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Thread: Why JP Morgan holds so much silver (the reason is not good for silver investors)

  1. #1
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    Why JP Morgan holds so much silver (the reason is not good for silver investors)

    Who Owns the Most Silver in the United States Today?

    Step One: Suppress the Price of Silver for decades so the dollar does not collapse.
    Step Two: With those low prices, accumulate a silver horde so you can dump silver when it goes up, further suppressing the price of silver, as the media, Big Tech and politicians promote bitcoin
    Step Three: Horde enough silver as a years' global production to scare away investors and suppress the price when rockets go off.

    When the planned inflation happens, gold and silver could go to tens of thousands for gold and thousands per ounce for silver. The banks have it rigged so the population only sees bitcoin going up for inflation and demand bitcoin and jump on the bitcoin bandwagon to replace the dollar with cia bitcoins.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republican and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  2. #2
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    Re: Why JP Morgan holds so much silver (the reason is not good for silver investors)

    Gold and silver need Ron Paul Movement level buying of silver and gold. And that is not happening. You have BRICS nations buying gold and silver filling the void. Yet these are being handled by Jews and the cia.

    Imagine the Federal Reserve being a pyramid scheme where it was not a substitute for a dollar for FRN, where FRNs were a pyramid scheme where the first Federal Reserve investors of FRNs (the deep state) got the bulk of FRNs early and there were no more to be printed, only 21 million, and the rest of the global population were desperate for these FRNs. That is the scheme of bitcoin as it goes to 100 million per bitcoin. Those insiders (Satoshi Nakamoto translates to central intelligence) and government, media, and big Tech promoters of bitcoin own much of bitcoin. It is gold and silver that are the democratized money as most hold gold and silver jewelry acquired at low prices.

    I own some alt coins from mining because I see the disaster that is planned. A bitcoin hellscape. No gold. No silver. Only Jewish and cia money of bitcoin.

    Bitcoin is the masonic 2012 "golden dawn" ship that only with freemasonic and jewish bitcoin can you be saved from disaster of a collapsing dollar.

    In the movie 2012, on those on the ship make it and there is the masonic "golden dawn" image at the end.

    Those without bitcoin are to be street beggars.

    Precious metals were poised to take down the masons and jews and so the bankers needed a new creature of Jekyll Island.

    The real populists are those promoting gold and silver and not bitcoin. The first creature of Jekyll Island was mildly secretive. With the internet exposing the schemes of the Jews, the masons and Jews invented bitcoin and made it fake populism, fake coin, fake way to defeat the masons and British Royals. It is technology money of total control, a deflationary death spiral where the most bitcoins are owned by the masons and jews and their masonic UK and US, and Chabad and Israel and their fake populist followers.
    "Soros paid me 1 million dollars to make my neighbors gay and self castrate until they resist and vote Republican and to then move onto a new batch of neighbors force gayness on. To keep doing this until the entire population supports Republicans."

  3. #3
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Why JP Morgan holds so much silver (the reason is not good for silver investors)

    We occasionally had a stubborn sow that would refuse to go into a pen. The procedure we always had success with was to throw a bushel basket over her head, grab her by the tail and back her in.

    The situation appears to be similar.

  4. #4
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: Why JP Morgan holds so much silver (the reason is not good for silver investors)

    Quote Originally Posted by ziero0 View Post
    We occasionally had a stubborn sow that would refuse to go into a pen. The procedure we always had success with was to throw a bushel basket over her head, grab her by the tail and back her in.

    The situation appears to be similar.
    Pick axe handle works too.
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  5. #5
    Great Value Carrots
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    Re: Why JP Morgan holds so much silver (the reason is not good for silver investors)

    Generally the idea was to make bacon rather than sausage links.

  6. #6
    Iridium monty's Avatar
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    Re: Why JP Morgan holds so much silver (the reason is not good for silver investors)

    Quote Originally Posted by ziero0 View Post
    We occasionally had a stubborn sow that would refuse to go into a pen. The procedure we always had success with was to throw a bushel basket over her head, grab her by the tail and back her in.

    The situation appears to be similar.
    Out here in the West there is a shortage of bushel baskets. My father and I used 5 gallon buckets which work just as well.
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