted out that Ukraine should join NATO which was a direct violation of the Belgrade Agreement where Ukraine, the 3rd largest nuclear power at the time, gave up its nuclear weapons and NATO promised not to invade as did Russia provided Ukraine was to remain NEUTRAL. Then 3 days later, Zelensky announced that he would pursue nuclear weapons to defend against Russia. The next day, Putin invaded to protect the Donbas on February 24th.
There are a number of world leaders who are starting to wake up and see that this entire Ukrainian War has been a hoax. This was intentionally created for the Great Reset because Europe NEEDS to default on all the debt they can no longer sustain. But that will wipe out all the pensions and millions of people will be storming the parliaments. The only escape for those in government is to create a war to hide the collapse. Now even Pope Francis is starting to see through this facade as he has told a group of European Jesuit news editors that “perhaps somehow either provoked or not prevented,” and he cautioned against oversimplifying the conflict.
Zelensky is a hateful, vindictive, and pathological liar who demonizes Russians every chance he gets. The US has absolutely NO ability to even verify where all the weapons go that they send to Ukraine. There are reports of foreign soldiers who had volunteered to fight for Ukraine and then left because the weapons were being stolen and sold on the black market and will always, end up on the streets in America.
See also Sydney Couple with $840k Mortgage Fear ‘Difficult’ Financial Impact of Interest Rates Rise…
Zelensky is evil, and corrupt, and ran for office promising peace with Russia and ending corruption. Some reports say he has already diverted up to $850 million to hidden offshore accounts. He will fight till the last Ukrainian dies and then fly off to live the billionaire’s life drinking port with Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and Bill Gates.
The very person who funded Zelensky is the same person who bought Hunter Biden and President Joe Biden demanded that Ukraine fire the prosecutor investigating this corruption. Zelensky pathologically urges World War III during every one of his public appearances. Zelensky is clearly waging an information war promoting pure propaganda.
Zelensky’s Davos Speech was unbelievable. He demanded that the US-led West implement a policy of maximum preemptive sanctions on the false pretext of averting future wars. According to Zelen sky, had the US-led West’s cut off Russia completely from the world economy IN ADVANCE, this would somehow prevented war. He claimed that the sanction was NOT ENOUGH and cane TOO LATE. He wants the US-led West to now completely cut off from the world economy not just Russia, but regional security demands that the US-led West should unilaterally threaten other nations and impose maximum sanctions on all Russian allies BEFORE they can react.
I have videos captured from Ukrainian soldiers showing what they are doing to captive Russian soldiers. I will not post them because they are too horrible. They are actually crucifying Russians driving nails through their limbs and then setting them on fire alive. This is the hatred of Ukrainian neo-Nazis toward Russians and why the CIA protected the Ukrainian neo-Nazis because they always hated Russians. They massacred Jews and Polish but NOT one Ukrainian was ever put on trial at Nuremberg. This is now what we get for the failure to prosecute Nazis. The 72-year revolutionary cycle from the end of the Nuremberg Trial was 2018. Even this hatred has risen all over again and this time the US-led West is supporting the Nazis.
As I warned back in 2013, our computer had targeted Ukraine as the place where World War III would begin. I warned that Ukraine should have been split according to language. This area to the East was NEVER Ukrainian territory EVER in history. Khruschev grew up in the Donbas and he was in charge of rebuilding Kiev. When he became the head of Russia, in 1954 he assigned Crimea to Kiev for administrative purposes. The Duma later declared that illegal and reversed that decree.
Historically, the East was ALWAYS part of the Russian Empire BEFORE the USSR. This refusal to yield “one inch” to Russia which Zelensky has declared, is unsupported by history. That region is occupied by ethnic Russians who the Ukrainians will massacre. In Kyiv, they were saying in 2014 that Crimea is Ukrainian or it will be depopulated.
The hatred of Russians who have lived there for centuries is deeply rooted. The Ukrainians began their civil war against the Donbas and Russian-speaking Ukrainians immediately after overthrowing Yanukovich in 2014. They were beating Russian-speaking Ukrainian in Odesa and they fed to the Trade Union House. The Ukrainians then set the place on fire and killed them all burning them alive which the West turned a blind eye to because after all, they were evil Russians who obviously have no right to live on this earth.
Zelensky does his war propaganda always dressed in a military t-shirt. He has done nothing but promote world war III every chance he gets. His hatred of Russians knows no bounds and he will engulf the entire world in war all for what – territory? This man is so evil, that history will remember him along with those of the same mentality of sheer hatred and manipulations – Marx, Stalin, Hitler, and the list goes on.
As for those who see only one dimension, there was widespread support for animal welfare in Nazi Germany (German: Tierschutz im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland). Believe it or not, Adolf Hitler and his top officials took a variety of measures to ensure animals were protected. That obviously stood in contrast with killing the Jews, and gypsies and the Ukrainian Nazis added Polish and Russians to the list that needed to be ethnically cleansed. But somehow, Hitler protected the animals.
24th June 2022, 03:21 AM
Re: Jesus Christ, The Way, The Truth, and The Life
Tell The Devil to Go-To-Hell (Seton Hall Exorcism Lecture)
1:00:57 Video runtime
Jun 7, 2022
Path To Purpose+
250 subscribers
Fascinating discussion at Seton Hall by Fr Vincent Lampert on Exorcism and the Power of God...How to overcome the forces of evil, temptation, unhealthy obsessions, desires, addictions...
A few comments.
Adam CleveBrowns
2 weeks ago (edited)
I was always curious about the passage about the demon leaving a person and then inviting 7 demons back in later. Father explains that about 27 mins through. The whole talk is great, as usual. God bless Fr. Lampert!
Moor Moorish
Moor Moorish
4 days ago
These teachings have built my faith and strengthened me in the spiritual warfare I constantly face.
3 days ago
God has blessed this priest with strength and clarity.
Path To Purpose+
Path To Purpose+
2 days ago
spot on
Fritula 6
Fritula 6
4 days ago
Fr Lampert is of Slovenian heritage. It's a country between Croatia, Austria and on the west borders with Italy, and has its southern border on the Adriatic Sea.
Path To Purpose+
Path To Purpose+
2 days ago
Sorry to all about the intro music which I have toned down...I'm a newbie to video editing and the pay for managing the site @ $0 LOL won't allow me to quit my day job so I am learning on the fly...the intent of the opening is to provide a highlight montage and the full unedited video starts after about 5 minutes because there are so many incredible highlights to this talk...I am making this channel for my friends and family (primarily kids, nieces, nephews) but looks like there is broader interest and hope you enjoy...also keep the constructive criticism coming but maybe tone the "rude" comments back as I can be sensitive haha
24th June 2022, 03:59 AM
Re: Jesus Christ, The Way, The Truth, and The Life
Why is the Sacred Heart on fire?
published on 06/21/22
The image of the Sacred Heart on fire is directly from the private revelations of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, but is also very biblical.
Many depictions of the Sacred Heart show flames coming from the top of Jesus’ heart. This type of symbolism was not used in the Church until the 17th century, when St. Margaret Mary Alacoque had a private revelation of Jesus.
She wrote down the words Jesus told her and he specifically mentions “flames” coming from his heart.
My Divine Heart is so inflamed with love for men, and for you in particular that, being unable any longer to contain within Itself the flames of Its burning Charity, It must spread them abroad by your means, and manifest Itself to them (mankind) in order to enrich them with the precious graces of sanctification and salvation necessary to withdraw them from the abyss of perdition.”
Biblical connections
The idea of God being associated with a “fire” is also very biblical. God himself revealed his “name” to Moses in the midst of a “burning bush.”
There the angel of the Lord appeared to him as fire flaming out of a bush. When he looked, although the bush was on fire, it was not being consumed.
Exodus 3:2
God also “preceded them, in the daytime by means of a column of cloud to show them the way, and at night by means of a column of fire to give them light.” (Exodus 13:21)
Jesus used fire to communicate his desire to spread his love to all humanity.
I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!
Luke 12:49
Even the Holy Spirit appeared at Pentecost as “tongues of fire” (Acts 2:3).
While it may seem strange to see the Sacred Heart of Jesus on fire, it is a symbol that has biblical connections in addition to its origin from the private revelations of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.
Read more:
The unique symbolism of the Sacred Heart
24th June 2022, 07:10 AM
Re: Jesus Christ, The Way, The Truth, and The Life
17:20 video runtime
The Vortex — Tim Busch is a Liar
Jun 24, 2022
Church Militant
285K subscribers
Tim Busch and his NAPA gathering are part of the problem.
et the truth. Join Church Militant today: https://bit.ly/37rYn55
The Vortex, Headlines, The Download, Mic'd Up and more Catholic content!
Go to our website to watch thousands of hours of Catholic content.
If you had to point to one leading cause of the collapse of the Church, which has led to the collapse of the culture, you would have to have near the top of the list — if not the very top — the complicity of the enablers (especially wealthy enablers) of the U.S. bishops.
There is oftentimes a disturbing dynamic between the wealthy and their parasites, especially if the parasites bring a certain level of respectability and their own cache.
While this is true in various walks of life, it is especially true in the Church when bishops kiss up to the wealthy for obvious reasons, but the wealthy also get their pound of flesh by rubbing elbows with the hierarchy. They get to tell their friends that they've "just come back from dinner with the cardinal."
Both the wealthy and the bishops are lying to each other and enabling each other's respective weaknesses. For example, typically speaking, the wealthy are normally buttoned down. They seldom make a fuss or step outside the accepted boundaries of proper etiquette. All "distasteful" issues are handled in private, in what can easily be described as an underhanded way.
Both the wealthy and the bishops are lying to each other and enabling each other's respective weaknesses.
This, of course, is business as usual for the nation's prelates. These manipulative males know that they have the influence to stoke the egos of the wealthy, and they play them. But the games are reciprocal. The wealthy know the bishops want their money, so that ensures them that they get a place at the table.
Sometimes, wealthy people having access to the halls of power is a good thing, depending on how they use their influence. But too often, it's just an exercise in ego gratification. Such is the case with the very wealthy Tim Busch of the Napa Institute, who is very good friends with many bishops in the United States. They stoke the fires of his ego in exchange for access to his checkbook.
In fact, he has donated and raised tens of millions of dollars for various ventures, including for Catholic University of America where the extremely impressive School of Business bears his name. To be fair, Busch does help all sorts of Catholic causes, but always under the banner of the bishops.
Each year, Busch sponsors a gathering in the wine country of Napa Valley at his prestigious Meritage Resort and Spa, an event where he rakes in huge sums of money from Catholics who are largely unaware of the horrible condition of the Church. To lure them there, he always has a number of notable bishops with some degree of name recognition among the polite Catholic crowd. Owing to the generosity of a certain donor, Church Militant was able to attend last year.
From day one, we began filming Vortex reports based on conversations with many of the 800 fellow attendees. Those Vortex reports caused Busch to flip out and comment to those around him that he wasn't sure what to do with Church Militant there. So, on the second evening, he approached me at the wine and cigar event and invited me to meet with him the next day to, in his words, "get to know each other."
I accepted, and he and I and one of his assistants had a cordial meeting for around an hour. We also agreed tentatively that when he was going to be back in Detroit in the early fall, he would try and come by the studios for a visit.
We texted with some regularity over the next few weeks, but then as the time for a visit drew near, the expected ghosting started, and then the non-responses started. Now, normally, none of this would be worth commenting on, much less even revealing at all, but it's what happened last month that makes this now worth talking about.
The same donor contacted us and said he would like us to attend again and that he would pay. Our names were submitted by his assistant back in March and the reservations were made in plenty of time to secure the rooms. The same donor also reserved a room for Fr. James Altman.
Well, lo and behold, when the assistant contacted the Napa Institute to confirm all was good to go (after having received a confirmation back when the reservations were originally made months ago), he was told there had been a "clerical error" and the Church Militant crew and Fr. Altman had been moved to a waiting list.
Shocked that a clerical snafu like that could happen, the donor's assistant called to dig deeper and got a voicemail, and that's where the truth came out. The original communication that there were no rooms was actually a lie — that's not why Church Militant and Fr. Altman had been taken off the list.
It was because of the "controversy" — and here is where the "bull-puckey" of the relationship between the wealthy and the bishops gets all weird and twisted and enabling. When Church Militant was in Napa last year, we were greeted very warmly by many of the attendees, many of whom thanked us for exposing the filth in the hierarchy. In fact, a number of priests in attendance even said so. Faithful Catholics, those in the know, are sick to death of the cover-up of all this filth, namely the presence and acceptance of homosexuality in the clergy.
That singular rot has destroyed the Church in the United States, but, apparently, the wealthy have not gotten that memo. They protect and enable this filth with their emasculated approach of never being controversial, never giving offense. It wouldn't be "cricket," you know. It's too gauche. We aren't barbarians. We are gentlemen.
No, you aren't. You're a bunch of sneaks who play dirty pool. Tim Busch made the decision to cancel Church Militant and Fr. James Altman because his bishop buddies told him to, or he knew they would like it that way. Busch's Napa party has dozens of conferences and speakers and chances for people to talk and so forth. Yet, nowhere on the docket, nowhere at any time, is the topic of homosexuality among the bishops ever allowed to be talked about.
Nowhere is any bishop ever put under the spotlight and asked why they go along with this filth. Why do they seem to think that ordaining homosexual men is okay?
Heck, Fr. Altman's bishop, William Callahan in La Crosse, not only thinks it's okay but actually assigned Msgr. Jeffrey Burrill back into active ministry after it was revealed he was having gay-sex hookups with countless men through a phone app called Grindr.
Wouldn't a setting like Napa — loaded with faithful Catholics who love the Church — be the perfect setting to talk about all this evil and what to do about it with the free and unrestricted dialogue and "listening sessions" that Busch's buddy-bishops promote nonstop?
The Napa event is billed as bringing together bright minds and various lectures all geared to restoring the Faith and reinvigorating the culture. Bull. That may be Tim Busch's fantasy, but that's all it is, fantastical. The gay steamroller is plowing through the Church and yet the bishops are never questioned about it. They never have to give an account for it and are given a complete pass by their wealthy friends.
At the four-bishop Q&A panel last year, no one was actually allowed to ask questions. The bishops were given the questions the night before, and they were asked by a hand-picked moderator.
Wealthy complicit friends are excellent at ignoring "uncomfortable" situations and shielding the bishops. For example, in a handwritten note to Tim Busch and John Meyer, Busch's henchman at Napa, the donor (who pays for various people to attend) asked for them to call Church Militant and Fr. Altman and explain why we were all canceled.
Here's his handwritten note from last week to Busch and Meyer:
"I would like to talk, but please first communicate with Michael Voris and Fr. Altman as they were the ones you are canceling, and this is between you and them. I don't want to be used to deliver a message like this. It is not professional."
The donor was assured by Meyer that Church Militant and Fr. Altman would get a call. John Meyer lied.
Despite being given our private contact information, neither Fr. Altman nor Church Militant ever got any communication from Busch or John Meyer because the cooperators with wicked or cowardly bishops don't ever operate in truth. They are always angling, trying to figure out the best strategy for avoiding controversy and how to do the bidding of bishops who never say the truth in its fullness.
Why would anyone want to go to a "Catholic conference" orchestrated by enablers and liars? Sure, some good things might be presented, but so what?
Last year at the conference, I personally went up to a number of the bishops in attendance and asked the very uncomfortable questions that Busch never allows to be asked. I asked why they won't publicly condemn James Martin; why they never admit that the sex abuse problem is a homosexual clergy problem; qhy they will not confess the failing of the hierarchy — past and present —- in staying silent on sodomy within their own ranks.
At last year's conference, the news about Msgr. Grindr had just broken, and many attendees were talking about it, but in Tim Busch's and John Meyer's Napa bubble, it was like it never happened. Busch and Meyer only allow what the bishops allow to be talked about at Napa. The Napa event is nothing more than a grandiose Church-of-Nice gathering. The filth — the truth — is never permitted to be spoken of from any stage.
Busch is an emasculated coward who gets his ego stroked by being embraced by the bishops. Hey, Tim, you can't buy your way into Heaven. And on that score, Tim, your wealth, permitted to come your way by Almighty God for His glory, doesn't really belong to you. You are merely a temporary custodian of it, and it (and the access it gives you to the hierarchy) was given to you so that you may effect change in a real way, not by building Catholic buildings and naming them after yourself. Very few individuals have the access to these weak cowards that you have, and you have not helped them in any way. You have enabled them in their cowardice, not called them to greatness.
You are good friends with L.A. archbishop José Gómez . Do you ever tell him that his rule over that abomination of an archdiocese is shameful? You are good buddies with the extremely proud and retired archbishop Charles Chaput. Do you ever tell him to lose his massive ego and fess up to all he knows about episcopal corruption?
Of course you don't. You rationalize your way through these relationships, fooling yourself and them into thinking you are accomplishing good. You aren't. You could have done so much more. But relatively speaking, you did little.
With much wealth and much influence comes the concomitant responsibility to do much. The Church is on fire and you are hosting lunches. You have too little concern for truth where you have to pay a price personally. That's not being a man. It's being a coward. You didn't even have the courage to tell me your decision to my face or Fr. Altman's face.
You completely ignored the donor who told you he didn't want to do your dirty work for you. You had him actually lie to the donor, telling him that Church Militant and Fr. Altman would get a call to tell us all this personally.
Your guy, John Meyer, actually told the donor that Fr. Altman was canceled because he didn't have a letter from his bishop saying he was in good standing. That's another lie from Busch and Meyer. That's three lies for those of you at home keeping score.
Fr. Altman wasn't speaking. He was going to be there as nothing more than a private attendee. Do all the other attendees have to produce a letter of good standing? Is that why Church Militant was canceled? But these are the circles you run in: liars, enablers, complicit cowards.
No one challenges you, Tim, because you have the money. And you don't challenge the bishops because you prize their association even more than the truth, which is why you lie. For all your wealth, the Church is not better off because of you. You crush the uncomfortable truth.
But you go on and fool yourself into thinking you're accomplishing something for the Church by raking in money at your conference and rubbing elbows with bishops and hosting speakers with their esoteric topics. You've been doing this for over ten years now and yet things just keep getting worse in the Church.
So go ahead with the party — just have some integrity to stop billing it as saving the Church or the culture. Bill it for what it is: a party in wine country where uncomfortable truth is suppressed, but good wine is served. You are part of the problem, Tim, not the solution.
With much wealth and much influence comes the concomitant responsibility to do much.
If you really wanted to be part of the solution, you would invite Church Militant to come give a conference on all the evil and filth we've uncovered and reported on for years, and have the bishops sitting there. Then you'd open the floor to questions for the bishops.
But cowards and liars don't operate that way. It hits too close to home.
Registered attendees should cancel by the droves. But, of course, in another deceptive move, you changed the cancellation/refund policy the same day you lied to the donor about Church Militant and Fr. Altman. Was that in anticipation of people being ticked off and wanting to cancel once this all became public?
As a final note, someone on the inside of the Napa Institute who became aware of all this was so disturbed by the unfairness of it, they sent us the attendee list with a note to send this anticipated Vortex to everyone coming.
24th June 2022, 01:44 PM
Re: Jesus Christ, The Way, The Truth, and The Life
Book review time
Murder in the 33rd Degree: The Gagnon Investigation into Vatican Freemasonry
by Charles Murr (Author),
Was Pope John Paul I murdered? If so, by whom, and to what end? Was the Catholic liturgy sabotaged to strip it of truth, power and beauty? If so, by whom, and to what end? Was an international plot underfoot to destroy the Vatican’s financial stability? If so, by whom, and to what end?
There was one man who knew the answers to these and many other questions plaguing the post Conciliar Church. In 1975, then Archbishop Edouard Gagnon was personally commissioned by Pope Paul VI to investigate the Vatican’s Roman Curia. This thorough investigation concluded in 1978, the “year of the three Popes.”
In Murder In The 33rd Degree, author Charles T. Murr, a close and lifelong friend of Cardinal Gagnon, gives his firsthand account of what transpired during that papal investigation. Murder In The 33rd Degree answers many questions that many people have been asking for half a century.
"As a young priest in Rome, Fr. Charles Murr worked closely with Cardinal Édouard Gagnon on the dangerous mission Paul VI had entrusted to that eminent figure: investigating the Vatican curia to uncover membership in Freemasonry. Fr. Murr’s intimate role made him acquainted with the unsavory agendas of high-ranking prelates and the intrigues surrounding the death of John Paul I and the election of John Paul II… Fr. Murr does not peddle conspiracy theories; he tells the riveting story as he lived through it and recorded it in his notes and diaries—what he saw and heard, what his friends learned and suffered. Most of all, we discover how a divinely-given opportunity for serious reform was tragically refused. Murder in the Thirty-Third Degree is the most impressive eyewitness account of postconciliar Vatican politics to appear in decades."
—Dr. Peter A. Kwasniewski: PROFESSOR, COMPOSER, AUTHOR,
“Three cheers for Monsignor Murr! He has written a riveting book which will immediately become a precious historical document for the recent, often perplexing history of the Church since the Second Vatican Council. It contains a very precious and important eyewitness account of events in Rome in the 1970’s connected with the investigation of the Roman Curia which Pope Paul VI asked Canadian Cardinal Edouard Gagnon to undertake… Murr, a friend of Gagnon, has given us a unique first-person memoir which sheds new light on the mysterious death of Pope John Paul I in 1978 and on Gagnon’s relations with three Popes. In the end, after 50 years, Murr calls for the release of Gagnon’s secret report, which lies hidden in some Vatican archive… I applaud Murr for his courage."
“Murder In The Thirty-Third Degree is a powerful insider narrative about subversion of the Church at the highest levels under three Popes. The Vatican needs to make Cardinal Gagnon’s dossier public so that the reform of the Curia can begin in earnest.”
"...Important historical developments are intertwined with the individual dramas of the characters portrayed herein, alongside Vatican politics and intrigue… Murr has done the Church a great service by telling Gagnon’s story.”
“Fr. Murr provides a first-hand account of the work the remarkable Cardinal Gagnon did, at the bidding of Pope Paul VI, to expose the presence of Masons in the Roman Curia.”
Masonic infiltration of the Vatican: the evidence
58:08 video runtime
Jun 21, 2022
The John-Henry Westen Channel
97K subscribers
Father Charles Murr, author of the book Murder in the 33rd Degree: The Gagnon Investigation into Vatican Freemasonry, lays out the compelling evidence of the Masonic infiltration in the Vatican that influenced the changes witnessed by the Church over the past century.
Masonic infiltration of the Vatican: the evidence
25th June 2022, 06:10 PM
Re: Jesus Christ, The Way, The Truth, and The Life
Here is a good video from Dan Ohman of Grassfed Homestead.
He is a single dad now.
I thought this was a very good video.
8:30 video runtime
What It Means to Be a Man
Mar 3, 2022
The Grass-fed Homestead
76.7K subscribers
What is manhood? What does it really mean to be a man?
Our modern culture has twisted the idea of what manhood is so far away from the actual meaning of the word that we now have multiple generations of men in utter confusion or following the wrong path altogether. But there is hope. There is another path; the path of authentic manhood.
26th June 2022, 06:28 AM
Re: Jesus Christ, The Way, The Truth, and The Life
He Who Has Ears, Let Him Hear (Part 1)
Jul 6, 2020
Catholic Productions
In Matthew 13 we find a group of Jesus' parables, which are a crux of Jesus' public ministry. In this video Dr. Brant Pitre will go through the Parable of the Sower in particular and what parables meant for Jesus in his ministry in general. He who has ears, let him hear.
He Who Has Ears, Let Him Hear (Part 2)
12:12 video runtime
Jul 8, 2020
Catholic Productions
In Matthew 13 we find a group of Jesus' parables, which are a crux of Jesus' public ministry. In this video (part 2) Dr. Brant Pitre will go through the Parable of the Sower in particular and what parables meant for Jesus in his ministry in general. He who has ears, let him hear.
Catholic Productions
71.8K subscribers
26th June 2022, 10:21 AM
Re: Jesus Christ, The Way, The Truth, and The Life
By Grace, Through Faith, and Not by Works.
That's Catholic Doctrine
25:07 video runtime
Saved by Grace through Faith, Not by Works
Mar 2, 2020
26th June 2022, 12:03 PM
Re: Jesus Christ, The Way, The Truth, and The Life
BREAKING: Marjorie Taylor Greene Alleges 'Crimes Have Been Committed Against Me' On House Floor
Jun 21, 2022
31:01 video runtime
26th June 2022, 12:24 PM
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