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Thread: Report of New Partially Gold-Backed BRICS Settlement Currency

  1. #1
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    Report of New Partially Gold-Backed BRICS Settlement Currency

    Report of New Partially Gold-Backed BRICS Settlement Currency

    While gold and silver prices have rallied over the past 3 months there's been a lot of coverage about how much gold China and the central banks have been buying.

    But quietly in the background, it's now being reported by Pepe Escobar that the BRICS have been moving forward a project to create a BRICS settlement payment currency. That Escobar says is now being officially examined by the BRICS Business Council and could be adopted potentially as early as 2025.

    Interestingly, it fits with recent comments by former Goldman Sachs commodity chief Jeff Currie about what's happening in the oil, gold, and commodity markets, and in today's show Andy Schectman talks about the news and what he's hearing as well.

    To find out more, and get caught up to speed on the latest precious metals news, click to watch the video now!

  2. #2
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    Re: Report of New Partially Gold-Backed BRICS Settlement Currency

    Chinese are being bribed as we type. Chinese are the biggest sell outs to make more money for the Chinese while selling out the resistance.

    Raisi was a big supporter of this new BRICS (settlement) currency and was taken out for such support, taken out by Khazar Jews, backed by the cia.

  3. #3
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    Re: Report of New Partially Gold-Backed BRICS Settlement Currency

    The cia would promise Taiwan to China[1] to keep the Chinese from going to gold and precious metals. To join Team cia Blockchain.

    [1] with the Taiwanese microchips for China and blamed on "Biden losing Taiwan"

    Playing with a brand new made in China broken toy... "Is this thing Jewish? I got jewed by the Chinese!"

    My high school days were fun, whenever something was broken, a friend of mine would say "Is this thing Jewish!?" This friend's family did not like Africans or Jews.

    Scenario: China bribed to not go to gold, market downturn and there is inflation from lower interest rates. Money goes to bitcoin, not precious metals. Bitcoin far outperforms precious metals, as millions more never want to invest in gold and silver again.

    The lost 15 years of bitcoin keeping gold and silver down from trillions in market cap going to bitcoin and elsewhere, not to metal, was not only about suppressing the price of precious metals, it was about making precious metal investors into "financial losers". The deepstate revenge of poverty in investments. To turn bitcoin investors into billionaires with the media promoted and cia influencer promoted bitcoin. To have millions of precious metal investors get told PMs are going to the moon, then everything else outperform PMs, including water, air and snot. That is what bitcoin was about.

    So the Chinese sellouts have crimes upon crimes for being back stabbers. Never trust a Chinaman, Chinese are on the side of Trump, Kissinger, Rothschild and the rest of the clowns.

    Chinese were on the wrong side of WWI, WWII, Chinese side with Kissinger and Chabad Russia. Chinks will sell you out for 25 cents. Why does the deepstate win over and over - one answer - China.

    Trump is for using bitcoin so the system does not collapse and so we don't return to a moral and ethical system based on gold and silver as money.

    Trump Wants to Use Bitcoin to Save U.S. Economy

    wait a minute I am having deja vu, the deepstate used bitcoin for over a decade so Precious Metals don't collapse the system.

    Trump is the deepstate for cia bitcoin as money or the financial instrument to save the deepstate.

    Bitcoin would go to 100 million and beyond per bitcoin.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republican and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  4. #4
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    Re: Report of New Partially Gold-Backed BRICS Settlement Currency

    bitcoin is from the deepstate and is embraced by the MAGA deepstate Republican Party.

    The entire deepstate war for the past 50 years has been on stopping gold and silver from replacing the dollar.

    Soon after bitcoin was popularized by cia disinfo shills trying to stop the rise of gold and silver replacing the dollar, Bernanke said this:

    Bitcoins and other virtual currencies, like any online-payment system, "may hold long-term promise" and could one day "promote a faster, more secure and more efficient payment system," said Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

    Bankers at the federal reserve have been trying to crash gold and silver prices, yet let bitcoin spread and grow because it was from them.

    And the financial media is promoting the idea of replacing the dollar with bitcoin:

    Will bitcoin end the dollar’s reign?

    Bitcoin is also starting to make progress on its ambition to replace the dollar as a medium of exchange. Today, most bitcoins are held as an investment, not used to pay bills, but that is changing. Smaller businesses are starting to use bitcoin in international trade, particularly in countries where dollars can be hard to come by (such as Nigeria) or the local currency is unstable (Argentina). And in recent weeks PayPal and its Venmo subsidiary have started storing bitcoin with an eye towards accepting it as payment next year.

    "Normal" conversation from the financial times.

    With support from big tech:
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republican and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  5. #5
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    Re: Report of New Partially Gold-Backed BRICS Settlement Currency

    Quote Originally Posted by C.Martel View Post
    Chinese are being bribed as we type. Chinese are the biggest sell outs to make more money for the Chinese while selling out the resistance.

    The cia would promise Taiwan to China[1] to keep the Chinese from going to gold and precious metals. To join Team cia Blockchain.
    lol, called it. Chinese sell out the world for 50 cents... for the 100th+ instance. China sold themselves cheap to the devil. China sold us out again to promote a BRICS blockchain payment method with your tracking device phone and blockchain, not gold, not silver.

    Never trust an East Asian, East Asians have zero morality. East Asians have no moral code, their only moral code is foreigners are evil and East Asians can commit genocide and worse to the entire planet and galaxy, and you are to blame because you have the white skin. Chinks are totally evil.

    Chinks are hoarding gold, not to defeat the deepstate. Chinks are hoarding gold to blackmail Washington to accepting the Chinks into the deepstate, to save the Chinese from war while Chinks blame whitey. Chinks are the masonic and jewish deepstate, because Kissinger got them to hold the means to destroy the deepstate, and do null and void in defeating the deepstate. Chinks are sellouts and only care about the next 50 cents from their Jewish masters.

    This is the morality of East Asians, completely evil. East Asians are goblins.

    In 2008, two groups saved the US dollar and the deepstate when Libertarians buying silver and gold crashed Bear Sterns, two groups - Saudis and Chinese.

    China going to blockchain = praise from Trump. If China were trying to take down the Jewish-Masonic banking system with gold and silver, Jewbot Trump would be attacking China as the enemy. China is neutralized with their Russian Jewish allies.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republican and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  6. #6
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Report of New Partially Gold-Backed BRICS Settlement Currency

    The issue is control whether the form is gold, Bitcoin, or horseshoes. Government is not a passive observer. To gain control government must separate those they represent from their ability to control. This is done by stripping individuals from their ability to engage in contracts. Law says contracts must have substance. Substance might be a silver coin or a table and chairs. Substance is not OPM (other people's money) or Bitcoin.

    Parens patriæ is the rule for those individuals who government have successfully incorporated by stripping them of the ability to contract.

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