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Thread: Rafi Faber explaining scrip

  1. #1
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    Rafi Faber explaining scrip

    It used to be gold and silver and coin as money. Then paper backed and greenbacks. Then more paper scrip. And scrip on scrip. To inflate to save the bankers. When real money has been only gold and silver coin.

    So bitcoin is scrip issued on top of the dollar system. Bitcoin is inflationary as it is more currency, another layer on the monetary system. The Republicans want to destroy gold as money with market manipulation, destroy the dollar and the other scrip assets except bitcoin. And to go to a global financial system of only bitcoin. To have gold and silver investors throw away their market manipulated "worthless" precious metals and you have a 1984 surveillance money of only bitcoins.

    Satoshi Nakamoto Means “Central Intelligence”

    The end game of the globalists is to destroy the inflationary aspect of bitcoin as scrip and to install it as the global currency forcing it to be deflationary because the other competitor money has been defeated.

    Big Tech is behind bitcoin. Wall Street is behind bitcoin. Banks are into bitcoin. The SEC is behind bitcoin, defining it as a commodity. The financial media is behind bitcoin, promoting it and not questioning it. The phony resistance is behind bitcoin. To destroy the value of gold and silver. To make bitcoin the new gold, the new anti-dollar play, the new hedge against inflation.

    Hedge funds are buying bitcoin to hedge against inflation. As China and India buy the gold.

    Then when the dollar collapses, impose bitcoin as the global currency, not allow gold and silver to be money again or keep precious metals flat/worth less. Bitcoin is to be the new fiat central bank currency, a digital currency that tracks you and enriches those that got in first into the ponzi scheme. The worthless ponzi scheme backed by not even nothing, perhaps backed by anything, that made billionaires and trillionaires because bitcoin is the worst con in human history as it goes to 1 billion dollars per bitcoin.

    And banks have been getting into bitcoin.

    Trumpstein wants the remaining bitcoin to be American, so Americans can corner the market of the new global currency.

    These are hints that the global financial/monetary system could be ready to make bitcoin the one global currency in the next decade after the real planned dollar collapse. Back during GIM1, we incorrectly believed the Jews were trying to crash the dollar that would bring about a gold and silver system. The Jews were trying to save the dollar system by manipulating the value of gold and silver. With gold and silver replaced by bitcoin, the Jews can actually destroy the dollar system and go to cia bitcoins, a global monetary system the deepstate has cornered since Satoshi Nakamoto.

    (I believe Rafi Faber and Arcadia Economics are controlled opposition because they do not allow exposing bitcoin on their site. These youtube promoted sites are designed to be the last person to turn off the lights on gold and silver)

    As I said since the phony resistance went to be billionaires with cia bitcoins, the only ones rich enough to make gold and silver money again is China. Once bitcoins market cap is into the hundreds of trillions, it would be interesting to see how the precious metal market reacts, if bitcoiners demand gold and silver as "relics of the past"/"ancient money" and see if gold and silver goes up then.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republican and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  2. #2
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    Re: Rafi Faber explaining scrip

    The Anglo-American British bully in school/globe: "It is the toady bully (the Jews) that REALLY run the show"

    And the Anglo-American freemasons make this so with so much Jew in your face that you believe it is only the Jews. This is 100% cia and freemasonic disinfo shill agenda. The Jews almost believe this in being handed much of the globe on a platter by the British freemasons and British Monarchy. Except when you see the goals of the wars in Europe, these are not Jewish projects, these are American/British projects. Trump "spilled the beans" on this.

    The goal is to weaken Europe. That goal is the American Make America Great Again goal and weaken rivals and foes. If you missed that Trump is the deepstate. That Putin is the deepstate and bitcoin is the deepstate then you missed out on the entirety of this. You are stuck blaming Jews. Once you realize Trump is the worst of the deepstate, you realize the Anglo-American Zionists are the deepstate with Jews as co-conspirators for British and American global domination with the Jews. If it were only the Jews as the deepstate, Jews would allow rivals to America to defeat America and replace Washington. Jews in nearly 500 years nearly exclusively promoted the success and global domination of the British and the British colonists in America. That is British freemasonry and British secret societies. The entire global agenda promotes American domination and British domination of sports, culture, language, military, economics. Not Israeli. There are no dozens of nations to equal the US and UK deepstate. Jews are not starting up ZOG rulers of the globe, because the Jews did not start the freemasons or British and American Empire. Jews enjoy riches in these freemasonic empires, so Jews remain the bully toadies to their racial masters the British. As the British try to fool the Jews that they really run things so the finger of hatred is never pointed at the Anglo-Americans and British. Why don't the Jews make Brazil into the rulers of the globe with Jews ruling over Brazil. Because Jews have no authority from the deepstate to do so. Jews would be destroyed by the British and Americans for doing so, revealing the real identity of the deepstate - make America great again.

    This is the conclusion of reading E Michael Jones books. The WASPs started the deepstate, rule the globe and the Jews are co-conspirators. When E Michael Jones tries to blame the Jews, the books are really blaming the WASPs.

    If you missed Trump is the very deepest of the deepstate, you missed out on this and won't believe a word of this. Because Trump taught you that Anglos are "uber-victims" of communist Jews, as Churchill also propagated. "It is only Jews" is the biggest lie that keeps the deepstate going since freemason Henry Ford.

    If "Henry Ford was a freemason and the Jews control the freemasons", why was Ford antisemitic, for the same reason the cia disinfo shills promote the lie that it is only Jews - because the Anglos rule the globe and Jews are their co-conspirator toadies. It benefits Jews and freemasons to point the finger at the Jews. In pointing the finger at the Jews, the Anglo-American deepstate continues and continues to protect the Jews. When you point your finger at both the British deepstate running things and the Jewish servants getting rich from the system the deepstate is in grave danger. E Michael Jones exposed the Bank of England as the mother bank of the banking world, the one bank that controls the other central banks. And Rothschild does not control the Bank of England, it is public and has been publicly owned for over 75 years during the many years of corrupt banking. This means the average citizens of England are the deepstate that own the Bank of England and own the network of "Rothschild banks" directing the global financial system. The Bank of England since has been wholly owned by the British government and thus the British Crown for the British citizens. To be British is to be deepstate. Moreso than being Jewish. This is why Henry Ford was antisemitic, to blame the Jews as the only deepstate. Freemasons don't want you finding the real identity of the deepstate are British Masons. British Masons are for British success.

    The Masonic cia Fox News media agenda - Britain to out-perform the rest of the globe. Cheering for this and not for European and German success. The masonic mission is for an Anglo-centric global system led by the USA/UK, which is the exact geopolitical system of the past decades. Rich Jews serve this agenda.

    The entire goal of the deepstate is so you don't point the finger at freemason Brits. The survival of the British Monarchy and the British-American Empire is the number one goal of the deepstate. It is why suppressing the price of gold and silver to keep American dollar dominance was the goal for 50 years. This task was delegated to Jews to keep British and American dominance. And the Jews and cia invented bitcoin so that when the dollar collapses, the system does not return to gold and silver. And shill Jews such as Rafi Faber and Peter Schiff telling the goyim to stay with gold once bitcoin was invented as there is no hope for humanity because the only resistance is resistance against bitcoin, Trump and Putin. As the public is under mass psychosis to chase after Soros ghosts.

    Rothschild went to (an American) jail to in order to promote American domination over a European company. Macron was part of this to send European technology to America with Rothschild going to jail to cooperate with GE taking over key European technology. The cia "only Jews" disinfo shills don't tell you this. Macron and Rothschild work for Washington and the American monopoly.

    Before midnight hour everything is revealed. Unless you are chasing Soros and Communist Jew phantoms and never see the picture.

    If you fell for Trump, you can't put pieces together because you fell for the final psy-op. Not in a million years would Trumpers figure this out and gladly so. Trumpers are continually fed by Talmudvision and disinfo shills a continual feed of phony victimizations to keep Trumpers loyal cia Fox News watchers and cia deepstate Republican voters. That is 90% of the media.

    New York Times is pro-Trump, shills for Trump, has been defending Trump for years, so you never find that Trump is the deepstate of freemasons.

    The New York Times Gets SCHOOLED For Sounding Dismissive Of Trump’s Conviction

    The New York Times circles the wagons around Trump, has done this for years, so supporters do not abandon Trump. Because Trump is the deepstate.

    Those that hated Europe, hated European success, hated Caucasians are the deepstate - and those are the freemasonic Brits. And that group is behind Trump and Putin.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republican and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

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