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Thread: How the deepstate plans to hide in plain sight

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    How the deepstate plans to hide in plain sight

    The phony resistance are inserted deepstaters and Jews as their leaders, such as Trump. And the phony resistance accept this deepstate rule believing the deepstate to be only Democrats and RINOs.

    Then the leftists see the sh*tshow by populists and hear claims that the deepstate is run by Nancy Pelosi and Mexican Bell Beaker Celtic strawberry pickers, and either laugh or believe the fake Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez deepstate protects Democrats.

    This is how the entire deepstate of secret handshake, British Crown, Wall Street, Big Tech, cia, mi6, mossad, Chabad, zionist deepstate hides in plain sight. These are mainly conservative, and the conservatives are told by disinfo shills "the Democrats are the deepstate". And the confused pinko-Democrats that were taught caring and rainbows in high school are confused and have no clue on the real deepstate, only what the disinfo shills tell the phony resistance.

    And the identity of deepstate disappears to the general public with only a few select smart people that were schooled from GIM1 that are aware of what our elders and paleoconservatives taught us. And were aware that William F Buckley Jr was a cia agent/asset and thus can easily find out that Tucker is a cia agent/asset. Fox News and the new populism is cia and deepstate.

    Meaning the cia and the deepstate are successful over the phony populists, only a tiny handful are aware Trump is a deepstate fraud. The left does not believe in the deepstate and the phony populists are taught the left is the deepstate, that the cia and British industrialists are communists trying to make America not great again. Which is opposite of how things are. The deepstate wants American dominance and to reject caring and flower children agenda.

    The phony resistance has deepstaters as their only leaders and are carrying out the Bush plan for a conservative 1984 and the left has no tools to combat this to expose this, because the left has their own gatekeepers, handlers and disinfo shills promoting communist nonsense of hating white skin and promoting net zero carbon and other nonsense. The deepstate rigged it this way for it to be easy to reject leftism, to scare you to support Trump and Putin. This is the status of politics in America. Things are far worse in America than in Europe.

  2. #2
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    Re: How the deepstate plans to hide in plain sight

    Fox News is part of the deepstate and it hides in plain sight as those that supposedly are opposed to the deepstate are being programmed in Talmudvision Fox News to serve the very deepstate these individuals pretend to fight.

    Pro-ZOG Zionist Fox News has not changed owners or pro-Republican cia agenda. Because the propaganda is geared toward getting "patriots" to vote Republicans with carefully crafted scripts from the boardrooms of the cia to attract as many "patriots" with a new Tucker or Waters conservative message: the MAGA crowd can't get enough phony victimization by staged events from the very cia that are promoting conservatives to vote for Republicans because of those same staged events. Fox News is new 9/11s daily to get you victimized and angry and mad and ready to support George Bush and the War on Terror, or in this case Trump and the MAGA agenda of the cia Republicans.

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    Re: How the deepstate plans to hide in plain sight

    “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
    ― Lenin

    In this case the neo-conservative cia Republican deepstate has morphed into the neo-populist cia Republican deepstate.

  4. #4
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    Re: How the deepstate plans to hide in plain sight

    MAGA: "The deepstate is Bill Gates because Bill Gates is a Jew and leader of the deepstate... a cia disinfo shill told me."

    Except Bill Gates is not a Jew.

    MAGA: "Then Bill Gates is not the deepstate, Bill Gates is being used by the Jews, now Bill Gates is a white victim of the deepstate if not a Jew. Same as George Bush another victim of the Jew - E Michael Jones told me that."

    The neocon song promotes the lie that the Bush family do not understand the workings of the deepstate and are only deepstate pawns. The Bush family literally owned the cia for decades, ruled the cia for decades, overtly or covertly. Neocons are a historically recent invention, they were former pro-nigger radical leftists that got bit by socialism and niggerism and found refuge in the deepstate political party of Republicans. As Jews these push for wars in the Middle East for not only American hegemony to defeat Anglo-American enemies, to serve the interests of Israel. Neocons were a blimp on the radar, while the cia ran the show. If you are in the deepstate and have an agenda, you influence the deepstate as the Rhodes Round table did. The British Rhodes Round Table seeking Anglos to gradually absorb the wealth of the globe crashed and burned with the loss of the British Empire. The British Industrialists and others fomented the First World War which led to the two world wars resulting in the loss of the British Empire, though the American Empire took over the role of Team British-American: World Police. The neocons were a failure with Bush and the failed War on Terror. MAGA is the new Rhodes Round Table and new neocons, with Chabad Putin as leader. Bitcoin, Putin, Trump, Musk are the new deepstate/deepstate brand. Musk is the new Kissinger, Musk is tasked with controlling the alt movement.

    Either E Michael Jones is a cia disinfo shill as several Brits say. Or else has arrived at bad conclusions.

    The two lies that support the cia deepstate are blame the Jews and blame the communists. Then the conservative British deepstate declare themselves innocent to MAGA and the deepstate hide in plain sight.

    The deepstate as communist makes no sense. If the deepstate is communist wouldn't that be the system on wall street and London and Washington.

    The deepstate staged a stolen election against Bernie Sanders the Socialist/Communist vs Hillary the neoliberal pro-capitalist wall street mossad girl.

    Most communist Jews and goys are eat the rich and pro-Palestinian. They are also for open borders for Israel, allowing Africans into Israel as Soros wants. Bibi hates the communists and socialists. Being accused of being a leftist is a derogatory accusation in Israel says Abby Martin. The Koshers in Israel are conservative. The mi6 are conservative dating back to Churchill and before, the mi6 clearly weren't communists. The cia have been Republican and conservative since Eisenhower and before. And the American deepstate have been Republican capitalists.

    Instead of socialist Jew Bernie Sanders being the deepstate, neoliberal Jews such as Debbie Wasserman Schultz stole the election for mossad agent neoliberal Hillary Clinton.

    And as Bernie had to take a rigged election against Bernie, Hillary had to take a cia Republican stolen election by Trump and bow before Trump.

    The deepstate have been since the Eisenhower years - conservative cia Republicans. That is how it was during Bush, that is how it was in 2016 with Trump.

    Hillary had to take a stolen election, as Gore and Kerry did before Hillary.

    To further prove the deepstate is not communist and socialist, the Democratic Party during the 70s and 80s was left leaning, cia asset Bill Clinton transformed the Democratic Party away from workers and heavy regulations to being neo-liberal pro-Wall Street. mi6 asset Tony "Blurry" Blair did this with the Labor and transformed it to New Labor. Socialists Bernie Sanders and Jermey Corbyn are not the deepstate. These are enemies of the deepstate, only promoted as far to get you outraged and voting for the deepstate political party of Likud, Republicans and Tories.

    Communism was used against Russia because not only the Germans instigated it with releasing Lenin, the Jews used it because the Jews were not the ruling elite in Russia, neither the Anglo-Zionist. And Jews used it against a Russian population that Jews hated and wanted revenge.

    If deepstate lost control of America or Britain, with the wealth and billionaires being not the Anglo-Zionist deepstate of Musk and Trump, then a communist revolution could be started to take over America again for the deepstate.

    A communist revolution or a socialist eat the rich revolution is one of the things that the deepstate fears, because it would be targeted at cia billionaires and wall street billioniares. Communism is akin to burning down a home. It is one of the tools of destruction, therefore the deepstate don't want communism to destroy them, therefore are not communists promoting communism in America and Britain. As was proven during the entire cold war, the deepstate is conservative. And William Buckley Jr was a cia agent to control the conservatives to not attack the deepstate. This is the role of the modern disinfo shills pretending the deepstate are card carrying communists when the deepstate are conservatives and capitalists.

  5. #5
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    Re: How the deepstate plans to hide in plain sight

    During the Gilded Age, the banking class supported the capitalist Industrialist class. These were no socialists.

    So MAGA are saying Eugene V. Debs was a deepstate actor trying to ruin America because the deepstate of capitalists and bankers want to ruin America with communism, marxism and socialism.

    The deepstate of Northeast British-American Industrialists and investors were totally opposed to socialists and leftist unions. These capitalists were among the founders of the Federal Reserve along the City of London.

    1800s, 1900s, 2000s. The deepstate has existed for centuries. We knew this GIM1.

    There is no communist leaders of the deepstate. I disagree with an Anglo-Irish Fitzpatrick from the Fitzpstrick Informer, Russia is not turning communist, Russia has turned handler of the tankies, communists and leftists; and stupidly leader of the MAGA crowd too. Russia has been controlled by the cia since 1991. Been run by Jews/Chabad since Putin. Putin, Trump and the Chabad go back decades. Book knew this. And it got exposed in the media:

    MAGA: "The deepstate of the cia and mi6 and mossad are Socialist and Communist"

    Socialist Spanish Prime Minister Sánchez says he will step back to ‘reflect’ on whether to resign

    Also Pedro Sanchez:
    Pedro Sanchez: Championing Gaza ceasefire and Palestine statehood

    Spain’s prime minister says Netanyahu’s strategy leads to international isolation as Gaza death toll rises.

    MAGA: "Party because the deepstate is 'crumbling' with Socialist Sanchez losing"

    As mossad, cia and mi6 cheer the Sanchez crisis. Conservative Bibi is cheering for cheering or the demise of a socialist because the deepstate were never socialists and communists.

    Communist Jews in Russia were about killing and torturing Russians in revenge to hide Jews as communists. Jewish communists were never the deepstate, Jewish communists were used against the goyim and enemies of the British Zionists to weaken rivals and foes and strengthen the deepstate using the socialists and communists as the external enemy of the deepstate to fearmonger so you support NATO vs the USSR.

    It has been the Anglo-Zionist conservatives serving the British nation which ruled with Jews.

    The truth hurts.

    It has been the British Monarchy with the Jews serving Queen and Country since Elizabeth I and her Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean.

    Jews have joined the English for 400+ years for revenge and wealth:

    The parasites the Jews are attached to their hosts the Anglo-Zionists, with the Anglos and Anglo-Americans blaming the Jews for the sins of British imperialism against the Spanish, Dutch, French, German Empires and elsewhere.

    British: "The Jews made me do it"

    When this is demonstrably false, especially in the cases of the Spanish and German Empires.

  6. #6
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    Re: How the deepstate plans to hide in plain sight

    Why was JFK killed further proves the cia and British Royals are the deepstate above the Jews.

    And the Anglos gave the Jewish mafia in the US the mission to shoot JFK. Anglos make the decisions, Jews do the dirty work. The Jews also do the dirty work for the Anglos in covert warfare against whites - rivals and foes of the British. This is where the Slaughter of Cities makes huge points in revealing the cia used Jews as their henchmen and policy makers to destroy European immigrant rivals and foes in the Northern cities.[1] E Michael Jones names the Anglos as the cia.

    JFK was assassinated because JFK wanted to end the cia shadow government ruling the US government. JFK believe the President was the Chief Executive and the cia assassinated JFK. Since then the cia have been the rulers of the US government, with the Presidents of the United States as puppets.

    To prove this, take for instance Calvin Coolidge, one of the greatest presidents in US history. He was really the President. He would have exposed a group that ordered Calvin what to do. Meaning in the 1920s, being the president meant being the real chief executive. There was no cia or similar group ordering the Presidents around.

    Fast forward 35 years and JFK was being ordered around by the cia, JFK wanted to end this and the Anglo cia had the Jewish mobsters assassinate JFK. The Anglo Bush family were involved, involved from the cia level. The cia have been calling the shots in the US since the 1950s. The Anglo cia. While getting you to believe in Jewish spooks and sideshows about communism and Soros scare tactics.

    It is (only) the Jews, if you want Anglo-American and British dominance.

    [1] Those European immigrant rivals and foes of the British are the same traditionalist European immigrants that Fred Trump and anti-white nativist racists killed in race riot against whites and Fred Trump was with the anti-white racists against European immigrants. Fred Trump was an anti-Europe nativist racist, same as Trump and MAGA. The truth hurts to those that promote nativism against those of real European descent.

    Fred Trump is a microcosm of the US politics. British descent get away with murder as Fred Trump and fellow nativist racists against Europeans and European immigrants. Fred Trump and family are heavily linked to the Chabad and Russians Jews. Trump did money laundering for Russian Jews. MAGA are nativists and scapegoat Jews as the rulers of the deepstate. Trump forms a MAGA movement of cia dominance with the Chabad and wage a war on white Europe.

    Trump: ‘Used to talk about’ Ukraine invasion with Putin

    Trump calls Putin ‘genius’ and ‘savvy’ for Ukraine invasion

    Trump is in on the war on white Caucasians. Trump is a nativist British deepstater with loyalties to the British Monarchy and MAGA supporters are sell outs and bought into the lies of cia disinfo shills.

  7. #7
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    Re: How the deepstate plans to hide in plain sight

    Another proof it is the Anglo-deepstate. Brother Nathaniel. Only once figuring out Russia is cia owned and Jewish run did I figure out Brother Nathaniels scam. Brother Nathaniel sells antisemitism to promote whites to follow Putin as their "'White' Nationalist Christian Leader".

    Meaning the Jews are using antisemitism to promote deepstate goals of fooling you and hiding from you that the cia owns Russian and the Jews run Russia. The deepstate does not, nor ever promotes hatred of the real leaders of the deepstate.[1] The deepstate would have shills that say the secret handshake group is only Jewish or say the secret handshake group is only communist, as Fitzpatrick shills. Rarely do you get info that the the secret handshake group is British and controlled by the British Royal Family to promote the British and American global Empires.

    If Russia is Chabad run, that means definitely the Jews are not the deepstate rulers. Because the shills only give out shill info, the shills don't expose the rigged game. Barely anybody exposes the British Royals as the rulers of the City of London via the secret handshake group. The secret handshake group serves the British Empire and American Empire, meaning the British Monarch is the head that the secret handshake serve.

    [1] This is also seen in cia giving shill info that the Democrats and Leftists are the deepstate. There is a push to promote hatred of a fake and phony cia, a fake and phony communist Jewish cia. A sock puppet for you to attack.

    The entire alt shill movement is geared toward promoting lies to protect the deepstate. For the deepstate to hide in plain sight. And there is nobody exposing this. The cia and mi6 shut down the places where such info is accessible. And Elon Muscovy is your deepstate cia disinfo shill leader, along with Trump.

  8. #8
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    Re: How the deepstate plans to hide in plain sight

    Great Britain - not Germany - started the Great War of 1914-18.

    In the beginning there was Article 231. It stated:

    "The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies."

    But the release and publication of official diplomatic documents after 1918 - initiated by Austria and Germany - produced two trail-blazing books by two American revisionist historians, Barnes and Fay, that permanently consigned Article 231 to the historical dustbin and no respectable historian dares refer to it today except with contempt. In succeeding decades as the battle for history raged, the war-guilt question (kriegschuldvrage) inhabited a shadowy no-man's-land between allied propaganda and the ever-growing pressure of historical truth. In October, 1961, German historian Fritz Fischer launched an all-out assault on the revisionists with his book "Germany's Aims in the First World War." (German title: "Griff nach der Weltmacht: Die Kriegzielpolitik des kaiserlichen Deutschland 1914-1918") Fischer claimed that Germany had started the War in order to gain hegemony in Europe and then the world. Referred to as the "Fischer Thesis," it caused a sensation in Germany and was enthusiastically embraced by the blame-Germany-first crowd. Fischer was soon refuted by other German historians - most notably Gerhard Ritter - who pointed out that Germany already had hegemony in Europe, won, not by boots, bullets, and battleships, but by the industry and talent of her people. This was amply underscored by a veritable mountain of economic statistics which prove beyond any doubt that in the summer of 1914, Germany was first among equals by every conceivable measure. Why then would Germany risk a war against a numerically superior opponent in order to gain hegemony - something she already possessed in spades? But the "Fischer Thesis" was the only remaining game in town and historians clung to it like a drowning man to a life preserver.

    Nevertheless, the times they were a-changing. In 1998, Oxford historian Niall Ferguson published "The Pity of War" to rave reviews. The back cover of the book states:

    "The Pity of War makes a simple and provocative argument: the human atrocity known as the Great War was entirely England's fault. According to Niall Ferguson, England entered into the war based on naïve assumptions of German aims, thereby transforming a Continental conflict into a world war, which it then badly mishandled, necessitating American involvement. The war was not inevitable, Ferguson argues, but rather was the mistaken decisions of individuals who would later claim to have been in the grip of impersonal forces."

    This was followed by similar volumes which disputed German war-guilt. In 2011 came "The Russian Origins of the First World" War by Sean McMeekin, and in 2012 came "The Sleepwalkers, How Europe Went to War in 1914" by Cristopher Clark. These books contain valuable information and have the virtue of further destroying the stubborn canard that the Central Powers started the War, but they lack in some respects the finality which the published documents fully support.

    Comes now "Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War" by Gerry Docherty and James Macgregor. This is the very first volume that states the case straightforward and unapologetically: It was Great Britain - not Germany and Austria - who started the Great War of 1914-18. Why would Great Britain do such a thing? British leaders sensed that Germany, given her growing economic/military hegemony in Europe, might soon be in a position to challenge the world hegemony wielded by the mighty British Empire. Britannia had grown quite used to ruling the waves and waving the rules, and the notion that it was England's destiny to instruct the "lesser races" was common in Elizabethan and Victorian England. Thus the frightening possibility that an upstart Germany could upset the Albion applecart had to forestalled and the sooner the better.
    Messrs. Docherty and Macgregor begin by telling us about one fateful wintry day in February 1891: "The three staunch British imperialists who met that day, Cecil Rhodes , William Stead and Lord Esher, drew up a plan for the organisation of a secret society that would take over the control of foreign policy both in Britain and, later by extension, the United States of America: a secret society that aimed to renew the Anglo-Saxon bond between Great Britain and the United States, spread all that they considered good in the English ruling-class traditions, and expand the British Empire's influence in a world they believed they were destined to control."

    The "Secret Elite" - the name chosen by the authors to avoid the profusion of names under which the "Group" operated - gave an early and convincing demonstration of their strength and influence by causing two hitherto independent, sovereign nations - Transvaal and the Orange Free State - to be annexed by the British Empire.
    On February 8, 1901, Edward VII informed the German representative, Baron Hermann von Eckardstein that "For a long time at least there can be no more any question of Great Britain and Germany working together in any conceivable matter" (Massie, Dreadnought, p. 309). With this, the British ship of state began slowly to steer in the direction of Paris and St. Petersburg and away from Berlin. From this point forward, British foreign policy left little doubt as to its intended goal. First came the 1904 Entente Cordiale in the wake of the British King's diplomacy. Then came a similar understanding with Russia in 1907. This last completed the transformation of the moribund Franco-Russian alliance into the very potent Triple Entente and the Austro-German Press began to mutter darkly about einkreisung (encirclement). Further German objections came in the form of the two Moroccan crises in 1905 and 1911 when German diplomacy attempted to drive a wedge between Britain and France. But the hostile 1911 Mansion House speech by Lloyd George made it clear that there were no prospects for success in this direction.
    When the July crisis threatened war and a forthright exposition of the British attitude would have preserved the peace, Sir Edward Grey played his cards close to the vest. Having already given a verbal promise of a 120,000-man expeditionary force to Poincare and Sasonov in 1912, Grey now hinted to a worried Cambon that the concentration of the British fleet should answer his doubts, whilst whispering into the Austro-German ear that England would remain neutral. With the deftness of a carnival huckster, Grey subtly encouraged both sides to interpret the British position according to their own preferences, thereby coaxing the opposing alliance systems onto a collision course.
    Governmental and public opposition to the war in England bordered on unanimity but Sir Edward had an ace up his sleeve. He knew that the German plan of campaign called for a lightening thrust at France through Belgium. This enabled him to use the treaty of 1839 to circumvent the opposition and send Tommy Atkins to line up outside the recruiter's office.

    But was Great Britain wrong or even unique? After all, some two-thousand years ago the Romans made an analogous decision that resulted in the Punic Wars and the disappearance of Carthage from the world map. Other empires made similar decisions for similar reasons. But however we choose to judge Great Britain, the fact remains that it was she - not Germany - who was responsible for the Great War and this is forcefully presented in this trailblazing, first-of-its-kind volume - highly recommended and indispensable for any student of the First World War. In summary, it may be said that King Edward VII discovered the moribund spear of the Franco-Russian alliance. Sir Edward Grey felt its heft, polished and sharpened it, and used the Sarajevo crisis to hurl it at Germany. The rest, as they say, is history.

    It has been the British and the British-Americans.

    The communist garbage of "banker wars are only about profit and arms sales" has permeated into conservatives because of disinfo shills concealing why British led wars were fought. To hide the fact that these wars were about expanding the British Empire and British/American domination. While the disinfo shilled info tries to confuse you:

    A conservative that bought into communist garbage: (Wars are) never meant to be won , it continues to this day in many ways

    WWI was about the British ambition to destroy rival and foe Germany. Corbett exposes this with three terrific sources:

    (1) Quigley - exposing the neocons warmongerers of his era - the Rhodes Round table

    (2) Quigley facts supported by:


    The same British Monarchy that promoted WWI is the same Monarchy leads the deepstate of warmongers to today. Jews have been the partners in crime with the Anglos promoting the British and American dominance of the globe to the grand benefit of Anglos. As Anglos are provided phony victimhood by their own fellow criminals.

    The party that promoted WWI are the deepstate, and that party are the British. The party that promoted WWI exposed the goal of the deepstate - British Empire, British global domination.

    You can say "its the Catholics, its the Jesuits, its the Black Pope". Yet when you name the Anglos, anybody loses their head.

    Don't forget...

    British: "The Jews made me do it"

    When this is demonstrably false, especially in the cases of the Spanish and German Empires.

    Until you throw off America First. Britain First. MAGA and the other deepstate shill operations for Anglo-American dominance, you are the deepstate, as you believed Jews were the deepstate.

    This explains why Fox News. Roger Ailes. Rupert Murdock promoted MAGA and Trump. Alies was a campaign advisor to Trump.

    ... Yet when you name the Anglos, anybody loses their head.

  9. #9
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    Re: How the deepstate plans to hide in plain sight

    This is a totally different Rothschild than is presented by cia disinfo shills, this is the real Rothschild family, the Rothschild family that serves the British Empire, Queen and Country and British interests:

    The meeting in February 1891 was not some chance encounter. Rhodes had been planning such a move for years, while Stead and Esher had been party to his ideas for some time. A year earlier, on 15 February 1890, Rhodes journeyed from South Africa to Lord Rothschild’s country estate to present his plan. Nathaniel Rothschild, together with Lord Esher and some other very senior members of the British Establishment, was present. Esher noted at the time: ‘Rhodes is a splendid enthusiast, but he looks upon men as machines … he has vast ideas … and [is], I suspect, quite unscrupulous as to the means he employs.’ In truth, these were exactly the qualities needed to be an empire builder: unscrupulous and uncaring with vast ambition.

    Cecil Rhodes had long talked about setting up a Jesuit-like secret society, pledged to take any action necessary to protect and promote the extension of the power of the British Empire. He sought to ‘bring the whole uncivilised world under British Rule, for the recovery of the United States, for the making of the Anglo-Saxon race but one empire’. In essence, the plan was as simple as that. Just as the Jesuit Order had been formed to protect the pope and expand the Catholic Church, answerable only to its own superior general and nominally the pope, so the Secret Society was to protect and expand the British Empire, and remain answerable to its leader. The holy grail was control not of God’s kingdom on earth in the name of the Almighty but of the known world in the name of the mighty British Empire. Both of these societies sought a different kind of world domination but shared a similar sense of ruthless purpose.

    The global banker, servant to the British Empire, with a mission to have Anglo dominance. The real Rothschild.

    Rothschild did not invent the plan for WWI. Rothschild was invited to the group, years after the plan was made by Rhodes. With several other privy to the plan for British global domination before Rothschild. Rothschild in the inner circle, though neither the leader nor the founder nor the inventor of the overarching agenda.

    This is a completely different story of "Rothschild banker started WWI and Brits are the victims along with the Germans. It is only Banker Jews, never examine the Anglos and Brits. It is only the Jews. Never say it is the British and British Americans with their Jewish co-conspirators".

    Rhodes view of those in the group, including Rothschild, as machines to control and use for the expansion of the British Empire and to gradually have the British and Anglo-Saxons absorb the wealth of the globe. Truth is completely different than the cia shills manipulation of the masses to watch Fox News.

    Since Rothschild serves the British Empire and by extension the American Empire for British and Anglo dominance, then obviously so do the Masons too. Masons work with the Jews for the British financial Empire and the American geopolitical and military Empire. Trump Make America (Washington) Great Again is Masonic and Rothschild supported agenda. America number one globally and Britain number one in Europe and financially is masonic and Rothschild supported agenda.

    The deepstate of Washington and London have not changed. And the deepstate players are playing the same roles as 100 years ago. For Anglo dominance. And the Rothschild family have been fully on board with this.

  10. #10
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    Re: How the deepstate plans to hide in plain sight

    The phony resistance did not take European history.

    Literally in the history books, it says deepstater and Jewbot Churchill did not like the European Union, back when it was the European Coal and Steel Community. UK deeptstate Tories were opposed to the German led European project that allowed post-war Germany's economy to take off. The European Coal and Steel Community allowed not only German recovery post-WWII, it also allowed Germany to quickly gain respect via cooperation with the rest of Western Europe. Germany was in the European Coal and Steel Community three years before NATO. The European integration project was proposed years before by fascists, this is not a communist one world government nonsense. The EU rejected Morocco's application because it is not European. The deepstate project to keep down the Germans, which was part of NATO, failed because of the European Union project started by traditionalists and conservatives in Europe.

    Adenauer (Germany) - Center-right
    Schuman (France) - Center-right
    De Gasperi (Italy) - Christian conservatism Centrist
    Dupong (Luxembourg) - Center-right
    Pholien (Belgium) - Center-right
    Drees (Netherlands) - Left

    These mostly conservatives saved Europe after the war, in saving Germany. The European Coal and Steel Community was responsible for German success in the cold war era as an export economy making Germans rich as savers.

    Shills don't promote the EU because the deepstate hates it. The deepstate has Kissingerites such as the WEF try to control policy of the EU because the deepstate wants to ruin their economy, to knock down rivals. Chabad Putin and Trump are part of these goals. The deepstate is not trying to promote global communism via Leftist Jews and UN africans ruling the globe, the deepstate is trying to use the leftists to destroy rivals and foes. To set fire to the globe while MAGA and Britain First protect the US and UK from those fires. And to use the UN Security Council for Anglo-American dominance.

    Europeans are clueless that Fukushima was a HAARP earthquake. So the French allies of Britain keep their nuclear power plants going because the French are in on it with the deepstate and know the false flags and deepstate crimes. The Germans are clueless and shut down their 6 nuclear power plants because of the belief that Fukushima could happen to them, when it was a targeted cia deepstate crime against Japan because... I'll explain more, remember that British chap Benjamin Fulford... Fulford was a deepstate gatekeeper. Got an interview with Rockefeller. How many of you have interviewed Rockefeller and I am not including the cia shills and ADL agents reading. To have access to interview a Rockefeller means you have been vetted. Meaning Fulford is a with the Rockefellers and a fraud. Fulford was the new Trilateral Commission for conspiracy theorists in Japan. The TLC was for Rockefeller controlling Japan. Fulford was a Rockefeller pawn to control the resistance in Japan. The Kissinger project was China, Rockefeller project was Japan. The internet was filled with anti-deepstate stuff the Japanese were writing books about it. Benjamin Fulford with the army of ninjas is another Alex Jones. A phony leader of the "resistance", Fulford handles the resistance concerning Japan. Alex Jones is a deepstater gatekeeper and leader of the resistance to tell you the Muslims control Hollywood and the Federal Reserve.

    I only started hating Arab and Iranian Muslims after these wars (Ukraine and Gaza) and especially after Gaza when Muslim towelheads turned communist in siding with Russia and China in being anti-white because of Bibi crimes.

    Fukushima was about punishment of the Japanese for rejecting the deepstate, as Japanese were big into conspiracy theories in the late 2000s and early 2010s. Fukushima was about having a devastating HAARP earthquake hit Japan. So devastating that the conspiracy theorists would shut down their own former conspiracies and focus on their own problems. When you are success at defeating the deepstate, this is a Standard Operating Procedure of the deepstate. This is the purpose of the migrant caravans. Chaos in your personal life, so much until you cry uncle on defeating the deepstate and are happy with building a wall (focus on your own personal problems). Sarah Palin with the Tea Party and later deepstater Trump with MAGA are about shifting your focus away from the actual deepstate and blame Fauci and Trudeau for the deepstate. BTW, the Sumatra Earthquake did not seem to be a HAARP earthquake, it seemed to be an actual 9.0 earthquake that occurs every so often.

    Jews have been rich in non-deepstate run areas going back centuries. Were the Dutch the deepstate global rulers in the 1600s? No. Were the Dutch Jews the deepstate global rulers in the 1600s? No. Jews have been rich and controlling trade and commerce since the Protestant Reformation and banking since before that. Meaning Jewish wealth and control of industries pre-dates the deepstate. The deepstate that start the wars for American Empire and British Empire are using Jews and the Jews use the deepstate for protection so Jews continue to be rich. The deepstate started with Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. Anglos first defeated of the Spanish Empire, then Dutch, then French, then German. Then the American Empire. The Jews have been rich before during and after this and not the rulers of the deepstate. Jews were used 100% for these deepstate goals with the Jews getting wealthier and wealthier. The reason why Jews are so wealthy is not because the Jews are the leaders of the deepstate, it is because Jews are only 1% of the population and hate goyim and seek ot cheat the goyim and seek to benefit only Jews while being miser scrooges. That was the status of Jews during the Middle Ages when Jews clearly did not rule the deepstate. Jews would move to a place, exploit the goyim, get rich and get kicked out of the nation. You can tell the Jews are in on it with the British Royal deepstate because the Jews are never kicked out for their hoarding of wealth and exploitation of the economy. Foolishly destroying the Jews situation and the deepstate remains. Destroy the deepstate and the Jews scatter poor and naked. It is why the deepstate exposes the Jews in the alt movement as the only deepstate, not exposing the British Royals and their secret societies and minions. The minions include the Jews.

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