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Thread: Rafi Faber: Rumors of another Asian financial crisis

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Rafi Faber: Rumors of another Asian financial crisis

    The US is not trying to destroy the US Empire, the US is trying to export destruction and crisis to nations around the globe.

    Another possible crisis:

    There are no deepstate Jews and cia working to destroy America. There is covert warfare against the enemies of Washington. Soros works for the cia and Republicans.

    Fox News and the cia Republicans want to return to 1950s America with the Entente players controlling anything of value after the real resistance has been defeated. How do the deepstate get to that endgame - public support of Le Pen, Brexiters, MAGA, Russian Imperialism.

    Faggotry and depravity is about destroying you, not the deepstate. To destroy rivals. Jews have their conservative values Israel. And after enemies of the Anglo Zionists are destroyed, then Le Pen, the British Monarchy, Trump, Putin would control the globe with conservative values for their Likud, Republican, Tory, RN, and United Russia voters. The chaos is not planned to centuries long, it is there to destroy foes and then have their supporters that fell for the cia psy-ops to be rewarded with the end of chaos, if they support Jews and the secret handshake groups controlling the globe - the Entente ruling the globe. Le Pen is a secret handshake pawn to not control the resistance, to form a phony resistance that believes the symptoms are the causes. Meaning if the symptoms of the Jews go away, the fooled deepstate believe the deepstate has ended, despite the Republicans, Fox News, Newsmax, cia, mossad, and the secret handshake group controlling the globe. The resistance has been terraformed to believe if the chaos goes away, the belief is the deepstate is defeated. When the Jews are perfectly happy to end the chaos era and to simply control the money with their British deepstate co-conspirators.

    If a bank robber has the police distracted with a sideshow series of events, and the robber steals from the entire banking system, the police are stupid and fooled if the police believe when the side show distraction ends, the bank robber loses. The Jewish chaos is the distraction to hide the gradual absorbing of wealth of the globe by the Anglo-American Empire, the chaos is not the end game, the chaos and crisis are there to destroy you while the elitists rob the globe of its wealth. After there is no longer need for chaos, the deepstate do not want to reside in a drag queen nightmare, the deepstate has already begun the process of claiming traditionalism. So Netanyahu and cronies are the traditionalists for you. The British Monarchy are the traditionalists for you. Those that staged the chaos are to be your leaders to save you from the very Jewish destruction the deepstate sent at you. That is the mission of Trump, Farage, Le Pen, Putin and the Chabad and cia.

    If the US wanted to destroy America, the US would be promoting gold and silver to 50000 and 5000 respectively.

    No, the US is instead trying to destroy rivals of America and American dominance.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republican and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Thanked 553 Times in 383 Posts

    Re: Rafi Faber: Rumors of another Asian financial crisis

    I am pretty sure, these Chabad Jews running the economy of Russia are not controlled opposition. Neither are the Le Pen, Brexiters and MAGA backers of Chabad Russia to be considered controlled opposition. These are the new deepstate to replace the neoconservative Republicans. The cia Fox News Republicans have a new brand - MAGA. Not controlled opposition. To usher in Anglo-American dominance while making America into the new victim, a phony victim as it was on 9/11.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republican and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

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