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Thread: FASCISM: An In-Depth Explanation

  1. #1
    Iridium Dachsie's Avatar
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    FASCISM: An In-Depth Explanation

    FASCISM: An In-Depth Explanation


    Mar 8, 2022
    Ryan Chapman
    60.4K subscribers
    An in-depth explanation of fascism by way of interwar Italy and Germany.

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    0:00 Intro
    01:47 Italian Fascism
    22:18 German Fascism
    37:40 What Is Fascism?


    The Crowd - Gustave Le Bon
    Reflections On Violence - Georges Sorel
    Fascism - Roger Griffin
    My Autobiography - Benito Mussolini
    The Political And Social Doctrine Of Fascism - Benito Mussolini
    The Origins And Doctrine Of Fascism - Giovanni Gentile
    Selections From What Is Fascism - Giovanni Gentile
    Marxism, Fascism & Totalitarianism - A. James Gregor
    Mussolini And The Eclipse Of Italian Fascism - R. J. B. Bosworth
    The Philosophy Of History - Georg Hegel
    The Anatomy Of Fascism - Robert O. Paxton
    Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler
    The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich - William Shirer
    The Third Reich: A History Of Nazi Germany - Thomas Childers
    The Righteous Mind - Jonathan Haidt
    The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx
    The Open Society And Its Enemies - Karl Popper

  2. #2
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: FASCISM: An In-Depth Explanation

    fascism (n.)
    1922, originally used in English in 1920 in its Italian form fascismo (see fascist). Applied to similar groups in Germany from 1923; applied to everyone since the internet.

    A form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion. [Robert O. Paxton, "The Anatomy of Fascism," 2004]

  3. #3
    Iridium Dachsie's Avatar
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    Re: FASCISM: An In-Depth Explanation

    In about 1964, my freshman year of college, we students had drilled into us a new, rosy, definition of fascism as sold through the book, The Authoritarian Personality, by Theodor Adorno, rammed down our throats.

    Well, old Teddy and his intellectuals of the Frankfurt School had to high-tale it out of Germany because Adolf was about to cancel them all. So old Teddy and pals found refuge in the USA and Teddy found a job writing scripts for Hollywood movies, weaving in Leftist themes of how good Bolshevism/communism was so great and how authoritarian personality people were so bad.

    I was pretty naive at the time, and as reading that book assignment, I kept thinking maybe my parents aren't so good as I think they are. They sure do seem to have that bad ole authoritarian personality. They successfully sold the new kind of fascism in the form of nicey nicey socialism / communism , like present-day Bernie Sanders.

    The rest is history.

  4. #4
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: FASCISM: An In-Depth Explanation

    Well the Hitler chased out the Jews, is the way the Jews tell us the story.

    I think it should be the Jews arranged for a man like Hitler to make it appear they were chased out.

    There is a book "Iron Curtain over America" that shows how the returning troop ships were loaded with Jews invading America. Some 5 million of them during the course of the war. With 2 million more after the war.

    Oy vey that Hitler sure was an evil man.
    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

  5. #5
    Iridium Bigjon's Avatar
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    Re: FASCISM: An In-Depth Explanation

    Those poor Jews victims of that evil Hitler.

    From Iron Curtain over America:

    Congressman Emanuel Celler, Democrat of New York, complained that Mr. Long was, in all the State Department, the man “least sympathetic to refugees,” and added indignantly that United States ships had returned from overseas ports “void of passengers” [29]. Incidentally, in 1944 Mr. Long ceased to be Assistant Secretary of State.

    The influx of refugees continued. So great was the number of these people that even with the closing of thousands of American homes by our casualties, the housing shortage after the war was phenomenal. For the lack of homes available to veterans, some writers blamed capital, some blamed labor, and some found other causes; but none, to the knowledge of the author, counted the homes which had been preempted by “refugees,” while our soldiers were fighting beyond the seas. By 1951 the situation showed no amelioration, for on August 20, Senator Pat McCarran, chairman of a Senate sub-committee on internal security, said that “possibly 5,000,000 aliens had poured into the country illegally, creating a situation ‘potentially more dangerous’ than an armed invasion” [30]. This statement should be pondered thoughtfully by every true American.
    And there are more aliens to come. On September 7, 1951, a “five-year program for shifting 1,750,000 of Europe’s ‘surplus’ population to new homes and opportunities in the Americas and Australia was disclosed” by David A. Morse, head of the International Labor Office of the UN [31]. Needless to say, few of those 1,750,000 persons are likely to be accepted elsewhere than in the United States [32]. Congressman Jacob K. Javits of New York’s Twenty-first District, known to some as the Fourth Reich from the number of its “refugees” from Germany, also wishes still more immigrants. In an article, “Let Us Open the Gates” [33], he asked for ten million immigrants in the next twenty years.

    (3) Our alien-dominated government fought the war for the annihilation of Germany, the historic bulwark of Christian Europe (Chapter I, above). The final phase of this strategically unsound purpose sprouted with the cocky phrase “Unconditional Surrender,” already mentioned. It was “thrown out at a press conference by President Roosevelt at Casablanca on January 24, 1943 … President Roosevelt went into the press conference in which he ‘ad-libbed’ the historic phrase” [34]. According to General Elliott Roosevelt, the President repeated the phrase, “thoughtfully sucking a tooth” [35], and added that “Uncle Joe might have made it up himself.”

    Our foul purpose of liquidating Germany flowered with the implementation of the Morgenthau Plan, an implementation, which allowed “widespread looting and violence” by “displaced persons” and brought Germans to the verge of starvation, according to Prof. Harold Zink, who served as American Editor of the Handbook for Military Government in Germany in 1944 and was subsequently Consultant on U.S. Reorganization of German Government, U.S. Troop Control Council for Germany, 1944-1945 [36]. In his book, American Military Government in Germany [37], Prof. Zink writes as follows:

    The Germans were forced to furnish food for the displaced persons at the rate of 2,000 calories per day when they themselves could have only 900-1100 calories… The amount available for German use hardly equalled the food supplied by the Nazis at such notorious concentration camps as Dachau … most of the urban German population suffered severely from lack of food.

    The hunger at Dachau was war-time inhumanity by people who were themselves desperately hungry because their food stocks and transportation systems had been largely destroyed by American air bombardment; but the quotation from Professor Zink refers to peace-time inhumanity, motivated by vengeance partly in its conception and even more so in its implementation [38].
    Why did inhumanity in Germany go on? Because “a little dove,” according to President Roosevelt, flew in the President’s window and roused him against a “too ‘easy’ treatment of the Germans,” the “little dove” being “actually Secretary Morgenthau’s personal representative in the ETO” [39]!

    Further testimony to the President’s desire for an inhuman treatment of “German people” is found in former Secretary of State James F. Byrnes’s book, Speaking Frankly [40]. The President stated to his Secretary of State that the Germans “for a long time should have only soup for breakfast, soup for lunch, and soup for dinner” [41].

    The fruits of the Morgenthau Plan were not all harvested at once. The persistence of our mania for destroying the historic heart of Germany was shown vividly in 1947. With Prussia already being digested in the maw of the Soviet, the Allied Control Council in Berlin (March 1) added a gratuitous insult to an already fatal injury when it “formally abolished” Prussia, the old homeland of the Knights of the Teutonic Order. This could have had no other motive than offending Germans unnecessarily for the applause of certain elements in New York. It was also a shock to all Christians, Catholic or Protestant, who have in their hearts the elementary instincts of Christ-like mercy (St. Matthew, V, 7), or know in spite of censorship the great facts of the history of Europe (Chapter I).

    Our policy of terrifying the Germans spiritually, and ruining them economically, is understandable only to one who holds his eye in focus upon the nature of the High Command of the National Democratic Party. Vengeance and votes were the sire and dam of the foul monster of American cruelty to the Germans. In the accomplishment of our base purpose there was also a strange pagan self-immolation, for we would not let the West Germans all the way die and spent approximately a billion dollars a year (high as our debt was — and is) to provide for our captives the subsistence they begged to be allowed to earn for themselves!

    Our wanton dismantling of German industrial plants in favor of the Soviet as late as 1950 and our hanging of Germans as late as 1951 (Chapter V, c), more than six years after the German surrender, had no other apparent motive than the alienation of the German people. Moreover, as the years pass, there has been no abandonment of our policy of keeping in Germany a number of representatives who, whatever their personal virtues, are personae non gratae to the Germans (Chapters III and VI). Our many-facetted policy of deliberately alienating a potentially friendly people violates a cardinal principle of diplomacy and strategy and weakens us immensely to the advantage of Soviet Communism.

    The facts and conclusions thus far outlined in this chapter establish fully the validity of Churchill’s phrase, “The Unnecessary War.” The war was unnecessary in its origin, unnecessarily cruel in its prolongation, indefensible in the double-crossing of our ally Britain, criminal in our surrender of our own strategic security in the world, and all of this the more monstrous because it was accomplished in foul obeisance before the altar of anti-Christian power in America.

    The facts and conclusions outlined in this chapter raise the inevitable question: “How were such things possible?” The answer is the subject of the next chapter.
    Well over 90 percent of the people Hitler locked up were Germans. Only 2 to 3 percent were Jews and most of those Jews were elevated to concentration camp kapos.

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  7. #6
    Iridium Dachsie's Avatar
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    Re: FASCISM: An In-Depth Explanation

    Dachsie comment:
    When we're talking about "fascism" we are talking about all the other isms associated with Marxist philosophical ideology and all of those isms are characterized by one and the same characteristic --


    The following article was authored by Margaret Anna Alice and I do not know where it was originally published on the web but Dr. Fetzer is reposting it on
    I did provide one hyperlink

    for orientation purposes.

    This evil comes in many forms from many directions. Do not get caught up in "the RIGHT / LEFT paradigm" or "dialectical materialism" or communism versus fascism. It all is derived from one foundational evil. This world's ideologies and philosophies are of no import to your eternal soul and your eternal salvation.

    As a Christian I believe that all of this totalitarian evil is explained by what the bible refers to as the "mystery of iniquity" and it has been operative on planet earth since the Creation and the Fall of man.


    Margaret Anna Alice, A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation

    40-51 minutes

    I had the great honor of being interviewed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer, and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg during Session 111: “Reconstellation” of the Corona Investigative Committee, whose heroic fact-finding discussions with hundreds of physicians, scientists, and other experts since July 2020 have formed a crucial part of my own education.

    They asked me to speak on the depopulation agenda explored in my Anatomy of a Philanthropath series. I regret that I overestimated how much I could cram into fifty-odd minutes so was unable to complete my presentation before the next guest arrived in the studio. I let them know I would be publishing my notes here so people can read the information I skipped over and reference the hyperlinked sources.
    Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer, and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Corona Investigative Committee

    Since the beginning of this manufactured crisis, the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee has been conducting the exploratory work that I would have expected every government and so-called public health organization to have undertaken from the outset.

    The fact that this did not occur was one of the first signs that COVID represented a departure from all prior pandemic protocols, but the question I kept asking myself is, Why?

    Here are some of the permutations of that question I started asking beginning in early 2020 and continuing through the present-day:

    Why are governments, public health agencies, the media, Big Tech, and “experts” stoking fear instead of calmly assessing the data and attempting to dispel panic—like every responsible authority has done for genuine crises in the past?
    Why are all of these entities speaking in unison with a single voice as if everyone has been handed the same script?
    Why are they covering COVID 24/7 on every available outlet, drumming up the death tallies and case counts and behaving as if it were the only newsworthy story on the planet?
    Why are people all suddenly parroting the same phrases like “social distancing,” “New Normal,” “Build Back Better,” and the Orwellian double-think gem “together apart”?
    Why does it seem like everyone has suddenly lost their capacities for critical thinking, reasoning, logic, and scientific analysis?
    Why are they encouraging discrimination against those who refuse to comply with unscientific and nonsensical guidelines?
    Why did they turn the world into an open-air prison?
    Why are governments patterning their policies after Biderman’s Chart of Coercion? "

    SNIP Full article is full of videos and charts and photos and too lengthy to post here but very important.

  8. #7
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: FASCISM: An In-Depth Explanation

    Why are governments, public health agencies, the media, Big Tech, and “experts” stoking fear instead of calmly assessing the data and attempting to dispel panic—like every responsible authority has done for genuine crises in the past?
    Predatory fear control of 'herd animals'

    Why are all of these entities speaking in unison with a single voice as if everyone has been handed the same script?
    Predatory narrative control of 'herd animals'

    Why are they covering COVID 24/7 on every available outlet, drumming up the death tallies and case counts and behaving as if it were the only newsworthy story on the planet?
    Predatory fear control of 'herd animals'

    Why are people all suddenly parroting the same phrases like “social distancing,” “New Normal,” “Build Back Better,” and the Orwellian double-think gem “together apart”?
    Why does it seem like everyone has suddenly lost their capacities for critical thinking, reasoning, logic, and scientific analysis?
    Predatory signal control of 'herd animals'

    Why are they encouraging discrimination against those who refuse to comply with unscientific and nonsensical guidelines?
    Predatory ingroup vs outgroup control of 'herd animals'

    Why did they turn the world into an open-air prison?
    Predatory control without borders (fences) so as not to upset or trigger the 'herd animals'

    Why are governments patterning their policies after Biderman’s Chart of Coercion? "
    wiki-" Amnesty International has stated that the Chart of Coercion contains the "universal tools of torture and coercion".
    Predatory control

    Finally: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation
    Depopulation? Not with replacement immigration from the third world into predator controlled 'low quality' western habitat.
    One patch, the source, is a high quality habitat that on average allows the population to increase. The second patch, the sink, is very low quality habitat that, on its own, would not be able to support a population. However, if the excess of individuals produced in the source frequently moves to the sink, the sink population can persist indefinitely.

    r/K theory applied to human society and politics is relevant in understanding Bolshevism. The rK Selection Theory applied to American Politics
    The r/K Theory is a well established theory with a great pedigree. However, it is not applied to political belief structures. It is applied to species under the assumption that every member of the species falls into only one strategy.

    This is a pretty BIG assumption.

    As such, typically, it is assumed that humans are a K-strategy species. This is because we maintain a traditional family environment. Now, if this were true than any deviance from this would be an aberration. Wouldn’t it?

    I argue that humans are not a fully developed species. Rather, we are a species in flux with significant membership in both survival strategies.
    We were designed or evolved for a traditional family environment, small tribes and strong community, K-types. r-type behavior would be more limited to children and the disabled in such conditions.

    As the traditional family environment has been weakened humans have been degraded towards the 'r' herd state. An increase in the tendency to be and act disabled and child-like as adults with less family, tribe or local community for support. The state takes on functions and support previously supplied by family, tribe and community.

    Bolshevism is about a degraded, disabled and child-like 'r' or herd mental state imposed on adults.

    My 50's Oxford Dictionary defines Fascist as: "One of a body of Italian nationalists organized in 1919 under Bento Mussolini to oppose Bolshevism. Hence Fascism their principles and organization"

    It has been said that Fascism is inverted Bolshevism and I think there is something to this.

    Before WWII corporate media would agree, i.e. Fascism Is Inverted Bolshevism 1924

    If Bolshevism can be considered the degraded ('r') herd animal state of existence ruled by predators then perhaps Fascism is the degraded ('r') herd animal state of existence ruled by stewards or shepherds. A rehab for the disabled? A path back to independence and interdependence from a dependent and disabled communist state?

    With such disabled herd politics I expect the controlling stewards rather than the controlling predators would be favorably disposed to the ruled citizens being more adultlike and independent with traditional families and strong community. Fascism as a political step in the process of recovery from Bolshevist predation.

    Or will the response once the failures of the Pelosis, Faucis and Schwabies slavers and their enabling currency inflation and degenerate totalitarianism are accepted by most western citizens will these internationalists move on to another 'r' state trap for humans, Conservative Inc? An alternate but still Herd animal state but with less predation.
    They went to war with Human Nature, Cold and Flu Season and the Weather!
    Corporation, a fiction legitimized by government, is part of big government
    Their men were like women and their women were like Jews

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