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Thread: Putin-loving Kike wants Ukrainians to accept multiculturalism

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    Putin-loving Kike wants Ukrainians to accept multiculturalism

    Putin-loving Kike wants Ukrainians to accept multiculturalism

    This kike, Blumenthal, is the leader of the "resistance" against Jewish Zionism and the sins of America. Nigger-loving Jew Max Blumenthal tries to "shame" Ukrainians for wanting to be around people that look like them.

    Zelensky in 2019 wanted to give up Ukrainian oil, natural gas, lithium and coal worth over 2,000,000,000,000 USD to fellow kike Putin. The Ukrainians said no and protested kike Zelensky. Kike Zelensky want peace with Russia to give into fellow kikes demand to keep giving more of Ukraine to Kikeland of Learned Elders of Zion Chabad Russia. So the kikes make money and Ukrainian lose their land and wealth.

    CNN does not tell you this angle of white Ukrainians resisting against Jews and their Jewish war on Ukraine.

    Ukrainians living in Europe are complaining about too many Muslims, too many blacks, too many Asians. Ukrainians refugees in Europe complain their kids are being put in unsafe schools because black students are unsafe to be around. This is the "LGBTQ" "liberal woke" culture of Ukraine that KIKE putin is destroying. Ukrainians are not drag queen leftists. They are traditionalists.

    Here is Putin policy, control the far right abroad, and jail and kill the neo-nazis in Russia.

    Netanyahu is also tasked with controlling the far right:

    Trump is another faker, tasked with controlling the far right.

    The kike is controlling the anti-Israel crowd, funneling them to support Putin.

    Kikes: "You don't approve of America, how about Russia, you approve of Russia, don't you. One of our Jews runs Russia. Jewish mafia and Jewish chabad run Russia. You either support USA or Team Jew Putin"

    Ukrainians saying blacks/minorities tend to be the criminals offends kike Blumenthal and brands these Ukrainian whites as neo-nazis/Azov. This is the "resistance" the Jews promote. The Jew approved "resistance" of Max Blumenthal.

    The vast majority of Ukraine are like this, very conservative, very traditional. And kike Putin is doing human trafficking to hand over white women and girls to the Jewish Russian mafia to be raped in the Jewish run sex industry in Russia. The kike media in the West is not covering this. They cover Moscow forcing Ukrainian refugees into Russia. The Jew media fails to tell you the kikes that run Russia are raping the kids that disappear into Russia.

    Putin supporters are race traitors. Those Putin supporters (that try to defame Ukrainian whites as "evil" nazis) are race traitors. Race traitors are supportive of Kike Putin. And the Kike media protects Putin and paints the false picture that Putin is anti-Jew. To funnel you to support kike Blumenthal.

    When Jews try to corrupt Ukrainians that want to preserve their traditional culture - call the Jews - kikes.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  2. #2
    Dangerous Donald Neuro's Avatar
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    Re: Putin-loving Kike wants Ukrainians to accept multiculturalism

    Blumenthal is a kike I am shocked I tell you. Thanks for repeating it so you allow it to sink in through my thick skull…
    Cultural Marxism: -The idea that good, hard working, white people should pay for those who are not, and thus in the name of equality create the conditions for their own genetic annihilation

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    Re: Putin-loving Kike wants Ukrainians to accept multiculturalism

    Since I got internet TV, I have watch European TV channels. So I would not get any entertainment form Jewish media.

    I looked for channels in Europe that deprogram your brain from Jewish filth we deal with daily. Jewish filth = Having to deal with niggers and jewish depravity.

    The two channels in Europe that were the most pure white were Ukrainian. One a Ukraine cultural channel and the other a Ukrainian travel channel. Both are small TV outlets, similar to Public access TV where no jews are involved and it is simply real whites running the entire network.

    These channels deprogram evilness of kikes. Because Ukrainians are traditional and good. This is how TV should be. Putin banned one of the TV stations. Putins war partly shut down the other channel.

    Ukrainians had a great country, that cia and kikes played for battleground between Russia Republican cia/Chabad vs Beltway Democrats.

    Ukraine was everything of GIM1 in a country.culture/people. It was a re-do of Nazi Germany. The Learned Elders of Zion (Chabad) run Russia. And Ukrainians are fighting against the Jew Deepstate. As a culture, as a people, and anti-WEF trolls call the traditional Ukrainians "Nazis", to pay homage to Jews.

    Though I figured out Putin was evil way before watching European white TV. Simply watch this video on the Moscow Bombings. You learn that Jew Putin before 9/11 was into terrorist attacks on Moscow to be false flagged for Russian Wars. As Tony Blair support the Bush war of Terror. ZOG Tony Blair supported Putin in the Russian War on Terror.

    This Putin-loving kike Blumenthal destroys the perception that Ukrainians are LGBTQ WEF leftists that want to promote niggers and CRT. The Ukrainians fighting the Chabad run Russia are the resistance. Are fighting against evil - Chabad Russia.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

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    Re: Putin-loving Kike wants Ukrainians to accept multiculturalism

    Jews Run the economy of Russia

    Kike Putin makes sure there is no opposition. With the USA controlling the resistance so their Chabad/Learned Elder of Zion buddy Putin keeps winning elections. Putin says Russia has only two choices - Jews running the show with Chabad and Russian mafia vs USA cia running the opposition. This is the same kike deception in the USA - You have Washington vs Moscow, pick a side.

    The USA cia is the controlled opposition in Russia.

    The Jewish Russian mafia are the mob that threaten journalists and politicians to obey Jew Putin.

    This is as the same as the cia that run the drug trade and oppose drug crime to maintain "power", Putin does the same with organized crime. Putin is the mob boss that the Russian Jewish Mafia have to obey, yet Putin uses fear of organized crime to say there need to be authoritarianism of kike Putin. This is a classic 1984 policy.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

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    Re: Putin-loving Kike wants Ukrainians to accept multiculturalism

    The Chabad Mafia is Recapturing Khazaria
    February 24, 2022 Kyle 104 Comments

    As tanks roll in, airstrikes destroy their targets, and innocent Ukrainians die, most “nationalists” in the West are cheering on Russia. They argue that NATO/ OTAN is corrupt and Ukraine is controlled by a jew, so obviously Russia is in the right to carve up as much of Ukraine as they see fit in their imperial ambitions. They always seem to ignore the fact that Russia is controlled by Chabad Lubavitch, “Holocaust” denial is illegal there and the Red Army is hailed as heroic for stopping the persecution of jews, and anyone Putin doesn’t like is labeled “Nazis”, with the most recent example being the Ukrainians who don’t want to be invaded.

    “Nazi” Ukraine is currently being run by a jewish comedian named Zelensky, who is essentially their version of Jerry Seinfeld. And of course the jew-controlled government of Ukraine just responds by calling Putin a Nazi.

    Just so it’s clear as day, both sides in this conflict are controlled by jews, and both sides are labeling each other Nazis.

    ***Zelensky refused to activate any of the Ukrainian defenses because he claimed the invasion would not actually take place.*** Now Russia has been able to sweep in uncontested and the weak leaders of the West just respond with some sanctions and telling us we are going to have to deal with ludicrously high gas prices.

    It’s almost as if this whole situation has been set up from the get go, with all the Zionist Occupational Governments playing their parts to ensure that Russia easily gains control of Ukraine. What could be behind all of this?

    Well, Chabad is headquartered in Russia and would like for the new Soviet empire to include the entirety of old Khazaria.

    Is it starting to make sense why the semitic Soviets demand eastern Ukraine, and contend that Ukraine is not a real country?

    In the 20th century jews were able to use their shabbos goyim to lay claim to the “Holy Land” and make Israel into a world power. Now they are seeking to unify their old kingdom of Khazaria.

    AJC tells us about how it’s anti-semitic to talk about Khazarian ambitions.

    In the 6th century CE, the Khazars—an obscure warlike tribe in Turkistan [present day Kazakhstan]—fought for land that was ultimately overtaken by Southern Russia and Ukraine. Despite the decline in population and territorial defeat, the Khazars continued to be mentioned throughout history— especially as one of the first groups to adopt Judaism.

    By the 8th or 9th century, antisemitic conspiracy theories began forming around the Khazars’ reported conversion to Judaism. This spurred antisemitic beliefs that they were building a secret empire which sought widespread control through financial gains.

    Some people talk about how Khazarians are not the “real jews”, but truly I do not give a damn. These jews are enemies of humanity regardless of their racial background. The people of the six-pointed star are all working together for world domination.

    It appears that the jewish comedian was installed in Ukraine so that he could open up the gates to his jewish comrades and allow for them to recapture Khazaria without resistance.

    The jewish conspirators have been able to install so many thought leaders and talking heads in the dissident movements of the West that we have hordes of “nationalists” begging for daddy Putin to come and invade their own countries next.

    They want us to think that we have to pick a side in whatever conflict they start, but every side they offer us is jewish.

    We must always oppose these jewish wars and refuse to pick a side. It is with this “bagelian dialectic” that they are able to get us to side with our enemies, making us believe that we have to choose one of two sides of the same shekel.

    I do not support Zelensky. I do not support Putin. I do not support Biden, nor Trump. I am against ZOG. I am for the good people of whatever countries are being terrorized by these talmudic tyrants.

    Who will end up being the victims of the wars these leaders start? The “goyim” who just wish to live in peace in their own land. This is what they want to see destroyed.

    We must stop our enemies before they cause even more death and destruction, and potentially usher in a new world war, which would be the nail in the coffin of the White race. We can only do this by unifying the White people, and actually all good people of the world, against our common enemy.


    Zelensky did a play out of the Jew Hitler playbook in deliberately putting the Ukrainian army at a disadvantage. Zelensky is on Team Putin. Team Biden. Team British Royals. Team Chabad. Team Kike. Zelensky and Biden don't want Ukraine to win. Zelensky in 2019 wanted to give Russia free land. Kissinger wants Ukraine to give Russia free land. That Ukrainian land has 2,000,000,000,000 worth of resources. They are tasked with leading the Ukrainians so there is not a lack of a Western Leader. So both sides are controlled. So people don't point out that Washington wants Ukraine to lose.

    The War is designed so that Ukraine loses. Only with divine or heroic intervention can Ukraine win. US does not send enough supplies so that Ukraine win decisively against Jew Putin. US send 31 tanks vs 100,000 Russian heavy weapons. Biden is doing the minimal to make it seem as though the USA is doing something. US spent trillions on the war on terror. Yet to defend from an Elder of Zion invasion of Europe, US sends 31 tanks. This is a joke of Washington on the goyim. To fool them.

    Both sides of Ukrainian politics is run by Jews. The anti-West/pro-Moscow is run by Jews. The pro-West/pro-USA (ie: Tymoshenko is handled by the cia/Jews) is run mostly by Jews. Ukraine is between the hammer and anvil. Jew vs Jew. Zelensky Jew vs Putin Jew. The Jews run it to benefit Chabad and the cia.

    The Ukrainians are WEF drag queens is kike propaganda. The Ukrainians are "evil" nazis is kike propaganda. So you don't care about the traditional values white European Ukrainians.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

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    Re: Putin-loving Kike wants Ukrainians to accept multiculturalism

    If you are fighting a pack of niggers and Washington says I am on your side and gives you a pack of paper to defend yourself. And you use the paper to defeat the pack of niggers.

    Then either you are heroic or had divine intervention to defeat the pack of niggers. Washington obviously did not care about defending you.

    Ukraine is defending against the expansion of the the Learned Elders of Zion.

    Moscow Makow drops his mask
    Posted on March 10, 2022

    By Timothy Fitzpatrick
    March 10, 2022 Anno Domini

    It’s taken years for Henry Makow to let his mask slither down his face to expose the snake that he is.

    But he has fully exposed himself now.

    After years of using the lure of anti-Feminism and anti-Sabbateanism to build his audience, the Polish Jew from Winnipeg is now feeding his helpless readers a steady diet of propaganda manufactured in the Lubyanka. It’s as if the KGB/GRU’s Operation Trust officers in charge of these fake alternative media “analysts” have given orders to intensify shilling because an end game scenario is right around the corner and the game of pretenses is no longer necessary.

    Once you take away the deception that Russia is an anti-globalist dissident fighting the Jews and the “evil West”, what is left? Russia is nothing but a long impoverished multi-ethnic state run by a cabal of criminal Jewish mobsters seeking world domination—the same as it was under Gorbachev, Khrushchev, Stalin, and Lenin. Nothing has changed but the design of the national flag and the official titles of the country and its massive internal security apparatus (Putin even reverted the national anthem back to the Soviet one, although without lyrics). If you haven’t figured this out by now, you absolutely must read the revelations of late Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn in New Lies for Old and The Perestroika Deception. Genuine Western conservatives and Christians are being set up for total annihilation. It’s a trap! Get out!
    Screenshot of recent Kremlin cucking from Makow.

    Before dropping his mask, Moscow Makow’s game seemed to be to allow some dissenting views on his site—his alibi. He was allowed to do this just as long as the Kremlin-kosher narratives were more frequently published. He would throw the occasional bone to his unwitting audience by “exposing” feminism and the “Illuminati” by peppering his rants with forced clickbait terms like “Jew”, “Cabalists”, and “freemason” to create the illusion of authenticity as a patriot dissident. But Moscow Makow isn’t Jewing everyone. We see right through him.

    Recently, Makow begged his readers to financially support fellow Jew-in-Kremlin shillery “Brother” Nathanael Kapner, a member of the KGB-controlled Russian Orthodox Church who puts out the same crypto-Soviet scripts as Makow, just in his own style. Moscow Makow’s pro-Kremlin, anti-Western propaganda is a daily thing now both on his site and on his social media accounts. Most of his sources are Russian and have been for years, not just now during the invasion of Ukraine. Although there are drops of truth in his rhetoric, it’s generally full of doom, gloom, and fear mongering. Reading through his site is like a psychodrama. It is straining and hard on the soul. I’m sure much of his audience feels defeated and depressed. This is another reason to dump Makow, along with most of the alternative media, who all seem to be reading from the same Kremlin-Knesset script. We need encouragement and truth in these difficult times, not pessimism, mockery, and disinformation.


    The Jews that are leading the "resistance" are funneling you to support Jews Putin and Chabad Russia. If you believe the Jewish West is decadent, then "you have to support" Jew con-artist Putin. This is the Kike message.

    The deepstate is changing of the guard. Meet new Kike boss worse than old Kike boss.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

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    Re: Putin-loving Kike wants Ukrainians to accept multiculturalism

    "Oy Vey goyim, this C.Martel brought out the big guns to utterly destroy our Jewish propaganda in calling us Jews kikes again and again while exposing our entire plot fooling the filthy goyim. Lets attack the messenger."
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  9. #8
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    Re: Putin-loving Kike wants Ukrainians to accept multiculturalism

    Netanyahu is not only a friend of Putin.

    Netanyahu, the leader of Israel, campaigned as the friend of Putin.

    Netanyahu touts friendship with Putin in new billboard
    Targeting Israeli-Russian voters, Likud hangs massive picture of PM alongside Russian president, with the slogan ‘Netanyahu: In a league of his own’

    The Russian Jews have been the leaders of Israel since 1948. Putin is a Russian Jew. Putin is Jewish handler of Iran, China, Syria, North Korea.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  10. #9
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    Re: Putin-loving Kike wants Ukrainians to accept multiculturalism

    I am not saying new information here. Millions have made the same observation.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  11. #10
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    Re: Putin-loving Kike wants Ukrainians to accept multiculturalism

    Jewish Putin is in on it with the Jews in the West.

    The Jewish Chabad want a system in the new global disorder, where there is only authoritarianism.

    And the Jews run the only authoritarian system. There is no freedom of speech. No liberty. No human rights.

    For those that say we are already there. Are sell outs. We are living in the post-WWII era of promoting liberty and freedom in contrast to Soviet Russia totalitarianism. The jews want to destroy this fragile system.

    Russian Jews and Jews in general want to destroy the remnant of 1950s America. The remnant of liberty. And it is a very significant remnant.

    The Learned Elders of Zion would kill us in Russia for doing this. Having a forum, exposing Jews and the Russian deepstate.

    The Jews run national politics in the West. Loosely. With bribes, blackmails, threats, with agents of their own. Run the monetary policy and wall street. However, Jews still don't own the system as in Cheka Totalitarian Russia.

    The Jewish machinations in the West are clear to see. They have been exposed. Jews want a system where you are unable to find, look or ask about those behind the curtain. No liberty. You are living in Cheka Russia. That is 1984. Russia is there. USA in not there.

    However, as in Russia today, this is going to be sold as needed to fight the WEF and drag queens. You can't have freedom because we have to stop CRT. This is why before 1984 gets implemented, the jews are going to go crazy with in your face scare tactics for you to accept 1984.

    That 1984 is the solution to your problems, especially those "problematic antifa woke liberals". This is how the Learned Elders of Zion - the Chabad sold it to Russians. Putin is sold as Nationalism and Orthodoxy. When Putin is neither. This is how Trump sold it to the USA. Trumps second term was going to be the beginning of 1984.

    Trump was going to purge Washington and only have loyalists. Trump was going to arrest journalists and have them raped in prison. Trump was going to go after opposition and jail them. As conservatives cheered to 1984.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

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