1:00:11 video runtime

Church Militant
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763 views Premiered 6 hours ago

This week, we’re talking about an area where the theology has been lackluster and where the conventional stock replies have left many unsatisfied and longing for deeper answers. We’re looking at the vocation of the sick and disabled — how they’re called to witness the gospel with their lives. Too many have reduced them simply to suffering souls and passive conduits of sacrifice, but that’s an inadequate and dehumanizing idea. While certainly, some, by circumstance and misfortune, are so ill that they can do nothing other than pray, this isn’t the case for the vast majority, even of the significantly handicapped. Indeed, they, like the hale, are called to help bring the kingdom of God to its fullness by the witness of their daily lives and their activity upon the earth, not just through spirituality.

Joining us today to help shed light on this topic is Dr. Antone Raymundo, an anesthesiologist who became disabled after a botched procedure. Dr. Raymundo, also a Wharton graduate, now serves as a Catholic retreat director, speaker, radio host and national advocate for the handicapped.

Learn more about Dr. Raymundo here:

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