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Thread: Do you hear anymore about Muslims flying planes into buildings.

  1. #1
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    Do you hear anymore about Muslims flying planes into buildings.

    The new focus of Faux News' attempt to project the boogieman is at trans, immigrants, gays, woke.

    The "new terrorism" happens when parents send their kids to schools as boys and the kids are returning as girls, as they urinate in the classrooms into litterboxes purring like cats.

    It was the Muslim Islamofascism seeking to kill your family unless you vote Republican.

    It has changed to be the furry, trans Mexican wokeness that are going to take away your guns unless you vote Republican.

    Trump repeats false claims that children are undergoing transgender surgery during the school day

    FEAR the towelheads!... ... FEAR the eunuch kids!

    They purr too:

    Social media is Jew media.

    Fearmongering against Faux News' promoted enemies is Jew Media.

    Jews laugh when kids want to be eunuch slaves, Jews laugh when the outrage promotes their zionist Republicans to defend you from the problem the cia and Jews invent and promote.

    Jews laughed and danced on 9/11, Jews laughed and danced when that promoted voters to vote for zionist Republicans to defend you from the problems the cia and Jews invent and promote.

    Those that are the solvers of the Jew invented problems are the identity of the deepstate. Republicans. Imagine after 9/11, the Jew run media does not guide the audience to the solution - Republicans defeating Muslims to make America strong again. Jewish Problems with no "media faux news promoted Jewish solution" would not make sense. Why would NORAD and Jews have planes fly into buildings to get the public outraged, without having a plan to control the outrage to Jew ends. Same with the Mexican, woke, furry, trans, gay outrage staged by Jews. Jews are not doing this to destroy America, as 9/11 was not about destroying America. It was about the dominance of the zio-masonic Anglo-American Israeli Empire. Those that want to solve the problems the Jews invent to control the population, control the outrage, are the identity of deepstate.

    Those that want to defeat the Jews and Masons are real resistance. Tucker, Musk, Trump do not name the masons or Jews as the cause of the problems of the nation and labeled as international thugs. Trump tells Liberals Jews to get on board or else Israel is going to be destroyed. That is not naming the Jew as the problem, that is herding civilian Jews to be more Republican, to get with the programming, with the program.

    The Jews pick the topics to outrage you to herd you to vote zionist Republican. The population was once herded to support the War on Terror via staged fake false flag incidents, to outrage.

    This is an old masonic and Jewish trick to control the population:

    False Flags.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  2. #2
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    Re: Do you hear anymore about Muslims flying planes into buildings.

    That is where Soros and the WEF chime in. Both are used to provide outrage to voters to herd the population to support Zionist Republicans.

    Soros and the WEF are the new 9/11 boogiemen. Not the endgame. Soros and WEF are about weakening enemies of zion and freemasons. The Jews hate Germany, so want the agenda of Soros and the WEF to be the permanent German agenda, to keep Germany weak. Both Soros and the WEF are the not the system Netanyahu wants for Israel and Likud Republican America.

    Netanyahu's Son Slams Soros, 'Global Elite' and 'Radical Leftist' Control of Israeli Media at Conservative Event in Hungary

    The leftists are the new Islamofascists that the deepstate is using you to defeat.

    Ron Paulers and Libertarians defeated the neoconservatives not by defeating Muslims. Libertarians defeated the neocon Republicans in America by exposing the Jew, exposing the masons. Making Republican neocons unelectable.

    You defeat the deepstate not by defeating the leftists. You do so by exposing the scheme and exposing the false flags. Exposing the Jews and exposing the masons.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  3. #3
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    Thanked 553 Times in 383 Posts

    Re: Do you hear anymore about Muslims flying planes into buildings.

    Quote Originally Posted by C.Martel View Post
    Netanyahu's Son Slams Soros, 'Global Elite' and 'Radical Leftist' Control of Israeli Media at Conservative Event in Hungary
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republicans and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

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